/* * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 1992-2022 Kicad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pcb_calculator_utils.h" #include "common_data.h" #include #define SPEED_LIGHT 299792458 PANEL_WAVELENGTH::PANEL_WAVELENGTH( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name ) : PANEL_WAVELENGTH_BASE( parent, id, pos, size, style, name ) { // Set the min size of wxTextCtrls showing long values wxSize minSize = m_speedCtrl->GetSize(); int minWidth = m_speedCtrl->GetTextExtent( wxT( "1.234567890E+99" ) ).x; m_speedCtrl->SetMinSize( wxSize( minWidth, minSize.GetHeight() ) ); Layout(); } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::SaveSettings( PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS* aCfg ) { aCfg->m_wavelength.frequency = m_frequency; aCfg->m_wavelength.permittivity = m_permittivity; aCfg->m_wavelength.permeability = m_permeability; aCfg->m_wavelength.frequencyUnit = m_frequencyUnit->GetSelection(); aCfg->m_wavelength.periodUnit = m_periodUnit->GetSelection(); aCfg->m_wavelength.wavelengthVacuumUnit = m_wavelengthVacuumUnit->GetSelection(); aCfg->m_wavelength.wavelengthMediumUnit = m_wavelengthMediumUnit->GetSelection(); aCfg->m_wavelength.speedUnit = m_speedUnit->GetSelection(); } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::LoadSettings( PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS* aCfg ) { m_frequencyUnit->SetSelection( aCfg->m_wavelength.frequencyUnit ); m_periodUnit->SetSelection( aCfg->m_wavelength.periodUnit ); m_wavelengthVacuumUnit->SetSelection( aCfg->m_wavelength.wavelengthVacuumUnit ); m_wavelengthMediumUnit->SetSelection( aCfg->m_wavelength.wavelengthMediumUnit ); m_speedUnit->SetSelection( aCfg->m_wavelength.speedUnit ); m_permittivity = aCfg->m_wavelength.permittivity; m_permeability = aCfg->m_wavelength.permeability; m_frequency = aCfg->m_wavelength.frequency; wxString value; value = wxString( "" ) << m_permittivity; m_permittivityCtrl->SetValue( value ); value = wxString( "" ) << m_permeability; m_permeabilityCtrl->SetValue( value ); update( m_frequency ); } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::updateUnits( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { update( m_frequency ); } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::update( double aFrequency ) { m_updatingUI = true; wxString value; if( !m_updatingFrequency ) { value = wxString( "" ) << aFrequency / m_frequencyUnit->GetUnitScale(); m_frequencyCtrl->SetValue( value ); } if( !m_updatingPeriod ) { value = wxString( "" ) << 1 / aFrequency / m_periodUnit->GetUnitScale(); m_periodCtrl->SetValue( value ); } if( !m_updatingWavelengthVacuum ) { value = wxString( "" ) << SPEED_LIGHT / aFrequency / m_wavelengthVacuumUnit->GetUnitScale(); m_wavelengthVacuumCtrl->SetValue( value ); } if( !m_updatingWavelengthMedium ) { value = wxString( "" ) << SPEED_LIGHT / aFrequency / sqrt( m_permittivity * m_permeability ) / m_wavelengthMediumUnit->GetUnitScale(); m_wavelengthMediumCtrl->SetValue( value ); } if( !m_updatingSpeed ) { value = wxString( "" ) << SPEED_LIGHT / sqrt( m_permittivity * m_permeability ) / m_speedUnit->GetUnitScale(); m_speedCtrl->SetValue( value ); } m_frequency = aFrequency; m_updatingFrequency = false; m_updatingPeriod = false; m_updatingWavelengthVacuum = false; m_updatingWavelengthMedium = false; m_updatingSpeed = false; m_updatingUI = false; } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::OnFrequencyChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) { double value; if( m_updatingUI ) { return; } wxString input = m_frequencyCtrl->GetValue(); if( input.ToDouble( &value ) ) { if( value > 0 ) { m_updatingFrequency = true; update( value * m_frequencyUnit->GetUnitScale() ); } } } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::OnPeriodChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) { double value; if( m_updatingUI ) { return; } wxString input = m_periodCtrl->GetValue(); if( input.ToDouble( &value ) ) { if( value > 0 ) { m_updatingPeriod = true; update( 1 / ( value * m_periodUnit->GetUnitScale() ) ); } } } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::OnWavelengthVacuumChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_updatingUI ) { return; } double value; wxString input = m_wavelengthVacuumCtrl->GetValue(); if( input.ToDouble( &value ) ) { if( value > 0 ) { value *= m_wavelengthVacuumUnit->GetUnitScale(); m_updatingWavelengthVacuum = true; update( SPEED_LIGHT / value ); } } }; void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::OnWavelengthMediumChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_updatingUI ) { return; } double value; wxString input = m_wavelengthMediumCtrl->GetValue(); if( input.ToDouble( &value ) ) { if( value > 0 ) { value *= m_wavelengthMediumUnit->GetUnitScale(); m_updatingWavelengthMedium = true; update( SPEED_LIGHT / value / sqrt( m_permittivity * m_permeability ) ); } } }; void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::OnPermittivityChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) { double value; wxString input = m_permittivityCtrl->GetValue(); if( input.ToDouble( &value ) ) { if( value >= 1 ) { m_permittivity = value; update( m_frequency ); } } } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::OnPermeabilityChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) { double value; wxString input = m_permeabilityCtrl->GetValue(); if( input.ToDouble( &value ) ) { if( value >= 1 ) { m_permeability = value; update( m_frequency ); } } } void PANEL_WAVELENGTH::OnButtonPermittivity( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxArrayString list = StandardRelativeDielectricConstantList(); list.Add( "" ); // Add an empty line for no selection // Find the previous choice index: wxString prevChoiceStr = m_permittivityCtrl->GetValue(); int prevChoice = 0; findMatch( list, prevChoiceStr, prevChoice ); int index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( wxEmptyString, _( "Relative Dielectric Constants" ), list, prevChoice ); if( index >= 0 && !list.Item( index ).IsEmpty() ) { m_permittivityCtrl->SetValue( list.Item( index ).BeforeFirst( ' ' ) ); // wx automatically calls onPermittivity() } }