set( MAKE_LINK_MAPS true ) if( 0 ) project(kicad-tools) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR ) set( PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../ ) # message( "PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR=${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" ) # Path to local CMake modules. set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules ) include( CheckFindPackageResult ) ########################## # Find wxWidgets library # ########################## # Here you can define what libraries of wxWidgets you need for your # application. You can figure out what libraries you need here; # # On Apple only wxwidgets 2.9 or higher doesn't need to find aui part of base if(APPLE) find_package(wxWidgets COMPONENTS gl adv html core net base xml QUIET) else(APPLE) find_package(wxWidgets COMPONENTS gl aui adv html core net base xml QUIET) endif(APPLE) check_find_package_result(wxWidgets_FOUND "wxWidgets") # Include wxWidgets macros. include(${wxWidgets_USE_FILE}) # make config.h include( PerformFeatureChecks ) perform_feature_checks() endif() include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/pcbnew ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) add_executable( container_test EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL container_test.cpp ) target_link_libraries( container_test common polygon bitmaps ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ) add_executable( test-nm-biu-to-ascii-mm-round-tripping EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL test-nm-biu-to-ascii-mm-round-tripping.cpp ) add_executable( property_tree EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL property_tree.cpp ../common/richio.cpp ../common/dsnlexer.cpp ../common/ptree.cpp ) target_link_libraries( property_tree ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ) #-------------------------------------------------- # The small launcher, it sets up wxWidgets library and loads a MODULE by the same name # but with extension ${KIFACE_SUFFIX}. set( PAIR_BASE kiway_test ) add_executable( ${PAIR_BASE} WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ../common/single_top.cpp ) target_link_libraries( ${PAIR_BASE} common ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ) if( APPLE ) set_target_properties( ${PAIR_BASE} PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Info.plist ) endif() # make a KIFACE top level DLL/DSO add_library( ${PAIR_BASE}_kiface MODULE EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL kiface_test.cpp ) target_link_libraries( ${PAIR_BASE}_kiface common ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ) set_target_properties( ${PAIR_BASE}_kiface PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${PAIR_BASE} PREFIX ${KIFACE_PREFIX} SUFFIX ${KIFACE_SUFFIX} ) # if you build ${PAIR_BASE}, then also build ${PAIR_BASE}_kiface if out of date. add_dependencies( ${PAIR_BASE} ${PAIR_BASE}_kiface ) if( MAKE_LINK_MAPS ) # generate a link maps with cross reference set_target_properties( ${PAIR_BASE}_kiface PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${TO_LINKER},-cref ${TO_LINKER},-Map=${KIFACE_PREFIX}${PAIR_BASE}${KIFACE_SUFFIX}.map" ) set_target_properties( ${PAIR_BASE} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${TO_LINKER},-cref ${TO_LINKER},-Map=${PAIR_BASE}.map" ) endif()