 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Jean-Pierre Charras  jp.charras at wanadoo.fr
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA


#include <vector>
#include <set>

#include <dcode.h>
#include <gerber_draw_item.h>
#include <am_primitive.h>
#include <gbr_netlist_metadata.h>

// An useful macro used when reading gerber files;
#define IsNumber( x ) ( ( ( (x) >= '0' ) && ( (x) <='9' ) )   \
                       || ( (x) == '-' ) || ( (x) == '+' )  || ( (x) == '.' ) )


class D_CODE;

/* Gerber files have different parameters to define units and how items must be plotted.
 * some are for the entire file, and other can change along a file.
 * In Gerber world:
 * an image is the entire gerber file and its "global" parameters
 * a layer (that is very different from a board layer) is just a sub set of a file that
 * have specific parameters
 * if a Image parameter is set more than once, only the last value is used
 * Some parameters can change along a file and are not layer specific: they are stored
 * in GERBER_ITEM items, when instanced.
 * In GerbView, to handle these parameters, there are 2 classes:
 * GERBER_FILE_IMAGE : the main class containing most of parameters and data to plot a
 * graphic layer
 * Some of them can change along the file
 * There is one GERBER_FILE_IMAGE per file and one graphic layer per file or GERBER_FILE_IMAGE
 * GerbView does not read and merge 2 gerber file in one graphic layer:
 * I believe this is not possible due to the constraints in Image parameters.
 * GERBER_LAYER : containing the subset of parameters that is layer specific
 * A GERBER_FILE_IMAGE must include one GERBER_LAYER to define all parameters to plot a file.
 * But a GERBER_FILE_IMAGE can use more than one GERBER_LAYER.


// For arcs, coordinates need 3 info: start point, end point and center or radius
// In Excellon files it can be a A## value (radius) or I#J# center coordinates (like in gerber)
// We need to know the last read type when reading a list of routing coordinates
    ARC_INFO_TYPE_CENTER,   // last info is a IJ command: arc center is given
    ARC_INFO_TYPE_RADIUS,   // last info is a A command: arc radius is given


    void ResetDefaultValues();
    friend class GERBER_FILE_IMAGE;

   // These parameters are layer specific:
    wxString    m_LayerName;            // Layer name, from LN <name>* command
    bool        m_LayerNegative;        // true = Negative Layer: command LP
    wxRealPoint m_StepForRepeat;        // X and Y offsets for Step and Repeat command
    int         m_XRepeatCount;         // The repeat count on X axis
    int         m_YRepeatCount;         // The repeat count on Y axis
    bool        m_StepForRepeatMetric;  // false = Inches, true = metric
                                        // needed here because repeated
                                        // gerber items can have coordinates
                                        // in different units than step parameters
                                        // and the actual coordinates calculation must handle this

 * Hold the image data and parameters for one gerber file and layer parameters.
 * @todo: Move them in #GERBER_LAYER class.
    GERBER_FILE_IMAGE( int layer );
    virtual ~GERBER_FILE_IMAGE();

    wxString GetClass() const override
        return wxT( "GERBER_FILE_IMAGE" );

     * Read and load a gerber file.
     * If the file cannot be loaded, warning and information messages are stored in m_messagesList.
     * @param aFullFileName The full filename of the Gerber file.
     * @return true if file loaded successfully, false if the gerber file was not loaded.
    bool LoadGerberFile( const wxString& aFullFileName );

    const wxArrayString& GetMessages() const { return m_messagesList; }

     * @return the count of Dcode tools in use in the image
    int GetDcodesCount();

     * Set all parameters to a default value, before reading a file
    virtual void ResetDefaultValues();

    COLOR4D GetPositiveDrawColor() const { return m_PositiveDrawColor; }

     * @return a reference to the GERBER_DRAW_ITEMS deque list
    GERBER_DRAW_ITEMS& GetItems() { return m_drawings; }

