/* Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). */ #ifndef BOOST_POLYGON_BOOLEAN_OP_45_HPP #define BOOST_POLYGON_BOOLEAN_OP_45_HPP namespace boost { namespace polygon{ template struct boolean_op_45 { typedef point_data Point; typedef typename coordinate_traits::manhattan_area_type LongUnit; class Count2 { public: inline Count2() #ifndef BOOST_POLYGON_MSVC : counts() #endif { counts[0] = counts[1] = 0; } //inline Count2(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; } inline Count2(int count1, int count2) #ifndef BOOST_POLYGON_MSVC : counts() #endif { counts[0] = count1; counts[1] = count2; } inline Count2(const Count2& count) #ifndef BOOST_POLYGON_MSVC : counts() #endif { counts[0] = count.counts[0]; counts[1] = count.counts[1]; } inline bool operator==(const Count2& count) const { return counts[0] == count.counts[0] && counts[1] == count.counts[1]; } inline bool operator!=(const Count2& count) const { return !((*this) == count); } inline Count2& operator=(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; return *this; } inline Count2& operator=(const Count2& count) { counts[0] = count.counts[0]; counts[1] = count.counts[1]; return *this; } inline int& operator[](bool index) { return counts[index]; } inline int operator[](bool index) const {return counts[index]; } inline Count2& operator+=(const Count2& count){ counts[0] += count[0]; counts[1] += count[1]; return *this; } inline Count2& operator-=(const Count2& count){ counts[0] -= count[0]; counts[1] -= count[1]; return *this; } inline Count2 operator+(const Count2& count) const { return Count2(*this)+=count; } inline Count2 operator-(const Count2& count) const { return Count2(*this)-=count; } inline Count2 invert() const { return Count2(-counts[0], -counts[1]); } private: int counts[2]; }; class Count1 { public: inline Count1() : count_(0) { } inline Count1(int count) : count_(count) { } inline Count1(const Count1& count) : count_(count.count_) { } inline bool operator==(const Count1& count) const { return count_ == count.count_; } inline bool operator!=(const Count1& count) const { return !((*this) == count); } inline Count1& operator=(int count) { count_ = count; return *this; } inline Count1& operator=(const Count1& count) { count_ = count.count_; return *this; } inline Count1& operator+=(const Count1& count){ count_ += count.count_; return *this; } inline Count1& operator-=(const Count1& count){ count_ -= count.count_; return *this; } inline Count1 operator+(const Count1& count) const { return Count1(*this)+=count; } inline Count1 operator-(const Count1& count) const { return Count1(*this)-=count; } inline Count1 invert() const { return Count1(-count_); } int count_; }; // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Count2& c) { // o << c[0] << " " << c[1]; // return o; // } template class Scan45ElementT { public: Unit x; Unit y; int rise; //-1, 0, +1 mutable CountType count; inline Scan45ElementT() : x(), y(), rise(), count() {} inline Scan45ElementT(Unit xIn, Unit yIn, int riseIn, CountType countIn = CountType()) : x(xIn), y(yIn), rise(riseIn), count(countIn) {} inline Scan45ElementT(const Scan45ElementT& that) : x(that.x), y(that.y), rise(that.rise), count(that.count) {} inline Scan45ElementT& operator=(const Scan45ElementT& that) { x = that.x; y = that.y; rise = that.rise; count = that.count; return *this; } inline Unit evalAtX(Unit xIn) const { return y + rise * (xIn - x); } inline bool cross(Point& crossPoint, const Scan45ElementT& edge, Unit currentX) const { Unit y1 = evalAtX(currentX); Unit y2 = edge.evalAtX(currentX); int rise1 = rise; int rise2 = edge.rise; if(rise > edge.rise){ if(y1 > y2) return false; } else if(rise < edge.rise){ if(y2 > y1) return false; std::swap(y1, y2); std::swap(rise1, rise2); } else { return false; } if(rise1 == 1) { if(rise2 == 0) { crossPoint = Point(currentX + y2 - y1, y2); } else { //rise2 == -1 Unit delta = (y2 - y1)/2; crossPoint = Point(currentX + delta, y1 + delta); } } else { //rise1 == 0 and rise2 == -1 crossPoint = Point(currentX + y2 - y1, y1); } return true; } }; typedef Scan45ElementT Scan45Element; // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Scan45Element& c) { // o << c.x << " " << c.y << " " << c.rise << " " << c.count; // return o; // } class lessScan45ElementRise : public std::binary_function { public: inline lessScan45ElementRise() {} //default constructor is only constructor inline bool operator () (Scan45Element elm1, Scan45Element elm2) const { return elm1.rise < elm2.rise; } }; template class lessScan45Element { private: Unit *x_; //x value at which to apply comparison int *justBefore_; public: inline lessScan45Element() : x_(0), justBefore_(0) {} inline lessScan45Element(Unit *x, int *justBefore) : x_(x), justBefore_(justBefore) {} inline lessScan45Element(const lessScan45Element& that) : x_(that.x_), justBefore_(that.justBefore_) {} inline lessScan45Element& operator=(const lessScan45Element& that) { x_ = that.x_; justBefore_ = that.justBefore_; return *this; } inline bool operator () (const Scan45ElementT& elm1, const Scan45ElementT& elm2) const { Unit y1 = elm1.evalAtX(*x_); Unit y2 = elm2.evalAtX(*x_); if(y1 < y2) return true; if(y1 == y2) { //if justBefore is true we invert the result of the comparison of slopes if(*justBefore_) { return elm1.rise > elm2.rise; } else { return elm1.rise < elm2.rise; } } return false; } }; template class Scan45CountT { public: inline Scan45CountT() : counts() {} //counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = 0; } inline Scan45CountT(CountType count) : counts() { counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = count; } inline Scan45CountT(const CountType& count1, const CountType& count2, const CountType& count3, const CountType& count4) : counts() { counts[0] = count1; counts[1] = count2; counts[2] = count3; counts[3] = count4; } inline Scan45CountT(const Scan45CountT& count) : counts() { (*this) = count; } inline bool operator==(const Scan45CountT& count) const { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if(counts[i] != count.counts[i]) return false; } return true; } inline bool operator!=(const Scan45CountT& count) const { return !((*this) == count); } inline Scan45CountT& operator=(CountType count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = count; return *this; } inline Scan45CountT& operator=(const Scan45CountT& count) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { counts[i] = count.counts[i]; } return *this; } inline CountType& operator[](int index) { return counts[index]; } inline CountType operator[](int index) const {return counts[index]; } inline Scan45CountT& operator+=(const Scan45CountT& count){ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { counts[i] += count.counts[i]; } return *this; } inline Scan45CountT& operator-=(const Scan45CountT& count){ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { counts[i] -= count.counts[i]; } return *this; } inline Scan45CountT operator+(const Scan45CountT& count) const { return Scan45CountT(*this)+=count; } inline Scan45CountT operator-(const Scan45CountT& count) const { return Scan45CountT(*this)-=count; } inline Scan45CountT invert() const { return Scan45CountT(CountType())-=(*this); } inline Scan45CountT& operator+=(const Scan45ElementT& element){ counts[element.rise+1] += element.count; return *this; } private: CountType counts[4]; }; typedef Scan45CountT Scan45Count; // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Scan45Count& c) { // o << c[0] << ", " << c[1] << ", "; // o << c[2] << ", " << c[3]; // return o; // } // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Scan45Vertex& c) { // o << c.first << ": " << c.second; // return o; // } //vetex45 is sortable template class Vertex45T { public: Point pt; int rise; // 1, 0 or -1 ct count; //dxdydTheta inline Vertex45T() : pt(), rise(), count() {} inline Vertex45T(const Point& point, int riseIn, ct countIn) : pt(point), rise(riseIn), count(countIn) {} inline Vertex45T(const Vertex45T& vertex) : pt(vertex.pt), rise(vertex.rise), count(vertex.count) {} inline Vertex45T& operator=(const Vertex45T& vertex){ pt = vertex.pt; rise = vertex.rise; count = vertex.count; return *this; } inline Vertex45T(const std::pair& vertex) : pt(), rise(), count() {} inline Vertex45T& operator=(const std::pair& vertex){ return *this; } inline bool operator==(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return pt == vertex.pt && rise == vertex.rise && count == vertex.count; } inline bool operator!=(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); } inline bool operator==(const std::pair& vertex) const { return false; } inline bool operator!=(const std::pair& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); } inline bool operator<(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { if(pt.x() < vertex.pt.x()) return true; if(pt.x() == vertex.pt.x()) { if(pt.y() < vertex.pt.y()) return true; if(pt.y() == vertex.pt.y()) { return rise < vertex.rise; } } return false; } inline bool operator>(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return vertex < (*this); } inline bool operator<=(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return !((*this) > vertex); } inline bool operator>=(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return !((*this) < vertex); } inline Unit evalAtX(Unit xIn) const { return pt.y() + rise * (xIn - pt.x()); } }; typedef Vertex45T Vertex45; // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Vertex45& c) { // o << c.pt << " " << c.rise << " " << c.count; // return o; // } //when scanning Vertex45 for polygon formation we need a scanline comparator functor class lessVertex45 { private: Unit *x_; //x value at which to apply comparison int *justBefore_; public: inline lessVertex45() : x_(0), justBefore_() {} inline lessVertex45(Unit *x, int *justBefore) : x_(x), justBefore_(justBefore) {} inline lessVertex45(const lessVertex45& that) : x_(that.x_), justBefore_(that.justBefore_) {} inline lessVertex45& operator=(const lessVertex45& that) { x_ = that.x_; justBefore_ = that.justBefore_; return *this; } template inline bool operator () (const Vertex45T& elm1, const Vertex45T& elm2) const { Unit y1 = elm1.evalAtX(*x_); Unit y2 = elm2.evalAtX(*x_); if(y1 < y2) return true; if(y1 == y2) { //if justBefore is true we invert the result of the comparison of slopes if(*justBefore_) { return elm1.rise > elm2.rise; } else { return elm1.rise < elm2.rise; } } return false; } }; // 0 right to left // 1 upper right to lower left // 2 high to low // 3 upper left to lower right // 4 left to right // 5 lower left to upper right // 6 low to high // 7 lower right to upper left static inline int classifyEdge45(const Point& prevPt, const Point& nextPt) { if(prevPt.x() == nextPt.x()) { //2 or 6 return predicated_value(prevPt.y() < nextPt.y(), 6, 2); } if(prevPt.y() == nextPt.y()) { //0 or 4 return predicated_value(prevPt.x() < nextPt.x(), 4, 0); } if(prevPt.x() < nextPt.x()) { //3 or 5 return predicated_value(prevPt.y() < nextPt.y(), 5, 3); } //prevPt.x() > nextPt.y() //1 or 7 return predicated_value(prevPt.y() < nextPt.y(), 7, 1); } template static int applyLogic(CountType count1, CountType count2){ bool l1 = applyLogic(count1); bool l2 = applyLogic(count2); if(l1 && !l2) return -1; //was true before and became false like a trailing edge if(!l1 && l2) return 1; //was false before and became true like a leading edge return 0; //no change in logic between the two counts } template static bool applyLogic(Count2 count) { #ifdef BOOST_POLYGON_MSVC #pragma warning (disable: 4127) #endif if(op == 0) { //apply or return count[0] > 0 || count[1] > 0; } else if(op == 1) { //apply and return count[0] > 0 && count[1] > 0; } else if(op == 2) { //apply not return count[0] > 0 && !(count[1] > 0); } else if(op == 3) { //apply xor return (count[0] > 0) ^ (count[1] > 0); } else return false; #ifdef BOOST_POLYGON_MSVC #pragma warning (default: 4127) #endif } template struct boolean_op_45_output_functor { template void operator()(cT& output, const Count2& count1, const Count2& count2, const Point& pt, int rise, direction_1d end) { int edgeType = applyLogic(count1, count2); if(edgeType) { int multiplier = end == LOW ? -1 : 1; //std::cout << "cross logic: " << edgeType << "\n"; output.insert(output.end(), Vertex45(pt, rise, edgeType * multiplier)); //std::cout << "write out: " << crossPoint << " " << Point(eraseItrs[i]->x, eraseItrs[i]->y) << "\n"; } } }; template static bool applyLogic(Count1 count) { #ifdef BOOST_POLYGON_MSVC #pragma warning (disable: 4127) #endif if(op == 0) { //apply or return count.count_ > 0; } else if(op == 1) { //apply and return count.count_ > 1; } else if(op == 3) { //apply xor return (count.count_ % 2) != 0; } else return false; #ifdef BOOST_POLYGON_MSVC #pragma warning (default: 4127) #endif } template struct unary_op_45_output_functor { template void operator()(cT& output, const Count1& count1, const Count1& count2, const Point& pt, int rise, direction_1d end) { int edgeType = applyLogic(count1, count2); if(edgeType) { int multiplier = end == LOW ? -1 : 1; //std::cout << "cross logic: " << edgeType << "\n"; output.insert(output.end(), Vertex45(pt, rise, edgeType * multiplier)); //std::cout << "write out: " << crossPoint << " " << Point(eraseItrs[i]->x, eraseItrs[i]->y) << "\n"; } } }; class lessScan45Vertex { public: inline lessScan45Vertex() {} //default constructor is only constructor template inline bool operator () (const Scan45Vertex& v1, const Scan45Vertex& v2) const { return (v1.first.x() < v2.first.x()) || (v1.first.x() == v2.first.x() && v1.first.y() < v2.first.y()); } }; template static inline void sortScan45Vector(S45V& vec) { polygon_sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), lessScan45Vertex()); } template class Scan45 { public: typedef Scan45CountT Scan45Count; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; //index is the index into the vertex static inline Scan45Element getElement(const Scan45Vertex& vertex, int index) { return Scan45Element(vertex.first.x(), vertex.first.y(), index - 1, vertex.second[index]); } class lessScan45Point : public std::binary_function { public: inline lessScan45Point() {} //default constructor is only constructor inline bool operator () (const Point& v1, const Point& v2) const { return (v1.x() < v2.x()) || (v1.x() == v2.x() && v1.y() < v2.y()); } }; typedef std::vector Scan45Vector; //definitions typedef std::set, lessScan45Element > Scan45Data; typedef typename Scan45Data::iterator iterator; typedef typename Scan45Data::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef std::set CrossQueue; //data Scan45Data scanData_; CrossQueue crossQueue_; Scan45Vector crossVector_; Unit x_; int justBefore_; public: inline Scan45() : scanData_(), crossQueue_(), crossVector_(), x_((std::numeric_limits::min)()), justBefore_(false) { lessScan45Element lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_); scanData_ = std::set, lessScan45Element >(lessElm); } inline Scan45(const Scan45& that) : scanData_(), crossQueue_(), crossVector_(), x_((std::numeric_limits::min)()), justBefore_(false) { (*this) = that; } inline Scan45& operator=(const Scan45& that) { x_ = that.x_; justBefore_ = that.justBefore_; crossQueue_ = that.crossQueue_; crossVector_ = that.crossVector_; lessScan45Element lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_); scanData_ = std::set, lessScan45Element >(lessElm); for(const_iterator itr = that.scanData_.begin(); itr != that.scanData_.end(); ++itr){ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *itr); } return *this; } //cT is an output container of Vertex45 //iT is an iterator over Scan45Vertex elements template void scan(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) { //std::cout << "1\n"; while(inputBegin != inputEnd) { //std::cout << "2\n"; //std::cout << "x_ = " << x_ << "\n"; //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << "\n"; //for(iterator iter = scanData_.begin(); // iter != scanData_.end(); ++iter) { // std::cout << "scan element\n"; // std::cout << *iter << " " << iter->evalAtX(x_) << "\n"; // } // std::cout << "cross queue size: " << crossQueue_.size() << "\n"; // std::cout << "cross vector size: " << crossVector_.size() << "\n"; //for(CrossQueue::iterator cqitr = crossQueue_.begin(); cqitr != crossQueue_.end(); ++cqitr) { // std::cout << *cqitr << " "; //} std::cout << "\n"; Unit nextX = (*inputBegin).first.x(); if(!crossVector_.empty() && crossVector_[0].first.x() < nextX) nextX = crossVector_[0].first.x(); if(nextX != x_) { //std::cout << "3\n"; //we need to move to the next scanline stop //we need to process end events then cross events //process end events if(!crossQueue_.empty() && (*crossQueue_.begin()).x() < nextX) { //std::cout << "4\n"; nextX = (std::min)(nextX, (*crossQueue_.begin()).x()); } //std::cout << "6\n"; justBefore_ = true; x_ = nextX; advance_(output); justBefore_ = false; if(!crossVector_.empty() && nextX == (*inputBegin).first.x()) { inputBegin = mergeCross_(inputBegin, inputEnd); } processEvent_(output, crossVector_.begin(), crossVector_.end()); crossVector_.clear(); } else { //std::cout << "7\n"; //our scanline has progressed to the event that is next in the queue inputBegin = processEvent_(output, inputBegin, inputEnd); } } //std::cout << "done scanning\n"; } private: //functions template inline void advance_(cT& output) { //process all cross points on the cross queue at the current x_ //std::cout << "advance_\n"; std::vector eraseVec; while(!crossQueue_.empty() && (*crossQueue_.begin()).x() == x_){ //std::cout << "loop\n"; //pop point off the cross queue Point crossPoint = *(crossQueue_.begin()); //std::cout << crossPoint << "\n"; //for(iterator iter = scanData_.begin(); // iter != scanData_.end(); ++iter) { // std::cout << "scan element\n"; // std::cout << *iter << " " << iter->evalAtX(x_) << "\n"; //} crossQueue_.erase(crossQueue_.begin()); Scan45Vertex vertex(crossPoint, Scan45Count()); iterator lowIter = lookUp_(vertex.first.y()); //std::cout << "searching at: " << vertex.first.y() << "\n"; //if(lowIter == scanData_.end()) std::cout << "could not find\n"; //else std::cout << "found: " << *lowIter << "\n"; if(lowIter == scanData_.end() || lowIter->evalAtX(x_) != vertex.first.y()) { // std::cout << "skipping\n"; //there weren't any edges at this potential cross point continue; } CountType countBelow; iterator searchDownItr = lowIter; while(searchDownItr != scanData_.begin() && searchDownItr->evalAtX(x_) == vertex.first.y()) { //get count from below --searchDownItr; countBelow = searchDownItr->count; } //std::cout << "Below Count: " << countBelow << "\n"; Scan45Count count(countBelow); std::size_t numEdges = 0; iterator eraseItrs[3]; while(lowIter != scanData_.end() && lowIter->evalAtX(x_) == vertex.first.y()) { for(int index = lowIter->rise +1; index >= 0; --index) count[index] = lowIter->count; //std::cout << count << "\n"; eraseItrs[numEdges] = lowIter; ++numEdges; ++lowIter; } if(numEdges == 1) { //look for the next crossing point and continue //std::cout << "found only one edge\n"; findCross_(eraseItrs[0]); continue; } //before we erase the elements we need to decide if they should be written out CountType currentCount = countBelow; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i) { output_functor f; f(output, currentCount, eraseItrs[i]->count, crossPoint, eraseItrs[i]->rise, LOW); currentCount = eraseItrs[i]->count; } //schedule erase of the elements for(std::size_t i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i) { eraseVec.push_back(eraseItrs[i]); } //take the derivative wrt theta of the count at the crossing point vertex.second[2] = count[2] - countBelow; vertex.second[1] = count[1] - count[2]; vertex.second[0] = count[0] - count[1]; //add the point, deriviative pair into the cross vector //std::cout << "LOOK HERE!