/****************************/ /* EESchema - libframe.cpp */ /****************************/ /* Gestion de la frame d'edition des composants en librairie */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "eda_doc.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #include "protos.h" #include "id.h" /* Library editor wxConfig entry names. */ const wxString lastLibExportPathEntry( wxT( "LastLibraryExportPath" ) ); const wxString lastLibImportPathEntry( wxT( "LastLibraryImportPath" ) ); const wxString showGridPathEntry( wxT( "ShowGrid" ) ); /* This method guarentees unique IDs for the library this run of Eeschema * which prevents ID conflicts and eliminates the need to recompile every * source file in the project when adding IDs to include/id.h. */ int ExportPartId = ::wxNewId(); int ImportPartId = ::wxNewId(); int CreateNewLibAndSavePartId = ::wxNewId(); /*****************************/ /* class WinEDA_LibeditFrame */ /*****************************/ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_LibeditFrame, WinEDA_DrawFrame ) EVT_CLOSE( WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnCloseWindow ) EVT_SIZE( WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnSize ) EVT_TOOL_RANGE( ID_ZOOM_IN, ID_ZOOM_PAGE, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnZoom ) // Tools et boutons de Libedit: /* Main horizontal toolbar */ EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_LIB, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_CURRENT_LIB, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_DELETE_PART, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_NEW_PART, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_PART, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_PART, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_UNDO, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::GetComponentFromUndoList ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_REDO, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::GetComponentFromRedoList ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_PART, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_FIELDS, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_CHECK_PART, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_KICAD_CHOICEBOX( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_PART_NUMBER, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_KICAD_CHOICEBOX( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_ALIAS, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) /* Right Vertical toolbar */ EVT_TOOL( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL_RANGE( ID_LIBEDIT_START_V_TOOL, ID_LIBEDIT_END_V_TOOL, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) /* PopUp events and commands: */ EVT_MENU_RANGE( ID_POPUP_START_RANGE, ID_POPUP_END_RANGE, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_MENU_RANGE( ID_POPUP_GENERAL_START_RANGE, ID_POPUP_GENERAL_END_RANGE, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL( ExportPartId, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnExportPart ) EVT_TOOL( CreateNewLibAndSavePartId, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnExportPart ) EVT_TOOL( ImportPartId, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnImportPart ) EVT_UPDATE_UI( ExportPartId, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnUpdateEditingPart ) EVT_UPDATE_UI( CreateNewLibAndSavePartId, WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnUpdateEditingPart ) // PopUp Menus pour Zooms trait�s dans drawpanel.cpp END_EVENT_TABLE() WinEDA_LibeditFrame::WinEDA_LibeditFrame( wxWindow* father, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : WinEDA_DrawFrame( father, LIBEDITOR_FRAME, title, pos, size, style ) { m_FrameName = wxT( "LibeditFrame" ); m_Draw_Axis = true; // true pour avoir les axes dessines m_Draw_Grid = true; // true pour avoir la axes dessinee m_ConfigPath = wxT( "LibraryEditor" ); // Give an icon SetIcon( wxIcon( libedit_xpm ) ); SetBaseScreen( g_ScreenLib ); GetScreen()->m_Center = true; // set to true to have the coordinates origine -0,0) centered on screen LoadSettings(); SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y ); if( DrawPanel ) DrawPanel->m_Block_Enable = true; ReCreateHToolbar(); ReCreateVToolbar(); DisplayLibInfos(); BestZoom(); Show( true ); } /**********************************************/ WinEDA_LibeditFrame::~WinEDA_LibeditFrame() /**********************************************/ { WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame = (WinEDA_SchematicFrame*) wxGetApp().GetTopWindow(); frame->m_LibeditFrame = NULL; } /** * Load library editor frame specific configuration settings. * * Don't forget to call this base method from any derived classes or the * settings will not get loaded. */ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::LoadSettings( ) { wxConfig* cfg; WinEDA_DrawFrame::LoadSettings(); wxConfigPathChanger cpc( wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config, m_ConfigPath ); cfg = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config; m_LastLibExportPath = cfg->Read( lastLibExportPathEntry, ::wxGetCwd() ); m_LastLibImportPath = cfg->Read( lastLibImportPathEntry, ::wxGetCwd() ); } /** * Save library editor frame specific configuration settings. * * Don't forget to call this base method from any derived classes or the * settings will not get saved. */ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::SaveSettings() { wxConfig* cfg; WinEDA_DrawFrame::SaveSettings(); wxConfigPathChanger cpc( wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config, m_ConfigPath ); cfg = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config; cfg->Write( lastLibExportPathEntry, m_LastLibExportPath ); cfg->Write( lastLibImportPathEntry, m_LastLibImportPath ); } /***********************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& Event ) /***********************************************************/ { LibraryStruct* Lib; if( GetScreen()->IsModify() ) { if( !IsOK( this, _( "Component was modified!