///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: plotps.cpp // Purpose: // Author: jean-pierre Charras // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/2006 08:37:24 // RCS-ID: // Copyright: GNU License // License: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by DialogBlocks (unregistered), 01/02/2006 08:37:24 #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA) #pragma implementation "plotps.h" #endif #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "worksheet.h" #include "plot_common.h" #include "program.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" enum PageFormatReq { PAGE_SIZE_AUTO, PAGE_SIZE_A4, PAGE_SIZE_A }; /* Variables locales : */ static int PS_SizeSelect = PAGE_SIZE_AUTO; static bool Plot_Sheet_Ref = TRUE; #include "plotps.h" ////@begin XPM images ////@end XPM images void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::ToPlot_PS( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxPoint pos; pos = GetPosition(); pos.x += 10; pos.y += 20; WinEDA_PlotPSFrame* Ps_frame = new WinEDA_PlotPSFrame( this ); Ps_frame->ShowModal(); Ps_frame->Destroy(); } /*! * WinEDA_PlotPSFrame type definition */ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( WinEDA_PlotPSFrame, wxDialog ) /*! * WinEDA_PlotPSFrame event table definition */ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_PlotPSFrame, wxDialog ) ////@begin WinEDA_PlotPSFrame event table entries EVT_BUTTON( ID_PLOT_PS_CURRENT_EXECUTE, WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::OnPlotPsCurrentExecuteClick ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_PLOT_PS_ALL_EXECUTE, WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::OnPlotPsAllExecuteClick ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::OnCancelClick ) ////@end WinEDA_PlotPSFrame event table entries END_EVENT_TABLE() /*! * WinEDA_PlotPSFrame constructors */ WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::WinEDA_PlotPSFrame() { } WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::WinEDA_PlotPSFrame( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) { m_Parent = parent; PlotPSColorOpt = false; Create( parent, id, caption, pos, size, style ); } /*! * WinEDA_PlotPSFrame creator */ bool WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) { ////@begin WinEDA_PlotPSFrame member initialization m_SizeOption = NULL; m_PlotPSColorOption = NULL; m_Plot_Sheet_Ref = NULL; m_btClose = NULL; m_DefaultLineSizeCtrlSizer = NULL; m_MsgBox = NULL; ////@end WinEDA_PlotPSFrame member initialisation ////@begin WinEDA_PlotPSFrame creation SetExtraStyle( wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS ); wxDialog::Create( parent, id, caption, pos, size, style ); CreateControls(); if( GetSizer() ) { GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); } Centre(); ////@end WinEDA_PlotPSFrame creation return true; } /*! * Control creation for WinEDA_PlotPSFrame */ void WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::CreateControls() { ////@begin WinEDA_PlotPSFrame content construction // Generated by DialogBlocks, 24/04/2009 14:25:24 (unregistered) WinEDA_PlotPSFrame* itemDialog1 = this; wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); itemDialog1->SetSizer( itemBoxSizer2 ); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); itemBoxSizer2->Add( itemBoxSizer3, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALL, 5 ); wxArrayString m_SizeOptionStrings; m_SizeOptionStrings.Add( _( "Auto" ) ); m_SizeOptionStrings.Add( _( "Page Size A4" ) ); m_SizeOptionStrings.Add( _( "Page Size A" ) ); m_SizeOption = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_RADIOBOX1, _( "Plot page size:" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_SizeOptionStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ); m_SizeOption->SetSelection( 0 ); itemBoxSizer3->Add( m_SizeOption, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); itemBoxSizer3->Add( 5, 5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 ); wxStaticBox* itemStaticBoxSizer6Static = new wxStaticBox( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _( "Plot