 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr
 * Copyright (C) 2012 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <dick@softplc.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2022 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <pcb_edit_frame.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <bitmaps.h>
#include <board.h>
#include <board_design_settings.h>
#include <core/mirror.h>
#include <footprint.h>
#include <settings/settings_manager.h>
#include <trigo.h>
#include <string_utils.h>
#include <painter.h>
#include <geometry/shape_compound.h>
#include <callback_gal.h>
#include <convert_basic_shapes_to_polygon.h>

FP_TEXT::FP_TEXT( FOOTPRINT* aParentFootprint, TEXT_TYPE text_type ) :
    BOARD_ITEM( aParentFootprint, PCB_FP_TEXT_T ),
    EDA_TEXT( pcbIUScale )
    FOOTPRINT* parentFootprint = static_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( m_parent );

    m_Type = text_type;
    SetKeepUpright( true );

    // Set text thickness to a default value
    SetTextThickness( pcbIUScale.mmToIU( DEFAULT_TEXT_WIDTH ) );
    SetLayer( F_SilkS );

    // Set position and give a default layer if a valid parent footprint exists
    if( parentFootprint && parentFootprint->Type() == PCB_FOOTPRINT_T )
        SetTextPos( parentFootprint->GetPosition() );

        if( IsBackLayer( parentFootprint->GetLayer() ) )
            SetLayer( B_SilkS );
            SetMirrored( true );



bool FP_TEXT::TextHitTest( const VECTOR2I& aPoint, int aAccuracy ) const
    BOX2I    rect = GetTextBox();
    VECTOR2I location = aPoint;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    RotatePoint( location, GetTextPos(), -GetDrawRotation() );

    return rect.Contains( location );

bool FP_TEXT::TextHitTest( const BOX2I& aRect, bool aContains, int aAccuracy ) const
    BOX2I rect = aRect;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContains )
        return rect.Contains( GetBoundingBox() );
        return rect.Intersects( GetTextBox(), GetDrawRotation() );

void FP_TEXT::KeepUpright( const EDA_ANGLE& aOldOrientation, const EDA_ANGLE& aNewOrientation )
    if( !IsKeepUpright() )

    EDA_ANGLE newAngle = GetTextAngle() + aNewOrientation;

    bool needsFlipped = newAngle >= ANGLE_180;

    if( needsFlipped )
        SetHorizJustify( static_cast<GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T>( -GetHorizJustify() ) );
        SetTextAngle( GetTextAngle() + ANGLE_180 );

void FP_TEXT::Rotate( const VECTOR2I& aRotCentre, const EDA_ANGLE& aAngle )
    // Used in footprint editing
    // Note also in footprint editor, m_Pos0 = m_Pos

    VECTOR2I pt = GetTextPos();
    RotatePoint( pt, aRotCentre, aAngle );
    SetTextPos( pt );

    EDA_ANGLE new_angle = GetTextAngle() + aAngle;
    SetTextAngle( new_angle );


void FP_TEXT::Flip( const VECTOR2I& aCentre, bool aFlipLeftRight )
    // flipping the footprint is relative to the X axis
    if( aFlipLeftRight )
        SetTextX( MIRRORVAL( GetTextPos().x, aCentre.x ) );
        SetTextAngle( -GetTextAngle() );
        SetTextY( MIRRORVAL( GetTextPos().y, aCentre.y ) );
        SetTextAngle( ANGLE_180 - GetTextAngle() );

    SetLayer( FlipLayer( GetLayer(), GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount() ) );

    if( ( GetLayerSet() & LSET::SideSpecificMask() ).any() )
        SetMirrored( !IsMirrored() );


bool FP_TEXT::IsParentFlipped() const
    if( GetParent() &&  GetParent()->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
        return true;
    return false;

void FP_TEXT::Mirror( const VECTOR2I& aCentre, bool aMirrorAroundXAxis )
    // the position and justification are mirrored, but not the text itself

    if( aMirrorAroundXAxis )
        if( GetTextAngle() == ANGLE_VERTICAL )
            SetHorizJustify( (GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T) -GetHorizJustify() );

        SetTextY( ::MIRRORVAL( GetTextPos().y, aCentre.y ) );
        if( GetTextAngle() == ANGLE_HORIZONTAL )
            SetHorizJustify( (GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T) -GetHorizJustify() );

        SetTextX( ::MIRRORVAL( GetTextPos().x, aCentre.x ) );


void FP_TEXT::Move( const VECTOR2I& aMoveVector )
    Offset( aMoveVector );

int FP_TEXT::GetLength() const
    return GetText().Len();

void FP_TEXT::SetDrawCoord()
    const FOOTPRINT* parentFootprint = static_cast<const FOOTPRINT*>( m_parent );

