/****************************************************/ /* Routines de gestion des commandes sur blocks */ /* (section commune eeschema/pcbnew... */ /****************************************************/ /* Fichier common.cpp */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "common.h" #include "macros.h" /*******************/ /* DrawBlockStruct */ /*******************/ /****************************************************************************/ DrawBlockStruct::DrawBlockStruct() : EDA_BaseStruct( BLOCK_LOCATE_STRUCT_TYPE ) , EDA_Rect() /****************************************************************************/ { m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK; /* Etat (enum BlockState) du block */ m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE; /* Type (enum CmdBlockType) d'operation */ m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; /* pointeur sur la structure */ m_Color = BROWN; } /****************************************/ DrawBlockStruct::~DrawBlockStruct() /****************************************/ { } /***************************************************************/ void DrawBlockStruct::SetMessageBlock( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame ) /***************************************************************/ /* * Print block command message (Block move, Block copy ...) in status bar */ { wxString msg; switch( m_Command ) { case BLOCK_IDLE: break; case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */ case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/ msg = _( "Block Move" ); break; case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */ msg = _( "Block Drag" ); break; case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */ msg = _( "Block Copy" ); break; case BLOCK_DELETE: /* Delete */ msg = _( "Block Delete" ); break; case BLOCK_SAVE: /* Save */ msg = _( "Block Save" ); break; case BLOCK_PASTE: msg = _( "Block Paste" ); break; case BLOCK_ZOOM: /* Window Zoom */ msg = _( "Win Zoom" ); break; case BLOCK_ROTATE: /* Rotate 90 deg */ msg = _( "Block Rotate" ); break; case BLOCK_INVERT: /* Flip */ msg = _( "Block Invert" ); break; case BLOCK_MIRROR_X: case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y: /* mirror */ msg = _( "Block Mirror" ); break; case BLOCK_ABORT: break; default: msg = wxT( "????" ); break; } frame->DisplayToolMsg( msg ); } /**************************************************************/ void DrawBlockStruct::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC ) /**************************************************************/ { int w = GetWidth() / panel->GetZoom(); int h = GetHeight() / panel->GetZoom(); if( w == 0 || h == 0 ) GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, GetX(), GetY(), GetRight(), GetBottom(), 0, m_Color ); else GRRect( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, GetX(), GetY(), GetRight(), GetBottom(), 0, m_Color ); } /*************************************************************************/ bool WinEDA_DrawFrame::HandleBlockBegin( wxDC* DC, int key, const wxPoint& startpos ) /*************************************************************************/ /* First command block function: * Init the Block infos: command type, initial position, and other variables.. */ { DrawBlockStruct* Block = & GetScreen()->BlockLocate; if( (Block->m_Command != BLOCK_IDLE) || ( Block->m_State != STATE_NO_BLOCK) ) return FALSE; Block->m_Flags = 0; Block->m_Command = (CmdBlockType) ReturnBlockCommand( key ); if( Block->m_Command == 0 ) return FALSE; switch( Block->m_Command ) { case BLOCK_IDLE: break; case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */ case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */ case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */ case BLOCK_DELETE: /* Delete */ case BLOCK_SAVE: /* Save */ case BLOCK_ROTATE: /* Rotate 90 deg */ case BLOCK_INVERT: /* Flip */ case BLOCK_ZOOM: /* Window Zoom */ case BLOCK_MIRROR_X: case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y: /* mirror */ case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/ InitBlockLocateDatas( DrawPanel, startpos ); break; case BLOCK_PASTE: InitBlockLocateDatas( DrawPanel, startpos ); Block->m_BlockLastCursorPosition.x = 0; Block->m_BlockLastCursorPosition.y = 0; InitBlockPasteInfos(); if( Block->m_BlockDrawStruct == NULL ) /* No data to paste */ { DisplayError( this, wxT( "No Block to paste" ), 20 ); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; return TRUE; } if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur == NULL ) { Block->m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; DisplayError( this, wxT( "WinEDA_DrawFrame::HandleBlockBegin() Err: ManageCurseur NULL" ) ); return TRUE; } Block->m_State = STATE_BLOCK_MOVE; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); break; default: { wxString msg; msg << wxT( "WinEDA_DrawFrame::HandleBlockBegin() error: Unknown command " ) << Block->m_Command; DisplayError( this, msg ); } break; } Block->SetMessageBlock( this ); return TRUE; } /******************************************************************/ void AbortBlockCurrentCommand( WinEDA_DrawPanel* Panel, wxDC* DC ) /******************************************************************/ /* * Cancel Current block operation. */ { BASE_SCREEN* screen = Panel->GetScreen(); if( Panel->ManageCurseur ) /* Erase current drawing on screen */ { Panel->ManageCurseur( Panel, DC, FALSE ); /* Efface dessin fantome */ Panel->ManageCurseur = NULL; Panel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL; screen->SetCurItem( NULL ); /* Delete the picked wrapper if this is a picked list. */ if( (screen->BlockLocate.m_Command != BLOCK_PASTE) && screen->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct ) { if( screen->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct->Type() == DRAW_PICK_ITEM_STRUCT_TYPE ) { DrawPickedStruct* PickedList; PickedList = (DrawPickedStruct*) screen->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct; PickedList->DeleteWrapperList(); } screen->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; } } screen->BlockLocate.m_Flags = 0; screen->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK; screen->BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_ABORT; Panel->m_Parent->HandleBlockEnd( DC ); screen->BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE; Panel->m_Parent->DisplayToolMsg( wxEmptyString ); } /*************************************************************************/ void InitBlockLocateDatas( WinEDA_DrawPanel* Panel, const wxPoint& startpos ) /*************************************************************************/ /* * Init the initial values of a BlockLocate, before starting a block command */ { BASE_SCREEN* screen = Panel->GetScreen(); screen->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_INIT; screen->BlockLocate.SetOrigin( startpos ); screen->BlockLocate.SetSize( wxSize( 0, 0 ) ); screen->BlockLocate.Pnext = NULL; screen->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; Panel->ManageCurseur = DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines; Panel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = AbortBlockCurrentCommand; } /********************************************************************************/ void DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ) /********************************************************************************/ /* Redraw the outlines of the block which shows the search area for block commands * The first point of the rectangle showing the area is initialised * by InitBlockLocateDatas(). * The other point of the rectangle is the mouse cursor */ { DrawBlockStruct* PtBlock; PtBlock = &panel->GetScreen()->BlockLocate; PtBlock->m_MoveVector = wxPoint( 0, 0 ); GRSetDrawMode( DC, g_XorMode ); /* Effacement ancien cadre */ if( erase ) PtBlock->Draw( panel, DC ); PtBlock->m_BlockLastCursorPosition = panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur; PtBlock->SetEnd( panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur ); PtBlock->Draw( panel, DC ); if( PtBlock->m_State == STATE_BLOCK_INIT ) { if( PtBlock->GetWidth() || PtBlock->GetHeight() ) /* 2ieme point existant: le rectangle n'est pas de surface nulle */ PtBlock->m_State = STATE_BLOCK_END; } }