/*	libclass.cpp										  */

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"

#include "common.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "libcmp.h"
#include "general.h"

#include "protos.h"

/* Methodes relatives a la manipulation des librairies */

LibraryStruct::LibraryStruct( int type, const wxString& name, const wxString& fullname )
    m_Type = type;                  /* type indicator */
    m_Name = name;                  /* Name of library loaded. */
    m_FullFileName = fullname;      /* Full File Name (with path) of library loaded. */
    m_NumOfParts   = 0;             /* Number of parts this library has. */
    m_Entries   = NULL;             /* Parts themselves are saved here. */
    m_Pnext     = NULL;             /* Point on next lib in chain. */
    m_Modified  = FALSE;            /* flag indicateur d'edition */
    m_TimeStamp = 0;
    m_Flags      = 0;
    m_IsLibCache = FALSE;

void FreeLibraryEntry( LibCmpEntry* Entry )

/* Used by PQFreeFunc() to delete all entries
    delete Entry;

    if( m_Entries )
        PQFreeFunc( m_Entries, ( void( * ) ( void* ) )FreeLibraryEntry );

bool LibraryStruct::WriteHeader( FILE* file )

/* Ecrit l'entete du fichier librairie
    char BufLine[1024];
    bool succes = TRUE;

    DateAndTime( BufLine );
    if( fprintf( file, "%s %d.%d  Date: %s\n", LIBFILE_IDENT,
                 BufLine ) != 5 )
        succes = FALSE;
#if 0
    if( fprintf( file, "$HEADER\n" ) != 1 )
        succes = FALSE;
    if( fprintf( file, "TimeStamp %8.8lX\n", m_TimeStamp ) != 2 )
        succes = FALSE;
    if( fprintf( file, "Parts %d\n", m_NumOfParts ) != 2 )
        succes = FALSE;
    if( fprintf( file, "$ENDHEADER\n" ) != 1 )
        succes = FALSE;
    return succes;

bool LibraryStruct::ReadHeader( FILE* libfile, int* LineNum )

/* Ecrit l'entete du fichier librairie
    char Line[1024], * text, * data;

    while( GetLine( libfile, Line, LineNum, sizeof(Line) ) )
        text = strtok( Line, " \t\r\n" );
        data = strtok( NULL, " \t\r\n" );
        if( stricmp( text, "TimeStamp" ) == 0 )
            m_TimeStamp = atol( data );
        if( stricmp( text, "$ENDHEADER" ) == 0 )
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

/* class LibCmpEntry */

/* Basic class for librarty oomponent description
 *  Not directly used
 *  Used to create the 2 derived classes :
 *      - EDA_LibCmpAliasStruct
 *      - EDA_LibComponentStruct

LibCmpEntry::LibCmpEntry( LibrEntryType CmpType, const wxChar* CmpName ) :
    Type = CmpType;
    m_Name.m_FieldId = VALUE;
    if( CmpName )
        m_Name.m_Text = CmpName;


/* class EDA_LibCmpAliasStruct */

/* Class to define an alias of a component
 *  An alias uses the component defintion (graphic, pins...)
 *  but has its own name and documentation.
 *  Therefore, when the component is modified, alias of this component are modified.
 *  This is a simple method to create components with differs very few
 *  (like 74LS00, 74HC00 ... and many op amps )

EDA_LibCmpAliasStruct:: EDA_LibCmpAliasStruct( const wxChar* CmpName,
                                               const wxChar* CmpRootName ) :
    LibCmpEntry( ALIAS, CmpName )
    if( CmpRootName == NULL )
        m_RootName = CmpRootName;


/* class EDA_LibComponentStruct */

/* This is a standard component  (in library)
EDA_LibComponentStruct:: EDA_LibComponentStruct( const wxChar* CmpName ) :
    LibCmpEntry( ROOT, CmpName )
    m_Drawings   = NULL;
    m_LastDate   = 0;
    m_UnitCount  = 1;
    m_TextInside = 40;
    m_Options    = ENTRY_NORMAL;
    m_UnitSelectionLocked = FALSE;
    m_DrawPinNum = m_DrawPinName = 1;

