/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 CERN * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * @author Tomasz Wlostowski * @author Maciej Suminski * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::placeholders; ACTION_MENU::ACTION_MENU() : m_dirty( true ), m_titleDisplayed( false ), m_selected( -1 ), m_tool( nullptr ), m_icon( nullptr ) { setupEvents(); } ACTION_MENU::~ACTION_MENU() { // Set parent to NULL to prevent submenus from unregistering from a notexisting object for( auto menu : m_submenus ) menu->SetParent( nullptr ); ACTION_MENU* parent = dynamic_cast( GetParent() ); if( parent ) parent->m_submenus.remove( this ); } void ACTION_MENU::SetIcon( const BITMAP_OPAQUE* aIcon ) { m_icon = aIcon; } void ACTION_MENU::setupEvents() { // See wxWidgets hack in EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnMenuOpen(). // Connect( wxEVT_MENU_OPEN, wxMenuEventHandler( ACTION_MENU::OnMenuEvent ), NULL, this ); // Connect( wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, wxMenuEventHandler( ACTION_MENU::OnMenuEvent ), NULL, this ); Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxMenuEventHandler( ACTION_MENU::OnMenuEvent ), NULL, this ); } void ACTION_MENU::SetTitle( const wxString& aTitle ) { // Unfortunately wxMenu::SetTitle() does not work very well, so this is an alternative version m_title = aTitle; // Update the menu title if( m_titleDisplayed ) DisplayTitle( true ); } void ACTION_MENU::DisplayTitle( bool aDisplay ) { if( ( !aDisplay || m_title.IsEmpty() ) && m_titleDisplayed ) { // Destroy the menu entry keeping the title.. wxMenuItem* item = FindItemByPosition( 0 ); wxASSERT( item->GetItemLabelText() == GetTitle() ); Destroy( item ); // ..and separator item = FindItemByPosition( 0 ); wxASSERT( item->IsSeparator() ); Destroy( item ); m_titleDisplayed = false; } else if( aDisplay && !m_title.IsEmpty() ) { if( m_titleDisplayed ) { // Simply update the title FindItemByPosition( 0 )->SetItemLabel( m_title ); } else { // Add a separator and a menu entry to display the title InsertSeparator( 0 ); Insert( 0, new wxMenuItem( this, wxID_NONE, m_title, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ) ); if( m_icon ) AddBitmapToMenuItem( FindItemByPosition( 0 ), KiBitmap( m_icon ) ); m_titleDisplayed = true; } } } wxMenuItem* ACTION_MENU::Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId, const BITMAP_OPAQUE* aIcon ) { wxASSERT_MSG( FindItem( aId ) == nullptr, "Duplicate menu IDs!" ); wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, aId, aLabel, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); if( aIcon ) AddBitmapToMenuItem( item, KiBitmap( aIcon ) ); return Append( item ); } wxMenuItem* ACTION_MENU::Add( const wxString& aLabel, const wxString& aTooltip, int aId, const BITMAP_OPAQUE* aIcon ) { wxASSERT_MSG( FindItem( aId ) == nullptr, "Duplicate menu IDs!" ); wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, aId, aLabel, aTooltip, wxITEM_NORMAL ); if( aIcon ) AddBitmapToMenuItem( item, KiBitmap( aIcon ) ); return Append( item ); } wxMenuItem* ACTION_MENU::Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction, bool aIsCheckmarkEntry ) { /// ID numbers for tool actions need to have a value higher than ACTION_ID const BITMAP_OPAQUE* icon = aAction.GetIcon(); wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, getMenuId( aAction ), aAction.GetMenuItem(), aAction.GetDescription(), aIsCheckmarkEntry ? wxITEM_CHECK : wxITEM_NORMAL ); if( icon ) AddBitmapToMenuItem( item, KiBitmap( icon ) ); m_toolActions[getMenuId( aAction )] = &aAction; wxMenuItem* i = Append( item ); return i; } wxMenuItem* ACTION_MENU::Add( ACTION_MENU* aMenu ) { ACTION_MENU* menuCopy = aMenu->Clone(); m_submenus.push_back( menuCopy ); wxASSERT_MSG( !menuCopy->m_title.IsEmpty(), "Set a title for ACTION_MENU using SetTitle()" ); if( aMenu->m_icon ) { wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem( this, -1, menuCopy->m_title ); AddBitmapToMenuItem( newItem, KiBitmap( aMenu->m_icon ) ); newItem->SetSubMenu( menuCopy ); return Append( newItem ); } else { return AppendSubMenu( menuCopy, menuCopy->m_title ); } } void ACTION_MENU::Clear() { m_titleDisplayed = false; for( int i = GetMenuItemCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) Destroy( FindItemByPosition( i ) ); m_toolActions.clear(); m_submenus.clear(); wxASSERT( GetMenuItemCount() == 0 ); } bool ACTION_MENU::HasEnabledItems() const { bool hasEnabled = false; auto& items = GetMenuItems(); for( auto item : items ) { if( item->IsEnabled() && !item->IsSeparator() ) { hasEnabled = true; break; } } return hasEnabled; } void ACTION_MENU::UpdateAll() { try { update(); } catch( std::exception& e ) { wxLogDebug( wxString::Format( "ACTION_MENU update handler exception: %s", e.what() ) ); } if( m_tool ) updateHotKeys(); runOnSubmenus( std::bind( &ACTION_MENU::UpdateAll, _1 ) ); } void ACTION_MENU::ClearDirty() { m_dirty = false; runOnSubmenus( std::bind( &ACTION_MENU::ClearDirty, _1 ) ); } void ACTION_MENU::SetDirty() { m_dirty = true; runOnSubmenus( std::bind( &ACTION_MENU::SetDirty, _1 ) ); } void ACTION_MENU::SetTool( TOOL_INTERACTIVE* aTool ) { m_tool = aTool; runOnSubmenus( std::bind( &ACTION_MENU::SetTool, _1, aTool ) ); } ACTION_MENU* ACTION_MENU::Clone() const { ACTION_MENU* clone = create(); clone->Clear(); clone->copyFrom( *this ); return clone; } ACTION_MENU* ACTION_MENU::create() const { ACTION_MENU* menu = new ACTION_MENU(); wxASSERT_MSG( typeid( *this ) == typeid( *menu ), wxString::Format( "You need to override create() method for class %s", typeid(*this).name() ) ); return menu; } TOOL_MANAGER* ACTION_MENU::getToolManager() const { wxASSERT( m_tool ); return m_tool ? m_tool->GetManager() : nullptr; } void ACTION_MENU::updateHotKeys() { TOOL_MANAGER* toolMgr = getToolManager(); for( std::map::const_iterator it = m_toolActions.begin(); it != m_toolActions.end(); ++it ) { int id = it->first; const TOOL_ACTION& action = *it->second; int key = toolMgr->GetHotKey( action ) & ~MD_MODIFIER_MASK; if( key ) { int mod = toolMgr->GetHotKey( action ) & MD_MODIFIER_MASK; int flags = 0; wxMenuItem* item = FindChildItem( id ); if( item ) { flags |= ( mod & MD_ALT ) ? wxACCEL_ALT : 0; flags |= ( mod & MD_CTRL ) ? wxACCEL_CTRL : 0; flags |= ( mod & MD_SHIFT ) ? wxACCEL_SHIFT : 0; if( !flags ) flags = wxACCEL_NORMAL; wxAcceleratorEntry accel( flags, key, id, item ); item->SetAccel( &accel ); } } } } void ACTION_MENU::OnMenuEvent( wxMenuEvent& aEvent ) { OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt; wxString menuText; wxEventType type = aEvent.GetEventType(); if( type == wxEVT_MENU_OPEN && m_dirty ) { if( m_tool ) getToolManager()->RunAction( ACTIONS::updateMenu, true, this ); aEvent.Skip(); return; } // When the currently chosen item in the menu is changed, an update event is issued. // For example, the selection tool can use this to dynamically highlight the current item // from selection clarification popup. else if( type == wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT ) evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_COMMAND, TA_CONTEXT_MENU_UPDATE, aEvent.GetId() ); // One of menu entries was selected.. else if( type == wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED ) { // Store the selected position, so it can be checked by the tools m_selected = aEvent.GetId(); ACTION_MENU* parent = dynamic_cast( GetParent() ); while( parent ) { parent->m_selected = m_selected; parent = dynamic_cast( parent->GetParent() ); } // Check if there is a TOOL_ACTION for the given ID if( m_selected >= ACTION_ID ) evt = findToolAction( m_selected ); if( !evt ) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ if( !evt ) { // Try to find the submenu which holds the selected item wxMenu* menu = nullptr; FindItem( m_selected, &menu ); // This conditional compilation is probably not needed. // It will be removed later, for the Kicad V 6.x version. // But in "old" 3.0 version, the "&& menu != this" contition