/* * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 1992-2015 jean-pierre.charras * Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Kicad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "attenuators/attenuator_classes.h" #include "class_regulator_data.h" #include "pcb_calculator_frame.h" #include "pcb_calculator_settings.h" // extension of pcb_calculator data filename: const wxString DataFileNameExt( wxT("pcbcalc") ); PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME( KIWAY* aKiway, wxWindow* aParent ) : PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME_BASE( aParent ) { SetKiway( this, aKiway ); m_currTransLine = NULL; m_currTransLineType = DEFAULT_TYPE; m_currAttenuator = NULL; m_RegulatorListChanged = false; m_TWMode = TW_MASTER_CURRENT; m_TWNested = false; SHAPE_POLY_SET dummy; // A ugly trick to force the linker to include // some methods in code and avoid link errors // Populate transline list ordered like in dialog menu list const static TRANSLINE_TYPE_ID tltype_list[8] = { MICROSTRIP_TYPE, CPW_TYPE, GROUNDED_CPW_TYPE, RECTWAVEGUIDE_TYPE, COAX_TYPE, C_MICROSTRIP_TYPE, STRIPLINE_TYPE, TWISTEDPAIR_TYPE }; for( int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++ ) m_transline_list.push_back( new TRANSLINE_IDENT( tltype_list[ii] ) ); // Populate attenuator list ordered like in dialog menu list m_attenuator_list.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_PI() ); m_attenuator_list.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_TEE() ); m_attenuator_list.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_BRIDGE() ); m_attenuator_list.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_SPLITTER() ); m_currAttenuator = m_attenuator_list[0]; LoadSettings( config() ); ReadDataFile(); TranslineTypeSelection( m_currTransLineType ); m_TranslineSelection->SetSelection( m_currTransLineType ); TW_Init(); // Track Width VS_Init(); // Via Size ES_Init(); // E-Series SetAttenuator( m_AttenuatorsSelection->GetSelection() ); ToleranceSelection( m_rbToleranceSelection->GetSelection() ); BoardClassesUpdateData( m_BoardClassesUnitsSelector->GetUnitScale() ); ElectricalSpacingUpdateData( m_ElectricalSpacingUnitsSelector->GetUnitScale() ); m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Append( m_RegulatorList.GetRegList() ); SelectLastSelectedRegulator(); // Give an icon wxIcon icon; icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_pcbcalculator_xpm ) ); SetIcon( icon ); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); // Set previous size and position SetSize( m_framePos.x, m_framePos.y, m_frameSize.x, m_frameSize.y ); if( m_framePos == wxDefaultPosition ) Centre(); } PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::~PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME() { for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_transline_list.size(); ii++ ) delete m_transline_list[ii]; for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_attenuator_list.size(); ii++ ) delete m_attenuator_list[ii]; /* This needed for OSX: avoids furter OnDraw processing after this * destructor and before the native window is destroyed */ this->Freeze(); } void PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::OnClosePcbCalc( wxCloseEvent& event ) { if( m_RegulatorListChanged ) { if( GetDataFilename().IsEmpty() ) { int opt = wxMessageBox( _("Data modified, and no data filename to save modifications\n"\ "Do you want to exit and abandon your change?"), _("Regulator list change"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION ); if( opt == wxNO ) return; } else { if( !WriteDataFile() ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _("Unable to write file \"%s\"\n"\ "Do you want to exit and abandon your change?"), GetDataFilename() ); int opt = wxMessageBox( msg, _("Write Data File Error"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_ERROR ); if( opt == wxNO ) return; } } } event.Skip(); // Destroy(); } void PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::LoadSettings( APP_SETTINGS_BASE* aCfg ) { if( aCfg == NULL ) return; EDA_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings( aCfg ); PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS* cfg = static_cast( aCfg ); m_currTransLineType = static_cast( cfg->m_TransLine.type ); m_Notebook->ChangeSelection( cfg->m_LastPage ); m_rbToleranceSelection->SetSelection( cfg->m_ColorCodeTolerance ); m_AttenuatorsSelection->SetSelection( cfg->m_Attenuators.type ); m_BoardClassesUnitsSelector->SetSelection( cfg->m_BoardClassUnits ); // Regul panel config: m_RegulR1Value->SetValue( cfg->m_Regulators.r1 ); m_RegulR2Value->SetValue( cfg->m_Regulators.r2 ); m_RegulVrefValue->SetValue( cfg->m_Regulators.vref ); m_RegulVoutValue->SetValue( cfg->m_Regulators.vout ); SetDataFilename( cfg->m_Regulators.data_file ); m_lastSelectedRegulatorName = cfg->m_Regulators.selected_regulator; m_choiceRegType->SetSelection( cfg->m_Regulators.type ); wxRadioButton* regprms[3] = { m_rbRegulR1, m_rbRegulR2, m_rbRegulVout }; if( cfg->m_Regulators.last_param >= 3 ) cfg->m_Regulators.last_param = 0; for( int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ ) regprms[ii]->SetValue( cfg->m_Regulators.last_param == ii ); // Electrical panel config m_ElectricalSpacingUnitsSelector->SetSelection( cfg->m_Electrical.spacing_units ); m_ElectricalSpacingVoltage->SetValue( cfg->m_Electrical.spacing_voltage ); for( auto& transline : m_transline_list ) transline->ReadConfig(); for( auto& attenuator : m_attenuator_list ) attenuator->ReadConfig(); } void PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::SaveSettings( APP_SETTINGS_BASE* aCfg ) { if( aCfg == NULL ) return; EDA_BASE_FRAME::SaveSettings( aCfg ); // Save current parameters values in config. auto cfg = dynamic_cast( Kiface().KifaceSettings() ); if( cfg ) { cfg->m_LastPage = m_Notebook->GetSelection(); cfg->m_TransLine.type = m_currTransLineType; cfg->m_Attenuators.type = m_AttenuatorsSelection->GetSelection(); cfg->m_ColorCodeTolerance = m_rbToleranceSelection->GetSelection(); cfg->m_BoardClassUnits = m_BoardClassesUnitsSelector->GetSelection(); cfg->m_Electrical.spacing_units = m_ElectricalSpacingUnitsSelector->GetSelection(); cfg->m_Electrical.spacing_voltage = m_ElectricalSpacingVoltage->GetValue(); Regulators_WriteConfig( cfg ); } TW_WriteConfig(); VS_WriteConfig(); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_transline_list.size(); ii++ ) m_transline_list[ii]->WriteConfig(); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_attenuator_list.size(); ii++ ) m_attenuator_list[ii]->WriteConfig(); } /** * Function OnTranslineAnalyse * Run a new analyse for the current transline with current parameters * and displays the electrical parameters */ void PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::OnTranslineAnalyse( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_currTransLine ) { TransfDlgDataToTranslineParams(); m_currTransLine->analyze(); } } /** * Function OnTranslineSynthetize * Run a new synthezis for the current transline with current parameters * and displays the geometrical parameters */ void PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::OnTranslineSynthetize( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_currTransLine ) { TransfDlgDataToTranslineParams(); m_currTransLine->synthesize(); } } void PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::OnPaintTranslinePanel( wxPaintEvent& event ) { wxPaintDC dc( m_panelDisplayshape ); TRANSLINE_IDENT* tr_ident = m_transline_list[m_currTransLineType]; if( tr_ident ) { wxSize size = m_panelDisplayshape->GetSize(); size.x -= tr_ident->m_Icon->GetWidth(); size.y -= tr_ident->m_Icon->GetHeight(); dc.DrawBitmap( *tr_ident->m_Icon, size.x / 2, size.y / 2 ); } event.Skip(); } /* returns the full filename of the selected pcb_calculator data file * the extension file is forced */ const wxString PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::GetDataFilename() { if( m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) return wxEmptyString; wxFileName fn( m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->GetValue() ); fn.SetExt( DataFileNameExt ); return fn.GetFullPath(); } /* Initialize the full filename of the selected pcb_calculator data file * force the standard extension of the file (.pcbcalc) * aFilename = the full filename, with or without extension */ void PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::SetDataFilename( const wxString & aFilename) { if( aFilename.IsEmpty() ) m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); else { wxFileName fn( aFilename ); fn.SetExt( DataFileNameExt ); m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->SetValue( fn.GetFullPath() ); } }