/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mario Luzeiro * Copyright (C) 1992-2016 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * @file cmaterial.cpp * @brief */ #include "cmaterial.h" #include <3d_math.h> #include // This may be a good value if based on nr of lights // that contribute to the illumination of that point #define AMBIENT_FACTOR (1.0f / 6.0f) #define SPECULAR_FACTOR 1.0f CMATERIAL::CMATERIAL() { m_ambientColor = SFVEC3F( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); m_emissiveColor = SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); m_specularColor = SFVEC3F( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); m_shinness = 50.2f; m_transparency = 0.0f; // completely opaque m_cast_shadows = true; m_reflection = 0.0f; m_absorbance = 1.0f; m_refraction_nr_samples = 4; m_reflections_nr_samples = 3; m_normal_perturbator = NULL; } CMATERIAL::CMATERIAL( const SFVEC3F &aAmbient, const SFVEC3F &aEmissive, const SFVEC3F &aSpecular, float aShinness, float aTransparency, float aReflection ) { wxASSERT( aReflection >= 0.0f ); wxASSERT( aReflection <= 1.0f ); wxASSERT( aTransparency >= 0.0f ); wxASSERT( aTransparency <= 1.0f ); wxASSERT( aShinness >= 0.0f ); wxASSERT( aShinness <= 180.0f ); m_ambientColor = aAmbient * SFVEC3F(AMBIENT_FACTOR); m_emissiveColor = aEmissive; m_specularColor = aSpecular; m_shinness = aShinness; m_transparency = aTransparency; m_absorbance = 1.0f; m_reflection = aReflection; m_cast_shadows = true; m_refraction_nr_samples = 4; m_reflections_nr_samples = 3; m_normal_perturbator = NULL; } void CMATERIAL::PerturbeNormal( SFVEC3F &aNormal, const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { if( m_normal_perturbator ) { aNormal = aNormal + m_normal_perturbator->Generate( aRay, aHitInfo ); aNormal = glm::normalize( aNormal ); } } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blinn%E2%80%93Phong_shading_model SFVEC3F CBLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL::Shade( const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo, float NdotL, const SFVEC3F &aDiffuseObjColor, const SFVEC3F &aDirToLight, const SFVEC3F &aLightColor, float aShadowAttenuationFactor ) const { wxASSERT( NdotL >= FLT_EPSILON ); // This is a hack to get some kind of fake ambient illumination // There is no logic behind this, just pure artistic experimentation //const float ambientFactor = glm::max( ( (1.0f - NdotL) /** (1.0f - NdotL)*/ ) * // ( AMBIENT_FACTOR + AMBIENT_FACTOR ), // AMBIENT_FACTOR ); if( aShadowAttenuationFactor > FLT_EPSILON ) { // Calculate the diffuse light factoring in light color, // power and the attenuation const SFVEC3F diffuse = NdotL * aLightColor; // Calculate the half vector between the light vector and the view vector. const SFVEC3F H = glm::normalize( aDirToLight - aRay.m_Dir ); //Intensity of the specular light const float NdotH = glm::dot( H, aHitInfo.m_HitNormal ); const float intensitySpecular = glm::pow( glm::max( NdotH, 0.0f ), m_shinness ); return m_ambientColor + aShadowAttenuationFactor * ( diffuse * aDiffuseObjColor + SPECULAR_FACTOR * aLightColor * intensitySpecular * m_specularColor ); } return m_ambientColor; } CPROCEDURALGENERATOR::CPROCEDURALGENERATOR() { } CBOARDNORMAL::CBOARDNORMAL( float aScale ) : CPROCEDURALGENERATOR() { m_scale = (2.0f * glm::pi()) / aScale; } SFVEC3F CBOARDNORMAL::Generate( const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { const SFVEC3F &hitPos = aHitInfo.m_HitPoint; // http://www.fooplot.com/#W3sidHlwZSI6MCwiZXEiOiJzaW4oc2luKHNpbih4KSoxLjkpKjEuNSkiLCJjb2xvciI6IiMwMDAwMDAifSx7InR5cGUiOjEwMDAsIndpbmRvdyI6WyItMC45NjIxMDU3MDgwNzg1MjYyIiwiNy45NzE0MjYyNjc2MDE0MyIsIi0yLjUxNzYyMDM1MTQ4MjQ0OSIsIjIuOTc5OTM3Nzg3Mzk3NTMwMyJdLCJzaXplIjpbNjQ2LDM5Nl19XQ-- // Implement a texture as the "measling crazing blistering" method of FR4 const float x = (glm::sin(glm::sin( glm::sin( hitPos.x * m_scale ) * 1.9f ) * 1.5f ) + 0.0f) * 0.10f; const float y = (glm::sin(glm::sin( glm::sin( hitPos.y * m_scale ) * 1.9f ) * 1.5f ) + 0.0f) * 0.10f; const float z = glm::sin( 2.0f * hitPos.z * m_scale + Fast_RandFloat() * 1.0f ) * 0.2f; return SFVEC3F( x, y, z ); } CCOPPERNORMAL::CCOPPERNORMAL( float aScale, const CPROCEDURALGENERATOR *aBoardNormalGenerator ) { m_board_normal_generator = aBoardNormalGenerator; m_copper_perlin = PerlinNoise( 0 ); m_scale = 1.0f / aScale; } SFVEC3F CCOPPERNORMAL::Generate( const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { if( m_board_normal_generator ) { const SFVEC3F boardNormal = m_board_normal_generator->Generate( aRay, aHitInfo ); SFVEC3F hitPos = aHitInfo.m_HitPoint * m_scale; const float noise = (m_copper_perlin.noise( hitPos.x + Fast_RandFloat() * 0.1f, hitPos.y ) - 0.5f) * 2.0f; float scratchPattern = (m_copper_perlin.noise( hitPos.x / 100.0f, hitPos.y * 20.0f ) - 0.5f); scratchPattern = glm::clamp( scratchPattern * 5.