/****************************************/ /* Module to load/save EESchema files. */ /****************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" //#include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "id.h" /* Format des fichiers: * - entete: * EESchema Schematic File Version n * - liste des librairies utilisees * LIBS:lib1,lib2,... * * - description des elements: * - ici Dimensions du schema, cartouche..: * $Descr A3 xx yy (format A3 (A..A0 / A..E / "user") xx yy = dims internes ) * $EndDescr * * - ici: polyline * P L 0 3 * 2208 1008 * 2208 1136 * 2128 1136 * * - ici: Segment (wire, bus) ( 1; W = segment type Wire, 2: W = Wire B = Bus * 3: L ou B = epaisseur ( L = ligne, B = bus) * W W L (W B B si bus) * 1856 1008 1856 1136 (debut X,Y fin X,Y) * * - ici: Raccord (wire, bus) * R W L * 1856 1008 1856 1136 (debut X,Y fin X,Y) * * - ici: Sheet ( Sous-feuille de hierarchie) * $Sheet * S 1856 1008 1856 1136 (debut X,Y fin X,Y) * F0 "texte" X X posx posy ; sheetname * F1 "texte" X X posx posy ; filename * Fn "label" type side posx posy size ; n lignes de label * $EndSheet * * - ici: composant * $Comp * L CAPACITOR C1 H H -30863 -14794 1968 1184 nom, ref, dir et pos * 1 2016 1136 1904 1024 2128 1248 multi, posx,y, rect encadrement * 1 0 0 -1 matrice de rotation/miroir * $EndComp */ /* Fonctions locales */ static int ReadPartDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f, BASE_SCREEN* Window ); static int ReadSheetDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f, BASE_SCREEN* Window ); static int ReadSchemaDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f, BASE_SCREEN* Window ); static void LoadLayers( FILE* f, int* linecnt ); /* Variables locales */ static int LineCount; /* Decompte de num de ligne lue dans eeload() */ static wxString MsgDiag; /* Error and log messages */ /************************************************************************************************/ bool WinEDA_SchematicFrame::LoadOneEEFile( SCH_SCREEN* screen, const wxString& FullFileName ) /************************************************************************************************/ /* Routine to load an EESchema file. * Returns TRUE if file has been loaded (at least partially.) */ { char Line[1024], * SLine; char Name1[256], Name2[256]; int ii, layer, orient, size; wxPoint pos; bool Failed = FALSE; SCH_ITEM* Phead, * Pnext; DrawJunctionStruct* ConnectionStruct; DrawPolylineStruct* PolylineStruct; EDA_DrawLineStruct* SegmentStruct; DrawBusEntryStruct* RaccordStruct; DrawMarkerStruct* MarkerStruct; DrawNoConnectStruct* NoConnectStruct; FILE* f; if( screen == NULL ) return FALSE; if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; screen->SetCurItem( NULL ); screen->m_FileName = FullFileName; LineCount = 1; if( ( f = wxFopen( FullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) ) ) == NULL ) { MsgDiag = _( "Failed to open " ) + FullFileName; DisplayError( this, MsgDiag ); return FALSE; } MsgDiag = _( "Loading " ) + screen->m_FileName; PrintMsg( MsgDiag ); if( fgets( Line, 1024 - 1, f ) == NULL || strncmp( Line + 9, SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING, sizeof(SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING) - 1 ) != 0 ) { MsgDiag = FullFileName + _( " is NOT an EESchema file!" ); DisplayError( this, MsgDiag ); fclose( f ); return FALSE; } //get the file version here. TODO: Support version numbers > 9 char version = Line[9 + sizeof(SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING)]; int ver = version - '0'; if( ver > EESCHEMA_VERSION ) { MsgDiag = FullFileName + _( " was created by a more recent version of EESchema and may not load correctly. Please consider updating!" ); DisplayInfo( this, MsgDiag ); } #if 0 // Compile it if the new versiopn is unreadable by previous eeschema versions else if( ver < EESCHEMA_VERSION ) { MsgDiag = FullFileName + _( " was created by an older version of EESchema. It will be stored in the new file format when you save this file again." ); DisplayInfo( this, MsgDiag ); } #endif LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 1024 - 1, f ) == NULL || strncmp( Line, "LIBS:", 5 ) != 0 ) { MsgDiag = FullFileName + _( " is NOT an EESchema file!" ); DisplayError( this, MsgDiag ); fclose( f ); return FALSE; } LoadLayers( f, &LineCount ); while( !feof( f ) && GetLine( f, Line, &LineCount, sizeof(Line) ) != NULL ) { SLine = Line; while( (*SLine != ' ' ) && *SLine ) SLine++; switch( Line[0] ) { case '$': /* identification de bloc */ if( Line[1] == 'C' ) { Failed = ReadPartDescr( this, Line, f, screen ); } else if( Line[1] == 'S' ) { Failed = ReadSheetDescr( this, Line, f, screen ); } else if( Line[1] == 'D' ) { Failed = ReadSchemaDescr( this, Line, f, screen ); } break; case 'L': /* Its a library item. */ Failed = ReadPartDescr( this, Line, f, screen ); break; /* Fin lecture 1 composant */ case 'W': /* Its a Segment (WIRE or BUS) item. */ if( sscanf( SLine, "%s %s", Name1, Name2 ) != 2 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file Segment struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; break; } layer = LAYER_NOTES; if( Name1[0] == 'W' ) layer = LAYER_WIRE; if( Name1[0] == 'B' ) layer = LAYER_BUS; SegmentStruct = new EDA_DrawLineStruct( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), layer ); LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL || sscanf( Line, "%d %d %d %d ", &SegmentStruct->m_Start.x, &SegmentStruct->m_Start.y, &SegmentStruct->m_End.x, &SegmentStruct->m_End.y ) != 4 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file Segment struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; SAFE_DELETE( SegmentStruct ); break; } if( !Failed ) { SegmentStruct->SetNext( screen->EEDrawList ); screen->EEDrawList = SegmentStruct; } break; case 'E': /* Its a Raccord (WIRE or BUS) item. */ if( sscanf( SLine, "%s %s", Name1, Name2 ) != 2 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file record struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; break; } ii = WIRE_TO_BUS; if( Name1[0] == 'B' ) ii = BUS_TO_BUS; RaccordStruct = new DrawBusEntryStruct( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), '\\', ii ); LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL || sscanf( Line, "%d %d %d %d ", &RaccordStruct->m_Pos.x, &RaccordStruct->m_Pos.y, &RaccordStruct->m_Size.x, &RaccordStruct->m_Size.y ) != 4 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file Raccord struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; SAFE_DELETE( RaccordStruct ); break; } if( !Failed ) { RaccordStruct->m_Size.x -= RaccordStruct->m_Pos.x; RaccordStruct->m_Size.y -= RaccordStruct->m_Pos.y; RaccordStruct->SetNext( screen->EEDrawList ); screen->EEDrawList = RaccordStruct; } break; case 'P': /* Its a polyline item. */ if( sscanf( SLine, "%s %s %d", Name1, Name2, &ii ) != 3 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file polyline struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; break; } layer = LAYER_NOTES; if( Name2[0] == 'W' ) layer = LAYER_WIRE; if( Name2[0] == 'B' ) layer = LAYER_BUS; PolylineStruct = new DrawPolylineStruct( layer ); PolylineStruct->m_NumOfPoints = ii; PolylineStruct->m_Points = (int*) MyZMalloc( sizeof(int) * 2 * PolylineStruct->m_NumOfPoints ); for( ii = 0; ii < PolylineStruct->m_NumOfPoints; ii++ ) { LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL || sscanf( Line, "%d %d", &PolylineStruct->m_Points[ii * 2], &PolylineStruct->m_Points[ii * 2 + 1] ) != 2 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file polyline struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; SAFE_DELETE( PolylineStruct ); break; } } if( !Failed ) { PolylineStruct->SetNext( screen->EEDrawList ); screen->EEDrawList = PolylineStruct; } break; case 'C': /* Its a connection item. */ ConnectionStruct = new DrawJunctionStruct( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) ); if( sscanf( SLine, "%s %d %d", Name1, &ConnectionStruct->m_Pos.x, &ConnectionStruct->m_Pos.y ) != 3 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file connection struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; SAFE_DELETE( ConnectionStruct ); } else { ConnectionStruct->SetNext( screen->EEDrawList ); screen->EEDrawList = ConnectionStruct; } break; case 'N': /* Its a NoConnect item. */ if( sscanf( SLine, "%s %d %d", Name1, &pos.x, &pos.y ) != 3 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file NoConnect struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; } else { NoConnectStruct = new DrawNoConnectStruct( pos ); NoConnectStruct->SetNext( screen->EEDrawList ); screen->EEDrawList = NoConnectStruct; } break; case 'K': /* Its a