\nDiscard changes?" ) ) ) { Event.Veto(); return; } else GetScreen()->ClrModify(); } for( Lib = g_LibraryList; Lib != NULL; Lib = Lib->m_Pnext ) { if( Lib->m_Modified ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "Library \"%s\" was modified!\nDiscard changes?" ), Lib->m_Name.GetData() ); if( !IsOK( this, msg ) ) { Event.Veto(); return; } } } SaveSettings(); Destroy(); } /******************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::SetToolbars() /******************************************/ /* Enable or disable tools of the differents toolbars, * according to the current conditions or options */ { if( m_HToolBar == NULL ) return; if( CurrentLib == NULL ) { if( m_HToolBar ) m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_LIB, false ); } else { if( m_HToolBar ) m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_LIB, true ); } if( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ) { if( m_HToolBar ) { m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_PART, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_CHECK_PART, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_FIELDS, false ); m_SelpartBox->Enable( false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_UNDO, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_REDO, false ); } g_EditPinByPinIsOn = false; m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, g_EditPinByPinIsOn ); if( m_VToolBar ) { m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_TEXT_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_LINE_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_RECT_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_CIRCLE_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_ARC_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_ANCHOR_ITEM_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_IMPORT_BODY_BUTT, false ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EXPORT_BODY_BUTT, false ); } } else // if we have a current entry to edit: { if( m_HToolBar ) { m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_PART, true ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_FIELDS, true ); if( (CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount > 1) || g_AsDeMorgan ) m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, true ); else m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, false ); m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, g_EditPinByPinIsOn ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, g_AsDeMorgan ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, g_AsDeMorgan ); /* Enable the "get doc" tool */ bool enable_dtool = false; if( !CurrentAliasName.IsEmpty() ) { int AliasLocation = LocateAlias( CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList, CurrentAliasName ); if( AliasLocation >= 0 ) if( !CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[AliasLocation + ALIAS_DOC_FILENAME].IsEmpty() ) enable_dtool = true; } else if( !CurrentLibEntry->m_DocFile.IsEmpty() ) enable_dtool = true; if( enable_dtool ) m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC, true ); else m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC, false ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_CHECK_PART, true ); m_SelpartBox->Enable( (CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount > 1 ) ? true : false ); if( GetScreen() ) { m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_UNDO, GetScreen()->GetUndoCommandCount() ); m_HToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_REDO, GetScreen()->GetRedoCommandCount() ); } } if( m_VToolBar ) { m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_TEXT_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_LINE_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_RECT_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_CIRCLE_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_ARC_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_ANCHOR_ITEM_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_IMPORT_BODY_BUTT, true ); m_VToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EXPORT_BODY_BUTT, true ); } } DisplayUnitsMsg(); } /**************************************/ int WinEDA_LibeditFrame::BestZoom() /**************************************/ { int dx, dy, ii, jj; int bestzoom; wxSize size; EDA_Rect BoundaryBox; if( CurrentLibEntry ) { BoundaryBox = CurrentLibEntry->GetBoundaryBox( CurrentUnit, CurrentConvert ); dx = BoundaryBox.GetWidth(); dy = BoundaryBox.GetHeight(); } else { dx = GetScreen()->m_CurrentSheetDesc->m_Size.x; dy = GetScreen()->m_CurrentSheetDesc->m_Size.y; } size = DrawPanel->GetClientSize(); size -= wxSize(100,100); // reserve 100 mils margin ii = abs( dx / size.x ); jj = abs( dy / size.y ); bestzoom = MAX( ii, jj ) + 1; if( CurrentLibEntry ) { GetScreen()->m_Curseur = BoundaryBox.Centre(); } else { GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x = 0; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = 0; } return bestzoom * GetScreen()->m_ZoomScalar; } void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnUpdateEditingPart( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ) { event.Enable( CurrentLibEntry != NULL ); } void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnUpdateNotEditingPart( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ) { event.Enable( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ); } /*************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event ) /*************************************************************************/ { int id = event.GetId(); wxPoint pos; wxClientDC dc( DrawPanel ); DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = true; DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc ); wxGetMousePosition( &pos.x, &pos.y ); pos.y += 20; switch( id ) // Arret de la commande de d�placement