/************************************************************/ /* moduleframe.cpp - Footprint (module) editor main window. */ /************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "wxPcbStruct.h" #include "module_editor_frame.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #include "protos.h" #include "pcbnew_id.h" #include "hotkeys.h" #include "3d_viewer.h" static PCB_SCREEN* s_screenModule = NULL; // the PCB_SCREEN used by the // footprint editor // Design setting for the module editor: static BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS s_ModuleEditorDesignSetting; /********************************/ /* class WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame */ /********************************/ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame, WinEDA_BasePcbFrame ) EVT_MENU_RANGE( ID_POPUP_PCB_ITEM_SELECTION_START, ID_POPUP_PCB_ITEM_SELECTION_END, WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ProcessItemSelection ) EVT_CLOSE( WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnCloseWindow ) EVT_MENU( wxID_EXIT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::CloseModuleEditor ) EVT_SIZE( WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnSize ) EVT_KICAD_CHOICEBOX( ID_ON_ZOOM_SELECT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnSelectZoom ) EVT_KICAD_CHOICEBOX( ID_ON_GRID_SELECT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnSelectGrid ) EVT_TOOL_RANGE( ID_ZOOM_IN, ID_ZOOM_PAGE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnZoom ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_SELECT_CURRENT_LIB, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_SAVE_LIBMODULE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_DELETE_PART, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_NEW_MODULE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_IMPORT_PART, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_EXPORT_PART, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_CREATE_NEW_LIB_AND_SAVE_CURRENT_PART, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_SHEET_SET, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( wxID_PRINT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToPrinter ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_CHECK, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_PAD_SETTINGS, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE_FROM_BOARD, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::LoadModuleFromBoard ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_INSERT_MODULE_IN_BOARD, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_UPDATE_MODULE_IN_BOARD, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_EDIT_MODULE_PROPERTIES, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( wxID_UNDO, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::GetComponentFromUndoList ) EVT_TOOL( wxID_REDO, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::GetComponentFromRedoList ) // Vertical toolbar (left click): EVT_TOOL( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_ADD_PAD, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_PCB_ARC_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_PCB_CIRCLE_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_PCB_ADD_TEXT_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_PCB_ADD_LINE_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_MODEDIT_PLACE_ANCHOR, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_PCB_PLACE_GRID_COORD_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) // Vertical toolbar (right click): EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED( ID_MODEDIT_ADD_PAD, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToolOnRightClick ) EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED( ID_TRACK_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToolOnRightClick ) EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED( ID_PCB_CIRCLE_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToolOnRightClick ) EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED( ID_PCB_ARC_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToolOnRightClick ) EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED( ID_PCB_ADD_TEXT_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToolOnRightClick ) EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED( ID_PCB_ADD_LINE_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToolOnRightClick ) EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED( ID_PCB_DIMENSION_BUTT, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ToolOnRightClick ) // Options Toolbar EVT_TOOL_RANGE( ID_TB_OPTIONS_START, ID_TB_OPTIONS_END, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnSelectOptionToolbar ) // popup commands EVT_MENU_RANGE( ID_POPUP_PCB_START_RANGE, ID_POPUP_PCB_END_RANGE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_MENU_RANGE( ID_POPUP_GENERAL_START_RANGE, ID_POPUP_GENERAL_END_RANGE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) // Module transformations EVT_MENU( ID_MODEDIT_MODULE_ROTATE, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_MENU( ID_MODEDIT_MODULE_MIRROR, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_MENU( ID_PCB_DRAWINGS_WIDTHS_SETUP, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_MENU( ID_PCB_PAD_SETUP, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_MENU( ID_PCB_USER_GRID_SETUP, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) // Menu 3D Frame EVT_MENU( ID_MENU_PCB_SHOW_3D_FRAME, WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Show3D_Frame ) END_EVENT_TABLE() WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame( wxWindow* father, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : WinEDA_BasePcbFrame( father, MODULE_EDITOR_FRAME, wxEmptyString, pos, size, style ) { m_FrameName = wxT( "ModEditFrame" ); m_Draw_Sheet_Ref = false; // true to show the frame references m_Draw_Axis = true; // true to show X and Y axis on screen m_Draw_Grid_Axis = true; // show the grid origin axis m_HotkeysZoomAndGridList = s_Module_Editor_Hokeys_Descr; // Give an icon SetIcon( wxICON( icon_modedit ) ); SetTitle( wxT( "Module Editor (lib: " ) + m_CurrentLib + wxT( ")" ) ); if( g_ModuleEditor_Pcb == NULL ) g_ModuleEditor_Pcb = new BOARD( NULL, this ); SetBoard( g_ModuleEditor_Pcb ); GetBoard()->m_PcbFrame = this; if( s_screenModule == NULL ) s_screenModule = new PCB_SCREEN(); SetBaseScreen( s_screenModule ); ActiveScreen = GetScreen(); GetBoard()->SetBoardDesignSettings( &s_ModuleEditorDesignSetting ); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL ); LoadSettings(); GetScreen()->AddGrid( m_UserGridSize, m_UserGridUnit, ID_POPUP_GRID_USER ); GetScreen()->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 + m_LastGridSizeId ); SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y ); ReCreateMenuBar(); ReCreateHToolbar(); ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar(); ReCreateVToolbar(); ReCreateOptToolbar(); if( DrawPanel ) DrawPanel->m_Block_Enable = true; m_auimgr.SetManagedWindow( this ); wxAuiPaneInfo horiz; horiz.Gripper( false ); horiz.DockFixed( true ); horiz.Movable( false ); horiz.Floatable( false ); horiz.CloseButton( false ); horiz.CaptionVisible( false ); wxAuiPaneInfo vert( horiz ); vert.TopDockable( false ).BottomDockable( false ); horiz.LeftDockable( false ).RightDockable( false ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_HToolBar, wxAuiPaneInfo( horiz ).Name( wxT( "m_HToolBar" ) ).Top(). Row( 0 ) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_AuxiliaryToolBar, wxAuiPaneInfo( horiz ).Name( wxT( "m_AuxiliaryToolBar" ) ). Top().Row( 1 ) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_VToolBar, wxAuiPaneInfo( vert ).Name( wxT( "m_VToolBar" ) ).Right() ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_OptionsToolBar, wxAuiPaneInfo( vert ).Name( wxT( "m_OptionsToolBar" ) ). Left() ); m_auimgr.AddPane( DrawPanel, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name( wxT( "DrawFrame" ) ).CentrePane() ); m_auimgr.AddPane( MsgPanel, wxAuiPaneInfo( horiz ).Name( wxT( "MsgPanel" ) ).Bottom() ); m_auimgr.Update(); SetToolbars(); } WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::~WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame() { /* g_ModuleEditor_Pcb and its corresponding PCB_SCREEN are not deleted * here, because if we reopen the Footprint editor, we expect to find * the last edited item */ SetBaseScreen( NULL ); /* Do not delete (by the destructor of * WinEDA_DrawFrame) the PCB_SCREEN handling * g_ModuleEditor_Pcb */ WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* frame = (WinEDA_BasePcbFrame*) GetParent(); frame->m_ModuleEditFrame = NULL; ActiveScreen = frame->GetScreen(); } void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& Event ) { if( GetScreen()->IsModify() ) { if( !IsOK( this, _( "Module Editor: Module modified! Continue?" ) ) ) { Event.Veto(); return; } } SaveSettings(); Destroy(); } void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::CloseModuleEditor( wxCommandEvent& Event ) { Close(); } /** * Function SetToolbars * Enable or disable some tools and menus, according to * the current state of the footprint editor: * >> a footprint is loaded or not * >> a working library is selected or not */ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::SetToolbars() { bool active, islib = true; WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame = (WinEDA_PcbFrame*) wxGetApp().GetTopWindow(); if( m_HToolBar == NULL ) return; wxMenuBar* menuBar = GetMenuBar(); if( menuBar == NULL ) return; if( m_VToolBar == NULL ) return; if( m_OptionsToolBar == NULL ) return; if( m_CurrentLib == wxEmptyString ) islib = false; m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_SAVE_LIBMODULE, islib ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_DELETE_PART, islib ); if( GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL ) active = false; else active = true; m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_EXPORT_PART, active ); menuBar->Enable( ID_MODEDIT_EXPORT_PART, active ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_CREATE_NEW_LIB_AND_SAVE_CURRENT_PART, active ); menuBar->Enable( ID_MODEDIT_CREATE_NEW_LIB_AND_SAVE_CURRENT_PART, active ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_SAVE_LIBMODULE, active && islib ); menuBar->Enable( ID_MODEDIT_SAVE_LIBMODULE, active && islib ); MODULE* module_in_edit = GetBoard()->m_Modules; if( module_in_edit && module_in_edit->m_Link ) // this is not a new module { BOARD* mainpcb = frame->GetBoard(); MODULE* source_module = mainpcb->m_Modules; // search if the source module was not deleted: for( ; source_module != NULL; source_module = source_module->Next() ) { if( module_in_edit->m_Link == source_module->m_TimeStamp ) break; } if( source_module ) { m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_INSERT_MODULE_IN_BOARD, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_UPDATE_MODULE_IN_BOARD, true ); } else // The source was deleted, therefore we can insert but not // update the module { m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_INSERT_MODULE_IN_BOARD, true ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_UPDATE_MODULE_IN_BOARD, false ); } } else { m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_INSERT_MODULE_IN_BOARD, active ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_UPDATE_MODULE_IN_BOARD, false ); } m_HToolBar->EnableTool( wxID_UNDO, GetScreen()->GetUndoCommandCount()>0 && active ); menuBar->Enable( wxID_UNDO, GetScreen()->GetUndoCommandCount()>0 && active ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( wxID_REDO, GetScreen()->GetRedoCommandCount()>0 && active ); menuBar->Enable( wxID_REDO, GetScreen()->GetRedoCommandCount()>0 && active ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE_FROM_BOARD, GetBoard()->m_Modules != NULL ); menuBar->Enable( ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE_FROM_BOARD, GetBoard()->m_Modules != NULL ); m_HToolBar->Refresh(); // Enable/disable tools to edit module items: int idtools[] = { ID_MODEDIT_ADD_PAD, ID_MODEDIT_ADD_PAD, ID_PCB_ADD_LINE_BUTT, ID_PCB_CIRCLE_BUTT, ID_PCB_ARC_BUTT, ID_PCB_ADD_TEXT_BUTT, ID_MODEDIT_PLACE_ANCHOR, ID_MODEDIT_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT }; for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < sizeof(idtools) / sizeof(int); ii++ ) { m_VToolBar->EnableTool( idtools[ii], active ); menuBar->Enable( idtools[ii], active ); } m_VToolBar->Refresh(); m_OptionsToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_MM, g_UserUnit == MILLIMETRES ? true : false ); m_OptionsToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_INCH, g_UserUnit == INCHES ? true : false ); m_OptionsToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_POLAR_COORD, DisplayOpt.DisplayPolarCood ); m_OptionsToolBar->SetToolShortHelp( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_POLAR_COORD, DisplayOpt.DisplayPolarCood ? _( "Display rectangular coordinates" ) : _( "Display polar coordinates" ) ); m_OptionsToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_GRID, IsGridVisible() ); m_OptionsToolBar->SetToolShortHelp( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_GRID, IsGridVisible() ? _( "Hide grid" ) : _( "Show grid" ) ); m_OptionsToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_CURSOR, m_CursorShape ); m_OptionsToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_PADS_SKETCH, !m_DisplayPadFill ); m_OptionsToolBar->SetToolShortHelp( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_PADS_SKETCH, m_DisplayPadFill ? _( "Show pads in sketch mode" ) : _( "Show pads in filled mode" ) ); m_OptionsToolBar->Refresh(); if( m_AuxiliaryToolBar ) { unsigned jj; if( m_SelZoomBox ) { bool not_found = true; for( jj = 0; jj < GetScreen()->m_ZoomList.GetCount(); jj++ ) { if( GetScreen()->GetZoom() == GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[jj] ) { m_SelZoomBox->SetSelection( jj + 1 ); not_found = false; break; } } if( not_found ) m_SelZoomBox->SetSelection( -1 ); } if( m_SelGridBox ) m_SelGridBox->SetSelection( m_LastGridSizeId ); m_AuxiliaryToolBar->Refresh(); } DisplayUnitsMsg(); if( m_auimgr.GetManagedWindow() ) m_auimgr.Update(); } /** * Display 3D frame of footprint (module) being edited. */ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Show3D_Frame( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_Draw3DFrame ) { DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "3D Frame already opened" ) ); return; } m_Draw3DFrame = new WinEDA3D_DrawFrame( this, _( "3D Viewer" ) ); m_Draw3DFrame->Show( true ); } void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::GeneralControle( wxDC* DC, wxPoint Mouse ) { wxRealPoint delta; wxPoint curpos, oldpos; int hotkey = 0; if( GetScreen()->IsRefreshReq() ) { DrawPanel->Refresh(); // We must return here, instead of proceeding. // If we let the cursor move during a refresh request, // the cursor be displayed in the wrong place // during delayed repaint events that occur when // you move the mouse when a message dialog is on // the screen, and then you dismiss the dialog by // typing the Enter key. return; } double scalar = GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor(); curpos = DrawPanel->CursorRealPosition( Mouse ); oldpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; delta = GetScreen()->GetGridSize(); delta.x *= scalar; delta.y *= scalar; if( delta.x == 0 ) delta.x = 1; if( delta.y == 0 ) delta.y = 1; switch( g_KeyPressed ) { case WXK_NUMPAD8: case WXK_UP: Mouse.y -= wxRound( delta.y ); DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD2: case WXK_DOWN: Mouse.y += wxRound( delta.y ); DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD4: case WXK_LEFT: Mouse.x -= wxRound( delta.x ); DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD6: case WXK_RIGHT: Mouse.x += wxRound( delta.x ); DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse ); break; default: hotkey = g_KeyPressed; break; } GetScreen()->m_Curseur = curpos; PutOnGrid( &GetScreen()->m_Curseur ); if( oldpos != GetScreen()->m_Curseur ) { curpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; GetScreen()->m_Curseur = oldpos; DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC ); GetScreen()->m_Curseur = curpos; DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC ); if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur ) { DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, true ); } } if( hotkey ) { OnHotKey( DC, hotkey, NULL ); } if( GetScreen()->IsRefreshReq() ) { DrawPanel->Refresh(); wxSafeYield(); } SetToolbars(); UpdateStatusBar(); } /** * Function OnModify() (virtual) * Must be called after a change * in order to set the "modify" flag of the current screen * and prepare, if needed the refresh of the 3D frame showing the footprint * do not forget to call the basic OnModify function to update auxiliary info */ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnModify() { WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::OnModify(); if( m_Draw3DFrame ) m_Draw3DFrame->ReloadRequest(); }