/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2022 Jon Evans * Copyright (C) 2022 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sch_io_database.h" SCH_IO_DATABASE::SCH_IO_DATABASE() : SCH_IO( wxS( "Database library" ) ), m_libTable( nullptr ), m_settings(), m_conn() { } SCH_IO_DATABASE::~SCH_IO_DATABASE() { } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::EnumerateSymbolLib( wxArrayString& aSymbolNameList, const wxString& aLibraryPath, const STRING_UTF8_MAP* aProperties ) { std::vector symbols; EnumerateSymbolLib( symbols, aLibraryPath, aProperties ); for( LIB_SYMBOL* symbol : symbols ) aSymbolNameList.Add( symbol->GetName() ); } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::EnumerateSymbolLib( std::vector& aSymbolList, const wxString& aLibraryPath, const STRING_UTF8_MAP* aProperties ) { wxCHECK_RET( m_libTable, "Database plugin missing library table handle!" ); ensureSettings( aLibraryPath ); ensureConnection(); if( !m_conn ) THROW_IO_ERROR( m_lastError ); bool powerSymbolsOnly = ( aProperties && aProperties->find( SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::PropPowerSymsOnly ) != aProperties->end() ); for( const DATABASE_LIB_TABLE& table : m_settings->m_Tables ) { std::vector results; if( !m_conn->SelectAll( table.table, table.key_col, results ) ) { if( !m_conn->GetLastError().empty() ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Error reading database table %s: %s" ), table.table, m_conn->GetLastError() ); THROW_IO_ERROR( msg ); } continue; } for( DATABASE_CONNECTION::ROW& result : results ) { if( !result.count( table.key_col ) ) continue; std::string prefix = table.name.empty() ? "" : fmt::format( "{}/", table.name ); wxString name( fmt::format( "{}{}", prefix, std::any_cast( result[table.key_col] ) ) ); LIB_SYMBOL* symbol = loadSymbolFromRow( name, table, result ); if( symbol && ( !powerSymbolsOnly || symbol->IsPower() ) ) aSymbolList.emplace_back( symbol ); } } } LIB_SYMBOL* SCH_IO_DATABASE::LoadSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aAliasName, const STRING_UTF8_MAP* aProperties ) { wxCHECK( m_libTable, nullptr ); ensureSettings( aLibraryPath ); ensureConnection(); if( !m_conn ) THROW_IO_ERROR( m_lastError ); /* * Table names are tricky, in order to allow maximum flexibility to the user. * The slash character is used as a separator between a table name and symbol name, but symbol * names may also contain slashes and table names may now also be empty (which results in the * slash being dropped in the symbol name when placing a new symbol). So, if a slash is found, * we check if the string before the slash is a valid table name. If not, we assume the table * name is blank if our config has an entry for the null table. */ std::string tableName = ""; std::string symbolName( aAliasName.ToUTF8() ); if( aAliasName.Contains( '/' ) ) { tableName = std::string( aAliasName.BeforeFirst( '/' ).ToUTF8() ); symbolName = std::string( aAliasName.AfterFirst( '/' ).ToUTF8() ); } std::vector tablesToTry; for( const DATABASE_LIB_TABLE& tableIter : m_settings->m_Tables ) { if( tableIter.name == tableName ) tablesToTry.emplace_back( &tableIter ); } if( tablesToTry.empty() ) { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "LoadSymbol: table '%s' not found in config" ), tableName ); return nullptr; } const DATABASE_LIB_TABLE* foundTable = nullptr; DATABASE_CONNECTION::ROW result; for( const DATABASE_LIB_TABLE* table : tablesToTry ) { if( m_conn->SelectOne( table->table, std::make_pair( table->key_col, symbolName ), result ) ) { foundTable = table; wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "LoadSymbol: SelectOne (%s, %s) found in %s" ), table->key_col, symbolName, table->table ); } else { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "LoadSymbol: SelectOne (%s, %s) failed for table %s" ), table->key_col, symbolName, table->table ); } } wxCHECK( foundTable, nullptr ); return loadSymbolFromRow( aAliasName, *foundTable, result ); } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::GetSubLibraryNames( std::vector& aNames ) { ensureSettings( wxEmptyString ); aNames.clear(); std::set tableNames; for( const DATABASE_LIB_TABLE& tableIter : m_settings->m_Tables ) { if( tableNames.count( tableIter.name ) ) continue; aNames.emplace_back( tableIter.name ); tableNames.insert( tableIter.name ); } } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::GetAvailableSymbolFields( std::vector& aNames ) { std::copy( m_customFields.begin(), m_customFields.end(), std::back_inserter( aNames ) ); } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::GetDefaultSymbolFields( std::vector& aNames ) { std::copy( m_defaultShownFields.begin(), m_defaultShownFields.end(), std::back_inserter( aNames ) ); } bool SCH_IO_DATABASE::TestConnection( wxString* aErrorMsg ) { if( m_conn && m_conn->IsConnected() ) return true; connect(); if( aErrorMsg && ( !m_conn || !m_conn->IsConnected() ) ) *aErrorMsg = m_lastError; return m_conn && m_conn->IsConnected(); } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::ensureSettings( const wxString& aSettingsPath ) { auto tryLoad = [&]() { if( !m_settings->LoadFromFile() ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Could not load database library: settings file %s missing or invalid" ), aSettingsPath ); THROW_IO_ERROR( msg ); } }; if( !m_settings && !aSettingsPath.IsEmpty() ) { std::string path( aSettingsPath.ToUTF8() ); m_settings = std::make_unique( path ); m_settings->SetReadOnly( true ); tryLoad(); } else if( !m_conn && m_settings ) { // If we have valid settings but no connection yet; reload settings in case user is editing tryLoad(); } else if( m_conn && m_settings && !aSettingsPath.IsEmpty() ) { wxASSERT_MSG( aSettingsPath == m_settings->GetFilename(), "Path changed for database library without re-initializing plugin!" ); } else if( !m_settings ) { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "ensureSettings: no settings but no valid path!" ) ); } } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::ensureConnection() { wxCHECK_RET( m_settings, "Call ensureSettings before ensureConnection!" ); connect(); if( !m_conn || !m_conn->IsConnected() ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Could not load database library: could not connect to database %s (%s)" ), m_settings->m_Source.dsn, m_lastError ); THROW_IO_ERROR( msg ); } } void SCH_IO_DATABASE::connect() { wxCHECK_RET( m_settings, "Call ensureSettings before connect()!" ); if( m_conn && !m_conn->IsConnected() ) m_conn.reset(); if( !m_conn ) { if( m_settings->m_Source.connection_string.empty() ) { m_conn = std::make_unique( m_settings->m_Source.dsn, m_settings->m_Source.username, m_settings->m_Source.password, m_settings->m_Source.timeout ); } else { std::string cs = m_settings->m_Source.connection_string; std::string basePath( wxFileName( m_settings->GetFilename() ).GetPath().ToUTF8() ); // Database drivers that use files operate on absolute paths, so provide a mechanism // for specifying on-disk databases that live next to the kicad_dbl file boost::replace_all( cs, "${CWD}", basePath ); m_conn = std::make_unique( cs, m_settings->m_Source.timeout ); } if( !m_conn->IsConnected() ) { m_lastError = m_conn->GetLastError(); m_conn.reset(); return; } for( const DATABASE_LIB_TABLE& tableIter : m_settings->m_Tables ) { std::set columns; columns.insert( tableIter.key_col ); columns.insert( tableIter.footprints_col ); columns.insert( tableIter.symbols_col ); columns.insert( tableIter.properties.description ); columns.insert( tableIter.properties.footprint_filters ); columns.insert( tableIter.properties.keywords ); columns.insert( tableIter.properties.exclude_from_sim ); columns.insert( tableIter.properties.exclude_from_bom ); columns.insert( tableIter.properties.exclude_from_board ); for( const DATABASE_FIELD_MAPPING& field : tableIter.fields ) columns.insert( field.column ); m_conn->CacheTableInfo( tableIter.table, columns ); } m_conn->SetCacheParams( m_settings->m_Cache.max_size, m_settings->m_Cache.max_age ); } } std::optional SCH_IO_DATABASE::boolFromAny( const std::any& aVal ) { try { bool val = std::any_cast( aVal ); return val; } catch( const std::bad_any_cast& ) { } try { int val = std::any_cast( aVal ); return static_cast( val ); } catch( const std::bad_any_cast& ) { } try { wxString strval( std::any_cast( aVal ).c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ); if( strval.IsEmpty() ) return std::nullopt; strval.MakeLower(); for( const auto& trueVal : { wxS( "true" ), wxS( "yes" ), wxS( "y" ), wxS( "1" ) } ) { if( strval.Matches( trueVal ) ) return true; } for( const auto& falseVal : { wxS( "false" ), wxS( "no" ), wxS( "n" ), wxS( "0" ) } ) { if( strval.Matches( falseVal ) ) return false; } } catch( const std::bad_any_cast& ) { } return std::nullopt; } LIB_SYMBOL* SCH_IO_DATABASE::loadSymbolFromRow( const wxString& aSymbolName, const DATABASE_LIB_TABLE& aTable, const DATABASE_CONNECTION::ROW& aRow ) { LIB_SYMBOL* symbol = nullptr; if( aRow.count( aTable.symbols_col ) ) { LIB_SYMBOL* originalSymbol = nullptr; // TODO: Support multiple options for symbol std::string symbolIdStr = std::any_cast( aRow.at( aTable.symbols_col ) ); LIB_ID symbolId; symbolId.Parse( std::any_cast( aRow.at( aTable.symbols_col ) ) ); if( symbolId.IsValid() ) originalSymbol = m_libTable->LoadSymbol( symbolId ); if( originalSymbol ) { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymbolFromRow: found original symbol '%s'" ), symbolIdStr ); symbol = originalSymbol->Duplicate(); symbol->SetSourceLibId( symbolId ); } else if( !symbolId.IsValid() ) { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymboFromRow: source symbol id '%s' is invalid, " "will create empty symbol" ), symbolIdStr ); } else { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymboFromRow: source symbol '%s' not found, " "will create empty symbol" ), symbolIdStr ); } } if( !symbol ) { // Actual symbol not found: return metadata only; error will be indicated in the // symbol chooser symbol = new LIB_SYMBOL( aSymbolName ); } else { symbol->SetName( aSymbolName ); } symbol->LibId().SetSubLibraryName( aTable.name ); if( aRow.count( aTable.footprints_col ) ) { std::string footprints = std::any_cast( aRow.at( aTable.footprints_col ) ); wxString footprintsStr = wxString( footprints.c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ); wxArrayString footprintsList; wxStringTokenizer tokenizer( footprintsStr, ';' ); while( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() ) footprintsList.Add( tokenizer.GetNextToken() ); if( footprintsList.size() > 0 ) symbol->GetFootprintField().SetText( footprintsList[0] ); symbol->SetFPFilters( footprintsList ); } else { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymboFromRow: footprint field %s not found." ), aTable.footprints_col ); } if( !aTable.properties.description.empty() && aRow.count( aTable.properties.description ) ) { wxString value( std::any_cast( aRow.at( aTable.properties.description ) ).c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ); symbol->SetDescription( value ); } if( !aTable.properties.keywords.empty() && aRow.count( aTable.properties.keywords ) ) { wxString value( std::any_cast( aRow.at( aTable.properties.keywords ) ).c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ); symbol->SetKeyWords( value ); } if( !aTable.properties.footprint_filters.empty() && aRow.count( aTable.properties.footprint_filters ) ) { wxString value( std::any_cast( aRow.at( aTable.properties.footprint_filters ) ) .c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ); wxArrayString filters; filters.push_back( value ); symbol->SetFPFilters( filters ); } if( !aTable.properties.exclude_from_sim.empty() && aRow.count( aTable.properties.exclude_from_sim ) ) { std::optional val = boolFromAny( aRow.at( aTable.properties.exclude_from_sim ) ); if( val ) { symbol->SetExcludedFromSim( *val ); } else { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymbolFromRow: exclude_from_sim value for %s " "could not be cast to a boolean" ), aSymbolName ); } } if( !aTable.properties.exclude_from_board.empty() && aRow.count( aTable.properties.exclude_from_board ) ) { std::optional val = boolFromAny( aRow.at( aTable.properties.exclude_from_board ) ); if( val ) { symbol->SetExcludedFromBoard( *val ); } else { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymbolFromRow: exclude_from_board value for %s " "could not be cast to a boolean" ), aSymbolName ); } } if( !aTable.properties.exclude_from_bom.empty() && aRow.count( aTable.properties.exclude_from_bom ) ) { std::optional val = boolFromAny( aRow.at( aTable.properties.exclude_from_bom ) ); if( val ) { symbol->SetExcludedFromBOM( *val ); } else { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymbolFromRow: exclude_from_bom value for %s " "could not be cast to a boolean" ), aSymbolName ); } } std::vector fields; symbol->GetFields( fields ); std::unordered_map fieldsMap; for( LIB_FIELD* field : fields ) fieldsMap[field->GetName()] = field; for( const DATABASE_FIELD_MAPPING& mapping : aTable.fields ) { if( !aRow.count( mapping.column ) ) { wxLogTrace( traceDatabase, wxT( "loadSymbolFromRow: field %s not found in result" ), mapping.column ); continue; } std:: string strValue; try { strValue = std::any_cast( aRow.at( mapping.column ) ); } catch( std::bad_any_cast& ) { } wxString value( strValue.c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ); if( mapping.name == wxT( "Value" ) ) { LIB_FIELD& field = symbol->GetValueField(); field.SetText( value ); if( !mapping.inherit_properties ) { field.SetVisible( mapping.visible_on_add ); field.SetNameShown( mapping.show_name ); } continue; } else if( mapping.name == wxT( "Datasheet" ) ) { LIB_FIELD& field = symbol->GetDatasheetField(); field.SetText( value ); if( !mapping.inherit_properties ) { field.SetVisible( mapping.visible_on_add ); field.SetNameShown( mapping.show_name ); if( mapping.visible_on_add ) field.SetAutoAdded( true ); } continue; } LIB_FIELD* field; bool isNew = false; if( fieldsMap.count( mapping.name ) ) { field = fieldsMap[mapping.name]; } else { field = new LIB_FIELD( symbol->GetNextAvailableFieldId() ); field->SetName( mapping.name ); isNew = true; fieldsMap[mapping.name] = field; } if( !mapping.inherit_properties || isNew ) { field->SetVisible( mapping.visible_on_add ); field->SetAutoAdded( true ); field->SetNameShown( mapping.show_name ); } field->SetText( value ); if( isNew ) symbol->AddField( field ); m_customFields.insert( mapping.name ); if( mapping.visible_in_chooser ) m_defaultShownFields.insert( mapping.name ); } return symbol; }