en cours { case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_END_CREATE_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_EDIT: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_BODY_EDIT_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_FIELD_ROTATE_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_FIELD_EDIT_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_GLOBAL_CHANGE_PINSIZE_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_GLOBAL_CHANGE_PINNAMESIZE_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_GLOBAL_CHANGE_PINNUMSIZE_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_CANCEL_EDITING: case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_COPY_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_SELECT_ITEMS_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_MIRROR_Y_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_DELETE_CURRENT_POLY_SEGMENT: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_ROTATE_GRAPHIC_TEXT: break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_DELETE_ITEM: if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur && DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur ) DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur( DrawPanel, &dc ); break; default: if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur && DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur ) DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur( DrawPanel, &dc ); SetToolID( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxEmptyString ); break; } switch( id ) { case ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_LIB: if( GetScreen()->IsModify() ) { if( IsOK( this, _( "Include last component changes?" ) ) ) SaveOnePartInMemory(); } SaveActiveLibrary(); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_NEW_PART: { g_EditPinByPinIsOn = false; LibItemToRepeat = NULL; CreateNewLibraryPart(); GetScreen()->ClearUndoRedoList(); DrawPanel->Refresh(); SetToolbars(); break; } case ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_CURRENT_LIB: SelectActiveLibrary(); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_PART: LibItemToRepeat = NULL; if( LoadOneLibraryPart() ) { g_EditPinByPinIsOn = false; GetScreen()->ClearUndoRedoList(); SetToolbars(); } DrawPanel->Refresh(); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_PART: SaveOnePartInMemory(); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_PART: InstallLibeditFrame( ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_FIELDS: InstallFieldsEditorDialog( ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_DELETE_PART: LibItemToRepeat = NULL; DeleteOnePart(); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_CHECK_PART: if( CurrentLibEntry ) if( TestPins( CurrentLibEntry ) == false ) DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( " Pins Test OK!" ) ); break; case ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT: m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, true ); m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, false ); LibItemToRepeat = NULL; CurrentConvert = 1; DrawPanel->Refresh(); break; case ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT: m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, false ); m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, true ); LibItemToRepeat = NULL; CurrentConvert = 2; DrawPanel->Refresh(); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC: if( CurrentLibEntry ) { wxString docfilename; if( !CurrentAliasName.IsEmpty() ) { int AliasLocation = LocateAlias( CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList, CurrentAliasName ); if( AliasLocation >= 0 ) docfilename = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[AliasLocation + ALIAS_DOC_FILENAME]; } else docfilename = CurrentLibEntry->m_DocFile; if( !docfilename.IsEmpty() ) GetAssociatedDocument( this, docfilename, & wxGetApp().GetLibraryPathList() ); } break; case ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN: g_EditPinByPinIsOn = g_EditPinByPinIsOn ? false : true; m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, g_EditPinByPinIsOn ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_PART_NUMBER: { int ii = m_SelpartBox->GetChoice(); if( ii < 0 ) return; LibItemToRepeat = NULL; CurrentUnit = ii + 1; DrawPanel->Refresh(); } break; case ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_ALIAS: { int ii = m_SelAliasBox->GetChoice(); if( ii < 0 ) return; LibItemToRepeat = NULL; if( ii > 0 ) CurrentAliasName = m_SelAliasBox->GetValue(); else CurrentAliasName.Empty(); DrawPanel->Refresh(); } break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_EDIT: InstallPineditFrame( this, &dc, pos ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_PIN_BUTT: if( CurrentLibEntry ) { SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add Pin" ) ); } else { SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_ARROW, _( "Set Pin Options" ) ); InstallPineditFrame( this, &dc, pos ); SetToolID( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxEmptyString ); } break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_CANCEL_EDITING: if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur && DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur ) DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur( DrawPanel, &dc ); else SetToolID( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxEmptyString ); break; case ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT: SetToolID( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxEmptyString ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_TEXT_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add Text" ) ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_RECT_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add Rectangle" ) ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_CIRCLE_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add