was added to avoid hang // This hang is no longer encountered in wxWidgets 3.0.4 version, and this condition is no longer needed. // And in 3.1.2, we have to remove it, as "menu != this" never happens // ("menu != this" always happens in 3.1.1 and older!). #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 1, 2) if( menu ) #else if( menu && menu != this ) #endif { ACTION_MENU* cxmenu = static_cast( menu ); evt = cxmenu->eventHandler( aEvent ); } } #else if( !evt ) runEventHandlers( aEvent, evt ); #endif // Handling non-action menu entries (e.g. items in clarification list) // in some context menus, that have IDs explicitly chosen between // ID_POPUP_MENU_START and ID_POPUP_MENU_END // Note also items in clarification list have an id >= 0 and < wxID_LOWEST // in fact 0 to n-1 for n items in clarification list) // id < 0 are automatically created for menuitems created with wxID_ANY #define ID_CONTEXT_MENU_ID_MAX wxID_LOWEST /* = 100 should be enough and better */ if( !evt && ( ( m_selected >=0 && m_selected < ID_CONTEXT_MENU_ID_MAX ) || ( m_selected >= ID_POPUP_MENU_START && m_selected <= ID_POPUP_MENU_END ) ) ) { menuText = GetLabelText( aEvent.GetId() ); evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_COMMAND, TA_CONTEXT_MENU_CHOICE, m_selected, AS_GLOBAL, &menuText ); } } } // forward the action/update event to the TOOL_MANAGER // clients that don't supply a tool will have to check GetSelected() themselves if( evt && m_tool ) { //aEvent.StopPropagation(); if( m_tool->GetManager() ) m_tool->GetManager()->ProcessEvent( *evt ); } else { aEvent.Skip(); } } void ACTION_MENU::runEventHandlers( const wxMenuEvent& aMenuEvent, OPT_TOOL_EVENT& aToolEvent ) { aToolEvent = eventHandler( aMenuEvent ); if( !aToolEvent ) runOnSubmenus( std::bind( &ACTION_MENU::runEventHandlers, _1, aMenuEvent, aToolEvent ) ); } void ACTION_MENU::runOnSubmenus( std::function aFunction ) { try { std::for_each( m_submenus.begin(), m_submenus.end(), [&]( ACTION_MENU* m ) { aFunction( m ); m->runOnSubmenus( aFunction ); } ); } catch( std::exception& e ) { wxLogDebug( wxString::Format( "ACTION_MENU runOnSubmenus exception: %s", e.what() ) ); } } OPT_TOOL_EVENT ACTION_MENU::findToolAction( int aId ) { OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt; auto findFunc = [&]( ACTION_MENU* m ) { if( evt ) return; const auto it = m->m_toolActions.find( aId ); if( it != m->m_toolActions.end() ) evt = it->second->MakeEvent(); }; findFunc( this ); if( !evt ) runOnSubmenus( findFunc ); return evt; } void ACTION_MENU::copyFrom( const ACTION_MENU& aMenu ) { m_icon = aMenu.m_icon; m_title = aMenu.m_title; m_titleDisplayed = aMenu.m_titleDisplayed; m_selected = -1; // aMenu.m_selected; m_tool = aMenu.m_tool; m_toolActions = aMenu.m_toolActions; // Copy all menu entries for( int i = 0; i < (int) aMenu.GetMenuItemCount(); ++i ) { wxMenuItem* item = aMenu.FindItemByPosition( i ); appendCopy( item ); } } wxMenuItem* ACTION_MENU::appendCopy( const wxMenuItem* aSource ) { wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem( this, aSource->GetId(), aSource->GetItemLabel(), aSource->GetHelp(), aSource->GetKind() ); // Add the source bitmap if it is not the wxNullBitmap // On Windows, for Checkable Menu items, adding a null bitmap adds also // our predefined checked alternate bitmap const wxBitmap& src_bitmap = aSource->GetBitmap(); if( src_bitmap.IsOk() && src_bitmap.GetHeight() > 1 ) // a null bitmap has a 0 size AddBitmapToMenuItem( newItem, src_bitmap ); if( aSource->IsSubMenu() ) { ACTION_MENU* menu = dynamic_cast( aSource->GetSubMenu() ); wxASSERT_MSG( menu, "Submenus are expected to be a ACTION_MENU" ); if( menu ) { ACTION_MENU* menuCopy = menu->Clone(); newItem->SetSubMenu( menuCopy ); m_submenus.push_back( menuCopy ); } } // wxMenuItem has to be added before enabling/disabling or checking Append( newItem ); if( aSource->IsCheckable() ) newItem->Check( aSource->IsChecked() ); newItem->Enable( aSource->IsEnabled() ); return newItem; }