    Fields = NULL;
    m_Prefix.m_FieldId = REFERENCE;

    LibEDA_BaseStruct* DrawItem, * NextDrawItem;
    LibDrawField*      TempField, * field;

    field = Fields; Fields = NULL;
    while( field )
        TempField = field; field = (LibDrawField*) field->Pnext;
        delete TempField;

    /* suppression des elements dependants */
    DrawItem = m_Drawings; m_Drawings = NULL;
    while( DrawItem )
        NextDrawItem = DrawItem->Next();
        delete DrawItem;
        DrawItem = NextDrawItem;

EDA_Rect EDA_LibComponentStruct::GetBoundaryBox( int Unit, int Convert )

/* Return the componenty boundary box ( in user coordinates )
 *  The unit Unit, and the shape Convert are considered.
 *  If Unit == 0, Unit is not used
 *  if Convert == 0 Convert is non used
    int                xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x1, y1;
    int*               pt, ii;
    LibEDA_BaseStruct* DrawEntry;
    EDA_Rect           BoundaryBox;

    DrawEntry = m_Drawings;
    if( DrawEntry )
        xmin = ymin = 0x7FFFFFFF; 
        xmax = ymax = 0x80000000;
        xmin = ymin = -50; 
        xmax = ymax = 50;    // Min size in 1/1000 inch

    for( ; DrawEntry != NULL; DrawEntry = DrawEntry->Next() )
        if( DrawEntry->m_Unit > 0 )  // The item is non common to units
            if( (m_UnitCount > 1 ) && (Unit > 0) && (Unit != DrawEntry->m_Unit) )
        if( DrawEntry->m_Convert > 0 )  //The item is not common to alls convert
            if( (Convert > 0) && (Convert != DrawEntry->m_Convert) )

        switch( DrawEntry->Type() )
            // Arc is reduced to a line from m_Start to m_End.
            // TO DO better.
            LibDrawArc* Arc = (LibDrawArc*) DrawEntry;
            x1   = Arc->m_ArcStart.x;
            y1   = Arc->m_ArcStart.y;
            xmin = MIN( xmin, x1 );
            ymin = MIN( ymin, y1 );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, x1 );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, y1 );
            x1   = Arc->m_ArcEnd.x;
            y1   = Arc->m_ArcEnd.y;
            xmin = MIN( xmin, x1 );
            ymin = MIN( ymin, y1 );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, x1 );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, y1 );

            LibDrawCircle* Circle = (LibDrawCircle*) DrawEntry;
            x1   = Circle->m_Pos.x - Circle->m_Rayon;
            y1   = Circle->m_Pos.y - Circle->m_Rayon;
            xmin = MIN( xmin, x1 );
            ymin = MIN( ymin, y1 );
            x1   = Circle->m_Pos.x + Circle->m_Rayon;
            y1   = Circle->m_Pos.y + Circle->m_Rayon;
            xmax = MAX( xmax, x1 );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, y1 );

            LibDrawSquare* Square = (LibDrawSquare*) DrawEntry;
            xmin = MIN( xmin, Square->m_Pos.x );
            xmin = MIN( xmin, Square->m_End.x );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, Square->m_Pos.x );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, Square->m_End.x );
            ymin = MIN( ymin, Square->m_Pos.y );
            ymin = MIN( ymin, Square->m_End.y );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, Square->m_Pos.y );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, Square->m_End.y );

            LibDrawPin* Pin = (LibDrawPin*) DrawEntry;
            x1   = Pin->m_Pos.x;
            y1   = Pin->m_Pos.y;
            xmin = MIN( xmin, x1 );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, x1 );
            ymin = MIN( ymin, y1 );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, y1 );
#if 0 \
    // 0 pour englober le point origine de la pin, 1 pour englober toute la pin
            switch( Pin->Orient )
            case PIN_UP:
                y1 += Pin->Len; break;

            case PIN_DOWN:
                y1 -= Pin->Len; break;

            case PIN_LEFT:
                x1 -= Pin->Len; break;

            case PIN_RIGHT:
                x1 += Pin->Len; break;

            xmin = MIN( xmin, x1 );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, x1 );
            ymin = MIN( ymin, y1 );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, y1 );


