 * @file pcbnew/netlist.cpp
 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2011 Jean-Pierre Charras.
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

 *  Functions to read a netlist:
 *  - Load new footprints and initialize net info
 *  - Test for missing or extra footprints
 *  - Recalculate full connectivity info
 *  Important remark:
 *  When reading a netlist, Pcbnew must identify existing footprints (link
 * between existing footprints an components in netlist)
 *  This identification can be made from 2 fields:
 *      - The reference (U2, R5 ..): this is the normal mode
 *      - The Time Stamp : useful after a full schematic
 * reannotation because references can be changed for the component linked to its footprint.
 * So when reading a netlist, ReadPcbNetlist() can use references or time stamps
 * to identify footprints on board and the corresponding component in schematic.
 *  If we want to fully reannotate a schematic this sequence must be used
 *   1 - SAVE your board !!!
 *   2 - Create and read the netlist (to ensure all info is correct, mainly
 * references and time stamp)
 *   3 - Reannotate the schematic (references will be changed, but not time stamps )
 *   4 - Recreate and read the new netlist using the Time Stamp identification
 * (that reinit the new references)

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <gestfich.h>
#include <wxPcbStruct.h>
#include <richio.h>
#include <dialog_helpers.h>
#include <macros.h>

#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <pcbnew.h>
#include <dialog_netlist.h>
#include <html_messagebox.h>

#include <netlist_reader.h>

#include <algorithm>

 * Function OpenNetlistFile
 *  used to open a netlist file
static FILE* OpenNetlistFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
    if( aFullFileName.IsEmpty() )
        return NULL;  // No filename: exit

    FILE* file = wxFopen( aFullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );

    if( file == NULL )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Netlist file %s not found" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
        wxMessageBox( msg );

    return file;

 * Function ReadPcbNetlist
 * Update footprints (load missing footprints and delete on request extra
 * footprints)
 * Update connectivity info ( Net Name list )
 * Update Reference, value and "TIME STAMP"
 * @param aNetlistFullFilename = netlist file name (*.net)
 * @param aCmpFullFileName = cmp/footprint list file name (*.cmp) if not found,
 * @param aMessageWindow  = a wxTextCtrl to print messages (can be NULL).
 * @param aChangeFootprint = true to change existing footprints
 *                              when the netlist gives a different footprint.
 *                           false to keep existing footprints
 * @param aDeleteBadTracks - true to erase erroneous tracks after updating connectivity info.
 * @param aDeleteExtraFootprints - true to remove unlocked footprints found on board but not
 *                                 in netlist.
 * @param aSelect_By_Timestamp - true to use schematic timestamps instead of schematic references
 *                              to identify footprints on board
 *                              (Must be used after a full reannotation in schematic).
 * @return true if Ok
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ReadPcbNetlist( const wxString& aNetlistFullFilename,
                                     const wxString& aCmpFullFileName,
                                     wxTextCtrl*     aMessageWindow,
                                     bool            aChangeFootprint,
                                     bool            aDeleteBadTracks,
                                     bool            aDeleteExtraFootprints,
                                     bool            aSelect_By_Timestamp )
    FILE*   netfile = OpenNetlistFile( aNetlistFullFilename );

    if( !netfile )
        return false;

    SetLastNetListRead( aNetlistFullFilename );

    bool useCmpfile = ! aCmpFullFileName.IsEmpty() && wxFileExists( aCmpFullFileName );

    if( aMessageWindow )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Reading Netlist \"%s\"" ), GetChars( aNetlistFullFilename ) );
        aMessageWindow->AppendText( msg + wxT( "\n" ) );

        if( useCmpfile )
            msg.Printf( _( "Using component/footprint link file \"%s\"" ),
                        GetChars( aCmpFullFileName ) );
            aMessageWindow->AppendText( msg + wxT( "\n" ) );

        if( aSelect_By_Timestamp )
            msg.Printf( _( "Using time stamp selection" ),
                        GetChars( aCmpFullFileName ) );
            aMessageWindow->AppendText( msg + wxT( "\n" ) );

    // Clear undo and redo lists to avoid inconsistencies between lists


    // Clear flags and pointers to avoid inconsistencies
    GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
    SetCurItem( NULL );

    wxBusyCursor   dummy;      // Shows an hourglass while calculating

    NETLIST_READER netList_Reader( this, aMessageWindow );
    netList_Reader.m_UseTimeStamp     = aSelect_By_Timestamp;
    netList_Reader.m_ChangeFootprints = aChangeFootprint;
    netList_Reader.m_UseCmpFile = useCmpfile;
    netList_Reader.SetFilesnames( aNetlistFullFilename, aCmpFullFileName );

    // True to read footprint filters section: true for CvPcb, false for Pcbnew
    netList_Reader.ReadLibpartSectionSetOpt( false );

    bool success = netList_Reader.ReadNetList( netfile );
    if( !success )
        wxMessageBox( _("Netlist read error") );
        return false;