\n"; //std::cout << count << "\n"; //std::cout << vertex << "\n"; crossVector_.push_back(vertex); } //erase crossing elements std::vector searchVec; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < eraseVec.size(); ++i) { if(eraseVec[i] != scanData_.begin()) { iterator searchItr = eraseVec[i]; --searchItr; if(searchVec.empty() || searchVec.back() != searchItr) searchVec.push_back(searchItr); } scanData_.erase(eraseVec[i]); } for(std::size_t i = 0; i < searchVec.size(); ++i) { findCross_(searchVec[i]); } } template inline iT mergeCross_(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) { Scan45Vector vec; swap(vec, crossVector_); iT mergeEnd = inputBegin; std::size_t mergeCount = 0; while(mergeEnd != inputEnd && (*mergeEnd).first.x() == x_) { ++mergeCount; ++mergeEnd; } crossVector_.reserve((std::max)(vec.capacity(), vec.size() + mergeCount)); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i){ while(inputBegin != mergeEnd && (*inputBegin).first.y() < vec[i].first.y()) { crossVector_.push_back(*inputBegin); ++inputBegin; } crossVector_.push_back(vec[i]); } while(inputBegin != mergeEnd){ crossVector_.push_back(*inputBegin); ++inputBegin; } return inputBegin; } template inline iT processEvent_(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) { //std::cout << "processEvent_\n"; CountType verticalCount = CountType(); Point prevPoint; iterator prevIter = scanData_.end(); while(inputBegin != inputEnd && (*inputBegin).first.x() == x_) { //std::cout << (*inputBegin) << "\n"; //std::cout << "loop\n"; Scan45Vertex vertex = *inputBegin; //std::cout << vertex.first << "\n"; //if vertical count propigating up fake a null event at the next element if(verticalCount != CountType() && (prevIter != scanData_.end() && prevIter->evalAtX(x_) < vertex.first.y())) { //std::cout << "faking null event\n"; vertex = Scan45Vertex(Point(x_, prevIter->evalAtX(x_)), Scan45Count()); } else { ++inputBegin; //std::cout << "after increment\n"; //accumulate overlapping changes in Scan45Count while(inputBegin != inputEnd && (*inputBegin).first.x() == x_ && (*inputBegin).first.y() == vertex.first.y()) { //std::cout << "accumulate\n"; vertex.second += (*inputBegin).second; ++inputBegin; } } //std::cout << vertex.second << "\n"; //integrate vertex CountType currentCount = verticalCount;// + vertex.second[0]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vertex.second[i] = currentCount += vertex.second[i]; } //std::cout << vertex.second << "\n"; //vertex represents the change in state at this point //get counts at current vertex CountType countBelow; iterator lowIter = lookUp_(vertex.first.y()); if(lowIter != scanData_.begin()) { //get count from below --lowIter; countBelow = lowIter->count; ++lowIter; } //std::cout << "Count Below: " << countBelow[0] << " " << countBelow[1] << "\n"; //std::cout << "vertical count: " << verticalCount[0] << " " << verticalCount[1] << "\n"; Scan45Count countAt(countBelow - verticalCount); //check if the vertical edge should be written out if(verticalCount != CountType()) { output_functor f; f(output, countBelow - verticalCount, countBelow, prevPoint, 2, HIGH); f(output, countBelow - verticalCount, countBelow, vertex.first, 2, LOW); } currentCount = countBelow - verticalCount; while(lowIter != scanData_.end() && lowIter->evalAtX(x_) == vertex.first.y()) { for(unsigned int i = lowIter->rise + 1; i < 3; ++i) { countAt[i] = lowIter->count; } Point lp(lowIter->x, lowIter->y); if(lp != vertex.first) { output_functor f; f(output, currentCount, lowIter->count, vertex.first, lowIter->rise, LOW); } currentCount = lowIter->count; iterator nextIter = lowIter; ++nextIter; //std::cout << "erase\n"; scanData_.erase(lowIter); if(nextIter != scanData_.end()) findCross_(nextIter); lowIter = nextIter; } verticalCount += vertex.second[3]; prevPoint = vertex.first; //std::cout << "new vertical count: " << verticalCount[0] << " " << verticalCount[1] << "\n"; prevIter = lowIter; //count represents the current state at this point //std::cout << vertex.second << "\n"; //std::cout << countAt << "\n"; //std::cout << "ADD\n"; vertex.second += countAt; //std::cout << vertex.second << "\n"; //add elements to the scanline for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if(vertex.second[i] != countBelow) { //std::cout << "insert: " << vertex.first.x() << " " << vertex.first.y() << " " << i-1 << // " " << vertex.second[i][0] << " " << vertex.second[i][1] << "\n"; iterator insertIter = scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), Scan45ElementT(vertex.first.x(), vertex.first.y(), i - 1, vertex.second[i])); findCross_(insertIter); output_functor f; f(output, countBelow, vertex.second[i], vertex.first, i - 1, HIGH); } countBelow = vertex.second[i]; } } //std::cout << "end processEvent\n"; return inputBegin; } //iter1 is horizontal inline void scheduleCross0_(iterator iter1, iterator iter2) { //std::cout << "0, "; Unit y1 = iter1->evalAtX(x_); Unit y2 = iter2->evalAtX(x_); LongUnit delta = local_abs(LongUnit(y1) - LongUnit(y2)); if(delta + static_cast(x_) <= (std::numeric_limits::max)()) crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_ + static_cast(delta), y1)); //std::cout << Point(x_ + delta, y1); } //neither iter is horizontal inline void scheduleCross1_(iterator iter1, iterator iter2) { //std::cout << "1, "; Unit y1 = iter1->evalAtX(x_); Unit y2 = iter2->evalAtX(x_); //std::cout << y1 << " " << y2 << ": "; //note that half the delta cannot exceed the positive inter range LongUnit delta = y1; delta -= y2; Unit UnitMax = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if((delta & 1) == 1) { //delta is odd, division by 2 will result