/* * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 1992-2011 jean-pierre.charras * Copyright (C) 1992-2021 Kicad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern double DoubleFromString( const wxString& TextValue ); // extension of pcb_calculator data filename: static const wxString DataFileNameExt( wxT( "pcbcalc" ) ); PANEL_REGULATOR::PANEL_REGULATOR( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name ) : PANEL_REGULATOR_BASE( parent, id, pos, size, style, name ), m_RegulatorListChanged( false ) { m_IadjUnitLabel->SetLabel( wxT( "µA" ) ); m_r1Units->SetLabel( wxT( "kΩ" ) ); m_r2Units->SetLabel( wxT( "kΩ" ) ); m_bitmapRegul3pins->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::regul_3pins ) ); m_bitmapRegul4pins->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::regul ) ); m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Append( m_RegulatorList.GetRegList() ); SelectLastSelectedRegulator(); // Needed on wxWidgets 3.0 to ensure sizers are correctly set GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); } PANEL_REGULATOR::~PANEL_REGULATOR() { } void PANEL_REGULATOR::ThemeChanged() { // Update the bitmaps m_bitmapRegul3pins->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::regul_3pins ) ); m_bitmapRegul4pins->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::regul ) ); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnRegulatorCalcButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { RegulatorsSolve(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnRegulatorResetButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_RegulR1Value->SetValue( wxT( "10" ) ); m_RegulR2Value->SetValue( wxT( "10" ) ); m_RegulVrefValue->SetValue( wxT( "3" ) ); m_RegulVoutValue->SetValue( wxT( "12" ) ); m_choiceRegType->SetSelection( 0 ); m_rbRegulR1->SetValue( true ); m_rbRegulR2->SetValue( false ); m_rbRegulVout->SetValue( false ); RegulatorPageUpdate(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::RegulatorPageUpdate() { switch( m_choiceRegType->GetSelection() ) { default: case 0: m_bitmapRegul4pins->Show( true ); m_bitmapRegul3pins->Show( false ); m_RegulIadjValue->Enable( false ); m_RegulFormula->SetLabel( wxT( "Vout = Vref * (R1 + R2) / R2" ) ); break; case 1: m_bitmapRegul4pins->Show( false ); m_bitmapRegul3pins->Show( true ); m_RegulIadjValue->Enable( true ); m_RegulFormula->SetLabel( wxT( "Vout = Vref * (R1 + R2) / R1 + Iadj * R2" ) ); break; } // The new icon size must be taken in account GetSizer()->Layout(); // Enable/disable buttons: bool enbl = m_choiceRegulatorSelector->GetCount() > 0; m_buttonEditItem->Enable( enbl ); m_buttonRemoveItem->Enable( enbl ); Refresh(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnRegulTypeSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) { RegulatorPageUpdate(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnRegulatorSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString name = m_choiceRegulatorSelector->GetStringSelection(); REGULATOR_DATA* item = m_RegulatorList.GetReg( name ); if( item ) { m_lastSelectedRegulatorName = item->m_Name; m_choiceRegType->SetSelection( item->m_Type ); wxString value; value.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), item->m_Vref ); m_RegulVrefValue->SetValue( value ); value.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), item->m_Iadj ); m_RegulIadjValue->SetValue( value ); } // Call RegulatorPageUpdate to enable/disable tools, // even if no item selected RegulatorPageUpdate(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnDataFileSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString fullfilename = GetDataFilename(); wxString wildcard; wildcard.Printf( _("PCB Calculator data file" ) + wxT( " (*.%s)|*.