/***************************************/ /** menucfg : configuration de CVPCB **/ /***************************************/ /* cree et/ou affiche et modifie la configuration de CVPCB */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "common.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "gestfich.h" #include "cvpcb.h" #include "protos.h" #include "cvstruct.h" /*****************************************/ /* classe pour la frame de Configuration */ /*****************************************/ #include "dialog_cvpcb_config.cpp" /***************************************************/ void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::CreateConfigWindow() /***************************************************/ /* Creation de la fenetre de configuration de CVPCB */ { KiConfigCvpcbFrame* ConfigFrame = new KiConfigCvpcbFrame( this ); ConfigFrame->ShowModal(); ConfigFrame->Destroy(); } /*********************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::SetDialogDatas() /*********************************************/ { wxConfig* cfg = wxGetApp().m_EDA_CommonConfig; m_ListLibr->InsertItems( g_LibName_List, 0 ); m_ListEquiv->InsertItems( g_ListName_Equ, 0 ); m_LibDirCtrl = new WinEDA_EnterText( this, _( "Lib Dir:" ), g_UserLibDirBuffer, m_RightBoxSizer, wxDefaultSize ); m_NetInputExtCtrl = new WinEDA_EnterText( this, _( "Net Input Ext:" ), g_NetlistFileExtension, m_NetExtBoxSizer, wxDefaultSize ); wxString DocModuleFileName = cfg->Read( DOC_FOOTPRINTS_LIST_KEY, DEFAULT_FOOTPRINTS_LIST_FILENAME ); m_TextHelpModulesFileName = new WinEDA_EnterText( this, _( "Module Doc File:" ), DocModuleFileName, m_RightBoxSizer, wxDefaultSize ); /* Create info on Files ext */ wxStaticText* StaticText; wxString text; text.Printf( wxT( "%s .%s" ), _( "Cmp ext:" ), ComponentFileExtension.c_str() ); StaticText = new wxStaticText( this, -1, text ); m_FileExtList->Add( StaticText, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxADJUST_MINSIZE ); text.Printf( wxT( "%s .%s" ), _( "Lib ext:" ), ModuleFileExtension.c_str() ); StaticText = new wxStaticText( this, -1, text ); m_FileExtList->Add( StaticText, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxADJUST_MINSIZE ); text.Printf( wxT( "%s .%s" ), _( "NetOut ext:" ), NetExtBuffer.c_str() ); StaticText = new wxStaticText( this, -1, text ); m_FileExtList->Add( StaticText, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxADJUST_MINSIZE ); text.Printf( wxT( "%s .%s" ), _( "Equiv ext:" ), EquivFileExtension.c_str() ); StaticText = new wxStaticText( this, -1, text ); m_FileExtList->Add( StaticText, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxADJUST_MINSIZE ); text.Printf( wxT( "%s .%s" ), _( "Retro ext:" ), RetroFileExtension.c_str() ); StaticText = new wxStaticText( this, -1, text ); m_FileExtList->Add( StaticText, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxADJUST_MINSIZE ); } /********************************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::AcceptCfg( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************/ { Update(); Close(); } /**********************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::Update() /**********************************/ { wxASSERT( wxGetApp().m_EDA_CommonConfig != NULL ); wxString msg; wxConfig* cfg = wxGetApp().m_EDA_CommonConfig; if( !m_DoUpdate ) return; g_NetlistFileExtension = m_NetInputExtCtrl->GetValue(); cfg->Write( DOC_FOOTPRINTS_LIST_KEY, m_TextHelpModulesFileName->GetValue() ); msg = m_LibDirCtrl->GetValue(); if( msg != g_UserLibDirBuffer ) { g_UserLibDirBuffer = m_LibDirCtrl->GetValue(); listlib(); m_Parent->BuildFootprintListBox(); } } /****************************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::SaveCfg( wxCommandEvent& event ) /****************************************************/ { WinEDA_CvpcbFrame* parent = ( WinEDA_CvpcbFrame* )GetParent(); wxASSERT( parent && parent->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( WinEDA_CvpcbFrame ) ) ); Update(); Save_Config( this, parent->m_NetlistFileName.GetFullPath() ); } /******************************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::ReadOldCfg( wxCommandEvent& event ) { WinEDA_CvpcbFrame* parent = ( WinEDA_CvpcbFrame* )GetParent(); wxASSERT( parent && parent->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( WinEDA_CvpcbFrame ) ) ); wxFileName fn = parent->m_NetlistFileName; fn.