     * @return the count of GERBER_DRAW_ITEMS in the image
    int GetItemsCount() { return m_drawings.size(); }

     * Add a new GERBER_DRAW_ITEM item to the drawings list
     * @param aItem is the GERBER_DRAW_ITEM to add to list
    void AddItemToList( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aItem )
        m_drawings.push_back( aItem );

     * @return the last GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* item of the items list
    GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* GetLastItemInList() const
        return m_drawings.back();

     * @return the current layers params.
    GERBER_LAYER& GetLayerParams()
        return m_GBRLayerParams;

     * @return true if at least one item must be drawn in background color used to optimize
     *         screen refresh (when no items are in background color refresh can be faster).
    bool HasNegativeItems();

     * Clear the message list.
     * Call it before reading a Gerber file
    void ClearMessageList()

     * Add a message to the message list
    void AddMessageToList( const wxString& aMessage )
        m_messagesList.Add( aMessage );

    void InitToolTable();

     * Return the current coordinate type pointed to by XnnYnn Text (XnnnnYmmmm).
     * @param aText is a pointer to the text to parse.
     * @param aExcellonMode = true to parse a Excellon drill file.
     * it forces truncation of a digit string to a maximum length because the exact coordinate
     * format is not always known.
    wxPoint ReadXYCoord( char*& aText, bool aExcellonMode = false );

     * Return the current coordinate type pointed to by InnJnn Text (InnnnJmmmm)
     * These coordinates are relative, so if coordinate is absent, its value
     * defaults to 0
    wxPoint ReadIJCoord( char*& Text );

    // functions to read G commands or D commands:
    int GCodeNumber( char*& Text );
    int DCodeNumber( char*& Text );

     * Return a pointer to the D_CODE within this GERBER for the given \a aDCODE.
     * @param aDCODE The numeric value of the D_CODE to look up.
     * @param aCreateIfNoExist If true, then create the D_CODE if it does not
     *                         exist in list.
     * @return The one implied by the given \a aDCODE or NULL if the requested \a aDCODE is
     *         out of range.
    D_CODE* GetDCODEOrCreate( int aDCODE, bool aCreateIfNoExist = true );

     * Return a pointer to the D_CODE within this GERBER for the given \a aDCODE.
     * @param aDCODE The numeric value of the D_CODE to look up.
     * @return The D code implied by the given \a aDCODE or NULL if the requested \a aDCODE is
     *         out of range.
    D_CODE* GetDCODE( int aDCODE ) const;

     * Look up a previously read in aperture macro.
     * @param aLookup A dummy APERTURE_MACRO with [only] the name field set.
     * @return the aperture macro with a matching name or NULL if not found.
    APERTURE_MACRO* FindApertureMacro( const APERTURE_MACRO& aLookup );

     * Gerber format has a command Step an Repeat.
     * This function must be called when reading a gerber file and
     * after creating a new gerber item that must be repeated
     * (i.e when m_XRepeatCount or m_YRepeatCount are > 1)
     * @param aItem = the item to repeat
    void StepAndRepeatItem( const GERBER_DRAW_ITEM& aItem );

     * Display information about image parameters in the status bar.
     * @param aMainFrame The #GERBVIEW_FRAME to display messages.
    void DisplayImageInfo( GERBVIEW_FRAME* aMainFrame );

     * Called when a %TD command is found the Gerber file
     * Remove the attribute specified by the %TD command.
     * is no attribute, all current attributes specified by the %TO and the %TA
     * commands are cleared.
     * if a attribute name is specified (for instance %TD.CN*%) is specified,
     * only this attribute is cleared
     * @param aAttribute is the X2_ATTRIBUTE which stores the full command
    void RemoveAttribute( X2_ATTRIBUTE& aAttribute );

    ///< @copydoc EDA_ITEM::Visit()
    SEARCH_RESULT Visit( INSPECTOR inspector, void* testData, const KICAD_T scanTypes[] ) override;

