/*****************************************************************/ /* Operations sur Blocks : deplacement, rotation, effacement ... */ /*****************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "autorout.h" #include "pcbplot.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "protos.h" #define BLOCK_COLOR BROWN /* Routines Locales */ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ); static EDA_BaseStruct* IsStructInBox( DrawBlockStruct& blocklocate, EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct ); static TRACK* IsSegmentInBox( DrawBlockStruct& blocklocate, TRACK* PtSegm ); static MODULE* IsModuleInBox( DrawBlockStruct& blocklocate, MODULE* Module ); /* Variables locales :*/ static bool Block_Include_Modules = TRUE; static bool Block_Include_Tracks = TRUE; static bool Block_Include_Zones = TRUE; static bool Block_Include_Draw_Items = TRUE; static bool Block_Include_Edges_Items = TRUE; static bool Block_Include_PcbTextes = TRUE; enum id_block_cmd { ID_ACCEPT_BLOCK_COMMAND = 8000, ID_CANCEL_BLOCK_COMMAND }; /************************************/ /* class WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame */ /************************************/ class WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame : public wxDialog { private: WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* m_Parent; wxCheckBox* m_Include_Modules; wxCheckBox* m_Include_Tracks; wxCheckBox* m_Include_Zones; wxCheckBox* m_Include_Draw_Items; wxCheckBox* m_Include_Edges_Items; wxCheckBox* m_Include_PcbTextes; public: // Constructor and destructor WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent, const wxString& title ); ~WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame() { } private: void ExecuteCommand( wxCommandEvent& event ); void Cancel( wxCommandEvent& event ); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_ACCEPT_BLOCK_COMMAND, WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame::ExecuteCommand ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_CANCEL_BLOCK_COMMAND, WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame::Cancel ) END_EVENT_TABLE() /**************************************************************/ static bool InstallBlockCmdFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent, const wxString& title ) /**************************************************************/ { int nocmd; wxPoint oldpos = parent->GetScreen()->m_Curseur; parent->DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = TRUE; WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame* frame = new WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame( parent, title ); nocmd = frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy(); parent->GetScreen()-> m_Curseur = oldpos; parent->DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); parent->DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = FALSE; parent->DrawPanel->SetCursor( parent->DrawPanel->m_PanelCursor = parent->DrawPanel->m_PanelDefaultCursor ); return nocmd ? FALSE : TRUE; } /******************************************************************************/ WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame::WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent, const wxString& title ) : wxDialog( parent, -1, title, wxPoint( -1, -1 ), wxSize( 280, 220 ), DIALOG_STYLE ) /******************************************************************************/ { wxPoint pos; wxButton* Button; m_Parent = parent; SetFont( *g_DialogFont ); Centre(); /* Creation des boutons de commande */ pos.x = 170; pos.y = 10; Button = new wxButton( this, ID_ACCEPT_BLOCK_COMMAND, _( "Ok" ), pos ); Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED ); pos.y += Button->GetDefaultSize().y + 20; Button = new wxButton( this, ID_CANCEL_BLOCK_COMMAND, _( "Cancel" ), pos ); Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE ); pos.x = 5; pos.y = 20; // Selection des options : m_Include_Modules = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, _( "Include Modules" ), pos ); m_Include_Modules->SetValue( Block_Include_Modules ); pos.y += 20; m_Include_Tracks = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, _( "Include tracks" ), pos ); m_Include_Tracks->SetValue( Block_Include_Tracks ); pos.y += 20; m_Include_Zones = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, _( "Include zones" ), pos ); m_Include_Zones->SetValue( Block_Include_Zones ); pos.y += 20; m_Include_PcbTextes = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, _( "Include Text on copper layers" ), pos ); m_Include_PcbTextes->SetValue( Block_Include_PcbTextes ); pos.y += 20; m_Include_Draw_Items = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, _( "Include drawings" ), pos ); m_Include_Draw_Items->SetValue( Block_Include_Draw_Items ); pos.y += 20; m_Include_Edges_Items = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, _( "Include egde layer" ), pos ); m_Include_Edges_Items->SetValue( Block_Include_Edges_Items ); } /**********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame::Cancel( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED (event) ) /**********************************************************************/ { EndModal( 1 ); } /*******************************************************************/ void WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame::ExecuteCommand( wxCommandEvent& event ) /*******************************************************************/ { Block_Include_Modules = m_Include_Modules->GetValue(); Block_Include_Tracks = m_Include_Tracks->GetValue(); Block_Include_Zones = m_Include_Zones->GetValue(); Block_Include_Draw_Items = m_Include_Draw_Items->GetValue(); Block_Include_Edges_Items = m_Include_Edges_Items->GetValue(); Block_Include_PcbTextes = m_Include_PcbTextes->GetValue(); EndModal( 0 ); } /*************************************************/ int WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReturnBlockCommand( int key ) /*************************************************/ /* Return the block command (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) corresponding to * the key (ALT, SHIFT ALT ..) */ { int cmd = 0; switch( key ) { default: cmd = key & 0x255; break; case 0: cmd = BLOCK_MOVE; break; case GR_KB_SHIFT: cmd = BLOCK_COPY; break; case GR_KB_CTRL: cmd = BLOCK_ROTATE; break; case GR_KB_SHIFTCTRL: cmd = BLOCK_DELETE; break; case GR_KB_ALT: cmd = BLOCK_INVERT; break; case MOUSE_MIDDLE: cmd = BLOCK_ZOOM; break; } return cmd; } /*****************************************************/ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC ) /*****************************************************/ /* Routine to handle the BLOCK PLACE commande */ { bool err = FALSE; if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur == NULL ) { err = TRUE; DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace : ManageCurseur = NULL" ) ); } GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_STOP; switch( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command ) { case BLOCK_IDLE: err = TRUE; break; case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */ case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */ case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/ if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur ) DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); Block_Move( DC ); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; break; case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */ if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur ) DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); Block_Duplicate( DC ); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; break; case BLOCK_PASTE: break; case BLOCK_ZOOM: // Handled by HandleBlockEnd() default: break; } GetScreen()->SetModify(); DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Flags = 0; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE; if( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct ) { DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace DrawStruct != NULL" ) ); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; } DisplayToolMsg( wxEmptyString ); } /**********************************************/ int WinEDA_PcbFrame::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC ) /**********************************************/ /* Routine de gestion de la commande BLOCK END * returne : * 0 si aucun compos ant selectionne * 1 sinon * -1 si commande terminée et composants trouvés (block delete, block save) */ { int endcommande = TRUE; if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur ) switch( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command ) { case BLOCK_IDLE: DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace" ) ); break; case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag (not used, for future enhancements)*/ case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */ case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */ case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/ GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_MOVE; endcommande = FALSE; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = DrawMovingBlockOutlines; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); break; case BLOCK_DELETE: /* Delete */ // Turn off the block rectangle now so it is not redisplayed DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_STOP; DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); Block_Delete( DC ); break; case BLOCK_ROTATE: /* Rotation */ // Turn off the block rectangle now so it is not redisplayed DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_STOP; DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); Block_Rotate( DC ); break; case BLOCK_INVERT: /* Flip */ // Turn off the block rectangle now so it is not redisplayed DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_STOP; DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); Block_Invert( DC ); break; case BLOCK_SAVE: /* Save (not used, for future enhancements)*/ GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_STOP; if( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct != NULL ) { DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); // SaveStruct(GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct); } break; case BLOCK_PASTE: break; case BLOCK_ZOOM: /* Window Zoom */ //Turn off the redraw block routine now so it is not displayed // with one corner at the new center of the screen DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; Window_Zoom( GetScreen()->BlockLocate ); break; default: break; } if( endcommande == TRUE ) { GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Flags = 0; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL; DisplayToolMsg( wxEmptyString ); } return