include_directories( BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GLM_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/common ${INC_AFTER} ) set( OGLTEST_FILES kicad-ogltest.cpp ) add_executable( kicad-ogltest WIN32 ${OGLTEST_FILES} ) target_link_libraries( kicad-ogltest kimath gal common ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ) if( APPLE ) if( KICAD_USE_OCC ) set( KICAD_BUNDLE_LIBS ${OCC_LIBRARY_DIR} ) endif() # puts binary into the main bundle while linking set_target_properties( kicad-ogltest PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OSX_BUNDLE_BUILD_BIN_DIR} ) # bundle dependencies, rewrite binary to use bundled libraries install( CODE " # override default embedded path settings ${OSX_BUNDLE_OVERRIDE_PATHS} # do all the work include( BundleUtilities ) fixup_bundle( ${OSX_BUNDLE_BUILD_BIN_DIR}/kicad-ogltest \"\" \"${KICAD_BUNDLE_LIBS}\" ) " COMPONENT Runtime ) else() install( TARGETS kicad-ogltest DESTINATION ${KICAD_BIN} COMPONENT binary ) endif()