/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2020 Thomas Pointhuber * Copyright (C) 2022-2024 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sch_io/altium/altium_parser_sch.h" #include "io/altium/altium_binary_parser.h" #include "io/altium/altium_props_utils.h" ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD ReadRecord( const std::map& aProps ) { int recordId = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "RECORD", -1 ); return static_cast( recordId ); } constexpr int Altium2KiCadUnit( const int val, const int frac ) { constexpr double int_limit = ( std::numeric_limits::max() - 10 ) / 2.54; double dbase = 10 * schIUScale.MilsToIU( val ); double dfrac = schIUScale.MilsToIU( frac ) / 10000.0; return KiROUND( Clamp( -int_limit, ( dbase + dfrac ) / 10.0, int_limit ) ) * 10; } int ReadKiCadUnitFrac( const std::map& aProps, const wxString& aKey ) { // a unit is stored using two fields, denoting the size in mils and a fraction size int key = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, aKey, 0 ); int keyFrac = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, aKey + "_FRAC", 0 ); return Altium2KiCadUnit( key, keyFrac ); } int ReadKiCadUnitFrac1( const std::map& aProps, const wxString& aKey ) { // a unit is stored using two fields, denoting the size in mils and a fraction size // Dunno why Altium invents different units for the same purpose int key = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, aKey, 0 ); int keyFrac = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, aKey + "_FRAC1", 0 ); return Altium2KiCadUnit( key * 10, keyFrac ); } int ReadOwnerIndex( const std::map& aProperties ) { return ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProperties, "OWNERINDEX", ALTIUM_COMPONENT_NONE ); } int ReadOwnerPartId( const std::map& aProperties ) { return ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProperties, "OWNERPARTID", ALTIUM_COMPONENT_NONE ); } template T ReadEnum( const std::map& aProps, const wxString& aKey, int aLower, int aUpper, T aDefault ) { int value = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, aKey, static_cast( aDefault ) ); if( value < aLower || value > aUpper ) return aDefault; else return static_cast( value ); } ASCH_STORAGE_FILE::ASCH_STORAGE_FILE( const std::map& aProps ) { filename = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "NAME", "" ); size_t dataSize = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "DATA_LEN", 0 ); wxString hexData = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "DATA", "" ); const size_t charCount = hexData.size(); if( charCount != dataSize * 2 ) { THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( "Invalid binary file hex data size. Chars expected: %d, " "hex string length: %d", int( dataSize * 2 ), int( hexData.size() ) ) ); } data.resize( dataSize ); char str[3] = { 0 }; uint8_t b = 0; size_t outputId = 0; for( size_t inputId = 1; inputId < charCount; inputId += 2 ) { str[0] = (char) hexData[inputId - 1]; str[1] = (char) hexData[inputId]; std::from_chars( str, str + 2, b, 16 ); data[outputId] = b; outputId++; } } ASCH_STORAGE_FILE::ASCH_STORAGE_FILE( ALTIUM_BINARY_PARSER& aReader ) { aReader.Skip( 5 ); filename = aReader.ReadWxString(); uint32_t dataSize = aReader.Read(); data = aReader.ReadVector( dataSize ); if( aReader.HasParsingError() ) THROW_IO_ERROR( "Storage stream was not parsed correctly" ); } ASCH_ADDITIONAL_FILE::ASCH_ADDITIONAL_FILE( ALTIUM_BINARY_PARSER& aReader ) { aReader.Skip( 5 ); FileName = aReader.ReadWxString(); uint32_t dataSize = aReader.Read(); Data = aReader.ReadVector( dataSize ); if( aReader.HasParsingError() ) THROW_IO_ERROR( "Additional stream was not parsed correctly" ); } ASCH_SYMBOL::ASCH_SYMBOL( const std::map& aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::COMPONENT ); currentpartid = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "CURRENTPARTID", ALTIUM_COMPONENT_NONE ); libreference = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "LIBREFERENCE", "" ); sourcelibraryname = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "SOURCELIBRARYNAME", "" ); componentdescription = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "COMPONENTDESCRIPTION", "" ); orientation = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0 ); isMirrored = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISMIRRORED", false ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); partcount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "PARTCOUNT", 0 ); displaymodecount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "DISPLAYMODECOUNT", 0 ); m_indexInSheet = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "INDEXINSHEET", -1 ); // DISPLAYMODE may be a string. Leave displaymode at 0 in this case. displaymode = 0; wxString displayModeStr = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "DISPLAYMODE", "" ); long v = 0; if( displayModeStr.ToCLong( &v ) ) displaymode = int( v ); } ASCH_TEMPLATE::ASCH_TEMPLATE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::TEMPLATE ); filename = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "FILENAME", "" ); } ASCH_PIN::ASCH_PIN( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::PIN ); isKiCadLibPin = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISKICADLIBPIN", false ); ownerpartdisplaymode = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "OWNERPARTDISPLAYMODE", 0 ); name = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "NAME", "" ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); designator = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "DESIGNATOR", "" ); int symbolOuterInt = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "SYMBOL_OUTER", 0 ); symbolOuter = ASCH_PIN_SYMBOL::FromInt( symbolOuterInt ); int symbolInnerInt = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "SYMBOL_INNER", 0 ); symbolInner = ASCH_PIN_SYMBOL::FromInt( symbolInnerInt ); int symbolOuterEdgeInt = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "SYMBOL_OUTEREDGE", 0 ); symbolOuterEdge = ASCH_PIN_SYMBOL::FromInt( symbolOuterEdgeInt ); int symbolInnerEdgeInt = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "SYMBOL_INNEREDGE", 0 ); symbolInnerEdge = ASCH_PIN_SYMBOL::FromInt( symbolInnerEdgeInt ); electrical = ReadEnum( aProps, "ELECTRICAL", 0, 7, ASCH_PIN_ELECTRICAL::INPUT ); int pinconglomerate = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "PINCONGLOMERATE", 0 ); orientation = static_cast( pinconglomerate & 0x03 ); hidden = ( pinconglomerate & 0x04 ) != 0; showPinName = ( pinconglomerate & 0x08 ) != 0; showDesignator = ( pinconglomerate & 0x10 ) != 0; // 0x20 is unknown locked = ( pinconglomerate & 0x40 ) != 0; int x = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATION.X", 0 ); int xfrac = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATION.X_FRAC", 0 ); int y = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATION.Y", 0 ); int yfrac = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATION.Y_FRAC", 0 ); location = VECTOR2I( Altium2KiCadUnit( x, xfrac ), -Altium2KiCadUnit( y, yfrac ) ); int p = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "PINLENGTH", 0 ); int pfrac = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "PINLENGTH_FRAC", 0 ); pinlength = Altium2KiCadUnit( p, pfrac ); // this code calculates the location as required by KiCad without rounding error attached int kicadX = x; int kicadXfrac = xfrac; int kicadY = y; int kicadYfrac = yfrac; int offsetY = p; int offsetYfrac = pfrac; if( isKiCadLibPin ) { offsetY = -offsetY; offsetYfrac = -offsetYfrac; } switch( orientation ) { case ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS: kicadX += offsetY; kicadXfrac += offsetYfrac; break; case ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::UPWARDS: kicadY += offsetY; kicadYfrac += offsetYfrac; break; case ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::LEFTWARDS: kicadX -= offsetY; kicadXfrac -= offsetYfrac; break; case ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::DOWNWARDS: kicadY -= offsetY; kicadYfrac -= offsetYfrac; break; default: wxLogWarning( "Pin has unexpected orientation" ); break; } kicadLocation = VECTOR2I( Altium2KiCadUnit( kicadX, kicadXfrac ), -Altium2KiCadUnit( kicadY, kicadYfrac ) ); } ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE::ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( const std::map& aProps ) { ownerindex = ReadOwnerIndex( aProps ); ownerpartid = ReadOwnerPartId( aProps ); ownerpartdisplaymode = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "OWNERPARTDISPLAYMODE", 0 ); indexinsheet = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "INDEXINSHEET", 0 ); IsNotAccesible = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISNOTACCESIBLE", false ); } ASCH_FILL_INTERFACE::ASCH_FILL_INTERFACE( const std::map& aProps ) { AreaColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "AREACOLOR", 0 ); IsSolid = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISSOLID", false ); IsTransparent = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "TRANSPARENT", false ); } ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE::ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( const std::map& aProps ) { LineWidth = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LINEWIDTH" ); // Altium line width 0 means hairline. Since KiCad doesn't have a hairline, we // represent it as a 1 mil line. if( LineWidth == 0 ) LineWidth = schIUScale.MilsToIU( 1 ); Color = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); } ASCH_LABEL::ASCH_LABEL( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::LABEL ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); textColor = 0; fontId = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "FONTID", 0 ); isMirrored = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISMIRRORED", false ); justification = ReadEnum( aProps, "JUSTIFICATION", 