    SetTextPos( m_Pos0 );

    if( parentFootprint  )
        VECTOR2I pt = GetTextPos();
        RotatePoint( pt, parentFootprint->GetOrientation() );
        SetTextPos( pt );

        Offset( parentFootprint->GetPosition() );

void FP_TEXT::SetLocalCoord()
    const FOOTPRINT* parentFootprint = static_cast<const FOOTPRINT*>( m_parent );

    if( parentFootprint )
        m_Pos0 = GetTextPos() - parentFootprint->GetPosition();
        RotatePoint( &m_Pos0.x, &m_Pos0.y, - parentFootprint->GetOrientation() );
        m_Pos0 = GetTextPos();

const BOX2I FP_TEXT::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_ANGLE angle = GetDrawRotation();
    BOX2I     bbox = GetTextBox();

    if( !angle.IsZero() )
        bbox = bbox.GetBoundingBoxRotated( GetTextPos(), angle );

    return bbox;

EDA_ANGLE FP_TEXT::GetDrawRotation() const
    FOOTPRINT* parentFootprint = static_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( m_parent );
    EDA_ANGLE  rotation = GetTextAngle();

    if( parentFootprint )
        rotation += parentFootprint->GetOrientation();

    if( IsKeepUpright() )
        // Keep angle between ]-90 .. 90 deg]. Otherwise the text is not easy to read
        while( rotation > ANGLE_90 )
            rotation -= ANGLE_180;

        while( rotation <= -ANGLE_90 )
            rotation += ANGLE_180;

    return rotation;

void FP_TEXT::GetMsgPanelInfo( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aFrame, std::vector<MSG_PANEL_ITEM>& aList )
    wxString msg;

    static const wxString text_type_msg[3] =
        _( "Reference" ), _( "Value" ), _( "Text" )

    if( aFrame->GetName() == PCB_EDIT_FRAME_NAME )
        FOOTPRINT* fp = static_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( m_parent );

        if( fp )
            aList.emplace_back( _( "Footprint" ), fp->GetReference() );

    // Don't use GetShownText() here; we want to show the user the variable references
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Text" ), UnescapeString( GetText() ) );

    wxASSERT( m_Type >= TEXT_is_REFERENCE && m_Type <= TEXT_is_DIVERS );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Type" ), text_type_msg[m_Type] );

    if( aFrame->GetName() == PCB_EDIT_FRAME_NAME && IsLocked() )
        aList.emplace_back( _( "Status" ), _( "Locked" ) );

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Display" ), IsVisible() ? _( "Yes" ) : _( "No" ) );

    // Display text layer
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Layer" ), GetLayerName() );

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Mirror" ), IsMirrored() ? _( "Yes" ) : _( "No" ) );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), GetTextAngle().AsDegrees() );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Angle" ), msg );

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Font" ), GetFont() ? GetFont()->GetName() : _( "Default" ) );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Thickness" ), aFrame->MessageTextFromValue( GetTextThickness() ) );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Width" ), aFrame->MessageTextFromValue( GetTextWidth() ) );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Height" ), aFrame->MessageTextFromValue( GetTextHeight() ) );

wxString FP_TEXT::GetSelectMenuText( UNITS_PROVIDER* aUnitsProvider ) const
    switch( m_Type )
    case TEXT_is_REFERENCE:
        return wxString::Format( _( "Reference '%s'" ),
                                 static_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( GetParent() )->GetReference() );

    case TEXT_is_VALUE:
        return wxString::Format( _( "Value '%s' of %s" ),
                                 static_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( GetParent() )->GetReference() );

        return wxString::Format( _( "Footprint Text '%s' of %s" ),
                                 KIUI::EllipsizeMenuText( GetShownText() ),
                                 static_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( GetParent() )->GetReference() );

BITMAPS FP_TEXT::GetMenuImage() const
    return BITMAPS::text;

EDA_ITEM* FP_TEXT::Clone() const
    return new FP_TEXT( *this );

const BOX2I FP_TEXT::ViewBBox() const
    EDA_ANGLE angle = GetDrawRotation();
    BOX2I     text_area = GetTextBox();

    if( !angle.IsZero() )
        text_area = text_area.GetBoundingBoxRotated( GetTextPos(), angle );

    return BOX2I( text_area.GetPosition(), text_area.GetSize() );

void FP_TEXT::ViewGetLayers( int aLayers[], int& aCount ) const
    if( IsVisible() )
        aLayers[0] = GetLayer();
        aLayers[0] = LAYER_MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE;

    aCount = 1;

double FP_TEXT::ViewGetLOD( int aLayer, KIGFX::VIEW* aView ) const
    constexpr double HIDE = (double)std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    if( !aView )
        return 0.0;