    // Delete footprints not found in netlist:
    if( aDeleteExtraFootprints )
        if( IsOK( NULL,
            _( "Ok to delete not locked footprints not found in netlist?" ) ) )

    // Rebuild the board connectivity:
    Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, true );

    if( aDeleteBadTracks && GetBoard()->m_Track )
        // Remove erroneous tracks
        if( RemoveMisConnectedTracks() )
            Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, true );

    GetBoard()->DisplayInfo( this );

    return true;

 * build and shows a list of existing modules on board
 * The user can select a module from this list
 * @return a pointer to the selected module or NULL
MODULE* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ListAndSelectModuleName( void )
    MODULE* Module;

    if( GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No Modules" ) );
        return 0;

    wxArrayString listnames;
    Module = (MODULE*) GetBoard()->m_Modules;

    for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Next() )
        listnames.Add( Module->m_Reference->m_Text );

    EDA_LIST_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Components" ), listnames, wxEmptyString );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return NULL;

    wxString ref = dlg.GetTextSelection();
    Module = (MODULE*) GetBoard()->m_Modules;

    for( ; Module != NULL; Module = Module->Next() )
        if( Module->m_Reference->m_Text == ref )

    return Module;

 * Function Test_Duplicate_Missing_And_Extra_Footprints
 * Build a list of duplicate, missing and extra footprints
 * from the current board and a netlist netlist :
 * Shows 3 lists:
 *  1 - duplicate footprints on board
 *  2 - missing footprints (found in netlist but not on board)
 *  3 - footprints not in netlist but on board
 * @param aNetlistFullFilename = the full filename netlist
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Test_Duplicate_Missing_And_Extra_Footprints(
    const wxString& aNetlistFullFilename )
    #define ERR_CNT_MAX 100 // Max number of errors to output in dialog
                            // to avoid a too long calculation time
    wxString list;          // The messages to display

    if( GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL )
        DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "No modules" ) );

    FILE*   netfile = OpenNetlistFile( aNetlistFullFilename );
    if( !netfile )

    SetLastNetListRead( aNetlistFullFilename );

    // Build the list of references of the net list modules.
    NETLIST_READER netList_Reader( this );
    netList_Reader.SetFilesnames( aNetlistFullFilename, wxEmptyString );
    netList_Reader.BuildModuleListOnlySetOpt( true );
    if( ! netList_Reader.ReadNetList( netfile ) )
        return;  // error

    COMPONENT_INFO_LIST& moduleInfoList = netList_Reader.GetComponentInfoList();

    if( moduleInfoList.size() == 0 )
        wxMessageBox( _( "No modules in NetList" ) );

    // Search for duplicate footprints.
    list << wxT("<p><b>") << _( "Duplicates:" ) << wxT("</b></p>");

    int err_cnt = 0;
    MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
    for( ; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
        MODULE* altmodule = module->Next();

        for( ; altmodule != NULL; altmodule = altmodule->Next() )
            if( module->m_Reference->m_Text.CmpNoCase( altmodule->m_Reference->m_Text ) == 0 )
                if( module->m_Reference->m_Text.IsEmpty() )
                    list << wxT("<br>") << wxT("[noref)");
                    list << wxT("<br>") << module->m_Reference->m_Text;

                list << wxT("  (<i>") << module->m_Value->m_Text << wxT("</i>)");
        if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )

    // Search for missing modules on board.
    list << wxT("<p><b>") <<  _( "Missing:" ) << wxT("</b></p>");

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < moduleInfoList.size(); ii++ )
        COMPONENT_INFO* cmp_info = moduleInfoList[ii];
        module = GetBoard()->FindModuleByReference( cmp_info->m_Reference );
        if( module == NULL )    // Module missing, not found in board
            list << wxT("<br>") << cmp_info->m_Reference;
            list << wxT("  (<i>") << cmp_info->m_Value << wxT("</i>)");
        if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )

    // Search for modules found on board but not in net list.
    list << wxT("<p><b>") << _( "Not in Netlist:" ) << wxT("</b></p>");

    module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
    for( ; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
        unsigned ii;
        for( ii = 0; ii < moduleInfoList.size(); ii++ )
            COMPONENT_INFO* cmp_info = moduleInfoList[ii];
            if( module->m_Reference->m_Text.CmpNoCase( cmp_info->m_Reference ) == 0 )
                break; // Module is in net list.

        if( ii == moduleInfoList.size() )   // Module not found in netlist
            if( module->m_Reference->m_Text.IsEmpty() )
                list << wxT("<br>") << wxT("[noref)");
                list << wxT("<br>") << module->m_Reference->m_Text ;
            list << wxT("  (<i>") << module->m_Value->m_Text << wxT("</i>)");
        if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )
    if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )
        list << wxT("<p><b>")
             << _( "Too many errors: some are skipped" )
             << wxT("</b></p>");

    HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _( "Check Modules" ) );