            LibDrawPolyline* polyline = (LibDrawPolyline*) DrawEntry;
            pt = polyline->PolyList;
            for( ii = 0; ii < polyline->n; ii++ )
                if( xmin > *pt )
                    xmin = *pt;
                if( xmax < *pt )
                    xmax = *pt;
                if( ymin > *pt )
                    ymin = *pt;
                if( ymax < *pt )
                    ymax = *pt;

    // Update the BoundaryBox. Remenber the fact the screen Y axis is the reverse */
    ymax = -ymax; ymin = -ymin;    // Y is is screen axis sense
    // Ensure w and H > 0 (wxRect assume it)
    if( xmax < xmin )
        EXCHG( xmax, xmin );
    if( ymax < ymin )
        EXCHG( ymax, ymin );
    BoundaryBox.SetX( xmin ); BoundaryBox.SetWidth( xmax - xmin );
    BoundaryBox.SetY( ymin ); BoundaryBox.SetHeight( ymax - ymin );

    return BoundaryBox;

/* class LibraryFieldEntry */

/* a Field is a string linked to a component.
 *  Unlike a pure graphic text, fields can be used in netlist generation
 *  and other things.
 *  4 fields have a special meaning:
 *      VALUE
 *      SCHEMATIC LINK (reserved but not used in kicad)
LibDrawField::LibDrawField( int idfield ) : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_FIELD_DRAW_TYPE )
    m_FieldId = idfield;                /* 0 a 11, 0 = REFERENCE, 1 = VALUE*/
    if( m_FieldId < 0 )
        m_FieldId = 0;
    if( m_FieldId >= NUMBER_OF_FIELDS )
        m_FieldId = NUMBER_OF_FIELDS - 1;
    m_Size.x    = m_Size.y = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT;
    m_Orient    = 0;                /* Orientation */
    m_Attributs = 0;                /* Attributs = unvisible ... */
    m_Width    = 0;
    m_VJustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER;   /* Horizontal and vertical text justification */


// Creation et Duplication d'un field
LibDrawField* LibDrawField::GenCopy()
    LibDrawField* newfield = new LibDrawField( m_FieldId );

    Copy( newfield );

    return newfield;

// copie du field dans le field Target
void LibDrawField::Copy( LibDrawField* Target )
    Target->m_Pos       = m_Pos;
    Target->m_Size      = m_Size;
    Target->m_Width     = m_Width;
    Target->m_Orient    = m_Orient;
    Target->m_Attributs = m_Attributs;
    Target->m_Text      = m_Text;
    Target->m_Name      = m_Name;
    Target->m_HJustify  = m_HJustify;
    Target->m_VJustify  = m_VJustify;

/* Elements Graphiques */
LibEDA_BaseStruct::LibEDA_BaseStruct( KICAD_T struct_type ) :
    EDA_BaseStruct( struct_type )
    m_Unit    = 0;  /* Unit identification (for multi part per package)
                     *  0 if the item is common to all units */
    m_Convert = 0;  /* Shape identification (for parts which have a convert shape)
                     *  0 if the item is common to all shapes */
    m_Width   = 0;  /* Default value to draw lines or arc ... */

LibDrawPin::LibDrawPin() : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE )
    m_PinLen      = 300;                /* default Pin len */
    m_Orient      = PIN_RIGHT;          /* Pin oprient: Up, Down, Left, Right */
    m_PinShape    = NONE;               /* Bit a bit: Pin shape (voir enum prec) */
    m_PinType     = PIN_UNSPECIFIED;    /* electrical type of pin */
    m_Attributs   = 0;                  /* bit 0 != 0: pin invisible */
    m_PinNum      = 0;                  /*pin number ( i.e. 4 codes Ascii ) */
    m_PinNumSize  = 50;
    m_PinNameSize = 50;                 /* Default size for pin name and num */
    m_Width = 0;

