/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr * Copyright (C) 2009 Wayne Stambaugh * Copyright (C) 1992-2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "eeschema_id.h" #include "general.h" #include "help_common_strings.h" #include "ee_hotkeys.h" #include "sch_edit_frame.h" class CONDITIONAL_MENU; // helper functions that build specific submenus: // Build the files menu. Because some commands are available only if // Eeschema is run outside a project (run alone), aIsOutsideProject is false // when Eeschema is run from Kicad manager, and true is run as stand alone app. static void prepareFilesMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu, bool aIsOutsideProject ); // Build the inspect menu static void prepareInspectMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu ); // Build the tools menu static void prepareToolsMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu ); // Build the help menu static void prepareHelpMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu ); // Build the preferences menu static void preparePreferencesMenu( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame, wxMenu* aParentMenu ); void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar() { EE_SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_toolManager->GetTool(); // wxWidgets handles the Mac Application menu behind the scenes, but that means // we always have to start from scratch with a new wxMenuBar. wxMenuBar* oldMenuBar = GetMenuBar(); wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar(); wxString text; // // Menu File: // wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu; prepareFilesMenu( fileMenu, Kiface().IsSingle() ); // // Menu Edit: // CONDITIONAL_MENU* editMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool ); auto enableUndoCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& sel ) { return GetScreen() && GetScreen()->GetUndoCommandCount() > 0; }; auto enableRedoCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& sel ) { return GetScreen() && GetScreen()->GetRedoCommandCount() > 0; }; auto noActiveToolCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSelection ) { return GetToolId() == ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED; }; editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::undo, enableUndoCondition ); editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::redo, enableRedoCondition ); editMenu->AddSeparator(); editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::cut, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty ); editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::copy, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty ); editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::paste, noActiveToolCondition ); editMenu->AddSeparator(); editMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::deleteItemCursor, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); // Find editMenu->AddSeparator(); editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::find, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::replace, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); editMenu->AddSeparator(); // Update field values editMenu->AddItem( ID_UPDATE_FIELDS, _( "Update Fields from Library..." ), _( "Sets symbol fields to original library values" ), update_fields_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); // // Menu View: // CONDITIONAL_MENU* viewMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool ); auto belowRootSheetCondition = [] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return g_CurrentSheet->Last() != g_RootSheet; }; auto gridShownCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return IsGridVisible(); }; auto imperialUnitsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return GetUserUnits() == INCHES; }; auto metricUnitsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return GetUserUnits() == MILLIMETRES; }; auto fullCrosshairCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return GetGalDisplayOptions().m_fullscreenCursor; }; auto hiddenPinsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return GetShowAllPins(); }; viewMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::showLibraryBrowser, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::navigateHierarchy, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::leaveSheet, belowRootSheetCondition ); viewMenu->AddSeparator(); viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomInCenter, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomOutCenter, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomTool, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomRedraw, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddSeparator(); viewMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::toggleGrid, gridShownCondition ); viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::gridProperties, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); // Units submenu CONDITIONAL_MENU* unitsSubMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool ); unitsSubMenu->SetTitle( _( "&Units" ) ); unitsSubMenu->SetIcon( unit_mm_xpm ); unitsSubMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::imperialUnits, imperialUnitsCondition ); unitsSubMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::metricUnits, metricUnitsCondition ); viewMenu->AddMenu( unitsSubMenu ); viewMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::toggleCursorStyle, fullCrosshairCondition ); viewMenu->AddSeparator(); viewMenu->AddCheckItem( EE_ACTIONS::toggleHiddenPins, hiddenPinsCondition ); #ifdef __APPLE__ viewMenu->AppendSeparator(); #endif // // Menu place: // CONDITIONAL_MENU* placeMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeSymbol, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placePower, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawWire, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawBus, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeBusWireEntry, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeBusBusEntry, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeNoConnect, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeJunction, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeLabel, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeGlobalLabel, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddSeparator(); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeHierarchicalLabel, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawSheet, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::importSheetPin, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeSheetPin, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddSeparator(); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawLines, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeSchematicText, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeImage, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); // // Menu Inspect: // wxMenu* inspectMenu = new wxMenu; prepareInspectMenu( inspectMenu ); // // Menu Tools: // wxMenu* toolsMenu = new wxMenu; prepareToolsMenu( toolsMenu ); // // Menu Preferences: // wxMenu* preferencesMenu = new wxMenu; preparePreferencesMenu( this, preferencesMenu ); // // Help Menu: // wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu; prepareHelpMenu( helpMenu ); // Create the menubar and append all submenus menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) ); menuBar->Append( editMenu, _( "&Edit" ) ); menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) ); menuBar->Append( placeMenu, _( "&Place" ) ); menuBar->Append( inspectMenu, _( "&Inspect" ) ); menuBar->Append( toolsMenu, _( "&Tools" ) ); menuBar->Append( preferencesMenu, _( "P&references" ) ); menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _( "&Help" ) ); SetMenuBar( menuBar ); delete oldMenuBar; } void prepareFilesMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu, bool aIsOutsideProject ) { wxString text; // @todo: static probably not OK in multiple open projects. // Open Recent submenu static wxMenu* openRecentMenu; // Add this menu to list menu managed by m_fileHistory // (the file history will be updated when adding/removing files in history if( openRecentMenu ) Kiface().GetFileHistory().RemoveMenu( openRecentMenu ); openRecentMenu = new wxMenu(); Kiface().GetFileHistory().UseMenu( openRecentMenu ); Kiface().GetFileHistory().AddFilesToMenu( openRecentMenu ); if( aIsOutsideProject ) // not when under a project mgr { text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&New..." ), g_Schematic_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_NEW ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_NEW_PROJECT, text, _( "Start new schematic root sheet" ), KiBitmap( new_document_xpm ) ); text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Open..." ), g_Schematic_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_OPEN ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_LOAD_PROJECT, text, _( "Open existing schematic" ), KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, openRecentMenu, -1, _( "Open &Recent" ), _( "Open recently opened schematic" ), KiBitmap( recent_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); } text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Save" ), g_Schematic_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_SAVE ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_SAVE_PROJECT, text, _( "Save changes" ), KiBitmap( save_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_UPDATE_ONE_SHEET, _( "Save &Current Sheet" ), _( "Save only the current sheet" ), KiBitmap( save_xpm ) ); text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Save C&urrent Sheet As..." ), g_Schematic_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_SAVEAS ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_SAVE_ONE_SHEET_UNDER_NEW_NAME, text, _( "Save a copy of the current sheet" ), KiBitmap( save_as_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_APPEND_PROJECT, _( "App&end Schematic Sheet Content..." ), _( "Append schematic sheet content from another project to the current sheet" ), KiBitmap( add_document_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_IMPORT_NON_KICAD_SCH, _( "&Import Non KiCad Schematic..." ), _( "Replace current schematic sheet with one imported from another application" ), KiBitmap( import_document_xpm ) ); // TODO needs a different icon aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); // Import submenu wxMenu* submenuImport = new wxMenu(); AddMenuItem( submenuImport, ID_BACKANNO_ITEMS, _( "&Footprint Association File..." ), HELP_IMPORT_FOOTPRINTS, KiBitmap( import_footprint_names_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, submenuImport, ID_GEN_IMPORT_FILE, _( "&Import" ), _( "Import files" ), KiBitmap( import_xpm ) ); // Export submenu wxMenu* submenuExport = new wxMenu(); AddMenuItem( submenuExport, ID_GEN_COPY_SHEET_TO_CLIPBOARD, _( "Drawing to C&lipboard" ), _( "Export drawings to clipboard" ), KiBitmap( copy_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( submenuExport, ID_GET_NETLIST, _( "&Netlist..." ), _( "Export netlist file" ), KiBitmap( netlist_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, submenuExport, ID_GEN_EXPORT_FILE, _( "E&xport" ), _( "Export files" ), KiBitmap( export_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); // Edit page layout: AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_SHEET_SET, _( "Page S&ettings..." ), _( "Settings for sheet size and frame references" ), KiBitmap( sheetset_xpm ) ); text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Print..." ), g_Schematic_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_PRINT ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_PRINT, text, _( "Print schematic sheet" ), KiBitmap( print_button_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_GEN_PLOT_SCHEMATIC, _( "P&lot..." ), _( "Plot