#if defined(DEBUG)

    void    Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) const override { ShowDummy( os ); }


     * Test for an end of line.
     * If a end of line is found, read a new line.
     * @param aBuff = buffer (size = GERBER_BUFZ) to fill with a new line
     * @param aText = pointer to the last useful char in aBuff
     *          on return: points the beginning of the next line.
     * @param aBuffSize = the size in bytes of aBuff
     * @param aFile = the opened GERBER file to read
     * @return a pointer to the beginning of the next line or NULL if end of file
    char* GetNextLine( char *aBuff, unsigned int aBuffSize, char* aText, FILE* aFile );

    bool GetEndOfBlock( char* aBuff, unsigned int aBuffSize, char*& aText, FILE* aGerberFile );

     * Read a single RS274X command terminated with a %
    bool ReadRS274XCommand( char *aBuff, unsigned int aBuffSize, char*& aText );

     * Execute a RS274X command
    bool ExecuteRS274XCommand( int aCommand, char* aBuff, unsigned int aBuffSize, char*& aText );

     * Read two bytes of data and assembles them into an int with the first
     * byte in the sequence put into the most significant part of a 16 bit value
     * to build a RS274X command identifier.
     * @param text A reference to a pointer to read bytes from and to advance as
     *             they are read.
     * @return a RS274X command identifier.
    int ReadXCommandID( char*& text );

     * Read in an aperture macro and saves it in m_aperture_macros.
     * @param aBuff a character buffer at least GERBER_BUFZ long that can be
     *              used to read successive lines from the gerber file.
     * @param text A reference to a character pointer which gives the initial
     *             text to read from.
     * @param aBuffSize is the size of aBuff
     * @param gerber_file Which file to read from for continuation.
     * @return true if a macro was read in successfully, else false.
    bool ReadApertureMacro( char *aBuff, unsigned int aBuffSize,
                            char* & text, FILE * gerber_file );

    // functions to execute G commands or D basic commands:
    bool Execute_G_Command( char*& text, int G_command );
    bool Execute_DCODE_Command( char*& text, int D_command );

    bool               m_InUse;                          // true if this image is currently in use
                                                         // (a file is loaded in it)

    ///< True if the draw layer is visible and must be drawn.
    bool               m_IsVisible;
                                                         // false if it must be not drawn
    COLOR4D            m_PositiveDrawColor;              // The color used to draw positive items
    wxString           m_FileName;                       // Full File Name for this layer
    wxString           m_ImageName;                      // Image name, from IN <name>* command

    ///< True if a X2 gerber attribute was found in file.
    bool               m_IsX2_file;
    X2_ATTRIBUTE_FILEFUNCTION* m_FileFunction;           // file function parameters, found in a
                                                         //  %TF command or a G04
    wxString           m_MD5_value;                      // MD5 value found in a %TF.MD5 command
    wxString           m_PartString;                     // string found in a %TF.Part command
    int                m_GraphicLayer;                   // Graphic layer Number
    bool               m_ImageNegative;                  // true = Negative image

    ///< Image Justify Center on X axis (default = false).
    bool               m_ImageJustifyXCenter;

    ///< Image Justify Center on Y axis (default = false).
    bool               m_ImageJustifyYCenter;

    ///< Image Justify Offset on XY axis (default = 0,0).
    wxPoint            m_ImageJustifyOffset;
    bool               m_GerbMetric;                     // false = Inches, true = metric

    ///< false = absolute Coord, true = relative Coord.
    bool               m_Relative;
    bool               m_NoTrailingZeros;                // true: remove tailing zeros.
    wxPoint            m_ImageOffset;                    // Coord Offset, from IO command

    ///< Fmt 2.3: m_FmtScale = 3, fmt 3.4: m_FmtScale = 4.
    wxSize             m_FmtScale;

    ///< Nb chars per coord. ex fmt 2.3, m_FmtLen = 5.
    wxSize             m_FmtLen;