Options:" ) ); wxStaticBoxSizer* itemStaticBoxSizer6 = new wxStaticBoxSizer( itemStaticBoxSizer6Static, wxVERTICAL ); itemBoxSizer3->Add( itemStaticBoxSizer6, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 ); wxArrayString m_PlotPSColorOptionStrings; m_PlotPSColorOptionStrings.Add( _( "B/W" ) ); m_PlotPSColorOptionStrings.Add( _( "Color" ) ); m_PlotPSColorOption = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_RADIOBOX, _( "Plot Color:" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_PlotPSColorOptionStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ); m_PlotPSColorOption->SetSelection( 0 ); itemStaticBoxSizer6->Add( m_PlotPSColorOption, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); m_Plot_Sheet_Ref = new wxCheckBox( itemDialog1, ID_CHECKBOX, _( "Print Sheet Ref" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_2STATE ); m_Plot_Sheet_Ref->SetValue( false ); itemStaticBoxSizer6->Add( m_Plot_Sheet_Ref, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); itemBoxSizer3->Add( 5, 5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 ); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer10 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); itemBoxSizer3->Add( itemBoxSizer10, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 ); wxButton* itemButton11 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_PLOT_PS_CURRENT_EXECUTE, _( "&Plot Page" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); itemButton11->SetDefault(); itemBoxSizer10->Add( itemButton11, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); wxButton* itemButton12 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_PLOT_PS_ALL_EXECUTE, _( "Plot A&LL" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); itemBoxSizer10->Add( itemButton12, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); m_btClose = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Close" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); itemBoxSizer10->Add( m_btClose, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); m_DefaultLineSizeCtrlSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); itemBoxSizer2->Add( m_DefaultLineSizeCtrlSizer, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); wxStaticText* itemStaticText15 = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC, _( "Messages :" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); itemBoxSizer2->Add( itemStaticText15, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5 ); m_MsgBox = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL, _T( "" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( -1, 200 ), wxTE_MULTILINE ); itemBoxSizer2->Add( m_MsgBox, 0, wxGROW | wxALL | wxFIXED_MINSIZE, 5 ); // Set validators m_SizeOption->SetValidator( wxGenericValidator( &PS_SizeSelect ) ); m_PlotPSColorOption->SetValidator( wxGenericValidator( &PlotPSColorOpt ) ); m_Plot_Sheet_Ref->SetValidator( wxGenericValidator( &Plot_Sheet_Ref ) ); ////@end WinEDA_PlotPSFrame content construction SetFocus(); // make the ESC work m_DefaultLineSizeCtrl = new WinEDA_ValueCtrl( this, _( "Default Line Width" ), g_DrawDefaultLineThickness, g_UnitMetric, m_DefaultLineSizeCtrlSizer, EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT ); } /*! * Should we show tooltips? */ bool WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::ShowToolTips() { return true; } /*! * Get bitmap resources */ wxBitmap WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name ) { // Bitmap retrieval ////@begin WinEDA_PlotPSFrame bitmap retrieval wxUnusedVar( name ); return wxNullBitmap; ////@end WinEDA_PlotPSFrame bitmap retrieval } /*! * Get icon resources */ wxIcon WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::GetIconResource( const wxString& name ) { // Icon retrieval ////@begin WinEDA_PlotPSFrame icon retrieval wxUnusedVar( name ); return wxNullIcon; ////@end WinEDA_PlotPSFrame icon retrieval } /*! * wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for ID_BUTTON */ void WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::OnPlotPsCurrentExecuteClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int