//	m_PinNumWidth = m_PinNameWidth = 0;	// Unused

wxPoint LibDrawPin::ReturnPinEndPoint()

/* return the pin end position, for a component in normal orient
    wxPoint pos = m_Pos;

    switch( m_Orient )
    case PIN_UP:
        pos.y += m_PinLen; break;

    case PIN_DOWN:
        pos.y -= m_PinLen; break;

    case PIN_LEFT:
        pos.x -= m_PinLen; break;

    case PIN_RIGHT:
        pos.x += m_PinLen; break;

    return pos;

int LibDrawPin::ReturnPinDrawOrient( int TransMat[2][2] )

/* Return the pin real orientation (PIN_UP, PIN_DOWN, PIN_RIGHT, PIN_LEFT),
 *  according to its orientation,
 *  AND the matrix transform (rot, mirror) TransMat
    int orient;
    int x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
    int t1, t2;

    switch( m_Orient )
    case PIN_UP:
        y1 = 1; break;

    case PIN_DOWN:
        y1 = -1; break;

    case PIN_LEFT:
        x1 = -1; break;

    case PIN_RIGHT:
        x1 = 1; break;

    t1     = TransMat[0][0] * x1 + TransMat[0][1] * y1;
    t2     = TransMat[1][0] * x1 + TransMat[1][1] * y1;
    orient = PIN_UP;
    if( t1 == 0 )
        if( t2 > 0 )
            orient = PIN_DOWN;
        orient = PIN_RIGHT;
        if( t1 < 0 )
            orient = PIN_LEFT;

    return orient;

void LibDrawPin::ReturnPinStringNum( wxString& buffer )

/* fill the buffer with pin num as a wxString
 *  Pin num is coded as a long
 *  Used to print/draw the pin num
    char ascii_buf[5];

    strncpy( ascii_buf, (char*) &m_PinNum, 4 );
    ascii_buf[4] = 0;

    buffer = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ascii_buf );

void LibDrawPin::SetPinNumFromString( wxString& buffer )

/* fill the buffer with pin num as a wxString
 *  Pin num is coded as a long
 *  Used to print/draw the pin num
    char     ascii_buf[4];
    unsigned ii, len = buffer.Len();

    ascii_buf[0] = ascii_buf[1] = ascii_buf[2] = ascii_buf[3] = 0;
    if( len > 4 )
        len = 4;
    for( ii = 0; ii < len; ii++ )
        ascii_buf[ii] = buffer.GetChar( ii ) & 0xFF;

    strncpy( (char*) &m_PinNum, ascii_buf, 4 );

LibDrawPin* LibDrawPin::GenCopy()
    LibDrawPin* newpin = new LibDrawPin();

    newpin->m_Pos         = m_Pos;
    newpin->m_PinLen      = m_PinLen;
    newpin->m_Orient      = m_Orient;
    newpin->m_PinShape    = m_PinShape;
    newpin->m_PinType     = m_PinType;
    newpin->m_Attributs   = m_Attributs;
    newpin->m_PinNum      = m_PinNum;
    newpin->m_PinNumSize  = m_PinNumSize;
    newpin->m_PinNameSize = m_PinNameSize;
    newpin->m_Unit        = m_Unit;
    newpin->m_Convert     = m_Convert;
    newpin->m_Flags       = m_Flags;
    newpin->m_Width       = m_Width;

    newpin->m_PinName = m_PinName;

    return newpin;

LibDrawArc::LibDrawArc() : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_ARC_DRAW_TYPE )
    m_Rayon = 0;
    t1      = t2 = 0;
    m_Width = 0;
    m_Fill  = NO_FILL;

LibDrawArc* LibDrawArc::GenCopy()
    LibDrawArc* newitem = new LibDrawArc();

    newitem->m_Pos      = m_Pos;
    newitem->m_ArcStart = m_ArcStart;
    newitem->m_ArcEnd   = m_ArcEnd;
    newitem->m_Rayon    = m_Rayon;
    newitem->t1        = t1;
    newitem->t2        = t2;
    newitem->m_Width   = m_Width;
    newitem->m_Unit    = m_Unit;
    newitem->m_Convert = m_Convert;
    newitem->m_Flags   = m_Flags;
    newitem->m_Fill    = m_Fill;
    return newitem;

