# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. # last change: 2017, Jan 4. import pcbnew import FootprintWizardBase # Additional import for QRCode # see https://github.com/kazuhikoarase/qrcode-generator/blob/master/python/qrcode.py import qrcode class QRCodeWizard(FootprintWizardBase.FootprintWizard): GetName = lambda self: '2D Barcode QRCode' GetDescription = lambda self: 'QR Code barcode generator' GetReferencePrefix = lambda self: 'QR***' GetValue = lambda self: self.module.Value().GetText() def GenerateParameterList(self): self.AddParam("Barcode", "Pixel Width", self.uMM, 0.5, min_value=0.4) self.AddParam("Barcode", "Border", self.uInteger, 0) self.AddParam("Barcode", "Contents", self.uString, 'Example') self.AddParam("Barcode", "Negative", self.uBool, False) self.AddParam("Barcode", "Use SilkS layer", self.uBool, False) self.AddParam("Barcode", "Use Cu layer", self.uBool, True) self.AddParam("Caption", "Enabled", self.uBool, True) self.AddParam("Caption", "Height", self.uMM, 1.2) self.AddParam("Caption", "Thickness", self.uMM, 0.12) def CheckParameters(self): self.Barcode = str(self.parameters['Barcode']['Contents']) self.X = self.parameters['Barcode']['Pixel Width'] self.negative = self.parameters['Barcode']['Negative'] self.UseSilkS = self.parameters['Barcode']['Use SilkS layer'] self.UseCu = self.parameters['Barcode']['Use Cu layer'] self.border = int(self.parameters['Barcode']['Border']) self.textHeight = int(self.parameters['Caption']['Height']) self.module.Value().SetText(str(self.Barcode) ) # Build Qrcode self.qr = qrcode.QRCode() self.qr.setTypeNumber(4) # ErrorCorrectLevel: L = 7%, M = 15% Q = 25% H = 30% self.qr.setErrorCorrectLevel(qrcode.ErrorCorrectLevel.M) self.qr.addData(str(self.Barcode)) self.qr.make() def drawSquareArea( self, layer, size, xposition, yposition): # creates a EDGE_MODULE of polygon type. The polygon is a square polygon = pcbnew.EDGE_MODULE(self.module) polygon.SetShape(pcbnew.S_POLYGON) polygon.SetWidth( 0 ) polygon.SetLayer(layer) halfsize = size/2 pos = pcbnew.wxPoint(xposition, yposition) polygon.GetPolyPoints().push_back( pcbnew.wxPoint( halfsize, halfsize ) + pos ) polygon.GetPolyPoints().push_back( pcbnew.wxPoint( halfsize, -halfsize ) + pos ) polygon.GetPolyPoints().push_back( pcbnew.wxPoint( -halfsize, -halfsize ) + pos ) polygon.GetPolyPoints().push_back( pcbnew.wxPoint( -halfsize, halfsize ) + pos ) return polygon def _drawPixel(self, xposition, yposition): # build a rectangular pad as a dot on copper layer, # and a polygon (a square) on silkscreen pad = pcbnew.D_PAD(self.module) pad.SetSize(pcbnew.wxSize(self.X, self.X)) pad.SetShape(pcbnew.PAD_SHAPE_RECT) pad.SetAttribute(pcbnew.PAD_ATTRIB_SMD) layerset = pcbnew.LSET() if self.UseCu: layerset.AddLayer(pcbnew.F_Cu) layerset.AddLayer(pcbnew.F_Mask) pad.SetLayerSet( layerset ) pad.SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(xposition,yposition)) pad.SetName("1") self.module.Add(pad) if self.UseSilkS: polygon=self.drawSquareArea(pcbnew.F_SilkS, self.X, xposition, yposition) self.module.Add(polygon) def BuildThisFootprint(self): if self.border >= 0: # Adding border: Create a new array larger than the self.qr.modules sz = self.qr.modules.__len__() + (self.border * 2) arrayToDraw = [ [ 0 for a in range(sz) ] for b in range(sz) ] lineposition = self.border for i in self.qr.modules: columnposition = self.border for j in i: arrayToDraw[lineposition][columnposition] = j columnposition += 1 lineposition += 1 else: # No border: using array as is arrayToDraw = self.qr.modules # used many times... half_number_of_elements = arrayToDraw.__len__() / 2 # Center position of QrCode yposition = - int(half_number_of_elements * self.X) for line in arrayToDraw: xposition = - int(half_number_of_elements * self.X) for pixel in line: # Trust table for drawing a pixel # Negative is a boolean; # each pixel is a boolean (need to draw of not) # Negative | Pixel | Result # 0 | 0 | 0 # 0 | 1 | 1 # 1 | 0 | 1 # 1 | 1 | 0 # => Draw as Xor if self.negative != pixel: # Xor... self._drawPixel(xposition, yposition) xposition += self.X yposition += self.X #int((5 + half_number_of_elements) * self.X)) textPosition = int((self.textHeight) + ((1 + half_number_of_elements) * self.X)) self.module.Value().SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(0, - textPosition)) self.module.Reference().SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(0, textPosition)) self.module.Value().SetLayer(pcbnew.F_SilkS) QRCodeWizard().register()