#ifndef UTF8_H_
#define UTF8_H_

#include <string>
#include <deque>

 * @ingroup string_types
 * @{

 * Type STRING
 * holds a sequence of 8 bit bytes that represent a sequence of variable
 * length multi-byte international characters, with unspecified encoding.
typedef std::string STRING;

 * is an "array like" list of STRINGs
typedef std::deque<STRING>  STRINGS;

 * Type STR_UTF
 * holds a UTF8 encoded sequence of 8 bit bytes that represent a sequence
 * of variable multi-byte international characters.  UTF8 is the chosen encoding
 * for all Kicad data files so that they can be transported from one nation to another
 * without ambiguity. Data files are those where Kicad controls the content.
 * This is not the same thing as filenames, which are not file content.
 * Filenames may be encoded on disk using an encoding chosen by the host operating
 * system.  Nonetheless, Kicad data file _content_ is always UTF8 encoded, regardless
 * of host operating system.
 * STR_UTF is UTF8 encoded, by definition.
typedef STRING      STR_UTF;

 * Type STR_UTFS
 * is an "array like" list of STR_UTFs
typedef std::deque<STRING>  STR_UTFS;

/** @} string_types */

// @todo this does not belong here
#ifndef D
#ifdef DEBUG
#define D(x)        x
#define D(x)        // nothing

#endif  // UTF8_H_