Select_PlotAll = FALSE; InitOptVars(); CreatePSFile( Select_PlotAll, PS_SizeSelect ); m_MsgBox->AppendText( wxT( "*****\n" ) ); } /*! * wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for ID_BUTTON1 */ void WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::OnPlotPsAllExecuteClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int Select_PlotAll = TRUE; InitOptVars(); CreatePSFile( Select_PlotAll, PS_SizeSelect ); m_MsgBox->AppendText( wxT( "*****\n" ) ); } /*! * wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for wxID_CANCEL */ void WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { InitOptVars(); EndModal( 0 ); } void WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::InitOptVars() { Plot_Sheet_Ref = m_Plot_Sheet_Ref->GetValue(); PlotPSColorOpt = m_PlotPSColorOption->GetSelection(); PS_SizeSelect = m_SizeOption->GetSelection(); g_DrawDefaultLineThickness = m_DefaultLineSizeCtrl->GetValue(); if( g_DrawDefaultLineThickness < 1 ) g_DrawDefaultLineThickness = 1; } void WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::CreatePSFile( int AllPages, int pagesize ) { WinEDA_SchematicFrame* schframe = (WinEDA_SchematicFrame*) m_Parent; SCH_SCREEN* screen = schframe->GetScreen(); SCH_SCREEN* oldscreen = screen; SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheetpath, * oldsheetpath = schframe->GetSheet(); wxString PlotFileName; Ki_PageDescr* PlotSheet, * RealSheet; wxPoint plot_offset; /* When printing all pages, the printed page is not the current page. * In complex hierarchies, we must setup references and others parameters * in the printed SCH_SCREEN * because in complex hierarchies a SCH_SCREEN (a schematic drawings) * is shared between many sheets */ SCH_SHEET_LIST SheetList( NULL ); sheetpath = SheetList.GetFirst(); SCH_SHEET_PATH list; while( true ) { if( AllPages ) { if( sheetpath == NULL ) break; list.Clear(); if( list.BuildSheetPathInfoFromSheetPathValue( sheetpath->Path() ) ) { schframe->m_CurrentSheet = &list; schframe->m_CurrentSheet->UpdateAllScreenReferences(); schframe->SetSheetNumberAndCount(); screen = schframe->m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen(); ActiveScreen = screen; } else // Should not happen return; sheetpath = SheetList.GetNext(); } PlotSheet = screen->m_CurrentSheetDesc; switch( pagesize ) { case PAGE_SIZE_A: RealSheet = &g_Sheet_A; break; case PAGE_SIZE_A4: RealSheet = &g_Sheet_A4; break; case PAGE_SIZE_AUTO: default: RealSheet = PlotSheet; break; } double scalex = (double) RealSheet->m_Size.x / PlotSheet->m_Size.x; double scaley = (double) RealSheet->m_Size.y / PlotSheet->m_Size.y; double scale = 10 * MIN( scalex, scaley ); plot_offset.x = 0; plot_offset.y = 0; PlotFileName = schframe->GetUniqueFilenameForCurrentSheet() + wxT( ".ps" ); PlotOneSheetPS( PlotFileName, screen, RealSheet, plot_offset, scale ); if( !AllPages ) break; } ActiveScreen = oldscreen; schframe->m_CurrentSheet = oldsheetpath; schframe->m_CurrentSheet->UpdateAllScreenReferences(); schframe->SetSheetNumberAndCount(); } void WinEDA_PlotPSFrame::PlotOneSheetPS( const wxString& FileName, SCH_SCREEN* screen, Ki_PageDescr* sheet, wxPoint plot_offset, double scale ) { wxString msg; FILE* output_file = wxFopen( FileName, wxT( "wt" ) ); if( output_file == NULL ) { msg = wxT( "\n** " ); msg += _( "Unable to create " ) + FileName + wxT( " **\n\n" ); m_MsgBox->AppendText( msg ); wxBell(); return; } SetLocaleTo_C_standard(); msg.Printf( _( "Plot: %s\n" ), FileName.GetData() ); m_MsgBox->AppendText( msg ); PS_PLOTTER* plotter = new PS_PLOTTER(); plotter->set_paper_size( sheet ); plotter->set_viewport( plot_offset, scale, 0 ); plotter->set_default_line_width( g_DrawDefaultLineThickness ); plotter->set_color_mode( PlotPSColorOpt ); /* Init : */ plotter->set_creator( wxT( "EESchema-PS" ) ); plotter->set_filename( FileName ); plotter->start_plot( output_file ); if( Plot_Sheet_Ref ) { plotter->set_color( BLACK ); m_Parent->PlotWorkSheet( plotter, screen ); } PlotDrawlist( plotter, screen->EEDrawList ); plotter->end_plot(); delete plotter; SetLocaleTo_Default(); m_MsgBox->AppendText( wxT( "Ok\n" ) ); }