    ///< Image rotation (0, 90, 180, 270 only) in degrees.
    int                m_ImageRotation;

    ///< Local rotation in degrees added to m_ImageRotation.
    ///< @note This value is stored in 0.1 degrees.
    double             m_LocalRotation;
    wxPoint            m_Offset;                         // Coord Offset, from OF command
    wxRealPoint        m_Scale;                          // scale (X and Y) of layer.
    bool               m_SwapAxis;                       // false (default) if A = X and B = Y
                                                         // true if A = Y, B = X
    bool               m_MirrorA;                        // true: mirror / axis A (X)
    bool               m_MirrorB;                        // true: mirror / axis B (Y)
    int                m_Iterpolation;                   // Linear, 90 arc, Circ.
    int                m_Current_Tool;                   // Current Tool (Dcode) number selected

    ///< Current or last pen state (0..9, set by Dn option with n < 10.
    int                m_Last_Pen_Command;
    int                m_CommandState;                   // state of gerber analysis command.

    ///< Line number of the gerber file while reading.
    int                m_LineNum;
    wxPoint            m_CurrentPos;                     // current specified coord for plot
    wxPoint            m_PreviousPos;                    // old current specified coord for plot
    wxPoint            m_IJPos;                          // IJ coord (for arcs & circles )

    ///< True if a IJ coord was read (for arcs & circles ).
    bool               m_LastCoordIsIJPos;

    ///< A value ( = radius in circular routing in Excellon files ).
    int                m_ArcRadius;

    ///< Identifier for arc data type (IJ (center) or A## (radius)).
    FILE*              m_Current_File;                   // Current file to read

    int                m_Selected_Tool;                  // For highlight: current selected Dcode

    ///< True if has DCodes in file or false if no DCodes found.  Perhaps deprecated RS274D file.
    bool               m_Has_DCode;

    // true = some DCodes in file are not defined (broken file or deprecated RS274D file).
    bool               m_Has_MissingDCode;
    bool               m_360Arc_enbl;                    // Enable 360 deg circular interpolation

    // Set to true when a circular interpolation command type is found. Mandatory before
    // drawing an arc.
    bool               m_AsArcG74G75Cmd;

    // Enable polygon mode (read coord as a polygon descr)
    bool               m_PolygonFillMode;

    // In polygon mode: 0 = first segm, 1 = next segm
    int                m_PolygonFillModeState;

    ///< a collection of APERTURE_MACROS, sorted by name
    APERTURE_MACRO_SET m_aperture_macros;

    // the net attributes set by a %TO.CN, %TO.C and/or %TO.N add object attribute command.
    GBR_NETLIST_METADATA m_NetAttributeDict;

    // the aperture function set by a %TA.AperFunction, xxx (stores the xxx value).
    wxString            m_AperFunction;

    std::map<wxString, int> m_ComponentsList;            // list of components
    std::map<wxString, int> m_NetnamesList;              // list of net names

    ///< Dcode (Aperture) List for this layer (max TOOLS_MAX_COUNT: see dcode.h)
    D_CODE*             m_Aperture_List[TOOLS_MAX_COUNT];

    ///< Whether an aperture macro tool is flashed on or off.
    bool               m_Exposure;

    GERBER_LAYER       m_GBRLayerParams;                 // hold params for the current gerber layer
    GERBER_DRAW_ITEMS  m_drawings;                       // linked list of Gerber Items to draw

    wxArrayString      m_messagesList;         // A list of messages created when reading a file

     * True if the image is negative or has some negative items.
     * Used to optimize drawing because when there are no negative items screen refresh does
     * not need to build an intermediate bitmap specific to this image.
     *  - -1 negative items are.
     *  - 0 no negative items found.
     *  - 1 have negative items found.
    int                m_hasNegativeItems;

#endif  // ifndef GERBER_FILE_IMAGE_H