/* * @file confirm.cpp * utilities to display some error, warning and info short messges */ #include #include #include #include #include void DisplayError( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& text, int displaytime ) { wxMessageDialog* dialog; if( displaytime > 0 ) dialog = new wxMessageDialog( parent, text, _( "Warning" ), wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_INFORMATION ); else dialog = new wxMessageDialog( parent, text, _( "Error" ), wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR ); dialog->ShowModal(); dialog->Destroy(); } void DisplayInfoMessage( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& text, int displaytime ) { wxMessageDialog* dialog; dialog = new wxMessageDialog( parent, text, _( "Info:" ), wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_INFORMATION ); dialog->ShowModal(); dialog->Destroy(); } void DisplayHtmlInfoMessage( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title, const wxString& text, const wxSize& size ) { HTML_MESSAGE_BOX *dlg = new HTML_MESSAGE_BOX(parent,title, wxDefaultPosition, size ); dlg->AddHTML_Text( text ); dlg->ShowModal(); dlg->Destroy(); } bool IsOK( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& text ) { int ii; ii = wxMessageBox( text, _( "Confirmation" ), wxYES_NO | wxCENTRE | wxICON_HAND, parent ); if( ii == wxYES ) return true; return false; }