endcommande; } /**************************************************************************/ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ) /**************************************************************************/ /* Retrace le contour du block de repositionnement des structures a déplacer */ { int Color; BASE_SCREEN* screen = panel->GetScreen(); Color = YELLOW; GRSetDrawMode( DC, g_XorMode ); /* Effacement ancien cadre */ if( erase ) { screen->BlockLocate.Draw( panel, DC ); if( screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x || screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y ) { screen->BlockLocate.Offset( screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector ); screen->BlockLocate.Draw( panel, DC ); screen->BlockLocate.Offset( -screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x, -screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y ); } } if( panel->m_Parent->GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State != STATE_BLOCK_STOP ) { screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x = screen->m_Curseur.x - screen->BlockLocate.GetRight(); screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y = screen->m_Curseur.y - screen->BlockLocate.GetBottom(); } screen->BlockLocate.Draw( panel, DC ); if( screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x || screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y ) { screen->BlockLocate.Offset( screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector ); screen->BlockLocate.Draw( panel, DC ); screen->BlockLocate.Offset( -screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x, -screen->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y ); } } /************************************************/ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Block_Delete( wxDC* DC ) /************************************************/ /* * routine d'effacement du block deja selectionne */ { BOARD_ITEM* PtStruct, * NextS; int masque_layer; if( !InstallBlockCmdFrame( this, _( "Delete Block" ) ) ) return; GetScreen()->SetModify(); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Normalize(); SetCurItem( NULL ); /* Effacement des modules */ if( Block_Include_Modules ) { MODULE* module; Affiche_Message( _( "Delete Footprints" ) ); module = m_Pcb->m_Modules; for( ; module != NULL; module = (MODULE*) NextS ) { NextS = module->Next(); if( IsModuleInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, module ) == NULL ) continue; /* le module est ici bon a etre efface */ module->m_Flags = 0; module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); DeleteStructure( module ); m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; } } /* Effacement des Pistes */ if( Block_Include_Tracks ) { TRACK* pt_segm; Affiche_Message( _( "Delete tracks" ) ); for( pt_segm = m_Pcb->m_Track; pt_segm != NULL; pt_segm = (TRACK*) NextS ) { NextS = pt_segm->Next(); if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, pt_segm ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre efface */ pt_segm->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); DeleteStructure( pt_segm ); } } } /* Effacement des Elements De Dessin */ masque_layer = EDGE_LAYER; if( Block_Include_Draw_Items ) masque_layer = ALL_LAYERS; if( !Block_Include_Edges_Items ) masque_layer &= ~EDGE_LAYER; Affiche_Message( _( "Delete draw layers" ) ); PtStruct = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = NextS ) { NextS = PtStruct->Next(); switch( PtStruct->Type() ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct, GR_XOR ); DeleteStructure( PtStruct ); break; case TYPETEXTE: if( !Block_Include_PcbTextes ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* le texte est ici bon a etre efface */ ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); /* Suppression du texte en Memoire*/ DeleteStructure( PtStruct ); break; case TYPEMIRE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); DeleteStructure( PtStruct ); break; case TYPECOTATION: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (COTATION*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ ( (COTATION*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); DeleteStructure( PtStruct ); break; default: break; } } /* Effacement des Zones */ if( Block_Include_Zones ) { TRACK* pt_segm; Affiche_Message( _( "Delete zones" ) ); for( pt_segm = m_Pcb->m_Zone; pt_segm != NULL; pt_segm = (TRACK*) NextS ) { NextS = pt_segm->Next(); if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, pt_segm ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre efface */ pt_segm->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); DeleteStructure( pt_segm ); } } } /* Rafraichissement de l'ecran : */ RedrawActiveWindow( DC, TRUE ); if( g_Show_Ratsnest ) Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE ); } /****************************************************/ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Block_Rotate( wxDC* DC ) /****************************************************/ /* * routine de Rotation de 90 deg du block deja selectionne * les elements sont tournes autour du centre du block */ { MODULE* module; EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct; int masque_layer; wxPoint oldpos; int Nx, Ny, centerX, centerY; /* centre de rotation de l'ensemble des elements */ if( !InstallBlockCmdFrame( this, _( "Rotate Block" ) ) ) return; oldpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Normalize(); /* calcul du centre de Rotation */ centerX = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Centre().x; centerY = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Centre().y; GetScreen()->SetModify(); /* Rotation des modules */ if( Block_Include_Modules ) { Affiche_Message( _( "Footprint rotation" ) ); bool Show_Ratsnest_tmp = g_Show_Ratsnest; g_Show_Ratsnest = false; int Angle_Rot_Module = 900; module = m_Pcb->m_Modules; for( ; module != NULL; module = (MODULE*) module->Pnext ) { if( IsModuleInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, module ) == NULL ) continue; /* le module est ici bon a etre modifie */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; module->m_Flags = 0; module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); /* calcul de la nouvelle position du Module */ Nx = module->m_Pos.x; Ny = module->m_Pos.y; RotatePoint( &Nx, &Ny, centerX, centerY, 900 ); GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x = Nx; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = Ny; Place_Module( module, DC ); /* Rotation du module autour de son ancre */ Rotate_Module( DC, module, Angle_Rot_Module, TRUE ); } /* regeneration des valeurs originelles */ GetScreen()->m_Curseur = oldpos; g_Show_Ratsnest = Show_Ratsnest_tmp; } /* Deplacement des Segments de piste */ if( Block_Include_Tracks ) { TRACK* track; Affiche_Message( _( "Track rotation" ) ); track = m_Pcb->m_Track; while( track ) { if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); // effacement RotatePoint( &track->m_Start.x, &track->m_Start.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &track->m_End.x, &track->m_End.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = track->Next(); } } /* Deplacement des Segments de Zone */ if( Block_Include_Zones ) { TRACK* track; Affiche_Message( _( "Zone rotation" ) ); track = (TRACK*) m_Pcb->m_Zone; while( track ) { if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); // effacement RotatePoint( &track->m_Start.x, &track->m_Start.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &track->m_End.x, &track->m_End.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = track->Next(); } } masque_layer = EDGE_LAYER; if( Block_Include_Draw_Items ) masque_layer = ALL_LAYERS; if( !Block_Include_Edges_Items ) masque_layer &= ~EDGE_LAYER; Affiche_Message( _( "Draw layers rotation" ) ); PtStruct = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext ) { switch( PtStruct->Type() ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct, GR_XOR ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->m_Start.x, &STRUCT->m_Start.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->m_End.x, &STRUCT->m_End.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct, GR_OR ); break; case TYPETEXTE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct ) if( !Block_Include_PcbTextes ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* le texte est ici bon a etre deplace */ ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); /* Redessin du Texte */ RotatePoint( &STRUCT->m_Pos.x, &STRUCT->m_Pos.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); STRUCT->m_Orient += 900; if( STRUCT->m_Orient >= 3600 ) STRUCT->m_Orient -= 3600; STRUCT->CreateDrawData(); ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; case TYPEMIRE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre modifie */ ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->m_Pos.x, &STRUCT->m_Pos.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; case TYPECOTATION: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (COTATION*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre modifie */ ( (COTATION*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->m_Pos.x, &STRUCT->m_Pos.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->m_Text->m_Pos.x, &STRUCT->m_Text->m_Pos.y, centerX, centerY, 900 ); STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient += 900; if( STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient >= 3600 ) STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient -= 3600; if( (STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient > 900) && (STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient <2700) ) STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient -= 1800; RotatePoint( &STRUCT->Barre_ox, &STRUCT->Barre_oy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->Barre_fx, &STRUCT->Barre_fy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->TraitG_ox, &STRUCT->TraitG_oy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->TraitG_fx, &STRUCT->TraitG_fy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->TraitD_ox, &STRUCT->TraitD_oy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->TraitD_fx, &STRUCT->TraitD_fy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheG1_ox, &STRUCT->FlecheG1_oy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheG1_fx, &STRUCT->FlecheG1_fy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheG2_ox, &STRUCT->FlecheG2_oy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheG2_fx, &STRUCT->FlecheG2_fy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheD1_ox, &STRUCT->FlecheD1_oy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheD1_fx, &STRUCT->FlecheD1_fy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheD2_ox, &STRUCT->FlecheD2_oy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); RotatePoint( &STRUCT->FlecheD2_fx, &STRUCT->FlecheD2_fy, centerX, centerY, 900 ); ( (COTATION*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; default: break; } } RedrawActiveWindow( DC, TRUE ); if( g_Show_Ratsnest ) Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE ); } /*****************************************************/ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Block_Invert( wxDC* DC ) /*****************************************************/ /* * routine d'inversion miroir deg du block deja selectionne * les elements sont inverse / axe horizontal, * l'axe d'inversion est la mediane horizontale du block */ #define INVERT( pos ) (pos) = centerY - ( (pos) - centerY ) #define INVERT_ANGLE( phi ) (phi) = -(phi) { MODULE* module; EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct; int masque_layer; wxPoint memo; int Ny, centerY;/* position de l'axe d'inversion de l'ensemble des elements */ if( !InstallBlockCmdFrame( this, _( "Block mirroring" ) ) ) return; memo = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Normalize(); /* calcul du centre d'inversion */ centerY = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Centre().y; GetScreen()->SetModify(); /* Inversion des modules */ if( Block_Include_Modules ) { bool Show_Ratsnest_tmp = g_Show_Ratsnest; g_Show_Ratsnest = false; Affiche_Message( _( "Footprint mirroring" ) ); module = m_Pcb->m_Modules; for( ; module != NULL; module = (MODULE*) module->Pnext ) { if( IsModuleInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, module ) == NULL ) continue; /* le module est ici bon a etre efface */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; module->m_Flags = 0; module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); /* calcul de la nouvelle position du Module */ Ny = module->m_Pos.y; INVERT( Ny ); GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x = module->m_Pos.x; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = Ny; Place_Module( module, DC ); /* inversion du module */ Change_Side_Module( module, DC ); /* regeneration des valeurs originelles */ GetScreen()->m_Curseur = memo; } g_Show_Ratsnest = Show_Ratsnest_tmp; } /* Deplacement des Segments de piste */ if( Block_Include_Tracks ) { TRACK* track; Affiche_Message( _( "Track mirroring" ) ); track = m_Pcb->m_Track; while( track ) { if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); // effacement INVERT( track->m_Start.y ); INVERT( track->m_End.y ); if( track->Type() != TYPEVIA ) { track->SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( track->GetLayer() ) ); } track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = (TRACK*) track->Pnext; } } /* Deplacement des Segments de Zone */ if( Block_Include_Zones ) { TRACK* track; Affiche_Message( _( "Zone mirroring" ) ); track = (TRACK*) m_Pcb->m_Zone; while( track ) { if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); // effacement INVERT( track->m_Start.y ); INVERT( track->m_End.y ); track->SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( track->GetLayer() ) ); track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = (TRACK*) track->Pnext; } } masque_layer = EDGE_LAYER; if( Block_Include_Draw_Items ) masque_layer = ALL_LAYERS; if( !Block_Include_Edges_Items ) masque_layer &= ~EDGE_LAYER; Affiche_Message( _( "Draw layers mirroring" ) ); PtStruct = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext ) { switch( PtStruct->Type() ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre selectionne */ Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct, GR_XOR ); if( STRUCT->m_Shape == S_ARC ) { INVERT_ANGLE( STRUCT->m_Angle ); } INVERT( STRUCT->m_Start.y ); INVERT( STRUCT->m_End.y ); STRUCT->SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( STRUCT->GetLayer() ) ); Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct, GR_OR ); break; case TYPETEXTE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct ) if( !Block_Include_PcbTextes ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* le texte est ici bon a etre selectionne*/ ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); /* Redessin du Texte */ INVERT( STRUCT->m_Pos.y ); INVERT_ANGLE( STRUCT->m_Orient ); if( (STRUCT->GetLayer() == CUIVRE_N) || (STRUCT->GetLayer() == CMP_N) ) { STRUCT->m_Miroir ^= 1; /* inverse miroir */ } STRUCT->SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( STRUCT->GetLayer() ) ); STRUCT->CreateDrawData(); ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; case TYPEMIRE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre modifie */ ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); INVERT( STRUCT->m_Pos.y ); STRUCT->SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( STRUCT->GetLayer() ) ); ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; case TYPECOTATION: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (COTATION*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre modifie */ ( (COTATION*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); INVERT( STRUCT->m_Pos.y ); INVERT( STRUCT->m_Text->m_Pos.y ); INVERT_ANGLE( STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient ); if( STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient >= 3600 ) STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient -= 3600; if( (STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient > 900) && (STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient <2700) ) STRUCT->m_Text->m_Orient -= 1800; INVERT( STRUCT->Barre_oy ); INVERT( STRUCT->Barre_fy ); INVERT( STRUCT->TraitG_oy ); INVERT( STRUCT->TraitG_fy ); INVERT( STRUCT->TraitD_oy ); INVERT( STRUCT->TraitD_fy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheG1_oy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheG1_fy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheG2_oy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheG2_fy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheD1_oy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheD1_fy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheD2_oy ); INVERT( STRUCT->FlecheD2_fy ); STRUCT->SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( STRUCT->GetLayer() ) ); ( (COTATION*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; default: break; } } RedrawActiveWindow( DC, TRUE ); if( g_Show_Ratsnest ) Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE ); } /************************************************/ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Block_Move( wxDC* DC ) /************************************************/ /* * Function to move items withing the selected block */ { MODULE* module; EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct; int masque_layer; int deltaX, deltaY; wxPoint oldpos; oldpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; if( !InstallBlockCmdFrame( this, _( "Move Block" ) ) ) return; GetScreen()->m_Curseur = oldpos; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); GetScreen()->SetModify(); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Normalize(); /* Deplacement des modules */ if( Block_Include_Modules ) { bool Show_Ratsnest_tmp = g_Show_Ratsnest; g_Show_Ratsnest = false; Affiche_Message( _( "Move footprints" ) ); module = m_Pcb->m_Modules; oldpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; for( ; module != NULL; module = (MODULE*) module->Pnext ) { if( IsModuleInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, module ) == NULL ) continue; /* le module est ici bon a etre deplace */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; module->m_Flags = 0; module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); /* calcul du deplacement pour la routine Place_Module */ /* calcul du vecteur de deplacement */ GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x = module->m_Pos.x + GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = module->m_Pos.y + GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y; Place_Module( module, DC ); } GetScreen()->m_Curseur = oldpos; g_Show_Ratsnest = Show_Ratsnest_tmp; } /* calcul du vecteur de deplacement pour les deplacements suivants */ deltaX = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x; deltaY = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y; /* Deplacement des Segments de piste */ if( Block_Include_Tracks ) { TRACK* track; Affiche_Message( _( "Move tracks" ) ); track = m_Pcb->m_Track; while( track ) { if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); // effacement track->m_Start.x += deltaX; track->m_Start.y += deltaY; track->m_End.x += deltaX; track->m_End.y += deltaY; track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = (TRACK*) track->Pnext; } } /* Deplacement des Segments de Zone */ if( Block_Include_Zones ) { TRACK* track; Affiche_Message( _( "Move zones" ) ); track = (TRACK*) m_Pcb->m_Zone; while( track ) { if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR ); // effacement track->m_Start.x += deltaX; track->m_Start.y += deltaY; track->m_End.x += deltaX; track->m_End.y += deltaY; track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = (TRACK*) track->Pnext; } } masque_layer = EDGE_LAYER; if( Block_Include_Draw_Items ) masque_layer = ALL_LAYERS; if( !Block_Include_Edges_Items ) masque_layer &= ~EDGE_LAYER; Affiche_Message( _( "Move draw layers" ) ); PtStruct = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext ) { switch( PtStruct->Type() ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, STRUCT, GR_XOR ); STRUCT->m_Start.x += deltaX; STRUCT->m_Start.y += deltaY; STRUCT->m_End.x += deltaX; STRUCT->m_End.y += deltaY; Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, STRUCT, GR_OR ); break; case TYPETEXTE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct ) if( !Block_Include_PcbTextes ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* le texte est ici bon a etre deplace */ STRUCT->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); /* Redessin du Texte */ STRUCT->m_Pos.x += deltaX; STRUCT->m_Pos.y += deltaY; ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; case TYPEMIRE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); STRUCT->m_Pos.x += deltaX; STRUCT->m_Pos.y += deltaY; ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; case TYPECOTATION: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (COTATION*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ ( (COTATION*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_XOR ); STRUCT->m_Pos.x += deltaX; STRUCT->m_Pos.y += deltaY; STRUCT->m_Text->m_Pos.x += deltaX; STRUCT->m_Text->m_Pos.y += deltaY; STRUCT->Barre_ox += deltaX; STRUCT->Barre_oy += deltaY; STRUCT->Barre_fx += deltaX; STRUCT->Barre_fy += deltaY; STRUCT->TraitG_ox += deltaX; STRUCT->TraitG_oy += deltaY; STRUCT->TraitG_fx += deltaX; STRUCT->TraitG_fy += deltaY; STRUCT->TraitD_ox += deltaX; STRUCT->TraitD_oy += deltaY; STRUCT->TraitD_fx += deltaX; STRUCT->TraitD_fy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheG1_ox += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheG1_oy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheG1_fx += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheG1_fy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheG2_ox += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheG2_oy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheG2_fx += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheG2_fy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheD1_ox += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheD1_oy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheD1_fx += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheD1_fy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheD2_ox += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheD2_oy += deltaY; STRUCT->FlecheD2_fx += deltaX; STRUCT->FlecheD2_fy += deltaY; ( (COTATION*) PtStruct )->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; default: break; } } DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE );; if( g_Show_Ratsnest ) Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE ); } /**************************************************/ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Block_Duplicate( wxDC* DC ) /**************************************************/ /* * routine de duplication des elements du block deja selectionne */ { MODULE* module; EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct; int masque_layer; int deltaX, deltaY; wxPoint oldpos; oldpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; if( !InstallBlockCmdFrame( this, _( "Copy Block" ) ) ) return; GetScreen()->m_Curseur = oldpos; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); GetScreen()->SetModify(); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Normalize(); /* Module copy */ if( Block_Include_Modules ) { bool Show_Ratsnest_tmp = g_Show_Ratsnest; g_Show_Ratsnest = false; Affiche_Message( _( "Module copy" ) ); module = m_Pcb->m_Modules; oldpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; for( ; module != NULL; module = (MODULE*) module->Pnext ) { MODULE* new_module; if( IsModuleInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, module ) == NULL ) continue; /* le module est ici bon a etre deplace */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; module->m_Flags = 0; new_module = new MODULE( m_Pcb ); new_module->Copy( module ); new_module->m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(); new_module->Pnext = m_Pcb->m_Modules; new_module->Pback = m_Pcb; m_Pcb->m_Modules->Pback = new_module; m_Pcb->m_Modules = new_module; /* calcul du deplacement pour la routine Place_Module */ /* calcul du vecteur de deplacement */ GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x = module->m_Pos.x + GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = module->m_Pos.y + GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y; Place_Module( new_module, DC ); } GetScreen()->m_Curseur = oldpos; g_Show_Ratsnest = Show_Ratsnest_tmp; } /* calcul du vecteur de deplacement pour les deplacements suivants */ deltaX = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.x; deltaY = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector.y; /* Deplacement des Segments de piste */ if( Block_Include_Tracks ) { TRACK* track, * next_track, * new_track; Affiche_Message( _( "Track copy" ) ); track = m_Pcb->m_Track; while( track ) { next_track = track->Next(); if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; new_track = track->Copy(); new_track->Insert( m_Pcb, NULL ); new_track->m_Start.x += deltaX; new_track->m_Start.y += deltaY; new_track->m_End.x += deltaX; new_track->m_End.y += deltaY; new_track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = next_track; } } /* Deplacement des Segments de Zone */ if( Block_Include_Zones ) { TRACK* track, * next_track, * new_track; Affiche_Message( _( "Zone copy" ) ); track = (TRACK*) m_Pcb->m_Zone; while( track ) { next_track = track->Next(); if( IsSegmentInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, track ) ) { /* la piste est ici bonne a etre deplacee */ new_track = new TRACK( m_Pcb ); new_track = track->Copy(); new_track->Insert( m_Pcb, NULL ); new_track->m_Start.x += deltaX; new_track->m_Start.y += deltaY; new_track->m_End.x += deltaX; new_track->m_End.y += deltaY; new_track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); // reaffichage } track = next_track; } } masque_layer = EDGE_LAYER; if( Block_Include_Draw_Items ) masque_layer = ALL_LAYERS; if( !Block_Include_Edges_Items ) masque_layer &= ~EDGE_LAYER; Affiche_Message( _( "Draw layers copy" ) ); PtStruct = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext ) { switch( PtStruct->Type() ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: { #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre copie */ DRAWSEGMENT* new_drawsegment = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_Pcb ); new_drawsegment->Copy( STRUCT ); new_drawsegment->Pnext = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; new_drawsegment->Pback = m_Pcb; m_Pcb->m_Drawings->Pback = new_drawsegment; m_Pcb->m_Drawings = new_drawsegment; new_drawsegment->m_Start.x += deltaX; new_drawsegment->m_Start.y += deltaY; new_drawsegment->m_End.x += deltaX; new_drawsegment->m_End.y += deltaY; Trace_DrawSegmentPcb( DrawPanel, DC, new_drawsegment, GR_OR ); break; } case TYPETEXTE: { #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct ) if( !Block_Include_PcbTextes ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* le texte est ici bon a etre deplace */ TEXTE_PCB* new_pcbtext = new TEXTE_PCB( m_Pcb ); new_pcbtext->Copy( STRUCT ); new_pcbtext->Pnext = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; new_pcbtext->Pback = m_Pcb; m_Pcb->m_Drawings->Pback = new_pcbtext; m_Pcb->m_Drawings = new_pcbtext; /* Redessin du Texte */ new_pcbtext->m_Pos.x += deltaX; new_pcbtext->m_Pos.y += deltaY; new_pcbtext->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; } case TYPEMIRE: { #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre efface */ MIREPCB* new_mire = new MIREPCB( m_Pcb ); new_mire->Copy( STRUCT ); new_mire->Pnext = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; new_mire->Pback = m_Pcb; m_Pcb->m_Drawings->Pback = new_mire; m_Pcb->m_Drawings = new_mire; new_mire->m_Pos.x += deltaX; new_mire->m_Pos.y += deltaY; new_mire->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; } case TYPECOTATION: { #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (COTATION*) PtStruct ) if( (g_TabOneLayerMask[STRUCT->GetLayer()] & masque_layer) == 0 ) break; if( IsStructInBox( GetScreen()->BlockLocate, PtStruct ) == NULL ) break; /* l'element est ici bon a etre copie */ COTATION* new_cotation = new COTATION( m_Pcb ); new_cotation->Copy( STRUCT ); new_cotation->Pnext = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; new_cotation->Pback = m_Pcb; m_Pcb->m_Drawings->Pback = new_cotation; m_Pcb->m_Drawings = new_cotation; new_cotation->m_Pos.x += deltaX; new_cotation->m_Pos.y += deltaY; new_cotation->m_Text->m_Pos.x += deltaX; new_cotation->m_Text->m_Pos.y += deltaY; new_cotation->Barre_ox += deltaX; new_cotation->Barre_oy += deltaY; new_cotation->Barre_fx += deltaX; new_cotation->Barre_fy += deltaY; new_cotation->TraitG_ox += deltaX; new_cotation->TraitG_oy += deltaY; new_cotation->TraitG_fx += deltaX; new_cotation->TraitG_fy += deltaY; new_cotation->TraitD_ox += deltaX; new_cotation->TraitD_oy += deltaY; new_cotation->TraitD_fx += deltaX; new_cotation->TraitD_fy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheG1_ox += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheG1_oy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheG1_fx += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheG1_fy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheG2_ox += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheG2_oy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheG2_fx += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheG2_fy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheD1_ox += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheD1_oy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheD1_fx += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheD1_fy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheD2_ox += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheD2_oy += deltaY; new_cotation->FlecheD2_fx += deltaX; new_cotation->FlecheD2_fy += deltaY; new_cotation->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_OR ); break; } default: break; } } } /*******************************************************************/ static EDA_BaseStruct* IsStructInBox( DrawBlockStruct& blocklocate, EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct ) /******************************************************************/ /* Teste si la structure PtStruct est inscrite dans le block selectionne */ { switch( PtStruct->Type() ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct ) if( !blocklocate.Inside( STRUCT->m_Start.x, STRUCT->m_Start.y ) ) return NULL; if( !blocklocate.Inside( STRUCT->m_End.x, STRUCT->m_End.y ) ) return NULL; return PtStruct; case TYPETEXTE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct ) if( !blocklocate.Inside( STRUCT->m_Pos.x, STRUCT->m_Pos.y ) ) return NULL; return PtStruct; case TYPEMIRE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct ) if( !blocklocate.Inside( STRUCT->m_Pos.x, STRUCT->m_Pos.y ) ) return NULL; return PtStruct; case TYPECOTATION: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (COTATION*) PtStruct ) if( !blocklocate.Inside( STRUCT->m_Pos.x, STRUCT->m_Pos.y ) ) return NULL; return PtStruct; default: return NULL; } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************/ static TRACK* IsSegmentInBox( DrawBlockStruct& blocklocate, TRACK* PtSegm ) /**************************************************************************/ /* Teste si la structure PtStruct est inscrite dans le block selectionne * Retourne PtSegm si oui * NULL si non */ { if( blocklocate.Inside( PtSegm->m_Start.x, PtSegm->m_Start.y ) ) return PtSegm; if( blocklocate.Inside( PtSegm->m_End.x, PtSegm->m_End.y ) ) return PtSegm; return NULL; } /****************************************************************************/ static MODULE* IsModuleInBox( DrawBlockStruct& blocklocate, MODULE* Module ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Teste si le Module est inscrit dans le block selectionne * Retourne Module si oui * NULL si non */ { bool is_out_of_box = FALSE; Module->SetRectangleExinscrit(); if( Module->m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x < blocklocate.GetX() ) is_out_of_box = TRUE; if( Module->m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y < blocklocate.GetY() ) is_out_of_box = TRUE; if( Module->m_RealBoundaryBox.GetRight() > blocklocate.GetRight() ) is_out_of_box = TRUE; if( Module->m_RealBoundaryBox.GetBottom() > blocklocate.GetBottom() ) is_out_of_box = TRUE; if( is_out_of_box ) return NULL; return Module; }