/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr * Copyright (C) 2008 Wayne Stambaugh * Copyright (C) 2004-2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: m_showDeMorgan = false; int LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: g_LastTextSize = -1; double LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: g_LastTextAngle = TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ; int LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: g_LastLineWidth = 0; // these values are overridden when reading the config int LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: m_textPinNumDefaultSize = Mils2iu( DEFAULTPINNUMSIZE ); int LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: m_textPinNameDefaultSize = Mils2iu( DEFAULTPINNAMESIZE ); int LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: m_defaultPinLength = Mils2iu( DEFAULTPINLENGTH ); FILL_T LIB_EDIT_FRAME:: g_LastFillStyle = NO_FILL; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( LIB_EDIT_FRAME, EDA_DRAW_FRAME ) EVT_CLOSE( LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnCloseWindow ) EVT_SIZE( LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnSize ) EVT_COMBOBOX( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_PART_NUMBER, LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnSelectUnit ) // Right vertical toolbar. EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_IMPORT_BODY_BUTT, LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnImportBody ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBEDIT_EXPORT_BODY_BUTT, LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnExportBody ) // menubar commands EVT_MENU( wxID_EXIT, LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnExitKiCad ) EVT_MENU( wxID_CLOSE, LIB_EDIT_FRAME::CloseWindow ) EVT_MENU( ID_GRID_SETTINGS, SCH_BASE_FRAME::OnGridSettings ) // Update user interface elements. EVT_UPDATE_UI( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_PART_NUMBER, LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdatePartNumber ) END_EVENT_TABLE() LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LIB_EDIT_FRAME( KIWAY* aKiway, wxWindow* aParent ) : SCH_BASE_FRAME( aKiway, aParent, FRAME_SCH_LIB_EDITOR, _( "Library Editor" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, KICAD_DEFAULT_DRAWFRAME_STYLE, LIB_EDIT_FRAME_NAME ) { SetShowDeMorgan( false ); m_DrawSpecificConvert = true; m_DrawSpecificUnit = false; m_SyncPinEdit = false; m_repeatPinStep = Mils2iu( DEFAULT_REPEAT_OFFSET_PIN ); SetShowElectricalType( true ); m_FrameSize = ConvertDialogToPixels( wxSize( 500, 350 ) ); // default in case of no prefs m_my_part = nullptr; m_treePane = nullptr; m_libMgr = nullptr; m_unit = 1; m_convert = 1; m_AboutTitle = "LibEdit"; // Delayed initialization if( g_LastTextSize == -1 ) g_LastTextSize = GetDefaultTextSize(); // Initialize grid id to the default value 50 mils: m_LastGridSizeId = ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_50 - ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000; wxIcon icon; icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_libedit_xpm ) ); SetIcon( icon ); m_settings = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings(); LoadSettings( m_settings ); // Ensure axis are always drawn KIGFX::GAL_DISPLAY_OPTIONS& gal_opts = GetGalDisplayOptions(); gal_opts.m_axesEnabled = true; m_dummyScreen = new SCH_SCREEN( aKiway ); SetScreen( m_dummyScreen ); GetScreen()->m_Center = true; GetScreen()->SetMaxUndoItems( m_UndoRedoCountMax ); GetCanvas()->GetViewControls()->SetCrossHairCursorPosition( VECTOR2D( 0, 0 ), false ); SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y ); auto settings = GetCanvas()->GetView()->GetPainter()->GetSettings(); settings->LoadColors( GetColorSettings() ); setupTools(); m_libMgr = new LIB_MANAGER( *this ); SyncLibraries( true ); m_treePane = new SYMBOL_TREE_PANE( this, m_libMgr ); ReCreateMenuBar(); ReCreateHToolbar(); ReCreateVToolbar(); ReCreateOptToolbar(); InitExitKey(); updateTitle(); DisplayCmpDoc(); RebuildSymbolUnitsList(); m_auimgr.SetManagedWindow( this ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_mainToolBar, EDA_PANE().HToolbar().Name( "MainToolbar" ).Top().Layer(6) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_messagePanel, EDA_PANE().Messages().Name( "MsgPanel" ).Bottom().Layer(6) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_optionsToolBar, EDA_PANE().VToolbar().Name( "OptToolbar" ).Left().Layer(3) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_treePane, EDA_PANE().Palette().Name( "ComponentTree" ).Left().Layer(1) .Caption( _( "Libraries" ) ).MinSize( 250, -1 ) .BestSize( m_defaultLibWidth, -1 ).Resizable() ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_drawToolBar, EDA_PANE().VToolbar().Name( "ToolsToolbar" ).Right().Layer(1) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( GetCanvas(), wxAuiPaneInfo().Name( "DrawFrame" ).CentrePane() ); m_auimgr.Update(); GetToolManager()->RunAction( "common.Control.gridPreset", true, m_LastGridSizeId ); Raise(); Show( true ); SyncView(); GetCanvas()->GetViewControls()->SetSnapping( true ); GetCanvas()->GetView()->UseDrawPriority( true ); GetCanvas()->GetGAL()->SetGridVisibility( IsGridVisible() ); GetCanvas()->GetGAL()->SetAxesEnabled( true ); // Set the working/draw area size to display a symbol to a reasonable value: // A 600mm x 600mm with a origin at the area center looks like a large working area double max_size_x = Millimeter2iu( 600 ); double max_size_y = Millimeter2iu( 600 ); BOX2D bbox; bbox.SetOrigin( -max_size_x /2, -max_size_y/2 ); bbox.SetSize( max_size_x, max_size_y ); GetCanvas()->GetView()->SetBoundary( bbox ); m_toolManager->RunAction( ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen, true ); SetShutdownBlockReason( _( "Library changes are unsaved" ) ); } LIB_EDIT_FRAME::~LIB_EDIT_FRAME() { // Shutdown all running tools if( m_toolManager ) m_toolManager->ShutdownAllTools(); // current screen is destroyed in EDA_DRAW_FRAME SetScreen( m_dummyScreen ); auto libedit = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings(); Pgm().GetSettingsManager().Save( libedit ); delete m_libMgr; } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LoadSettings( APP_SETTINGS_BASE* aCfg ) { EDA_DRAW_FRAME::LoadSettings( aCfg ); auto cfg = dynamic_cast( aCfg ); wxASSERT( cfg ); SetDefaultLineThickness( Mils2iu( cfg->m_Defaults.line_width ) ); SetDefaultPinLength( Mils2iu( cfg->m_Defaults.pin_length ) ); m_textPinNameDefaultSize = Mils2iu( cfg->m_Defaults.pin_name_size ); m_textPinNumDefaultSize = Mils2iu( cfg->m_Defaults.pin_num_size ); SetRepeatDeltaLabel( cfg->m_Repeat.label_delta ); SetRepeatPinStep( Mils2iu( cfg->m_Repeat.pin_step ) ); SetRepeatStep( wxPoint( cfg->m_Repeat.x_step, cfg->m_Repeat.y_step ) ); m_showPinElectricalTypeName = cfg->m_ShowPinElectricalType; m_defaultLibWidth = cfg->m_LibWidth; // TODO(JE) does libedit need its own TemplateFieldNames? auto ee_settings = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings(); wxASSERT( ee_settings ); wxString templateFieldNames = ee_settings->m_Drawing.field_names; if( !templateFieldNames.IsEmpty() ) { TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES_LEXER lexer( TO_UTF8( templateFieldNames ) ); try { m_templateFieldNames.Parse( &lexer ); } catch( const IO_ERROR& DBG( e ) ) { // @todo show error msg DBG( printf( "templatefieldnames parsing error: '%s'\n", TO_UTF8( e.What() ) ); ) } } auto painter = static_cast( GetCanvas()->GetView()->GetPainter() ); KIGFX::SCH_RENDER_SETTINGS* settings = painter->GetSettings(); settings->m_ShowPinsElectricalType = m_showPinElectricalTypeName; // Hidden elements must be editable settings->m_ShowHiddenText = true; settings->m_ShowHiddenPins = true; settings->m_ShowUmbilicals = false; } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SaveSettings( APP_SETTINGS_BASE* aCfg) { // aCfg will be EESCHEMA_SETTINGS because that's the parent FACE // so we throw it away here and get our own settings auto cfg = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings(); EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SaveSettings( cfg ); cfg->m_Defaults.line_width = Iu2Mils( GetDefaultLineThickness() ); cfg->m_Defaults.pin_length = Iu2Mils( GetDefaultPinLength() ); cfg->m_Defaults.pin_name_size = Iu2Mils( GetPinNameDefaultSize() ); cfg->m_Defaults.pin_num_size = Iu2Mils( GetPinNumDefaultSize() ); cfg->m_Repeat.label_delta = GetRepeatDeltaLabel(); cfg->m_Repeat.pin_step = Iu2Mils( GetRepeatPinStep() ); cfg->m_Repeat.x_step = Iu2Mils( GetRepeatStep().x ); cfg->m_Repeat.y_step = Iu2Mils( GetRepeatStep().y ); cfg->m_ShowPinElectricalType = GetShowElectricalType(); cfg->m_LibWidth = m_treePane->GetSize().x; } COLOR_SETTINGS* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetColorSettings() { auto cfg = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings(); if( cfg->m_UseEeschemaColorSettings ) return m_colorSettings; else return Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetColorSettings( cfg->m_ColorTheme ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::setupTools() { // Create the manager and dispatcher & route draw panel events to the dispatcher m_toolManager = new TOOL_MANAGER; m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( GetScreen(), GetCanvas()->GetView(), GetCanvas()->GetViewControls(), this ); m_actions = new EE_ACTIONS(); m_toolDispatcher = new TOOL_DISPATCHER( m_toolManager, m_actions ); // Register tools m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new COMMON_CONTROL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new COMMON_TOOLS ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new ZOOM_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new EE_SELECTION_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new PICKER_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new EE_INSPECTION_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new LIB_PIN_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new LIB_DRAWING_TOOLS ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new EE_POINT_EDITOR ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new LIB_MOVE_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new LIB_EDIT_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new LIB_CONTROL ); m_toolManager->InitTools(); // Run the selection tool, it is supposed to be always active m_toolManager->InvokeTool( "eeschema.InteractiveSelection" ); GetCanvas()->SetEventDispatcher( m_toolDispatcher ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& aEvent ) { // Shutdown blocks must be determined and vetoed as early as possible if( SupportsShutdownBlockReason() && aEvent.GetId() == wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION && IsContentModified() ) { aEvent.Veto(); return; } if( saveAllLibraries( true ) ) Destroy(); else aEvent.Veto(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::RebuildSymbolUnitsList() { if( !m_unitSelectBox ) return; if( m_unitSelectBox->GetCount() != 0 ) m_unitSelectBox->Clear(); if( !m_my_part || m_my_part->GetUnitCount() <= 1 ) { m_unit = 1; m_unitSelectBox->Append( wxEmptyString ); } else { for( int i = 0; i < m_my_part->GetUnitCount(); i++ ) { wxString sub = LIB_PART::SubReference( i+1, false ); wxString unit = wxString::Format( _( "Unit %s" ), GetChars( sub ) ); m_unitSelectBox->Append( unit ); } } // Ensure the selected unit is compatible with the number of units of the current part: if( m_my_part && m_my_part->GetUnitCount() < m_unit ) m_unit = 1; m_unitSelectBox->SetSelection(( m_unit > 0 ) ? m_unit - 1 : 0 ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnToggleSearchTree( wxCommandEvent& event ) { auto& treePane = m_auimgr.GetPane( m_treePane ); treePane.Show( !IsSearchTreeShown() ); m_auimgr.Update(); } bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::IsSearchTreeShown() { return m_auimgr.GetPane( m_treePane ).IsShown(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::FreezeSearchTree() { m_libMgr->GetAdapter()->Freeze(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::ThawSearchTree() { m_libMgr->GetAdapter()->Thaw(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnExitKiCad( wxCommandEvent& event ) { Kiway().OnKiCadExit(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdatePartNumber( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ) { if( !m_unitSelectBox ) return; // Using the typical event.Enable() call doesn't seem to work with wxGTK // so use the pointer to alias combobox to directly enable or disable. m_unitSelectBox->Enable( m_my_part && m_my_part->GetUnitCount() > 1 ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnSelectUnit( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int i = event.GetSelection(); if( ( i == wxNOT_FOUND ) || ( ( i + 1 ) == m_unit ) ) return; m_toolManager->RunAction( ACTIONS::cancelInteractive, true ); m_toolManager->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::clearSelection, true ); m_unit = i + 1; m_toolManager->ResetTools( TOOL_BASE::MODEL_RELOAD ); RebuildView(); } wxString LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetCurLib() const { wxString libNickname = Prj().GetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIBEDIT_CUR_LIB ); if( !libNickname.empty() ) { if( !Prj().SchSymbolLibTable()->HasLibrary( libNickname ) ) { Prj().SetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIBEDIT_CUR_LIB, wxEmptyString ); libNickname = wxEmptyString; } } return libNickname; } wxString LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SetCurLib( const wxString& aLibNickname ) { wxString old = GetCurLib(); if( aLibNickname.empty() || !Prj().SchSymbolLibTable()->HasLibrary( aLibNickname ) ) Prj().SetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIBEDIT_CUR_LIB, wxEmptyString ); else Prj().SetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIBEDIT_CUR_LIB, aLibNickname ); m_libMgr->SetCurrentLib( aLibNickname ); return old; } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SetCurPart( LIB_PART* aPart ) { m_toolManager->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::clearSelection, true ); if( m_my_part ) delete m_my_part; m_my_part = aPart; // select the current component in the tree widget if( m_my_part ) { m_treePane->GetLibTree()->SelectLibId( m_my_part->GetLibId() ); m_my_part->GetField( DATASHEET )->SetText( aPart->GetDocFileName() ); } wxString partName = m_my_part ? m_my_part->GetName() : wxString(); m_libMgr->SetCurrentPart( partName ); // retain in case this wxFrame is re-opened later on the same PROJECT Prj().SetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIBEDIT_CUR_PART, partName ); // Ensure synchronized pin edit can be enabled only symbols with interchangeable units m_SyncPinEdit = aPart && aPart->IsRoot() && aPart->IsMulti() && !aPart->UnitsLocked(); m_toolManager->ResetTools( TOOL_BASE::MODEL_RELOAD ); RebuildView(); SyncLibraries( false ); } LIB_MANAGER& LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetLibManager() { wxASSERT( m_libMgr ); return *m_libMgr; } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnImportBody( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { m_toolManager->DeactivateTool(); LoadOneSymbol(); m_drawToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBEDIT_IMPORT_BODY_BUTT, false ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnExportBody( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { m_toolManager->DeactivateTool(); SaveOneSymbol(); m_drawToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EXPORT_BODY_BUTT, false ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnModify() { GetScreen()->SetModify(); storeCurrentPart(); m_treePane->GetLibTree()->RefreshLibTree(); } bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SynchronizePins() { return m_SyncPinEdit && m_my_part && m_my_part->IsMulti() && !m_my_part->UnitsLocked(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::refreshSchematic() { // There may be no parent window so use KIWAY message to refresh the schematic editor // in case any symbols have changed. std::string dummyPayload; Kiway().ExpressMail( FRAME_SCH, MAIL_SCH_REFRESH, dummyPayload, this ); } bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::AddLibraryFile( bool aCreateNew ) { wxFileName fn = m_libMgr->GetUniqueLibraryName(); if( !LibraryFileBrowser( !aCreateNew, fn, SchematicLibraryFileWildcard(), SchematicLibraryFileExtension, false ) ) { return false; } wxString libName = fn.GetName(); if( libName.IsEmpty() ) return false; if( m_libMgr->LibraryExists( libName ) ) { DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "Library \"%s\" already exists" ), libName ) ); return false; } // Select the target library table (global/project) SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE* libTable = selectSymLibTable(); if( !libTable ) return false; if( aCreateNew ) { if( !m_libMgr->CreateLibrary( fn.GetFullPath(), libTable ) ) { DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "Could not create the library file '%s'.