    // Hidden text gets put on the LAYER_MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE for rendering, but
    // should only render if its native layer is visible.
    if( !aView->IsLayerVisible( GetLayer() ) )
        return HIDE;

    // Handle Render tab switches
    if( m_Type == TEXT_is_VALUE || GetText() == wxT( "${VALUE}" ) )
        if( !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_VALUES ) )
            return HIDE;

    if( m_Type == TEXT_is_REFERENCE || GetText() == wxT( "${REFERENCE}" ) )
        if( !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_REFERENCES ) )
            return HIDE;

    if( !IsParentFlipped() && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_FR ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( IsParentFlipped() && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_BK ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_TEXT ) )
        return HIDE;

    // Other layers are shown without any conditions
    return 0.0;

wxString FP_TEXT::GetShownText( int aDepth, bool aAllowExtraText ) const
    const FOOTPRINT* parentFootprint = static_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( GetParent() );
    wxASSERT( parentFootprint );
    const BOARD*  board = parentFootprint->GetBoard();

    std::function<bool( wxString* )> footprintResolver =
            [&]( wxString* token ) -> bool
                return parentFootprint && parentFootprint->ResolveTextVar( token, aDepth );

    std::function<bool( wxString* )> boardTextResolver =
            [&]( wxString* token ) -> bool
                return board->ResolveTextVar( token, aDepth + 1 );

    wxString text = EDA_TEXT::GetShownText();

    if( HasTextVars() )
        PROJECT* project = nullptr;

        if( parentFootprint && parentFootprint->GetParent() )
            project = static_cast<BOARD*>( parentFootprint->GetParent() )->GetProject();

        if( aDepth < 10 )
            text = ExpandTextVars( text, &footprintResolver, &boardTextResolver, project );

    return text;

std::shared_ptr<SHAPE> FP_TEXT::GetEffectiveShape( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, FLASHING aFlash ) const
    return GetEffectiveTextShape();

void FP_TEXT::TransformTextToPolySet( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aBuffer, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, int aClearance,
                                      int aError, ERROR_LOC aErrorLoc ) const
    KIFONT::FONT*              font = getDrawFont();
    int                        penWidth = GetEffectiveTextPenWidth();

    // Note: this function is mainly used in 3D viewer.
    // the polygonal shape of a text can have many basic shapes,
    // so combining these shapes can be very useful to create a final shape
    // swith a lot less vertices to speedup calculations using this final shape
    // Simplify shapes is not usually always efficient, but in this case it is.
    SHAPE_POLY_SET buffer;

    CALLBACK_GAL callback_gal( empty_opts,
            // Stroke callback
            [&]( const VECTOR2I& aPt1, const VECTOR2I& aPt2 )
                TransformOvalToPolygon( buffer, aPt1, aPt2, penWidth + ( 2 * aClearance ), aError,
                                        ERROR_INSIDE );
            // Triangulation callback
            [&]( const VECTOR2I& aPt1, const VECTOR2I& aPt2, const VECTOR2I& aPt3 )

                for( const VECTOR2I& point : { aPt1, aPt2, aPt3 } )
                    buffer.Append( point.x, point.y );
            } );

    TEXT_ATTRIBUTES attrs = GetAttributes();
    attrs.m_Angle = GetDrawRotation();

    font->Draw( &callback_gal, GetShownText(), GetTextPos(), attrs );

    buffer.Simplify( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
    aBuffer.Append( buffer );

void FP_TEXT::TransformShapeToPolygon( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aBuffer, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, int aClearance,
                                       int aError, ERROR_LOC aErrorLoc, bool aIgnoreLineWidth ) const
    SHAPE_POLY_SET buffer;

    EDA_TEXT::TransformBoundingBoxToPolygon( &buffer, aClearance );
    aBuffer.Append( buffer );

wxString FP_TEXT::GetParentAsString() const
    if( FOOTPRINT* fp = dynamic_cast<FOOTPRINT*>( m_parent ) )
        return fp->GetReference();

    return m_parent->m_Uuid.AsString();

static struct FP_TEXT_DESC
        PROPERTY_MANAGER& propMgr = PROPERTY_MANAGER::Instance();
        propMgr.AddTypeCast( new TYPE_CAST<FP_TEXT, BOARD_ITEM> );
        propMgr.AddTypeCast( new TYPE_CAST<FP_TEXT, EDA_TEXT> );
        propMgr.InheritsAfter( TYPE_HASH( FP_TEXT ), TYPE_HASH( BOARD_ITEM ) );
        propMgr.InheritsAfter( TYPE_HASH( FP_TEXT ), TYPE_HASH( EDA_TEXT ) );

        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<FP_TEXT, wxString>( _HKI( "Parent" ),
                    NO_SETTER( FP_TEXT, wxString ), &FP_TEXT::GetParentAsString ) );