#include #include #include #if !wxCHECK_VERSION( 3, 0, 0 ) // implement missing wx2.8 function until >= wx3.0 pervades. static wxString wxJoin(const wxArrayString& arr, const wxChar sep, const wxChar escape = '\\') { size_t count = arr.size(); if ( count == 0 ) return wxEmptyString; wxString str; // pre-allocate memory using the estimation of the average length of the // strings in the given array: this is very imprecise, of course, but // better than nothing str.reserve(count*(arr[0].length() + arr[count-1].length()) / 2); if ( escape == wxT('\0') ) { // escaping is disabled: for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( i ) str += sep; str += arr[i]; } } else // use escape character { for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { if ( n ) str += sep; for ( wxString::const_iterator i = arr[n].begin(), end = arr[n].end(); i != end; ++i ) { const wxChar ch = *i; if ( ch == sep ) str += escape; // escape this separator str += ch; } } } str.Shrink(); // release extra memory if we allocated too much return str; } #endif /// Put aPriorityPath in front of all paths in the value of aEnvVar. const wxString PrePendPath( const wxString& aEnvVar, const wxString& aPriorityPath ) { wxPathList paths; paths.AddEnvList( aEnvVar ); paths.Insert( aPriorityPath, 0 ); return wxJoin( paths, wxPATH_SEP[0] ); }