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension ); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Load Project File" ), fn.GetPath(), fn.GetFullName(), ProjectFileWildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; Read_Config( dlg.GetPath() ); m_DoUpdate = FALSE; Close( TRUE ); } /*******************************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::LibDelFct( wxCommandEvent& event ) /*******************************************************/ { int ii; ii = m_ListLibr->GetSelection(); if( ii < 0 ) return; g_LibName_List.RemoveAt( ii ); /* suppression de la reference dans la liste des librairies */ m_ListLibr->Delete( ii ); g_UserLibDirBuffer = m_LibDirCtrl->GetValue(); listlib(); m_Parent->BuildFootprintListBox(); } /********************************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::LibAddFct( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************/ { int ii; wxFileName fn; wxString tmp; wxArrayString Filenames; ii = m_ListLibr->GetSelection(); if( ii == wxNOT_FOUND && event.GetId() != ADD_LIB ) ii = 0; Update(); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Foot Print Library Files" ), g_RealLibDirBuffer, wxEmptyString, ModuleFileWildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_MULTIPLE | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; dlg.GetPaths( Filenames ); if( Filenames.GetCount() == 0 ) return; for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < Filenames.GetCount(); jj++ ) { fn = Filenames[jj]; /* If the library path is already in the library search paths * list, just add the library name to the list. Otherwise, add * the library name with the full path. */ if( wxGetApp().GetLibraryPathList().Index( fn.GetPath() ) == wxNOT_FOUND ) tmp = fn.GetPathWithSep() + fn.GetName(); else tmp = fn.GetName(); // Add or insert new library name. if( g_LibName_List.Index( tmp, fn.IsCaseSensitive() ) == wxNOT_FOUND ) { if( event.GetId() == ADD_LIB ) g_LibName_List.Add( tmp ); else g_LibName_List.Insert( tmp, ii++ ); } else { wxString msg = wxT( "<" ) + tmp + wxT( "> : " ) + _( "Library already in use" ); DisplayError( this, msg ); } } g_UserLibDirBuffer = m_LibDirCtrl->GetValue(); listlib(); m_Parent->BuildFootprintListBox(); m_ListLibr->Clear(); m_ListLibr->InsertItems( g_LibName_List, 0 ); } /********************************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::EquDelFct( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************/ { int ii; ii = m_ListEquiv->GetSelection(); if( ii < 0 ) return; g_ListName_Equ.RemoveAt( ii ); m_ListEquiv->Delete( ii ); } /********************************************************/ void KiConfigCvpcbFrame::EquAddFct( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************/ { int ii; wxFileName fn; wxString libName; ii = m_ListEquiv->GetSelection(); if( event.GetId() == ADD_EQU ) ii++; /* Ajout apres selection */ if( ii < 0 ) ii = 0; Update(); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Open Footprint Alias Files" ), g_RealLibDirBuffer, wxEmptyString, EquivFileWildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_MULTIPLE | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; wxArrayString Filenames; dlg.GetFilenames( Filenames ); if( Filenames.GetCount() == 0 ) return; for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < Filenames.GetCount(); jj++ ) { fn = Filenames[jj]; /* Use the file name without extension if the library path is * already in the default library search path. Otherwise, use * the full path and file name without the extension. */ if( wxGetApp().GetLibraryPathList().Index( fn.GetPath() ) == wxNOT_FOUND ) libName = fn.GetPathWithSep() + fn.GetName(); else libName = fn.GetName(); //Add or insert new equiv library name if( g_ListName_Equ.Index( libName ) == wxNOT_FOUND ) { g_ListName_Equ.Insert( libName, ii++ ); } else { wxString msg; msg << wxT( "<" ) << libName << wxT( "> : " ) << _( "Library already in use" ); DisplayError( this, msg ); } } /* Update display list */ g_UserLibDirBuffer = m_LibDirCtrl->GetValue(); listlib(); m_ListEquiv->Clear(); m_ListEquiv->InsertItems( g_ListName_Equ, 0 ); }