/* This file is part of libeval, a simple math expression evaluator Copyright (C) 2017 Michael Geselbracht, mgeselbracht3@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ %token_type { numEval::TokenType } %extra_argument { NumericEvaluator* pEval } %nonassoc VAR ASSIGN SEMCOL. %left PLUS MINUS. %right UNIT. %left DIVIDE MULT. %include { #include #include "numeric_evaluator.h" } %syntax_error { pEval->parseError("Syntax error"); } %parse_accept { pEval->parseOk(); } main ::= in. /* Allow multiple statements in input string: x=1; y=2 */ in ::= stmt. in ::= in stmt. /* A statement can be empty, an expr or an expr followed by ';' */ stmt ::= ENDS. stmt ::= expr(A) ENDS. { pEval->parseSetResult(A.valid ? A.dValue : NAN); } stmt ::= expr SEMCOL. { pEval->parseSetResult(NAN); } expr(A) ::= VALUE(B). { A.dValue = B.dValue; A.valid=true; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) UNIT(C). { A.dValue = B.dValue * C.dValue; A.valid=B.valid; } expr(A) ::= MINUS expr(B). { A.dValue = -B.dValue; A.valid=B.valid; } expr(A) ::= VAR(B). { A.dValue = pEval->GetVar(B.text); A.valid=true; } expr(A) ::= VAR(B) ASSIGN expr(C). { pEval->SetVar(B.text, C.dValue); A.dValue = C.dValue; A.valid=false; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) PLUS expr(C). { A.dValue = B.dValue + C.dValue; A.valid=C.valid; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) MINUS expr(C). { A.dValue = B.dValue - C.dValue; A.valid=C.valid; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) MULT expr(C). { A.dValue = B.dValue * C.dValue; A.valid=C.valid; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) DIVIDE expr(C). { if (C.dValue != 0.0) { A.dValue = B.dValue / C.dValue; } else pEval->parseError("Div by zero"); A.valid=C.valid; } expr(A) ::= PARENL expr(B) PARENR. { A.dValue = B.dValue; A.valid=B.valid; }