function( sign_kicad_bundle target signing_id use_secure_timestamp use_hardened_runtime entitlements_file)

    # If the signing ID wasn't passed in, use - which means adhoc signing
    if ( NOT signing_id )
        set( signing_id "-")

    MESSAGE( STATUS "Signing ${target} with ${signing_id}, hardened runtime: ${use_hardened_runtime}, secure timestamp: ${use_secure_timestamp}, entitlements file: ${entitlements_file}" )

    # --deep doesn't really work and is officially deprecated as of macos 13

    # collect a list of things to sign, in order
    set( sign_list "${target}/Contents/Applications/"
            "${target}/Contents/Applications/"  "${target}/Contents/Applications/" "${target}/Contents/Applications/" "${target}/Contents/Applications/" "${target}/Contents/Applications/" "${target}/Contents/Applications/" "${target}/Contents/Applications/" "${target}/Contents/Applications/" "${target}/Contents/Applications/")

    # Python things!
    if( EXISTS "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework" )
        set( sign_list ${sign_list} "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/share/doc/python3.9/examples/Tools/pynche"
        file( GLOB python_bins "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/*" )

        # add dylib, .so and .a files from Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/ and recursively
        file( GLOB_RECURSE python_libs ${sign_list} "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/*.dylib"
                "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/*.o" )

        set( sign_list ${sign_list} ${python_bins} ${python_libs} )
    endif( )

    set( sign_list ${sign_list} "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/"
            "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework" )

    # add all the dylibs from contents/frameworks
    file( GLOB framework_dylibs "${target}/Contents/Frameworks/*.dylib" )

    # add all the files in Contents/PlugIns
    file( GLOB_RECURSE plugins "${target}/Contents/PlugIns/*" )

    file( GLOB_RECURSE translations "${target}/Contents/SharedSupport/internat/*.mo" )

    # add all the files in Contents/MacOS/
    # But we've gotta sign kicad-cli before signing kicad, at least on x86_64
    set( kicad_bins "${target}/Contents/MacOS/dxf2idf"

    set( sign_list ${sign_list} ${framework_dylibs} ${plugins} ${translations} ${kicad_bins} ) # do i need to quote this differently?

    # add!
    set( sign_list ${sign_list} "${target}" )

    # build the command used for signing
    set( command codesign --force --sign "${signing_id}" )

    if( use_secure_timestamp )
        set( command ${command} --timestamp )
    endif( )

    if( use_hardened_runtime )
        if ( signing_id STREQUAL "-" )
            message( FATAL_ERROR "Hardened runtime requires a (non-ad-hoc) signing identity." )
        endif( )

        set( command ${command} --options runtime )
    endif( )

    if( entitlements_file )
        set( command ${command} --entitlements "${entitlements_file}" )
    endif( )

    foreach( item ${sign_list} )
        set( cmd ${command} "${item}" )

        # MESSAGE( STATUS "Running ${cmd}")
        execute_process( COMMAND ${cmd}
                RESULT_VARIABLE codesign_result)

        if( NOT codesign_result EQUAL 0 )
            message( FATAL_ERROR "macOS signing failed; ran ${cmd}" )
        endif( )
    endforeach( )

function( verify_signing target )
    set( cmd codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=3 "${target}" )

    execute_process( COMMAND ${cmd} RESULT_VARIABLE verify_result )
    if( NOT verify_result EQUAL 0 )
        message( FATAL_ERROR "macOS signing verification failed; ran ${cmd}" )
    endif( )
endfunction( )