schematic sheet in PostScript, PDF, SVG, DXF or HPGL format" ), KiBitmap( plot_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); // Quit AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_EXIT, _( "&Exit" ), _( "Close Eeschema" ), KiBitmap( exit_xpm ) ); } void prepareInspectMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu ) { AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_GET_ERC, _( "Electrical Rules &Checker" ), _( "Perform electrical rules check" ), KiBitmap( erc_xpm ) ); } void prepareToolsMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu ) { wxString text; text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Update PCB from Schematic..." ), g_Schematic_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_UPDATE_PCB_FROM_SCH ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_UPDATE_PCB_FROM_SCH, text, _( "Update PCB design with current schematic." ), KiBitmap( update_pcb_from_sch_xpm ) ); // Run Pcbnew AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_RUN_PCB, _( "&Open PCB Editor" ), _( "Run Pcbnew" ), KiBitmap( pcbnew_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_RUN_LIBRARY, _( "Symbol Library &Editor" ), HELP_RUN_LIB_EDITOR, KiBitmap( libedit_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_RESCUE_CACHED, _( "&Rescue Symbols..." ), _( "Find old symbols in project and rename/rescue them" ), KiBitmap( rescue_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_REMAP_SYMBOLS, _( "Remap S&ymbols..." ), _( "Remap legacy library symbols to symbol library table" ), KiBitmap( rescue_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_OPEN_CMP_TABLE, _( "Edit Symbol Field&s..." ), KiBitmap( spreadsheet_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_EDIT_COMPONENTS_TO_SYMBOLS_LIB_ID, _( "Edit Symbol &Library References..." ), _( "Edit links between schematic symbols and library symbols" ), KiBitmap( edit_cmp_symb_links_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_GET_ANNOTATE, _( "&Annotate Schematic..." ), HELP_ANNOTATE, KiBitmap( annotate_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_BUS_MANAGER, _( "Bus &Definitions..." ), HELP_BUS_MANAGER, KiBitmap( bus_definition_tool_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); // Run CvPcb AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_RUN_CVPCB, _( "A&ssign Footprints..." ), _( "Assign PCB footprints to schematic symbols" ), KiBitmap( cvpcb_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_GET_TOOLS, _( "Generate Bill of &Materials..." ), HELP_GENERATE_BOM, KiBitmap( bom_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); #ifdef KICAD_SPICE // Simulator AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_SIM_SHOW, _("Simula&tor"), _( "Simulate circuit" ), KiBitmap( simulator_xpm ) ); #endif /* KICAD_SPICE */ } void prepareHelpMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu ) { AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_HELP, _( "Eeschema &Manual" ), _( "Open Eeschema Manual" ), KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_INDEX, _( "&Getting Started in KiCad" ), _( "Open \"Getting Started in KiCad\" guide for beginners" ), KiBitmap( help_xpm ) ); wxString text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&List Hotkeys..." ), g_Eeschema_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_HELP ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_PREFERENCES_HOTKEY_SHOW_CURRENT_LIST, text, _( "Displays current hotkeys table and corresponding commands" ), KiBitmap( hotkeys_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_HELP_GET_INVOLVED, _( "Get &Involved" ), _( "Contribute to KiCad (opens a web browser)" ), KiBitmap( info_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_ABOUT, _( "&About KiCad" ), KiBitmap( about_xpm ) ); } static void preparePreferencesMenu( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame, wxMenu* aParentMenu ) { // Path configuration edit dialog. AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_PREFERENCES_CONFIGURE_PATHS, _( "Configure Pa&ths..." ), _( "Edit path configuration environment variables" ), KiBitmap( path_xpm ) ); // Library AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_EDIT_SYM_LIB_TABLE, _( "Manage Symbol Libraries..." ), _( "Edit the global and project symbol library lists" ), KiBitmap( library_table_xpm ) ); // Options (Preferences on WXMAC) wxString text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Preferences..." ), g_Eeschema_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_PREFERENCES ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_PREFERENCES, text, _( "Show preferences for all open tools" ), KiBitmap( preference_xpm ) ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); // Language submenu Pgm().AddMenuLanguageList( aParentMenu ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Modern Toolset (&Accelerated)" ), g_Eeschema_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_CANVAS_OPENGL ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_OPENGL, text, _( "Use Modern Toolset with hardware-accelerated graphics (recommended)" ), KiBitmap( tools_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO ); text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Modern Toolset (Fallba&ck)" ), g_Eeschema_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_CANVAS_CAIRO ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_CAIRO, text, _( "Use Modern Toolset with software graphics (fall-back)" ), KiBitmap( tools_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO ); aParentMenu->AppendSeparator(); // Import/export AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_CONFIG_SAVE, _( "&Save Project File..." ), _( "Save project preferences into a project file" ), KiBitmap( save_setup_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_CONFIG_READ, _( "Load P&roject File..." ), _( "Load project preferences from a project file" ), KiBitmap( import_setup_xpm ) ); }