LibDrawCircle::LibDrawCircle() : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_CIRCLE_DRAW_TYPE )
    m_Rayon = 0;
    m_Fill  = NO_FILL;

LibDrawCircle* LibDrawCircle::GenCopy()
    LibDrawCircle* newitem = new LibDrawCircle();

    newitem->m_Pos     = m_Pos;
    newitem->m_Rayon   = m_Rayon;
    newitem->m_Width   = m_Width;
    newitem->m_Unit    = m_Unit;
    newitem->m_Convert = m_Convert;
    newitem->m_Flags   = m_Flags;
    newitem->m_Fill    = m_Fill;
    return newitem;

LibDrawText::LibDrawText() : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_GRAPHIC_TEXT_DRAW_TYPE )
    m_Horiz = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ;
    m_Size  = wxSize( 50, 50 );
    m_Type  = 0;
    m_Width = 0;

LibDrawText* LibDrawText::GenCopy()
    LibDrawText* newitem = new LibDrawText();

    newitem->m_Pos     = m_Pos;
    newitem->m_Horiz   = m_Horiz;
    newitem->m_Size    = m_Size;
    newitem->m_Type    = m_Type;
    newitem->m_Unit    = m_Unit;
    newitem->m_Convert = m_Convert;
    newitem->m_Flags   = m_Flags;
    newitem->m_Text    = m_Text;
    newitem->m_Width   = m_Width;
    return newitem;

LibDrawSquare::LibDrawSquare() : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_RECT_DRAW_TYPE )
    m_Width = 0;
    m_Fill  = NO_FILL;

LibDrawSquare* LibDrawSquare::GenCopy()
    LibDrawSquare* newitem = new LibDrawSquare();

    newitem->m_Pos     = m_Pos;
    newitem->m_End     = m_End;
    newitem->m_Width   = m_Width;
    newitem->m_Unit    = m_Unit;
    newitem->m_Convert = m_Convert;
    newitem->m_Flags   = m_Flags;
    newitem->m_Fill    = m_Fill;
    return newitem;

LibDrawSegment::LibDrawSegment() : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_LINE_DRAW_TYPE )
    m_Width = 0;

LibDrawSegment* LibDrawSegment::GenCopy()
    LibDrawSegment* newitem = new LibDrawSegment();

    newitem->m_Pos     = m_Pos;
    newitem->m_End     = m_End;
    newitem->m_Width   = m_Width;
    newitem->m_Unit    = m_Unit;
    newitem->m_Convert = m_Convert;
    newitem->m_Flags   = m_Flags;
    return newitem;

LibDrawPolyline::LibDrawPolyline() : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_POLYLINE_DRAW_TYPE )
    n = 0;
    PolyList = NULL;
    m_Fill   = NO_FILL;
    m_Width  = 0;

LibDrawPolyline* LibDrawPolyline::GenCopy()
    LibDrawPolyline* newitem = new LibDrawPolyline();

    int size;

    newitem->n = n;
    size = sizeof(int) * 2 * n;
    if( size )
        newitem->PolyList = (int*) MyMalloc( size );
        memcpy( newitem->PolyList, PolyList, size );
    newitem->m_Pos     = m_Pos;
    newitem->m_Width   = m_Width;
    newitem->m_Unit    = m_Unit;
    newitem->m_Convert = m_Convert;
    newitem->m_Flags   = m_Flags;
    newitem->m_Fill    = m_Fill;
    return newitem;

void LibDrawPolyline::AddPoint( const wxPoint& point )

/* add a point to the polyline coordinate list, and realloc the memory
    int allocsize;

    allocsize = 2 * sizeof(int) * n;
    if( PolyList == NULL )
        PolyList = (int*) MyMalloc( allocsize );
        PolyList = (int*) realloc( PolyList, allocsize );

    PolyList[(n * 2) - 2] = point.x;
    PolyList[(n * 2) - 1] = -point.y;