/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2014 John Beard, john.j.beard@gmail.com * Copyright (C) 1992-2014 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialog_create_array.h" // initialise statics DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::CREATE_ARRAY_DIALOG_ENTRIES DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::m_options; DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY( PCB_BASE_FRAME* aParent, bool enableNumbering, wxPoint aOrigPos ) : DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY_BASE( aParent ), CONFIG_SAVE_RESTORE_WINDOW( m_options.m_optionsSet ), m_settings( NULL ), m_originalItemPosition( aOrigPos ), m_numberingEnabled(enableNumbering) { // Set up numbering scheme drop downs // // character set // NOTE: do not change the order of this relative to the ARRAY_NUMBERING_TYPE_T enum const wxString charSetDescriptions[] = { _( "Numerals (0,1,2,...,9,10)" ), _( "Hexadecimal (0,1,...,F,10,...)" ), _( "Alphabet, minus IOSQXZ" ), _( "Alphabet, full 26 characters" ) }; m_choicePriAxisNumbering->Set( DIM( charSetDescriptions ), charSetDescriptions ); m_choiceSecAxisNumbering->Set( DIM( charSetDescriptions ), charSetDescriptions ); m_choicePriAxisNumbering->SetSelection( 0 ); m_choiceSecAxisNumbering->SetSelection( 0 ); Add( m_entryNx, m_options.m_gridNx ); Add( m_entryNy, m_options.m_gridNy ); Add( m_entryDx, m_options.m_gridDx ); Add( m_entryDy, m_options.m_gridDy ); Add( m_entryOffsetX, m_options.m_gridOffsetX ); Add( m_entryOffsetY, m_options.m_gridOffsetY ); Add( m_entryStagger, m_options.m_gridStagger ); Add( m_radioBoxGridStaggerType, m_options.m_gridStaggerType ); Add( m_radioBoxGridNumberingAxis, m_options.m_gridNumberingAxis ); Add( m_checkBoxGridReverseNumbering, m_options.m_gridNumberingReverseAlternate ); Add( m_entryCentreX, m_options.m_circCentreX ); Add( m_entryCentreY, m_options.m_circCentreY ); Add( m_entryCircAngle, m_options.m_circAngle ); Add( m_entryCircCount, m_options.m_circCount ); Add( m_entryRotateItemsCb, m_options.m_circRotate ); Add( m_entryCircNumberingStart, m_options.m_circNumberingOffset ); Add( m_gridTypeNotebook, m_options.m_arrayTypeTab ); Add( m_radioBoxGridNumberingScheme, m_options.m_grid2dArrayNumbering ); Add( m_choicePriAxisNumbering, m_options.m_gridPriAxisNumScheme ); Add( m_choiceSecAxisNumbering, m_options.m_gridSecAxisNumScheme ); Add( m_entryGridPriNumberingOffset, m_options.m_gridPriNumberingOffset ); Add( m_entryGridSecNumberingOffset, m_options.m_gridSecNumberingOffset ); RestoreConfigToControls(); // Load units into labels { const wxString lengthUnit = GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ); m_unitLabelCentreX->SetLabelText( lengthUnit ); m_unitLabelCentreY->SetLabelText( lengthUnit ); m_unitLabelDx->SetLabelText( lengthUnit ); m_unitLabelDy->SetLabelText( lengthUnit ); m_unitLabelOffsetX->SetLabelText( lengthUnit ); m_unitLabelOffsetY->SetLabelText( lengthUnit ); } // Run the callbacks once to process the dialog contents setControlEnablement(); calculateCircularArrayProperties(); m_stdButtonsOK->SetDefault(); Fit(); SetMinSize( GetSize() ); } DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::~DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY() { if( m_settings != NULL ) delete m_settings; } void DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::OnParameterChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) { setControlEnablement(); calculateCircularArrayProperties(); } static const wxString& alphabetFromNumberingScheme( DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_NUMBERING_TYPE_T type ) { static const wxString alphaNumeric = "0123456789"; static const wxString alphaHex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static const wxString alphaFull = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; static const wxString alphaNoIOSQXZ = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRTUVWY"; switch( type ) { default: case DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::NUMBERING_NUMERIC: break; case DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::NUMBERING_HEX: return alphaHex; case DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::NUMBERING_ALPHA_NO_IOSQXZ: return alphaNoIOSQXZ; case DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::NUMBERING_ALPHA_FULL: return alphaFull; } return alphaNumeric; } /** * @return False for schemes like 0,1...9,10 * True for schemes like A,B..Z,AA (where the tens column starts with char 0) */ static bool schemeNonUnitColsStartAt0( DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_NUMBERING_TYPE_T type ) { return type == DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::NUMBERING_ALPHA_FULL || type == DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::NUMBERING_ALPHA_NO_IOSQXZ; } static bool getNumberingOffset( const wxString& str, DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_NUMBERING_TYPE_T type, int& offsetToFill ) { const wxString& alphabet = alphabetFromNumberingScheme( type ); int offset = 0; const int radix = alphabet.length(); for( unsigned i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) { int chIndex = alphabet.Find( str[i], false ); if( chIndex == wxNOT_FOUND ) return false; const bool start0 = schemeNonUnitColsStartAt0( type ); // eg "AA" is actually index 27, not 26 if( start0 && i < str.length() - 1 ) chIndex++; offset *= radix; offset += chIndex; } offsetToFill = offset; return true; } /** * Validates and saves (if valid) the type and offset of an array axis numbering * * @param offsetEntry the entry of the offset (text) * @param typeEntry the entry of the axis nmbering scheme (choice) * @param type the destination of the type if valid * @param offset the destination of the offset if valid * @param errors error string accumulator * @return if all valid */ static bool validateNumberingTypeAndOffset( const wxTextCtrl& offsetEntry, const wxChoice& typeEntry, DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_NUMBERING_TYPE_T& type, int& offset, wxArrayString& errors ) { const int typeVal = typeEntry.GetSelection(); // mind undefined casts to enums (should not be able to happen) bool ok = typeVal <= DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::NUMBERING_TYPE_MAX; if( ok ) { type = (DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_NUMBERING_TYPE_T) typeVal; } else { wxString err; err.Printf( _("Unrecognised numbering scheme: %d"), typeVal ); errors.Add( err ); // we can't proceed - we don't know the numbering type return false; } const wxString text = offsetEntry.GetValue(); ok = getNumberingOffset( text, type, offset ); if( !ok ) { const wxString& alphabet = alphabetFromNumberingScheme( type ); wxString err; err.Printf( _( "Could not determine numbering start from \"%s\": " "expected value consistent with alphabet \"%s\"" ), text, alphabet ); errors.Add(err); } return ok; } /** * Validate and save a long integer entry * * @param entry the text entry to read from * @param dest the value destination * @param description description of the field (used if the value is not OK) * @param errors a list of errors to add any error to * @return valid */ static bool validateLongEntry( const wxTextEntry& entry, long& dest, const wxString& description, wxArrayString& errors ) { bool ok = true; if( !entry.GetValue().ToLong( &dest ) ) { wxString err; err.Printf( _("Bad numeric value for %s: %s"), description, entry.GetValue() ); errors.Add( err ); ok = false; } return ok; } void DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { ARRAY_OPTIONS* newSettings = NULL; wxArrayString errorStrs; const wxWindow* page = m_gridTypeNotebook->GetCurrentPage(); if( page == m_gridPanel ) { ARRAY_GRID_OPTIONS* newGrid = new ARRAY_GRID_OPTIONS(); bool ok = true; // ints ok = ok && validateLongEntry(*m_entryNx, newGrid->m_nx, _("horizontal count"), errorStrs); ok = ok && validateLongEntry(*m_entryNy, newGrid->m_ny, _("vertical count"), errorStrs); newGrid->m_delta.x = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryDx->GetValue() ); newGrid->m_delta.y = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryDy->GetValue() ); newGrid->m_offset.x = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryOffsetX->GetValue() ); newGrid->m_offset.y = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryOffsetY->GetValue() ); ok = ok && validateLongEntry(*m_entryStagger, newGrid->m_stagger, _("stagger"), errorStrs); newGrid->m_stagger_rows = m_radioBoxGridStaggerType->GetSelection() == 0; newGrid->m_horizontalThenVertical = m_radioBoxGridNumberingAxis->GetSelection() == 0; newGrid->m_reverseNumberingAlternate = m_checkBoxGridReverseNumbering->GetValue(); newGrid->m_shouldNumber = m_numberingEnabled; if ( m_numberingEnabled ) { newGrid->m_2dArrayNumbering = m_radioBoxGridNumberingScheme->GetSelection() != 0; bool numOk = validateNumberingTypeAndOffset( *m_entryGridPriNumberingOffset, *m_choicePriAxisNumbering, newGrid->m_priAxisNumType, newGrid->m_numberingOffsetX, errorStrs ); if( newGrid->m_2dArrayNumbering ) { numOk = validateNumberingTypeAndOffset( *m_entryGridSecNumberingOffset, *m_choiceSecAxisNumbering, newGrid->m_secAxisNumType, newGrid->m_numberingOffsetY, errorStrs ) && numOk; } ok = ok && numOk; newGrid->m_numberingStartIsSpecified = m_rbGridStartNumberingOpt->GetSelection() == 1; } // Only use settings if all values are good if( ok ) newSettings = newGrid; else delete newGrid; } else if( page == m_circularPanel ) { ARRAY_CIRCULAR_OPTIONS* newCirc = new ARRAY_CIRCULAR_OPTIONS(); bool ok = true; newCirc->m_centre.x = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryCentreX->GetValue() ); newCirc->m_centre.y = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryCentreY->GetValue() ); newCirc->m_angle = DoubleValueFromString( DEGREES, m_entryCircAngle->GetValue() ); ok = ok && validateLongEntry(*m_entryCircCount, newCirc->m_nPts, _("point count"), errorStrs); newCirc->m_rotateItems = m_entryRotateItemsCb->GetValue(); newCirc->m_shouldNumber = m_numberingEnabled; if ( m_numberingEnabled ) { newCirc->m_numberingStartIsSpecified = m_rbCircStartNumberingOpt->GetSelection() == 1; newCirc->m_numberingType = NUMBERING_NUMERIC; ok = ok && validateLongEntry(*m_entryCircNumberingStart, newCirc->m_numberingOffset, _("numbering start"), errorStrs); } // Only use settings if all values are good if( ok ) newSettings = newCirc; else delete newCirc; } // If we got good settings, send them out and finish if( newSettings ) { delete m_settings; // assign pointer and ownership here m_settings = newSettings; ReadConfigFromControls(); EndModal( wxID_OK ); } else { wxString errorStr; if( errorStrs.IsEmpty() ) errorStr = _("Bad parameters"); else errorStr = boost::algorithm::join( errorStrs, "\n" ); wxMessageBox( errorStr ); } } void DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::setControlEnablement() { if ( m_numberingEnabled ) { const bool renumber = m_rbGridStartNumberingOpt->GetSelection() == 1; // If we're not renumbering, we can't set the numbering scheme // or axis numbering types m_radioBoxGridNumberingScheme->Enable( renumber ); m_labelPriAxisNumbering->Enable( renumber ); m_choicePriAxisNumbering->Enable( renumber ); // Disable the secondary axis numbering option if the // numbering scheme doesn't have two axes const bool num2d = m_radioBoxGridNumberingScheme->GetSelection() != 0; m_labelSecAxisNumbering->Enable( renumber && num2d ); m_choiceSecAxisNumbering->Enable( renumber && num2d ); // We can only set an offset if we renumber m_labelGridNumberingOffset->Enable( renumber ); m_entryGridPriNumberingOffset->Enable( renumber ); m_entryGridSecNumberingOffset->Enable( renumber && num2d ); m_entryCircNumberingStart->Enable( m_rbCircStartNumberingOpt->GetSelection() == 1 ); } else { // grid m_rbGridStartNumberingOpt->Enable( false ); m_checkBoxGridReverseNumbering->Enable( false ); m_radioBoxGridNumberingAxis->Enable( false ); m_radioBoxGridNumberingScheme->Enable( false ); m_choiceSecAxisNumbering->Enable( false ); m_choicePriAxisNumbering->Enable( false ); m_entryGridPriNumberingOffset->Enable( false ); m_entryGridSecNumberingOffset->Enable( false ); // circular m_rbCircStartNumberingOpt->Enable( false ); m_entryCircNumberingStart->Enable( false ); } } void DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::calculateCircularArrayProperties() { wxPoint centre; centre.x = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryCentreX->GetValue() ); centre.y = DoubleValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_entryCentreY->GetValue() ); // Find the radius, etc of the circle centre -= m_originalItemPosition; const double radius = VECTOR2I(centre.x, centre.y).EuclideanNorm(); m_labelCircRadiusValue->SetLabelText( StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, int(radius), true ) ); } // ARRAY OPTION implementation functions -------------------------------------- wxString DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_OPTIONS::getCoordinateNumber( int n, ARRAY_NUMBERING_TYPE_T type ) { wxString itemNum; const wxString& alphabet = alphabetFromNumberingScheme( type ); const bool nonUnitColsStartAt0 = schemeNonUnitColsStartAt0( type ); bool firstRound = true; int radix = alphabet.Length(); do { int modN = n % radix; if( nonUnitColsStartAt0 && !firstRound ) modN--; // Start the "tens/hundreds/etc column" at "Ax", not "Bx" itemNum.insert( 0, 1, alphabet[modN] ); n /= radix; firstRound = false; } while( n ); return itemNum; } wxString DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_OPTIONS::InterpolateNumberIntoString( int aN, const wxString& aPattern ) const { wxString newStr( aPattern ); newStr.Replace( "%s", GetItemNumber( aN ), false ); return newStr; } int DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_GRID_OPTIONS::GetArraySize() const { return m_nx * m_ny; } wxPoint DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_GRID_OPTIONS::getGridCoords( int n ) const { const int axisSize = m_horizontalThenVertical ? m_nx : m_ny; int x = n % axisSize; int y = n / axisSize; // reverse on this row/col? if( m_reverseNumberingAlternate && ( y % 2 ) ) x = axisSize - x - 1; wxPoint coords( x, y ); return coords; } void DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_GRID_OPTIONS::TransformItem( int n, BOARD_ITEM* item, const wxPoint& rotPoint ) const { wxPoint point; wxPoint coords = getGridCoords( n ); // swap axes if needed if( !m_horizontalThenVertical ) std::swap( coords.x, coords.y ); point.x = coords.x * m_delta.x + coords.y * m_offset.x; point.y = coords.y * m_delta.y + coords.x * m_offset.y; if( std::abs( m_stagger ) > 1 ) { const int stagger = std::abs( m_stagger ); const bool sr = m_stagger_rows; const int stagger_idx = ( ( sr ? coords.y : coords.x ) % stagger ); wxPoint stagger_delta( ( sr ? m_delta.x : m_offset.x ), ( sr ? m_offset.y : m_delta.y ) ); // Stagger to the left/up if the sign of the stagger is negative point += stagger_delta * copysign( stagger_idx, m_stagger ) / stagger; } // this is already relative to the first array entry item->Move( point ); } wxString DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_GRID_OPTIONS::GetItemNumber( int n ) const { wxString itemNum; if( m_2dArrayNumbering ) { wxPoint coords = getGridCoords( n ); itemNum += getCoordinateNumber( coords.x + m_numberingOffsetX, m_priAxisNumType ); itemNum += getCoordinateNumber( coords.y + m_numberingOffsetY, m_secAxisNumType ); } else { itemNum += getCoordinateNumber( n + m_numberingOffsetX, m_priAxisNumType ); } return itemNum; } int DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_CIRCULAR_OPTIONS::GetArraySize() const { return m_nPts; } void DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_CIRCULAR_OPTIONS::TransformItem( int n, BOARD_ITEM* item, const wxPoint& rotPoint ) const { double angle; if( m_angle == 0 ) // angle is zero, divide evenly into m_nPts angle = 3600.0 * n / double( m_nPts ); else // n'th step angle = m_angle * n; item->Rotate( m_centre, angle ); // take off the rotation (but not the translation) if needed if( !m_rotateItems ) item->Rotate( item->GetCenter(), -angle ); } wxString DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY::ARRAY_CIRCULAR_OPTIONS::GetItemNumber( int aN ) const { return getCoordinateNumber( aN + m_numberingOffset, m_numberingType ); }