/****************************************************/ /* Display a generic info about kikac (copyright..) */ /* Common tp CVPCB, EESCHEMA, PCBNEW and GERBVIEW */ /****************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #ifdef KICAD_PYTHON #include #endif // Import: extern wxString g_Main_Title; /* Program title strings used in about dialog. They are kept hear to make * it easy to update the copyright dates. */ wxString g_KicadAboutTitle = wxT("** KICAD (jul 2000 .. 2008) **"); wxString g_CvpcbAboutTitle = wxT("** CVPCB (sept 1992 .. 2008) **"); wxString g_EeschemaAboutTitle = wxT("** EESCHEMA (sept 1994 .. 2008) **"); wxString g_PcbnewAboutTitle = wxT("** PCBNEW (sept 1992 .. 2008) **"); wxString g_GerbviewAboutTitle = wxT("** GERBVIEW (jul 2001 .. 2008) **"); // Routines Locales /*******************************************/ void Print_Kicad_Infos(wxWindow * frame, const wxString& title) /*******************************************/ { wxString AboutCaption = wxT("About "); wxString Msg = title; Msg << wxT("\n\n") << _("Build Version:") << wxT("\n") ; Msg << g_Main_Title << wxT(" ") << GetBuildVersion(); #if wxUSE_UNICODE Msg << wxT(" - Unicode version"); #else Msg << wxT(" - Ansi version"); #endif #ifdef KICAD_PYTHON Msg << wxT("\n"); Msg << wxT( "python : " ); Msg << wxString::FromAscii( PyHandler::GetInstance()->GetVersion() ); #endif Msg << wxT("\n\n") << _("Author:"); Msg << wxT(" JP CHARRAS\n\n") << _("Based on wxWidgets "); Msg << wxMAJOR_VERSION << wxT(".") << wxMINOR_VERSION << wxT(".") << wxRELEASE_NUMBER; if( wxSUBRELEASE_NUMBER ) Msg << wxT(".") << wxSUBRELEASE_NUMBER; Msg << _("\n\nGPL License"); Msg << _("\n\nAuthor's sites:\n"); Msg << wxT("http://iut-tice.ujf-grenoble.fr/kicad/\n"); Msg << wxT("http://www.gipsa-lab.inpg.fr/realise_au_lis/kicad/"); Msg << _("\n\nInternational wiki:\n"); Msg << wxT("http://kicad.sourceforge.net/\n"); AboutCaption << g_Main_Title << wxT(" ") << GetBuildVersion(); wxMessageBox(Msg, AboutCaption, wxICON_INFORMATION, frame); }