%s"), DataFileNameExt, DataFileNameExt ); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _("Select PCB Calculator Data File"), wxEmptyString, fullfilename, wildcard, wxFD_OPEN ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; fullfilename = dlg.GetPath(); if( fullfilename == GetDataFilename() ) return; SetDataFilename( fullfilename ); if( wxFileExists( fullfilename ) && m_RegulatorList.GetCount() > 0 ) // Read file { if( wxMessageBox( _( "Do you want to load this file and replace current regulator list?" ) ) != wxID_OK ) { return; } } if( ReadDataFile() ) { m_RegulatorListChanged = false; m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Clear(); m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Append( m_RegulatorList.GetRegList() ); SelectLastSelectedRegulator(); } else { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _("Unable to read data file '%s'."), fullfilename ); wxMessageBox( msg ); } } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnAddRegulator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { DIALOG_REGULATOR_FORM dlg( this, wxEmptyString ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; REGULATOR_DATA* new_item = dlg.BuildRegulatorFromData(); // Add new item, if not existing if( m_RegulatorList.GetReg( new_item->m_Name ) == nullptr ) { // Add item in list m_RegulatorList.Add( new_item ); m_RegulatorListChanged = true; m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Clear(); m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Append( m_RegulatorList.GetRegList() ); m_lastSelectedRegulatorName = new_item->m_Name; SelectLastSelectedRegulator(); } else { wxMessageBox( _("This regulator is already in list. Aborted") ); delete new_item; } } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnEditRegulator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString name = m_choiceRegulatorSelector->GetStringSelection(); REGULATOR_DATA* item = m_RegulatorList.GetReg( name ); if( item == nullptr ) return; DIALOG_REGULATOR_FORM dlg( this, name ); dlg.CopyRegulatorDataToDialog( item ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; REGULATOR_DATA* new_item = dlg.BuildRegulatorFromData(); m_RegulatorList.Replace( new_item ); m_RegulatorListChanged = true; SelectLastSelectedRegulator(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::OnRemoveRegulator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString name = wxGetSingleChoice( _("Remove Regulator"), wxEmptyString, m_RegulatorList.GetRegList() ); if( name.IsEmpty() ) return; m_RegulatorList.Remove( name ); m_RegulatorListChanged = true; m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Clear(); m_choiceRegulatorSelector->Append( m_RegulatorList.GetRegList() ); if( m_lastSelectedRegulatorName == name ) m_lastSelectedRegulatorName.Empty(); SelectLastSelectedRegulator(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::SelectLastSelectedRegulator() { // Find last selected in regulator list: int idx = -1; if( !m_lastSelectedRegulatorName.IsEmpty() ) { for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_RegulatorList.GetCount(); ii++ ) { if( m_RegulatorList.m_List[ii]->m_Name == m_lastSelectedRegulatorName ) { idx = ii; break; } } } m_choiceRegulatorSelector->SetSelection( idx ); wxCommandEvent event; OnRegulatorSelection( event ); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::RegulatorsSolve() { int id; if( m_rbRegulR1->GetValue() ) { id = 0; // for R1 calculation } else if( m_rbRegulR2->GetValue() ) { id = 1; // for R2 calculation } else if( m_rbRegulVout->GetValue() ) { id = 2; // for Vout calculation } else { wxMessageBox( wxT("Selection error" ) ); return; } double r1, r2, vref, vout; wxString txt; m_RegulMessage->SetLabel( wxEmptyString); // Convert r1 and r2 in ohms int r1scale = 1000; int r2scale = 1000; // Read values from panel: txt = m_RegulR1Value->GetValue(); r1 = DoubleFromString( txt ) * r1scale; txt = m_RegulR2Value->GetValue(); r2 = DoubleFromString( txt ) * r2scale; txt = m_RegulVrefValue->GetValue(); vref = DoubleFromString( txt ); txt = m_RegulVoutValue->GetValue(); vout = DoubleFromString( txt ); // Some tests: if( vout < vref && id != 2 ) { m_RegulMessage->SetLabel( _("Vout must be greater than vref" ) ); return; } if( vref == 0.0 ) { m_RegulMessage->SetLabel( _( "Vref set to 0 !" ) ); return; } if( ( r1 < 0 && id != 0 ) || ( r2 <= 0 && id != 1 ) ) { m_RegulMessage->SetLabel( _("Incorrect value for R1 R2" ) ); return; } // Calculate if( m_choiceRegType->GetSelection() == 1) { // 3 terminal regulator txt = m_RegulIadjValue->GetValue(); double iadj = DoubleFromString( txt ); // iadj is given in micro amp, so convert it in amp. iadj /= 1000000; switch( id ) { case 0: r1 = vref * r2 / ( vout - vref - ( r2 * iadj ) ); break; case 1: r2 = ( vout - vref ) / ( iadj + ( vref / r1 ) ); break; case 2: vout = vref * ( r1 + r2 ) / r1; vout += r2 * iadj; break; } } else { // Standard 4 terminal regulator switch( id ) { case 0: r1 = ( vout / vref - 1 ) * r2; break; case 1: r2 = r1 / ( vout / vref - 1 ); break; case 2: vout = vref * ( r1 + r2 ) / r2; break; } } // write values to panel: txt.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), r1 / r1scale ); m_RegulR1Value->SetValue( txt ); txt.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), r2 / r2scale ); m_RegulR2Value->SetValue( txt ); txt.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), vref ); m_RegulVrefValue->SetValue( txt ); txt.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), vout ); m_RegulVoutValue->SetValue( txt ); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::Regulators_WriteConfig( PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS* aCfg ) { // Save current parameter values in config. aCfg->m_Regulators.r1 = m_RegulR1Value->GetValue(); aCfg->m_Regulators.r2 = m_RegulR2Value->GetValue(); aCfg->m_Regulators.vref = m_RegulVrefValue->GetValue(); aCfg->m_Regulators.vout = m_RegulVoutValue->GetValue(); aCfg->m_Regulators.data_file = GetDataFilename(); aCfg->m_Regulators.selected_regulator = m_lastSelectedRegulatorName; aCfg->m_Regulators.type = m_choiceRegType->GetSelection(); // Store the parameter selection that was recently calculated (R1, R2 or Vout) wxRadioButton* regprms[3] = { m_rbRegulR1, m_rbRegulR2, m_rbRegulVout }; for( int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ ) { if( regprms[ii]->GetValue() ) { aCfg->m_Regulators.last_param = ii; break; } } } void PANEL_REGULATOR::LoadSettings( PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS* aCfg ) { m_RegulR1Value->SetValue( aCfg->m_Regulators.r1 ); m_RegulR2Value->SetValue( aCfg->m_Regulators.r2 ); m_RegulVrefValue->SetValue( aCfg->m_Regulators.vref ); m_RegulVoutValue->SetValue( aCfg->m_Regulators.vout ); SetDataFilename( aCfg->m_Regulators.data_file ); m_lastSelectedRegulatorName = aCfg->m_Regulators.selected_regulator; m_choiceRegType->SetSelection( aCfg->m_Regulators.type ); wxRadioButton* regprms[3] = { m_rbRegulR1, m_rbRegulR2, m_rbRegulVout }; if( aCfg->m_Regulators.last_param >= 3 ) aCfg->m_Regulators.last_param = 0; for( int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ ) regprms[ii]->SetValue( aCfg->m_Regulators.last_param == ii ); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::SaveSettings( PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS *aCfg ) { // TODO: This was empty for some reason, should we actually save settings here? } const wxString PANEL_REGULATOR::GetDataFilename() { if( m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) return wxEmptyString; wxFileName fn( m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->GetValue() ); fn.SetExt( DataFileNameExt ); return fn.GetFullPath(); } void PANEL_REGULATOR::SetDataFilename( const wxString& aFilename ) { if( aFilename.IsEmpty() ) { m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); } else { wxFileName fn( aFilename ); fn.SetExt( DataFileNameExt ); m_regulators_fileNameCtrl->SetValue( fn.GetFullPath() ); } }