/** * @file pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp */ /* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 1992-2017 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NETLIST_FILTER_MESSAGES_KEY wxT("NetlistReportFilterMsg") #define NETLIST_UPDATEFOOTPRINTS_KEY wxT("NetlistUpdateFootprints") #define NETLIST_DELETESHORTINGTRACKS_KEY wxT("NetlistDeleteShortingTracks") #define NETLIST_DELETEEXTRAFOOTPRINTS_KEY wxT("NetlistDeleteExtraFootprints") #define NETLIST_DELETESINGLEPADNETS_KEY wxT("NetlistDeleteSinglePadNets") void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::InstallNetlistFrame( wxDC* DC ) { wxString netlistName = GetLastNetListRead(); DIALOG_NETLIST dlg( this, netlistName ); dlg.ShowModal(); // Save project settings if needed. // Project settings are saved in the corresponding .pro file bool configChanged = !GetLastNetListRead().IsEmpty() && ( netlistName != GetLastNetListRead() ); if( configChanged && !GetBoard()->GetFileName().IsEmpty() ) { wxFileName fn = Prj().AbsolutePath( GetBoard()->GetFileName() ); fn.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension ); wxString path = fn.GetFullPath(); Prj().ConfigSave( Kiface().KifaceSearch(), GROUP_PCB, GetProjectFileParameters(), path ); } } DIALOG_NETLIST::DIALOG_NETLIST( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aParent, const wxString & aNetlistFullFilename ) : DIALOG_NETLIST_BASE( aParent ), m_parent( aParent ), m_initialized( false ), m_runDragCommand( false ) { m_config = Kiface().KifaceSettings(); m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->SetValue( aNetlistFullFilename ); m_browseButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( folder_xpm ) ); m_cbUpdateFootprints->SetValue( m_config->Read( NETLIST_UPDATEFOOTPRINTS_KEY, 0l ) ); m_cbDeleteShortingTracks->SetValue( m_config->Read( NETLIST_DELETESHORTINGTRACKS_KEY, 0l ) ); m_cbDeleteExtraFootprints->SetValue( m_config->Read( NETLIST_DELETEEXTRAFOOTPRINTS_KEY, 0l ) ); m_cbDeleteSinglePadNets->SetValue( m_config->Read( NETLIST_DELETESINGLEPADNETS_KEY, 0l ) ); m_MessageWindow->SetLabel( _("Changes To Be Applied") ); m_MessageWindow->SetVisibleSeverities( m_config->Read( NETLIST_FILTER_MESSAGES_KEY, -1l ) ); // We use a sdbSizer to get platform-dependent ordering of the action buttons, but // that requires us to correct the button labels here. m_sdbSizer1OK->SetLabel( _( "Update PCB" ) ); m_sdbSizer1Apply->SetLabel( _( "Rebuild Ratsnest" ) ); m_sdbSizer1Cancel->SetLabel( _( "Close" ) ); m_buttonsSizer->Layout(); m_sdbSizer1OK->SetDefault(); FinishDialogSettings(); m_initialized = true; loadNetlist( true ); } DIALOG_NETLIST::~DIALOG_NETLIST() { m_config->Write( NETLIST_UPDATEFOOTPRINTS_KEY, m_cbUpdateFootprints->GetValue() ); m_config->Write( NETLIST_DELETESHORTINGTRACKS_KEY, m_cbDeleteShortingTracks->GetValue() ); m_config->Write( NETLIST_DELETEEXTRAFOOTPRINTS_KEY, m_cbDeleteExtraFootprints->GetValue() ); m_config->Write( NETLIST_DELETESINGLEPADNETS_KEY, m_cbDeleteSinglePadNets->GetValue() ); m_config->Write( NETLIST_FILTER_MESSAGES_KEY, (long) m_MessageWindow->GetVisibleSeverities() ); if( m_runDragCommand ) m_parent->GetToolManager()->InvokeTool( "pcbnew.InteractiveEdit" ); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnOpenNetlistClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString dirPath = wxFileName( Prj().GetProjectFullName() ).GetPath(); wxString filename = m_parent->GetLastNetListRead(); if( !filename.IsEmpty() ) { wxFileName fn = filename; dirPath = fn.GetPath(); filename = fn.GetFullName(); } wxFileDialog FilesDialog( this, _( "Select Netlist" ), dirPath, filename, NetlistFileWildcard(), wxFD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( FilesDialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->SetValue( FilesDialog.GetPath() ); onFilenameChanged(); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnUpdatePCB( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxFileName fn = m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->GetValue(); if( !fn.IsOk() ) { wxMessageBox( _("Please, choose a valid netlist file.") ); return; } if( !fn.FileExists() ) { wxMessageBox( _("The netlist file does not exist.") ); return; } // Give the user a chance to bail out when making changes from a netlist. if( m_parent->GetBoard()->IsEmpty() || IsOK( this, _( "The