in integer trunctaion if(delta == 1) { //the cross point is not on the integer grid and cannot be represented //we must throw an exception std::string msg = "GTL 45 Boolean error, precision insufficient to represent edge intersection coordinate value."; throw(msg); } else { //note that result of this subtraction is always positive because itr1 is above itr2 in scanline LongUnit halfDelta2 = (LongUnit)((((LongUnit)y1) - y2)/2); //note that halfDelta2 has been truncated if(halfDelta2 + x_ <= UnitMax && halfDelta2 + y2 <= UnitMax) { crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_+static_cast(halfDelta2), y2+static_cast(halfDelta2))); crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_+static_cast(halfDelta2), y2+static_cast(halfDelta2)+1)); } } } else { LongUnit halfDelta = (LongUnit)((((LongUnit)y1) - y2)/2); if(halfDelta + x_ <= UnitMax && halfDelta + y2 <= UnitMax) crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_+static_cast(halfDelta), y2+static_cast(halfDelta))); //std::cout << Point(x_+halfDelta, y2+halfDelta); } } inline void findCross_(iterator iter) { //std::cout << "find cross "; iterator iteratorBelow = iter; iterator iteratorAbove = iter; if(iter != scanData_.begin() && iter->rise < 1) { --iteratorBelow; if(iter->rise == 0){ if(iteratorBelow->rise == 1) { scheduleCross0_(iter, iteratorBelow); } } else { //iter->rise == -1 if(iteratorBelow->rise == 1) { scheduleCross1_(iter, iteratorBelow); } else if(iteratorBelow->rise == 0) { scheduleCross0_(iteratorBelow, iter); } } } ++iteratorAbove; if(iteratorAbove != scanData_.end() && iter->rise > -1) { if(iter->rise == 0) { if(iteratorAbove->rise == -1) { scheduleCross0_(iter, iteratorAbove); } } else { //iter->rise == 1 if(iteratorAbove->rise == -1) { scheduleCross1_(iteratorAbove, iter); } else if(iteratorAbove->rise == 0) { scheduleCross0_(iteratorAbove, iter); } } } //std::cout << "\n"; } inline iterator lookUp_(Unit y){ //if just before then we need to look from 1 not -1 return scanData_.lower_bound(Scan45ElementT(x_, y, -1+2*justBefore_)); } }; //template //static inline void print45Data(const std::set, // lessScan45Element >& data) { // typename std::set, lessScan45Element >::const_iterator iter; // for(iter = data.begin(); iter != data.end(); ++iter) { // std::cout << iter->x << " " << iter->y << " " << iter->rise << "\n"; // } //} template static inline bool testScan45Data(streamtype& stdcout) { Unit x = 0; int justBefore = false; lessScan45Element lessElm(&x, &justBefore); std::set, lessScan45Element > testData(lessElm); //Unit size = testData.size(); typedef std::set, lessScan45Element > Scan45Data; typename Scan45Data::iterator itr10 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 10, 1)); typename Scan45Data::iterator itr20 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 20, 1)); typename Scan45Data::iterator itr30 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 30, -1)); typename Scan45Data::iterator itr40 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 40, -1)); typename Scan45Data::iterator itrA = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(0, 29, -1)); typename Scan45Data::iterator itr1 = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(0, 10, -1)); x = 4; //now at 14 24 26 36 typename Scan45Data::iterator itrB = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(4, 29, -1)); typename Scan45Data::iterator itr2 = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(4, 14, -1)); if(itr1 != itr2) stdcout << "test1 failed\n"; if(itrA == itrB) stdcout << "test2 failed\n"; //remove crossing elements testData.erase(itr20); testData.erase(itr30); x = 5; itr20 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 20, 1)); itr30 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 30, -1)); //now at 15 25 25 35 typename Scan45Data::iterator itr = testData.begin(); if(itr != itr10) stdcout << "test3 failed\n"; ++itr; if(itr != itr30) stdcout << "test4 failed\n"; ++itr; if(itr != itr20) stdcout << "test5 failed\n"; ++itr; if(itr != itr40) stdcout << "test6 failed\n"; stdcout << "done testing Scan45Data\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45Rect(stream_type& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45Rect\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; // result size == 8 // result == 0 0 0 1 // result == 0 0 2 1 // result == 0 10 2 -1 // result == 0 10 0 -1 // result == 10 0 0 -1 // result == 10 0 2 -1 // result == 10 10 2 1 // result == 10 10 0 1 std::vector reference; reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 2, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1)); if(result != reference) { stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { //std::cout << "result == " << result[i]<< "\n"; } stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) { //std::cout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< "\n"; } return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45Rect\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45P1(stream_type& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45P1\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount, ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount, ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,20), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count))); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; // result size == 8 // result == 0 0 1 1 // result == 0 0 2 1 // result == 0 10 2 -1 // result == 0 10 1 -1 // result == 10 10 1 -1 // result == 10 10 2 -1 // result == 10 20 2 1 // result == 10 20 1 1 std::vector reference; reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 1, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 2, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 1, 1)); if(result != reference) { stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { //std::cout << "result == " << result[i]<< "\n"; } stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) { //std::cout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< "\n"; } return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45P1\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45P2(stream_type& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45P2\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, count, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, count, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(20,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; // result size == 8 // result == 0 0 0 1 // result == 0 0 1 -1 // result == 10 0 0 -1 // result == 10 0 1 1 // result == 10 10 1 1 // result == 10 10 0 -1 // result == 20 10 1 -1 // result == 20 10 0 1 std::vector reference; reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 1, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 1, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 0, 1)); if(result != reference) { stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { //stdcout << "result == " << result[i]<< "\n"; } stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) { //stdcout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< "\n"; } return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45P2\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45And(streamtype& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45And\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); count = Count2(0, 1); ncount = count.invert(); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(2,2), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(2,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,2), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); sortScan45Vector(vertices); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; //result size == 8 //result == 2 2 0 1 //result == 2 2 2 1 //result == 2 10 2 -1 //result == 2 10 0 -1 //result == 10 2 0 -1 //result == 10 2 2 -1 //result == 10 10 2 1 //result == 10 10 0 1 std::vector reference; reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 0, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 2, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 2, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 0, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 0, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 2, -1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1)); reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1)); if(result != reference) { stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { //stdcout << "result == " << result[i]<< "\n"; } stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << "\n"; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) { //stdcout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< "\n"; } return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45And\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45Star1(stream_type& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45Star1\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,16), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count))); count = Count2(0, 1); ncount = count.invert(); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,16), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount))); sortScan45Vector(vertices); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; // result size == 24 // result == 0 8 -1 1 // result == 0 8 1 -1 // result == 4 0 1 1 // result == 4 0 2 1 // result == 4 4 2 -1 // result == 4 4 -1 -1 // result == 4 12 1 1 // result == 4 12 2 1 // result == 4 16 2 -1 // result == 4 16 -1 -1 // result == 6 2 1 -1 // result == 6 14 -1 1 // result == 6 2 -1 1 // result == 6 14 1 -1 // result == 8 0 -1 -1 // result == 8 0 2 -1 // result == 8 4 2 1 // result == 8 4 1 1 // result == 8 12 -1 -1 // result == 8 12 2 -1 // result == 8 16 2 1 // result == 8 16 1 1 // result == 12 8 1 -1 // result == 12 8 -1 1 if(result.size() != 24) { //stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; //stdcout << "reference size == " << 24 << "\n"; return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star1\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45Star2(stream_type& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45Star2\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,4), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,4), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,12), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0)))); count = Count2(0, 1); ncount = count.invert(); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,8), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0)))); sortScan45Vector(vertices); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; // result size == 24 // result == 0 4 0 1 // result == 0 4 1 -1 // result == 0 8 -1 1 // result == 0 8 0 -1 // result == 2 6 1 1 // result == 2 6 -1 -1 // result == 4 4 0 -1 // result == 4 8 0 1 // result == 4 4 -1 1 // result == 4 8 1 -1 // result == 8 0 -1 -1 // result == 8 0 1 1 // result == 8 12 1 1 // result == 8 12 -1 -1 // result == 12 4 1 -1 // result == 12 8 -1 1 // result == 12 4 0 1 // result == 12 8 0 -1 // result == 14 6 -1 -1 // result == 14 6 1 1 // result == 16 4 0 -1 // result == 16 4 -1 1 // result == 16 8 1 -1 // result == 16 8 0 1 if(result.size() != 24) { //std::cout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; //std::cout << "reference size == " << 24 << "\n"; return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star2\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45Star3(stream_type& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45Star3\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,16), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(6,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(6,14), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,14), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); count = Count2(0, 1); ncount = count.invert(); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,16), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount))); sortScan45Vector(vertices); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; // result size == 28 // result == 0 8 -1 1 // result == 0 8 1 -1 // result == 4 0 1 1 // result == 4 0 2 1 // result == 4 4 2 -1 // result == 4 4 -1 -1 // result == 4 12 1 1 // result == 4 12 2 1 // result == 4 16 2 -1 // result == 4 16 -1 -1 // result == 6 2 1 -1 // result == 6 14 -1 1 // result == 6 0 0 1 // result == 6 0 2 1 // result == 6 2 2 -1 // result == 6 14 1 -1 // result == 8 0 0 -1 // result == 8 0 0 1 // result == 8 14 0 -1 // result == 8 14 2 -1 // result == 8 16 2 1 // result == 8 16 1 1 // result == 12 0 0 -1 // result == 12 0 2 -1 // result == 12 8 2 1 // result == 12 8 2 -1 // result == 12 14 2 1 // result == 12 14 0 1 if(result.size() != 28) { //std::cout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; //std::cout << "reference size == " << 28 << "\n"; return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star3\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45Star4(stream_type& stdcout) { stdcout << "testing Scan45Star4\n"; Scan45 > scan45; std::vector result; typedef std::pair Scan45Vertex; std::vector vertices; //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10); Count2 count(1, 0); Count2 ncount(-1, 0); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,4), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,4), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,12), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,6), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,6), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count))); count = Count2(0, 1); ncount = count.invert(); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,8), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0)))); vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0)))); sortScan45Vector(vertices); stdcout << "scanning\n"; scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); stdcout << "done scanning\n"; // result size == 28 // result == 0 4 0 1 // result == 0 4 1 -1 // result == 0 6 0 1 // result == 0 6 2 1 // result == 0 8 2 -1 // result == 0 8 2 1 // result == 0 12 2 -1 // result == 0 12 0 -1 // result == 2 6 1 1 // result == 2 6 0 -1 // result == 4 4 0 -1 // result == 4 4 -1 1 // result == 8 12 0 1 // result == 8 0 -1 -1 // result == 8 0 1 1 // result == 8 12 0 -1 // result == 12 4 1 -1 // result == 12 4 0 1 // result == 14 6 -1 -1 // result == 14 6 0 1 // result == 16 4 0 -1 // result == 16 4 -1 1 // result == 16 6 0 -1 // result == 16 6 2 -1 // result == 16 8 2 1 // result == 16 8 2 -1 // result == 16 12 2 1 // result == 16 12 0 1 if(result.size() != 28) { //stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << "\n"; //stdcout << "reference size == " << 28 << "\n"; return false; } stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star4\n"; return true; } template static inline bool testScan45(stream_type& stdcout) { if(!testScan45Rect(stdcout)) return false; if(!testScan45P1(stdcout)) return false; if(!testScan45P2(stdcout)) return false; if(!testScan45And(stdcout)) return false; if(!testScan45Star1(stdcout)) return false; if(!testScan45Star2(stdcout)) return false; if(!testScan45Star3(stdcout)) return false; if(!testScan45Star4(stdcout)) return false; return true; } }; } } #endif