MarKer item. */ if( sscanf( SLine, "%s %d %d", Name1, &pos.x, &pos.y ) != 3 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file marker struct error line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; } else { char* text; char BufLine[1024]; MarkerStruct = new DrawMarkerStruct( pos, wxEmptyString ); ii = ReadDelimitedText( BufLine, Line, 256 ); MarkerStruct->m_Type = (TypeMarker) ( (Name1[0] & 255) - 'A' ); if( MarkerStruct->m_Type < 0 ) MarkerStruct->m_Type = MARQ_UNSPEC; if( ii ) MarkerStruct->m_Comment = CONV_FROM_UTF8( BufLine ); text = strstr( Line, " F=" ); if( text ) { sscanf( text + 3, "%X", &ii ); MarkerStruct->m_MarkFlags = ii; } MarkerStruct->SetNext( screen->EEDrawList ); screen->EEDrawList = MarkerStruct; } break; case 'T': /* Its a text item. */ { SCH_ITEM* Struct = NULL; *Name1 = *Name2 = 0; ii = sscanf( SLine, "%s %d %d %d %d %s", Name1, &pos.x, &pos.y, &orient, &size, Name2 ); if( ii < 4 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file text struct error line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; } else if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL ) { LineCount++; MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file text struct error line %d (No text), aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; } else { LineCount++; if( size == 0 ) size = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT; char* text = strtok( Line, "\n\r" ); if( text == NULL ) break; if( Name1[0] == 'L' ) { SCH_LABEL* TextStruct = new SCH_LABEL( pos, CONV_FROM_UTF8 ( text ) ); TextStruct->m_Size.x = TextStruct->m_Size.y = size; TextStruct->m_Orient = orient; Struct = TextStruct; } else if( Name1[0] == 'G' && version > '1' ) { SCH_GLOBALLABEL* TextStruct = new SCH_GLOBALLABEL( pos, CONV_FROM_UTF8 ( text ) ); Struct = TextStruct; TextStruct->m_Size.x = TextStruct->m_Size.y = size; TextStruct->m_Orient = orient; TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_INPUT; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_OUTPUT] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_OUTPUT; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_BIDI] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_BIDI; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_TRISTATE] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_TRISTATE; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_UNSPECIFIED] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_UNSPECIFIED; } else if( (Name1[0] == 'H') || (Name1[0] == 'G' && version == '1') ) { //in schematic file version 1, glabels were actually hierarchal labels. SCH_HIERLABEL* TextStruct = new SCH_HIERLABEL( pos, CONV_FROM_UTF8 ( text ) ); Struct = TextStruct; TextStruct->m_Size.x = TextStruct->m_Size.y = size; TextStruct->m_Orient = orient; TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_INPUT; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_OUTPUT] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_OUTPUT; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_BIDI] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_BIDI; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_TRISTATE] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_TRISTATE; if( stricmp( Name2, SheetLabelType[NET_UNSPECIFIED] ) == 0 ) TextStruct->m_Shape = NET_UNSPECIFIED; } else { SCH_TEXT* TextStruct = new SCH_TEXT( pos, CONV_FROM_UTF8 ( text ) ); TextStruct->m_Size.x = TextStruct->m_Size.y = size; TextStruct->m_Orient = orient; Struct = TextStruct; } if( Struct ) { Struct->SetNext( screen->EEDrawList ); screen->EEDrawList = Struct; } } break; } default: Failed = FALSE; MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file undef structdef at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); break; } if( Failed ) { DisplayError( this, MsgDiag ); break; } } /* EEDrawList was constructed in reverse order - reverse it back: */ Phead = NULL; while( screen->EEDrawList ) { Pnext = screen->EEDrawList; screen->EEDrawList = screen->EEDrawList->Next(); Pnext->SetNext( Phead ); Phead = Pnext; } screen->EEDrawList = Phead; #if 0 && defined (DEBUG) screen->Show( 0, std::cout ); #endif fclose( f ); TestDanglingEnds( screen->EEDrawList, NULL ); MsgDiag = _( "Done Loading " ) + screen->m_FileName; PrintMsg( MsgDiag ); return TRUE; /* Although it may be that file is only partially