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f ); const float x = glm::clamp( (noise + scratchPattern) * 0.04f, -0.10f, 0.10f ); const float y = glm::clamp( (noise + (noise * scratchPattern)) * 0.04f, -0.10f, 0.10f ); return SFVEC3F( x, y, 0.0f ) + boardNormal * 0.85f; } else return SFVEC3F(0.0f); } CSOLDERMASKNORMAL::CSOLDERMASKNORMAL( const CPROCEDURALGENERATOR *aCopperNormalGenerator ) { m_copper_normal_generator = aCopperNormalGenerator; } SFVEC3F CSOLDERMASKNORMAL::Generate( const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { if( m_copper_normal_generator ) { const SFVEC3F copperNormal = m_copper_normal_generator->Generate( aRay, aHitInfo ); return copperNormal * SFVEC3F(0.10f); } else return SFVEC3F(0.0f); } CPLASTICNORMAL::CPLASTICNORMAL( float aScale ) { m_scale = 1.0f / aScale; } SFVEC3F CPLASTICNORMAL::Generate( const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { const SFVEC3F hitPos = aHitInfo.m_HitPoint * m_scale; const float noise1 = m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 1.0f, hitPos.y * 1.0f, hitPos.z * 1.0f ) - 0.5f; const float noise2 = m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 1.5f, hitPos.y * 1.5f, hitPos.z * 2.0f ) - 0.5f; const float noise3 = m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 2.0f, hitPos.y * 2.0f, hitPos.z * 2.0f ) - 0.5f; return SFVEC3F( noise1 * noise2 * noise3 * 4.00f, noise1 * expf(noise2) * noise3 * 4.00f, noise3 * noise3 * 1.00f ); } CPLASTICSHINENORMAL::CPLASTICSHINENORMAL( float aScale ) { m_scale = 1.0f / aScale; } SFVEC3F CPLASTICSHINENORMAL::Generate( const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { const SFVEC3F hitPos = aHitInfo.m_HitPoint * m_scale; const float noise1 = m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 0.05f, hitPos.y * 0.05f, hitPos.z * 0.05f ) - 0.5f; const float noise2 = m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 0.2f, hitPos.y * 0.2f, hitPos.z * 0.2f ) - 0.5f; const float noise3 = m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 0.5f, hitPos.y * 0.5f, hitPos.z * 0.5f ) - 0.5f; return SFVEC3F( noise1 * 0.5f, noise2 * 0.5f, noise3 * 0.5f ); } CMETALBRUSHEDNORMAL::CMETALBRUSHEDNORMAL( float aScale ) { m_scale = 1.0f / aScale; } SFVEC3F CMETALBRUSHEDNORMAL::Generate( const RAY &aRay, const HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { const SFVEC3F hitPos = aHitInfo.m_HitPoint * m_scale; const SFVEC3F hitPosRelative = hitPos - glm::floor( hitPos ); const float noiseX = (m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * (60.0f), hitPos.y * 1.0f, hitPos.z * 1.0f ) - 0.5f); const float noiseY = (m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 1.0f, hitPos.y * (60.0f), hitPos.z * 1.0f ) - 0.5f); const float noise2 = (m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 1.0f, hitPos.y * 1.0f, hitPos.z * 1.0f ) - 0.5f); const float noise3X = (m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * (80.0f + noise2 * 0.5f), hitPos.y * 0.5f, hitPos.z * 0.5f ) - 0.5f ); const float noise3Y = (m_perlin.noise( hitPos.x * 0.5f, hitPos.y * (80.0f + noise2 * 0.5f), hitPos.z * 0.5f ) - 0.5f ); // http://www.fooplot.com/#W3sidHlwZSI6MCwiZXEiOiIoKHgtZmxvb3IoeCkpK3Npbih4KSleMyIsImNvbG9yIjoiIzAwMDAwMCJ9LHsidHlwZSI6MTAwMCwid2luZG93IjpbIi02LjcxNDAwMDAxOTAzMDA3NyIsIjcuMjQ0NjQzNjkyOTY5NzM5IiwiLTMuMTU1NTUyNjAxNDUyNTg4IiwiNS40MzQzODE5OTA1NDczMDY1Il0sInNpemUiOls2NDQsMzk0XX1d // ((x - floor(x))+sin(x))^3 float sawX = (hitPosRelative.x + glm::sin( 10.0f * hitPos.x + 5.0f * noise2 + Fast_RandFloat() ) ); sawX = sawX * sawX * sawX; float sawY = (hitPosRelative.y + glm::sin( 10.0f * hitPos.y + 5.0f * noise2 + Fast_RandFloat() ) ); sawY = sawY * sawY * sawY; float xOut = sawX * noise3X * 0.17f + noiseX * 0.25f + noise3X * 0.57f; float yOut = sawY * noise3Y * 0.17f + noiseY * 0.25f + noise3Y * 0.57f; const float outLowFreqNoise = noise2 * 0.05f; return SFVEC3F( xOut + outLowFreqNoise, yOut + outLowFreqNoise, 0.0f + outLowFreqNoise ); }