Circle" ) ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_ARC_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add Arc" ) ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_BODY_LINE_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add Line" ) ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_ANCHOR_ITEM_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_HAND, _( "Anchor" ) ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_IMPORT_BODY_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_ARROW, _( "Import" ) ); LoadOneSymbol( ); SetToolID( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxEmptyString ); break; case ID_LIBEDIT_EXPORT_BODY_BUTT: SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_ARROW, _( "Export" ) ); SaveOneSymbol(); SetToolID( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxEmptyString ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_END_CREATE_ITEM: DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); if( CurrentDrawItem ) { EndDrawGraphicItem( &dc ); } break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_BODY_EDIT_ITEM: if( CurrentDrawItem ) { DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc ); switch( CurrentDrawItem->Type() ) { case COMPONENT_ARC_DRAW_TYPE: case COMPONENT_CIRCLE_DRAW_TYPE: case COMPONENT_RECT_DRAW_TYPE: case COMPONENT_POLYLINE_DRAW_TYPE: case COMPONENT_LINE_DRAW_TYPE: EditGraphicSymbol( &dc, CurrentDrawItem ); break; case COMPONENT_GRAPHIC_TEXT_DRAW_TYPE: EditSymbolText( &dc, CurrentDrawItem ); break; default: ; } DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc ); } break; case ID_LIBEDIT_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT: if( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ) { wxBell(); break; } SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_BULLSEYE, _( "Delete item" ) ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_DELETE_CURRENT_POLY_SEGMENT: // Delete the last created segment, while creating a polyline draw item if( CurrentDrawItem == NULL ) break; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); DeleteDrawPoly( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_DELETE_ITEM: if( CurrentDrawItem == NULL ) break; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc ); SaveCopyInUndoList( CurrentLibEntry ); if( CurrentDrawItem->Type() == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE ) { DeletePin( &dc, CurrentLibEntry, (LibDrawPin*) CurrentDrawItem ); } else { if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur && DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur ) DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur( DrawPanel, &dc ); else DeleteOneLibraryDrawStruct( DrawPanel, &dc, CurrentLibEntry, CurrentDrawItem, true ); } CurrentDrawItem = NULL; GetScreen()->SetModify(); DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_MOVE_ITEM_REQUEST: if( CurrentDrawItem == NULL ) break; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); if( CurrentDrawItem->Type() == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE ) StartMovePin( &dc ); else if( CurrentDrawItem->Type() == COMPONENT_FIELD_DRAW_TYPE ) StartMoveField( &dc, (LibDrawField*) CurrentDrawItem ); else StartMoveDrawSymbol( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_ROTATE_GRAPHIC_TEXT: if( CurrentDrawItem == NULL ) break; DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc ); DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); if( (CurrentDrawItem->m_Flags & IS_NEW) == 0 ) SaveCopyInUndoList( CurrentLibEntry ); RotateSymbolText( &dc ); DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_FIELD_ROTATE_ITEM: if( CurrentDrawItem == NULL ) break; DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc ); DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); if( CurrentDrawItem->Type() == COMPONENT_FIELD_DRAW_TYPE ) { SaveCopyInUndoList( CurrentLibEntry ); RotateField( &dc, (LibDrawField*) CurrentDrawItem ); } DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_FIELD_EDIT_ITEM: if( CurrentDrawItem == NULL ) break; DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc ); if( CurrentDrawItem->Type() == COMPONENT_FIELD_DRAW_TYPE ) { EditField( &dc, (LibDrawField*) CurrentDrawItem ); } DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_GLOBAL_CHANGE_PINSIZE_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_GLOBAL_CHANGE_PINNAMESIZE_ITEM: case ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_PIN_GLOBAL_CHANGE_PINNUMSIZE_ITEM: if( (CurrentDrawItem == NULL) || (CurrentDrawItem->Type() != COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE) ) break; SaveCopyInUndoList( CurrentLibEntry ); GlobalSetPins( &dc, (LibDrawPin*) CurrentDrawItem, id ); DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); break; case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_BLOCK: DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_ZOOM; HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK: DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_DELETE; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_COPY_BLOCK: DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_COPY; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); HandleBlockPlace( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_SELECT_ITEMS_BLOCK: DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_SELECT_ITEMS_ONLY; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_MIRROR_Y_BLOCK: DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_MIRROR_Y; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); HandleBlockPlace( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK: DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); HandleBlockPlace( &dc ); break; default: DisplayError( this, wxT( "WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions error" ) ); break; } DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = false; if( m_ID_current_state == 0 ) LibItemToRepeat = NULL; }