0, 8, ASCH_LABEL_JUSTIFICATION::BOTTOM_LEFT ); orientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0, 3, ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS ); } ASCH_TEXT_FRAME::ASCH_TEXT_FRAME( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::NOTE || ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::TEXT_FRAME ); BottomLeft = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); TopRight = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.Y" ) ); Location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); Size = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.X" ) - Location.x, -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.Y" ) - Location.y ); Text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); Text.Replace( "~1", "\n", true ); FontID = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "FONTID", 0 ); IsWordWrapped = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "WORDWRAP", false ); ShowBorder = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "SHOWBORDER", false ); TextMargin = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "TEXTMARGIN" ); AreaColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "AREACOLOR", 0 ); BorderColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); TextColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "TEXTCOLOR", 0 ); BorderWidth = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LINEWIDTH" ); isSolid = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISSOLID", false ); Alignment = ReadEnum( aProps, "ALIGNMENT", 1, 3, ASCH_TEXT_FRAME_ALIGNMENT::LEFT ); } ASCH_NOTE::ASCH_NOTE( const std::map& aProperties ) : ASCH_TEXT_FRAME( aProperties ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProperties ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::NOTE ); author = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProperties, "AUTHOR", "" ); } ASCH_BEZIER::ASCH_BEZIER( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::BEZIER ); int locationCount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATIONCOUNT", 0 ); for( int i = 1; i <= locationCount; i++ ) { const wxString si = std::to_string( i ); points.emplace_back( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "X" + si ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "Y" + si ) ); } } ASCH_POLYLINE::ASCH_POLYLINE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::POLYLINE ); int locationCount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATIONCOUNT", 0 ); for( int i = 1; i <= locationCount; i++ ) { const wxString si = std::to_string( i ); Points.emplace_back( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "X" + si ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "Y" + si ) ); } auto lineStyleExt = ReadEnum( aProps, "LINESTYLEEXT", 0, 3, ASCH_POLYLINE_LINESTYLE::SOLID ); LineStyle = ReadEnum( aProps, "LINESTYLE", 0, 3, lineStyleExt ); // overwrite if present. } ASCH_POLYGON::ASCH_POLYGON( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_FILL_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::POLYGON ); int locationCount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATIONCOUNT", 0 ); for( int i = 1; i <= locationCount; i++ ) { const wxString si = std::to_string( i ); points.emplace_back( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "X" + si ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "Y" + si ) ); } } ASCH_ROUND_RECTANGLE::ASCH_ROUND_RECTANGLE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_FILL_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::ROUND_RECTANGLE ); BottomLeft = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); TopRight = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.Y" ) ); CornerRadius = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNERXRADIUS" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNERYRADIUS" ) ); } ASCH_ARC::ASCH_ARC( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { m_IsElliptical = ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::ELLIPTICAL_ARC; wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::ARC || m_IsElliptical ); m_Center = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); m_Radius = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "RADIUS" ); m_SecondaryRadius = m_Radius; if( m_IsElliptical ) m_SecondaryRadius = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "SECONDARYRADIUS" ); m_StartAngle = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadDouble( aProps, "STARTANGLE", 0 ); m_EndAngle = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadDouble( aProps, "ENDANGLE", 0 ); } ASCH_ELLIPSE::ASCH_ELLIPSE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_FILL_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::ELLIPSE ); Center = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); Radius = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "RADIUS" ); SecondaryRadius = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "SECONDARYRADIUS" ); } ASCH_LINE::ASCH_LINE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::LINE ); point1 = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); point2 = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.Y" ) ); auto lineStyleExt = ReadEnum( aProps, "LINESTYLEEXT", 0, 3, ASCH_POLYLINE_LINESTYLE::SOLID ); LineStyle = ReadEnum( aProps, "LINESTYLE", 0, 3, lineStyleExt ); // overwrite if present. } ASCH_SIGNAL_HARNESS::ASCH_SIGNAL_HARNESS( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::SIGNAL_HARNESS ); int locationCount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATIONCOUNT", 0 ); for( int i = 1; i <= locationCount; i++ ) { const wxString si = std::to_string( i ); Points.emplace_back( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "X" + si ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "Y" + si ) ); } Color = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); LineWidth = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LINEWIDTH" ); } ASCH_HARNESS_CONNECTOR::ASCH_HARNESS_CONNECTOR( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::HARNESS_CONNECTOR ); Location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); Size = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "XSIZE" ), ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "YSIZE" ) ); Color = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); AreaColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "AREACOLOR", 0 ); indexinsheet = 0; LineWidth = 0;; LocationPrimaryConnectionPosition = 0; } ASCH_HARNESS_ENTRY::ASCH_HARNESS_ENTRY( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::HARNESS_ENTRY ); // use SCH_IO_ALTIUM::m_harnessEntryParent instead, because this property sometimes // does not exist in altium file! // ownerindex = ReadOwnerIndex( aProps ); DistanceFromTop = ReadKiCadUnitFrac1( aProps, "DISTANCEFROMTOP" ); Side = ReadEnum( aProps, "SIDE", 0, 3, ASCH_SHEET_ENTRY_SIDE::LEFT ); Name = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "NAME", "" ); OwnerIndexAdditionalList = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "OWNERINDEXADDITIONALLIST", true ); Color = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); AreaColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "AREACOLOR", 0 ); TextColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "TEXTCOLOR", 0 ); TextFontID = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "TEXTFONTID", 0 ); TextStyle = 0; } ASCH_HARNESS_TYPE::ASCH_HARNESS_TYPE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::HARNESS_TYPE ); //ownerindex = ReadOwnerIndex( aProps ); // use SCH_IO_ALTIUM::m_harnessEntryParent instead! Text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); Location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); IsHidden = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISHIDDEN", false ); OwnerIndexAdditionalList = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "OWNERINDEXADDITIONALLIST", true ); Color = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); FontID = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "TEXTFONTID", 0 ); } ASCH_RECTANGLE::ASCH_RECTANGLE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_FILL_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::RECTANGLE ); BottomLeft = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); TopRight = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.Y" ) ); } ASCH_SHEET_SYMBOL::ASCH_SHEET_SYMBOL( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::SHEET_SYMBOL ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); size = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "XSIZE" ), ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "YSIZE" ) ); isSolid = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISSOLID", false ); color = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); areacolor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "AREACOLOR", 0 ); } ASCH_SHEET_ENTRY::ASCH_SHEET_ENTRY( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::SHEET_ENTRY ); // some magic, because it stores those infos in a different unit?? distanceFromTop = ReadKiCadUnitFrac1( aProps, "DISTANCEFROMTOP" ); side = ReadEnum( aProps, "SIDE", 0, 3, ASCH_SHEET_ENTRY_SIDE::LEFT ); name = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "NAME", "" ); iotype = ReadEnum( aProps, "IOTYPE", 0, 3, ASCH_PORT_IOTYPE::UNSPECIFIED ); style = ReadEnum( aProps, "STYLE", 0, 7, ASCH_PORT_STYLE::NONE_HORIZONTAL ); } ASCH_POWER_PORT::ASCH_POWER_PORT( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::POWER_PORT ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); orientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0, 3, ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); showNetName = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "SHOWNETNAME", true ); style = ReadEnum( aProps, "STYLE", 0, 10, ASCH_POWER_PORT_STYLE::CIRCLE ); } ASCH_PORT::ASCH_PORT( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::PORT ); Location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); Name = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "NAME", "" ); HarnessType = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "HARNESSTYPE", "" ); Width = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "WIDTH" ); Height = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "HEIGHT" ); IOtype = ReadEnum( aProps, "IOTYPE", 0, 3, ASCH_PORT_IOTYPE::UNSPECIFIED ); Style = ReadEnum( aProps, "STYLE", 0, 7, ASCH_PORT_STYLE::NONE_HORIZONTAL ); AreaColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "AREACOLOR", 0 ); Color = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "COLOR", 0 ); FontID = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "TEXTFONTID", 0 ); TextColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "TEXTCOLOR", 0 ); Alignment = ReadEnum( aProps, "ALIGNMENT", 1, 3, ASCH_TEXT_FRAME_ALIGNMENT::LEFT ); } ASCH_NO_ERC::ASCH_NO_ERC( const std::map& aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::NO_ERC ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); isActive = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISACTIVE", true ); suppressAll = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "SUPPRESSALL", true ); } ASCH_NET_LABEL::ASCH_NET_LABEL( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::NET_LABEL ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); justification = ReadEnum( aProps, "JUSTIFICATION", 0, 8, ASCH_LABEL_JUSTIFICATION::BOTTOM_LEFT ); orientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0, 3, ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS ); } ASCH_BUS::ASCH_BUS( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::BUS ); int locationcount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATIONCOUNT", 0 ); for( int i = 1; i <= locationcount; i++ ) { const wxString si = std::to_string( i ); points.emplace_back( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "X" + si ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "Y" + si ) ); } lineWidth = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LINEWIDTH" ); } ASCH_WIRE::ASCH_WIRE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::WIRE ); int locationcount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "LOCATIONCOUNT", 0 ); for( int i = 1; i <= locationcount; i++ ) { const wxString si = std::to_string( i ); points.emplace_back( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "X" + si ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "Y" + si ) ); } lineWidth = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LINEWIDTH" ); } ASCH_JUNCTION::ASCH_JUNCTION( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::JUNCTION ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); } ASCH_IMAGE::ASCH_IMAGE( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ), ASCH_BORDER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::IMAGE ); filename = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "FILENAME", "" ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); corner = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.Y" ) ); embedimage = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "EMBEDIMAGE", false ); keepaspect = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "KEEPASPECT", false ); } ASCH_SHEET_FONT::ASCH_SHEET_FONT( const std::map& aProps, int aId ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::SHEET ); const wxString sid = std::to_string( aId ); FontName = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "FONTNAME" + sid, "" ); Size = ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "SIZE" + sid ); Rotation = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "ROTATION" + sid, 0 ); Italic = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ITALIC" + sid, false ); Bold = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "BOLD" + sid, false ); Underline = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "UNDERLINE" + sid, false ); AreaColor = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "AREACOLOR" + sid, 0 ); } VECTOR2I ASchSheetGetSize( ASCH_SHEET_SIZE aSheetSize ) { // From: https://github.com/vadmium/python-altium/blob/master/format.md#sheet switch( aSheetSize ) { default: case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::A4: return { 1150, 760 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::A3: return { 1550, 1110 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::A2: return { 2230, 1570 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::A1: return { 3150, 2230 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::A0: return { 4460, 3150 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::A: return { 950, 750 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::B: return { 1500, 950 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::C: return { 2000, 1500 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::D: return { 3200, 2000 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::E: return { 4200, 3200 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::LETTER: return { 1100, 850 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::LEGAL: return { 1400, 850 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::TABLOID: return { 1700, 1100 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::ORCAD_A: return { 990, 790 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::ORCAD_B: return { 1540, 990 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::ORCAD_C: return { 2060, 1560 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::ORCAD_D: return { 3260, 2060 }; case ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::ORCAD_E: return { 4280, 3280 }; } } ASCH_SHEET::ASCH_SHEET( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::SHEET ); int fontidcount = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "FONTIDCOUNT", 0 ); for( int i = 1; i <= fontidcount; i++ ) fonts.emplace_back( aProps, i ); useCustomSheet = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "USECUSTOMSHEET", false ); customSize = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CUSTOMX" ), ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CUSTOMY" ) ); sheetSize = ReadEnum( aProps, "SHEETSTYLE", 0, 17, ASCH_SHEET_SIZE::A4 ); sheetOrientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "WORKSPACEORIENTATION", 0, 1, ASCH_SHEET_WORKSPACEORIENTATION::LANDSCAPE ); } ASCH_SHEET_NAME::ASCH_SHEET_NAME( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::SHEET_NAME ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); orientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0, 3, ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); isHidden = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISHIDDEN", false ); } ASCH_FILE_NAME::ASCH_FILE_NAME( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::FILE_NAME ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); orientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0, 3, ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); isHidden = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISHIDDEN", false ); } ASCH_DESIGNATOR::ASCH_DESIGNATOR( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::DESIGNATOR ); name = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "NAME", "" ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); fontId = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "FONTID", 0 ); justification = ReadEnum( aProps, "JUSTIFICATION", 0, 8, ASCH_LABEL_JUSTIFICATION::BOTTOM_LEFT ); orientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0, 3, ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); } ASCH_IMPLEMENTATION::ASCH_IMPLEMENTATION( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::IMPLEMENTATION ); ownerindex = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "OWNERINDEX", ALTIUM_COMPONENT_NONE ); name = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "MODELNAME", "" ); type = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "MODELTYPE", "" ); libname = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "MODELDATAFILE0", "" ); description = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "DESCRIPTION", "" ); isCurrent = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISCURRENT", false ); } ASCH_IMPLEMENTATION_LIST::ASCH_IMPLEMENTATION_LIST( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::IMPLEMENTATION_LIST ); } ASCH_BUS_ENTRY::ASCH_BUS_ENTRY( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::BUS_ENTRY ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); corner = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "CORNER.Y" ) ); } ASCH_PARAMETER::ASCH_PARAMETER( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_OWNER_INTERFACE( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::PARAMETER ); location = VECTOR2I( ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.X" ), -ReadKiCadUnitFrac( aProps, "LOCATION.Y" ) ); justification = ReadEnum( aProps, "JUSTIFICATION", 0, 8, ASCH_LABEL_JUSTIFICATION::BOTTOM_LEFT ); orientation = ReadEnum( aProps, "ORIENTATION", 0, 3, ASCH_RECORD_ORIENTATION::RIGHTWARDS ); name = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "NAME", "" ); text = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "TEXT", "" ); isHidden = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISHIDDEN", false ); isMirrored = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "ISMIRRORED", false ); isShowName = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadBool( aProps, "SHOWNAME", false ); fontId = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadInt( aProps, "FONTID", 0 ); } ASCH_HYPERLINK::ASCH_HYPERLINK( const std::map& aProps ) : ASCH_LABEL( aProps ) { wxASSERT( ReadRecord( aProps ) == ALTIUM_SCH_RECORD::HYPERLINK ); url = ALTIUM_PROPS_UTILS::ReadString( aProps, "URL", "" ); }