changes made cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to update the PCB?" ) ) ) { m_MessageWindow->SetLabel( _( "Changes Applied To PCB" ) ); loadNetlist( false ); m_sdbSizer1Cancel->SetDefault(); } } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnTestFootprintsClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules == nullptr ) { DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "No footprints." ) ); return; } wxString netlistFilename = m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->GetValue(); NETLIST_READER* netlistReader; NETLIST netlist; wxBusyCursor dummy; // Shows an hourglass while calculating. try { netlistReader = NETLIST_READER::GetNetlistReader( &netlist, netlistFilename, "" ); if( netlistReader == NULL ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Cannot open netlist file \"%s\"." ), netlistFilename ); wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Netlist Load Error." ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ); return; } std::unique_ptr< NETLIST_READER > nlr( netlistReader ); netlistReader->LoadNetlist(); m_parent->SetLastNetListRead( netlistFilename ); } catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Error loading netlist file:\n%s" ), ioe.What().GetData() ); wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Netlist Load Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ); return; } HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _( "Check footprints" ) ); DRC_LIST drcItems; DRC::TestFootprints( netlist, m_parent->GetBoard(), GetUserUnits(), drcItems ); for( DRC_ITEM* item : drcItems ) dlg.AddHTML_Text( item->ShowHtml( GetUserUnits() ) ); dlg.ShowModal(); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnFilenameKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& event ) { onFilenameChanged(); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::onFilenameChanged() { if( m_initialized ) { wxFileName fn = m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->GetValue(); if( fn.IsOk() ) { if( fn.FileExists() ) { loadNetlist( true ); } else { m_MessageWindow->Clear(); REPORTER& reporter = m_MessageWindow->Reporter(); reporter.Report( _("The netlist file does not exist."), REPORTER::RPT_ERROR ); } } } } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnMatchChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_initialized ) loadNetlist( true ); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnOptionChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_initialized ) loadNetlist( true ); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnCompileRatsnestClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Rebuild the board connectivity: auto board = m_parent->GetBoard(); board->GetConnectivity()->RecalculateRatsnest(); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnUpdateUIValidNetlistFile( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent ) { aEvent.Enable( !m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->GetValue().IsEmpty() ); } void DIALOG_NETLIST::loadNetlist( bool aDryRun ) { wxString netlistFileName = m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->GetValue(); wxFileName fn = netlistFileName; if( !fn.IsOk() || !fn.FileExists() ) return; m_MessageWindow->Clear(); REPORTER& reporter = m_MessageWindow->Reporter(); wxBusyCursor busy; wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "Reading netlist file \"%s\".\n" ), GetChars( netlistFileName ) ); reporter.ReportHead( msg, REPORTER::RPT_INFO ); if( m_matchByTimestamp->GetSelection() == 0 ) msg = _( "Using references to match components and footprints.\n" ); else msg = _( "Using tstamp fields to match components and footprints.\n" ); reporter.ReportHead( msg, REPORTER::RPT_INFO ); m_MessageWindow->SetLazyUpdate( true ); // Use lazy update to speed the creation of the report // (the window is not updated for each message) m_parent->ReadPcbNetlist( netlistFileName, wxEmptyString, reporter, m_cbUpdateFootprints->GetValue(), m_cbDeleteShortingTracks->GetValue(), m_cbDeleteExtraFootprints->GetValue(), m_matchByTimestamp->GetSelection() == 1, m_cbDeleteSinglePadNets->GetValue(), aDryRun, &m_runDragCommand ); // The creation of the report was made without window update: the full page must be displayed m_MessageWindow->Flush( true ); }