\n" "Check write permission." ), fn.GetFullPath() ) ); return false; } } else { if( !m_libMgr->AddLibrary( fn.GetFullPath(), libTable ) ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Could not open the library file." ) ); return false; } } bool globalTable = ( libTable == &SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetGlobalLibTable() ); saveSymbolLibTables( globalTable, !globalTable ); return true; } LIB_ID LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetTreeLIBID( int* aUnit ) const { return m_treePane->GetLibTree()->GetSelectedLibId( aUnit ); } LIB_PART* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::getTargetPart() const { LIB_ID libId = GetTreeLIBID(); if( libId.IsValid() ) { LIB_PART* alias = m_libMgr->GetAlias( libId.GetLibItemName(), libId.GetLibNickname() ); return alias; } return m_my_part; } LIB_ID LIB_EDIT_FRAME::getTargetLibId() const { LIB_ID id = GetTreeLIBID(); if( id.GetLibNickname().empty() && m_my_part ) id = m_my_part->GetLibId(); return id; } LIB_TREE_NODE* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetCurrentTreeNode() const { return m_treePane->GetLibTree()->GetCurrentTreeNode(); } wxString LIB_EDIT_FRAME::getTargetLib() const { return getTargetLibId().GetLibNickname(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SyncLibraries( bool aShowProgress ) { LIB_ID selected; if( m_treePane ) selected = m_treePane->GetLibTree()->GetSelectedLibId(); if( aShowProgress ) { wxProgressDialog progressDlg( _( "Loading Symbol Libraries" ), wxEmptyString, m_libMgr->GetAdapter()->GetLibrariesCount(), this ); m_libMgr->Sync( true, [&]( int progress, int max, const wxString& libName ) { progressDlg.Update( progress, wxString::Format( _( "Loading library \"%s\"" ), libName ) ); } ); } else { m_libMgr->Sync( true ); } if( m_treePane ) { wxDataViewItem found; if( selected.IsValid() ) { // Check if the previously selected item is still valid, // if not - it has to be unselected to prevent crash found = m_libMgr->GetAdapter()->FindItem( selected ); if( !found ) m_treePane->GetLibTree()->Unselect(); } m_treePane->GetLibTree()->Regenerate( true ); // Try to select the parent library, in case the part is not found if( !found && selected.IsValid() ) { selected.SetLibItemName( "" ); found = m_libMgr->GetAdapter()->FindItem( selected ); if( found ) m_treePane->GetLibTree()->SelectLibId( selected ); } // If no selection, see if there's a current part to centre if( !selected.IsValid() && m_my_part ) { LIB_ID current( GetCurLib(), m_my_part->GetName() ); m_treePane->GetLibTree()->CenterLibId( current ); } } } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::RegenerateLibraryTree() { LIB_ID target = getTargetLibId(); m_treePane->GetLibTree()->Regenerate( true ); if( target.IsValid() ) m_treePane->GetLibTree()->CenterLibId( target ); } SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::selectSymLibTable( bool aOptional ) { wxArrayString libTableNames; libTableNames.Add( _( "Global" ) ); libTableNames.Add( _( "Project" ) ); wxSingleChoiceDialog dlg( this, _( "Choose the Library Table to add the library to:" ), _( "Add To Library Table" ), libTableNames ); if( aOptional ) { dlg.FindWindow( wxID_CANCEL )->SetLabel( _( "Skip" ) ); dlg.FindWindow( wxID_OK )->SetLabel( _( "Add" ) ); } if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return nullptr; switch( dlg.GetSelection() ) { case 0: return &SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetGlobalLibTable(); case 1: return Prj().SchSymbolLibTable(); default: return nullptr; } } bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::backupFile( const wxFileName& aOriginalFile, const wxString& aBackupExt ) { if( aOriginalFile.FileExists() ) { wxFileName backupFileName( aOriginalFile ); backupFileName.SetExt( "bck" ); if( backupFileName.FileExists() ) wxRemoveFile( backupFileName.GetFullPath() ); if( !wxCopyFile( aOriginalFile.GetFullPath(), backupFileName.GetFullPath() ) ) { DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "Failed to save backup to \"%s\"" ), backupFileName.GetFullPath() ) ); return false; } } return true; } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::storeCurrentPart() { if( m_my_part && !GetCurLib().IsEmpty() && GetScreen()->IsModify() ) m_libMgr->UpdatePart( m_my_part, GetCurLib() ); // UpdatePart() makes a copy } bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::isCurrentPart( const LIB_ID& aLibId ) const { // This will return the root part of any alias LIB_PART* part = m_libMgr->GetBufferedPart( aLibId.GetLibItemName(), aLibId.GetLibNickname() ); // Now we can compare the libId of the current part and the root part return ( part && m_my_part && part->GetLibId() == m_my_part->GetLibId() ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::emptyScreen() { m_treePane->GetLibTree()->Unselect(); SetCurLib( wxEmptyString ); SetCurPart( nullptr ); SetScreen( m_dummyScreen ); m_dummyScreen->ClearUndoRedoList(); m_toolManager->RunAction( ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen, true ); Refresh(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::CommonSettingsChanged( bool aEnvVarsChanged ) { SCH_BASE_FRAME::CommonSettingsChanged( aEnvVarsChanged ); RecreateToolbars(); if( aEnvVarsChanged ) SyncLibraries( true ); Layout(); SendSizeEvent(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::ShowChangedLanguage() { // call my base class SCH_BASE_FRAME::ShowChangedLanguage(); // tooltips in toolbars RecreateToolbars(); // status bar UpdateMsgPanel(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SetScreen( BASE_SCREEN* aScreen ) { SCH_BASE_FRAME::SetScreen( aScreen ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::RebuildView() { GetRenderSettings()->m_ShowUnit = m_unit; GetRenderSettings()->m_ShowConvert = m_convert; GetRenderSettings()->m_ShowDisabled = m_my_part && m_my_part->IsAlias(); GetCanvas()->DisplayComponent( m_my_part ); GetCanvas()->GetView()->HideWorksheet(); GetCanvas()->GetView()->ClearHiddenFlags(); GetCanvas()->Refresh(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HardRedraw() { SyncLibraries( true ); RebuildView(); } const BOX2I LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetDocumentExtents() const { if( !m_my_part ) { return BOX2I( VECTOR2I( Mils2iu( -100 ), Mils2iu( -100 ) ), VECTOR2I( Mils2iu( 200 ), Mils2iu( 200 ) ) ); } else { EDA_RECT boundingBox = m_my_part->Flatten()->GetUnitBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert ); return BOX2I( boundingBox.GetOrigin(), VECTOR2I( boundingBox.GetWidth(), boundingBox.GetHeight() ) ); } } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::KiwayMailIn( KIWAY_EXPRESS& mail ) { const std::string& payload = mail.GetPayload(); switch( mail.Command() ) { case MAIL_LIB_EDIT: if( !payload.empty() ) { wxString libFileName( payload ); wxString libNickname; wxString msg; SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE* libTable = Prj().SchSymbolLibTable(); const LIB_TABLE_ROW* libTableRow = libTable->FindRowByURI( libFileName ); if( !libTableRow ) { msg.Printf( _( "The current configuration does not include the symbol library\n" "\"%s\".\nUse Manage Symbol Libraries to edit the configuration." ), libFileName ); DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "Library not found in symbol library table." ), msg ); break; } libNickname = libTableRow->GetNickName(); if( !libTable->HasLibrary( libNickname, true ) ) { msg.Printf( _( "The library with the nickname \"%s\" is not enabled\n" "in the current configuration. Use Manage Symbol Libraries to\n" "edit the configuration." ), libNickname ); DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "Symbol library not enabled." ), msg ); break; } SetCurLib( libNickname ); if( m_treePane ) { LIB_ID id( libNickname, wxEmptyString ); m_treePane->GetLibTree()->ExpandLibId( id ); m_treePane->GetLibTree()->CenterLibId( id ); } } break; default: ; } } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SwitchCanvas( EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL::GAL_TYPE aCanvasType ) { // switches currently used canvas ( Cairo / OpenGL): SCH_BASE_FRAME::SwitchCanvas( aCanvasType ); // Set options specific to symbol editor (axies are always enabled): GetCanvas()->GetGAL()->SetAxesEnabled( true ); } bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HasLibModifications() const { wxCHECK( m_libMgr, false ); return m_libMgr->HasModifications(); } bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::IsContentModified() { wxCHECK( m_libMgr, false ); // Test if the currently edited part is modified if( GetScreen() && GetScreen()->IsModify() && GetCurPart() ) return true; // Test if any library has been modified for( const auto& libNickname : m_libMgr->GetLibraryNames() ) { if( m_libMgr->IsLibraryModified( libNickname ) ) return true; } return false; }