loaded. */ } /*************************************************************/ static int ReadPartDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f, BASE_SCREEN* Window ) /*************************************************************/ /* Fonction utilisee par LoadEEFile(). * Lit les lignes relatives a la description d'un composant en schema */ { int ii; char Name1[256], Name2[256], Char1[256], Char2[256], Char3[256]; SCH_COMPONENT* component; int Failed = 0, newfmt = 0; char* ptcar; wxString fieldName; component = new SCH_COMPONENT(); component->m_Convert = 1; if( Line[0] == '$' ) { newfmt = 1; LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == 0 ) return TRUE; } /* Traitement de la 1ere ligne de description */ if( sscanf( &Line[1], "%s %s", Name1, Name2 ) != 2 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema Component descr error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; return Failed; } if( strcmp( Name1, NULL_STRING ) != 0 ) { for( ii = 0; ii < (int) strlen( Name1 ); ii++ ) if( Name1[ii] == '~' ) Name1[ii] = ' '; component->m_ChipName = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name1 ); if( !newfmt ) component->GetField( VALUE )->m_Text = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name1 ); } else { component->m_ChipName.Empty(); component->GetField( VALUE )->m_Text.Empty(); component->GetField( VALUE )->m_Orient = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ; component->GetField( VALUE )->m_Attributs = TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; } if( strcmp( Name2, NULL_STRING ) != 0 ) { bool isDigit = false; for( ii = 0; ii < (int) strlen( Name2 ); ii++ ) { if( Name2[ii] == '~' ) Name2[ii] = ' '; // get RefBase from this, too. store in Name1. if( Name2[ii] >= '0' && Name2[ii] <= '9' ) { isDigit = true; Name1[ii] = 0; //null-terminate. } if( !isDigit ) { Name1[ii] = Name2[ii]; } } Name1[ii] = 0; //just in case int jj; for( jj = 0; jjm_PrefixString = wxT( "U" ); } else { component->m_PrefixString = CONV_FROM_UTF8( &Name1[jj] ); //printf("prefix: %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8(component->m_PrefixString)); } if( !newfmt ) component->GetField( REFERENCE )->m_Text = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name2 ); } else { component->GetField( REFERENCE )->m_Attributs = TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; } /* Traitement des autres lignes de description */ /* Ces lignes commencent par: * "P " = position * "U " = Num Unit, et Conversion * "Fn" = Champs ( n = 0.. = numero de champ ) * "Ar" = AlternateReference, in the case of multiple sheets * referring to one schematic file. */ /* Lecture des champs */ for( ; ; ) { LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL ) return TRUE; if( Line[0] == 'U' ) /* Lecture num multi, conversion et time stamp */ { sscanf( Line + 1, "%d %d %lX", &component->m_Multi, &component->m_Convert, &component->m_TimeStamp ); } else if( Line[0] == 'P' ) { sscanf( Line + 1, "%d %d", &component->m_Pos.x, &component->m_Pos.y ); } else if( Line[0] == 'A' && Line[1] == 'R' ) { /* format: * AR Path="/9086AF6E/67452AA0" Ref="C99" Part="1" * where 9086AF6E is the unique timestamp of the containing sheet * and 67452AA0 is the timestamp of this component. * C99 is the reference given this path. */ int ii; ptcar = Line + 2; //copy the path. ii = ReadDelimitedText( Name1, ptcar, 255 ); ptcar += ii + 1; wxString path = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name1 ); // copy the reference ii = ReadDelimitedText( Name1, ptcar, 255 ); ptcar += ii + 1; wxString ref = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name1 ); // copy the multi, if exists ii = ReadDelimitedText( Name1, ptcar, 255 ); if( Name1[0] == 0 ) // Nothing read, put a default value sprintf( Name1, "%d", component->m_Multi ); int multi = atoi( Name1 ); if( multi < 0 || multi > 25 ) multi = 1; component->AddHierarchicalReference( path, ref, multi ); component->GetField( REFERENCE )->m_Text = ref; } else if( Line[0] == 'F' ) { int fieldNdx; char FieldUserName[1024]; int hjustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER; int vjustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER; FieldUserName[0] = 0; /* Lecture du champ */ ptcar = Line; while( *ptcar && (*ptcar != '"') ) ptcar++; if( *ptcar != '"' ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file lib field F at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); return TRUE; } for( ptcar++, ii = 0; ; ii++, ptcar++ ) { Name1[ii] = *ptcar; if( *ptcar == 0 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "Component field F at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); return TRUE; } if( *ptcar == '"' ) { Name1[ii] = 0; ptcar++; break; } } fieldNdx = atoi( Line+2 ); ReadDelimitedText( FieldUserName, ptcar, sizeof(FieldUserName) ); if( !FieldUserName[0] ) fieldName = ReturnDefaultFieldName( fieldNdx ); else fieldName = CONV_FROM_UTF8( FieldUserName ); if( fieldNdx >= component->GetFieldCount() ) { // add as many fields as needed so the m_FieldId's are contiguous, no gaps. while( fieldNdx >= component->GetFieldCount() ) { int newNdx = component->GetFieldCount(); SCH_CMP_FIELD f( wxPoint(0,0), newNdx, component, fieldName ); component->AddField( f ); } } else { component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Name = fieldName; } component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Text = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name1 ); if( ( ii = sscanf( ptcar, "%s %d %d %d %X %s %s", Char1, &component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Pos.x, &component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Pos.y, &component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Size.x, &component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Attributs, Char2, Char3 ) ) < 4 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "Component Field error line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); DisplayError( frame, MsgDiag ); continue; } if( (component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Size.x == 0 ) || (ii == 4) ) component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Size.x = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT; component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Orient = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ; component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Size.y = component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Size.x; if( Char1[0] == 'V' ) component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Orient = TEXT_ORIENT_VERT; if( ii >= 7 ) { if( *Char2 == 'L' ) hjustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT; else if( *Char2 == 'R' ) hjustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT; if( *Char3 == 'B' ) vjustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM; else if( *Char3 == 'T' ) vjustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP; component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_HJustify = hjustify; component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_VJustify = vjustify; } if( fieldNdx == REFERENCE ) if( component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Text[0] == '#' ) component->GetField( fieldNdx )->m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; } else break; } /* Lecture multi et position du composant */ if( sscanf( Line, "%d %d %d", &component->m_Multi, &component->m_Pos.x, &component->m_Pos.y ) != 3 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "Component unit & pos error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; return Failed; } /* Lecture de la matrice de miroir / rotation */ LineCount++; if( (fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL) || (sscanf( Line, "%d %d %d %d", &component->m_Transform[0][0], &component->m_Transform[0][1], &component->m_Transform[1][0], &component->m_Transform[1][1] ) != 4) ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "Component orient error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; return Failed; } if( newfmt ) { LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL ) return TRUE; if( strnicmp( "$End", Line, 4 ) != 0 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "Component End expected at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; } } if( !Failed ) { component->SetNext( Window->EEDrawList ); Window->EEDrawList = component; component->SetParent( Window ); } return Failed; /* Fin lecture 1 composant */ } /*************************************************************************************/ static int ReadSheetDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f, BASE_SCREEN* Window ) /*************************************************************************************/ /* Fonction utilisee par LoadEEFile(). * Lit les lignes relatives a la description d'une feuille de hierarchie */ { int ii, fieldNdx, size; char Name1[256], Char1[256], Char2[256]; DrawSheetStruct* SheetStruct; Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* SheetLabelStruct, * OldSheetLabel = NULL; int Failed = FALSE; char* ptcar; SheetStruct = new DrawSheetStruct(); SheetStruct->m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(); //sheets are added to the EEDrawList like other schematic components. //however, in order to preserve the heirarchy (through m_Parent pointers), //a duplicate of the sheet is added to m_SubSheet array. //must be a duplicate, references just work for a two-layer structure. //this is accomplished through the Sync() function. if( Line[0] == '$' ) /* Ligne doit etre "$Sheet" */ { LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == 0 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "Read File Errror" ) ); return TRUE; } } /* Next line: must be "S xx yy nn mm" with xx, yy = sheet position * ( upper left corner ) et nn,mm = sheet size */ if( (sscanf( &Line[1], "%d %d %d %d", &SheetStruct->m_Pos.x, &SheetStruct->m_Pos.y, &SheetStruct->m_Size.x, &SheetStruct->m_Size.y ) != 4) || (Line[0] != 'S' ) ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( " ** EESchema file sheet struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; return Failed; } /* Lecture des champs */ for( ; ; ) /* Analyse des lignes "Fn "texte" .." */ { LineCount++; if( fgets( Line, 256 - 1, f ) == NULL ) return TRUE; if( Line[0] == 'U' ) { sscanf( Line + 1, "%lX", &(SheetStruct->m_TimeStamp) ); if( SheetStruct->m_TimeStamp == 0 ) //zero is not unique! SheetStruct->m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(); continue; } if( Line[0] != 'F' ) break; sscanf( Line + 1, "%d", &fieldNdx ); /* Lecture du champ : * si fieldNdx >= 2 : Fn "texte" t s posx posy * sinon F0 "texte" pour sheetname * et F1 "texte" pour filename */ ptcar = Line; while( *ptcar && (*ptcar != '"') ) ptcar++; if( *ptcar != '"' ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( " ** EESchema file sheet label F%d at line %d, aborted" ), fieldNdx, LineCount ); return TRUE; } for( ptcar++, ii = 0; ; ii++, ptcar++ ) { Name1[ii] = *ptcar; if( *ptcar == 0 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( " ** EESchema file sheet field F at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); return TRUE; } if( *ptcar == '"' ) { Name1[ii] = 0; ptcar++; break; } } if( ( fieldNdx == 0 ) || ( fieldNdx == 1 ) ) { if( sscanf( ptcar, "%d", &size ) != 1 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( " ** EESchema file sheet Label Caract error line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); DisplayError( frame, MsgDiag ); } if( size == 0 ) size = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT; if( fieldNdx == 0 ) { SheetStruct->m_SheetName = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name1 ); SheetStruct->m_SheetNameSize = size; } else { SheetStruct->SetFileName( CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name1 ) ); //printf("in ReadSheetDescr : SheetStruct->m_FileName = %s \n", Name1); SheetStruct->m_FileNameSize = size; } } if( fieldNdx > 1 ) { SheetLabelStruct = new Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct( SheetStruct, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), CONV_FROM_UTF8 ( Name1 ) ); if( SheetStruct->m_Label == NULL ) OldSheetLabel = SheetStruct->m_Label = SheetLabelStruct; else OldSheetLabel->SetNext( (EDA_BaseStruct*) SheetLabelStruct ); OldSheetLabel = SheetLabelStruct; /* Lecture des coordonnees */ if( sscanf( ptcar, "%s %s %d %d %d", Char1, Char2, &SheetLabelStruct->m_Pos.x, &SheetLabelStruct->m_Pos.y, &size ) != 5 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( " ** EESchema file Sheet Label Caract error line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); DisplayError( frame, MsgDiag ); continue; } if( size == 0 ) size = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT; SheetLabelStruct->m_Size.x = SheetLabelStruct->m_Size.y = size; /* Mise a jour des cadrage et type */ switch( Char1[0] ) { case 'I': SheetLabelStruct->m_Shape = NET_INPUT; break; case 'O': SheetLabelStruct->m_Shape = NET_OUTPUT; break; case 'B': SheetLabelStruct->m_Shape = NET_BIDI; break; case 'T': SheetLabelStruct->m_Shape = NET_TRISTATE; break; case 'U': SheetLabelStruct->m_Shape = NET_UNSPECIFIED; break; } if( Char2[0] == 'R' ) SheetLabelStruct->m_Edge = 1; } } if( strnicmp( "$End", Line, 4 ) != 0 ) { MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( " **EESchema file end_sheet struct error at line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); Failed = TRUE; } if( !Failed ) { SheetStruct->SetNext( Window->EEDrawList ); Window->EEDrawList = SheetStruct; SheetStruct->SetParent( Window ); } return Failed; /* Fin lecture 1 composant */ } /******************************************************************/ static int ReadSchemaDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f, BASE_SCREEN* Window ) /******************************************************************/ /* Analyse de l'entete du schema ( dims feuille, cartouche..) */ { char Text[256], buf[1024]; int ii; Ki_PageDescr* wsheet = &g_Sheet_A4; static Ki_PageDescr* SheetFormatList[] = { &g_Sheet_A4, &g_Sheet_A3, &g_Sheet_A2, &g_Sheet_A1, &g_Sheet_A0, &g_Sheet_A, &g_Sheet_B, &g_Sheet_C, &g_Sheet_D, &g_Sheet_E, &g_Sheet_user, NULL }; wxSize PageSize; sscanf( Line, "%s %s %d %d", Text, Text, &PageSize.x, &PageSize.y ); /* Recherche de la descr correspondante: */ wxString pagename = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Text ); for( ii = 0; SheetFormatList[ii] != NULL; ii++ ) { wsheet = SheetFormatList[ii]; if( wsheet->m_Name.CmpNoCase( pagename ) == 0 ) { /* Descr found ! */ if( wsheet == &g_Sheet_user ) // Get the user page size and make it the default { g_Sheet_user.m_Size = PageSize; } break; } } if( SheetFormatList[ii] == NULL ) { /* Erreur ici: descr non trouvee */ MsgDiag.Printf( wxT( "EESchema file Dims Caract error line %d, aborted" ), LineCount ); DisplayError( frame, MsgDiag ); } /* Ajuste ecran */ Window->m_CurrentSheetDesc = wsheet; /* Recheche suite et fin de descr */ for( ; ; ) { if( GetLine( f, Line, &LineCount, 1024 ) == NULL ) return TRUE; if( strnicmp( Line, "$End", 4 ) == 0 ) break; if( strnicmp( Line, "Sheet", 2 ) == 0 ) sscanf( Line + 5, " %d %d", &Window->m_ScreenNumber, &Window->m_NumberOfScreen ); if( strnicmp( Line, "Title", 2 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Title = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } if( strnicmp( Line, "Date", 2 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Date = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } if( strnicmp( Line, "Rev", 2 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Revision = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } if( strnicmp( Line, "Comp", 4 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Company = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } if( strnicmp( Line, "Comment1", 8 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Commentaire1 = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } if( strnicmp( Line, "Comment2", 8 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Commentaire2 = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } if( strnicmp( Line, "Comment3", 8 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Commentaire3 = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } if( strnicmp( Line, "Comment4", 8 ) == 0 ) { ReadDelimitedText( buf, Line, 256 ); Window->m_Commentaire4 = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf ); continue; } } return FALSE; } /***********************************/ static void LoadLayers( FILE* f, int* linecnt ) /***********************************/ /* Load the Layer Struct from a file */ { int cnt = 0, Number; char Line[1024]; //int Mode,Color,Layer; char Name[256]; GetLine( f, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) ); /* read line */ (*linecnt)++; sscanf( Line, "%s %d %d", Name, &Number, &g_LayerDescr.CurrentLayer ); if( strcmp( Name, "EELAYER" ) !=0 ) { /* error : init par defaut */ Number = MAX_LAYER; } if( Number <= 0 ) Number = MAX_LAYER; if( Number > MAX_LAYER ) Number = MAX_LAYER; g_LayerDescr.NumberOfLayers = Number; while( GetLine( f, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) ) ) { (*linecnt)++; if( strnicmp( Line, "EELAYER END", 11 ) == 0 ) break; cnt++; } }