/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PANEL_SETUP_RULES::PANEL_SETUP_RULES( PAGED_DIALOG* aParent, PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame ) : PANEL_SETUP_RULES_BASE( aParent->GetTreebook() ), m_Parent( aParent ), m_frame( aFrame ), m_scintillaTricks( nullptr ), m_helpWindow( nullptr ) { m_scintillaTricks = new SCINTILLA_TRICKS( m_textEditor, wxT( "()" ) ); int size = wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(); wxFont fixedFont( size, wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL ); for( size_t i = 0; i < wxSTC_STYLE_MAX; ++i ) m_textEditor->StyleSetFont( i, fixedFont ); m_netClassRegex.Compile( "NetClass\\s*[!=]=\\s*$", wxRE_ADVANCED ); m_netNameRegex.Compile( "NetName\\s*[!=]=\\s*$", wxRE_ADVANCED ); m_compileButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( drc_xpm ) ); m_textEditor->Bind( wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED, &PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded, this ); m_textEditor->Bind( wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_CHAR_DELETED, &PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded, this ); } PANEL_SETUP_RULES::~PANEL_SETUP_RULES( ) { delete m_scintillaTricks; if( m_helpWindow ) m_helpWindow->Destroy(); }; void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent ) { m_Parent->SetModified(); m_textEditor->SearchAnchor(); wxString rules = m_textEditor->GetText(); int currentPos = m_textEditor->GetCurrentPos(); int startPos = 0; for( int line = m_textEditor->LineFromPosition( currentPos ); line > 0; line-- ) { int lineStart = m_textEditor->PositionFromLine( line ); wxString beginning = m_textEditor->GetTextRange( lineStart, lineStart + 10 ); if( beginning.StartsWith( "(rule " ) ) { startPos = lineStart; break; } } enum { NONE, STRING, SEXPR_OPEN, SEXPR_TOKEN, STRUCT_REF }; std::stack sexprs; wxString partial; wxString last; int context = NONE; int expr_context = NONE; for( int i = startPos; i < currentPos; ++i ) { wxChar c = m_textEditor->GetCharAt( i ); if( c == '\\' ) { i++; // skip escaped char } else if( context == STRING ) { if( c == '"' ) { context = NONE; } else { if( expr_context == STRING ) { if( c == '\'' ) expr_context = NONE; else partial += c; } else if( c == '\'' ) { last = partial; partial = wxEmptyString; expr_context = STRING; } else if( c == '.' ) { partial = wxEmptyString; expr_context = STRUCT_REF; } else { partial += c; } } } else if( c == '"' ) { last = partial; partial = wxEmptyString; context = STRING; } else if( c == '(' ) { if( context == SEXPR_OPEN && !partial.IsEmpty() ) { m_textEditor->AutoCompCancel(); sexprs.push( partial ); } partial = wxEmptyString; context = SEXPR_OPEN; } else if( c == ')' ) { if( !sexprs.empty() ) sexprs.pop(); context = NONE; } else if( c == ' ' ) { if( context == SEXPR_OPEN && !partial.IsEmpty() ) { m_textEditor->AutoCompCancel(); sexprs.push( partial ); if( sexprs.size() && ( sexprs.top() == "constraint" || sexprs.top() == "disallow" || sexprs.top() == "layer" ) ) { partial = wxEmptyString; context = SEXPR_TOKEN; continue; } } context = NONE; } else { partial += c; } } wxString tokens; if( context == SEXPR_OPEN ) { if( sexprs.empty() ) { tokens = "rule " "version"; } else if( sexprs.top() == "rule" ) { tokens = "condition " "constraint " "layer"; } else if( sexprs.top() == "constraint" ) { tokens = "max " "min " "opt"; } } else if( context == SEXPR_TOKEN ) { if( sexprs.empty() ) { /* badly formed grammar */ } else if( sexprs.top() == "constraint" ) { tokens = "annulus_width " "clearance " "courtyard_clearance " "diff_pair_gap " "diff_pair_uncoupled " "disallow " "edge_clearance " "length " "hole " "hole_clearance " "hole_to_hole " "silk_clearance " "skew " "track_width " "via_count "; } else if( sexprs.top() == "disallow" || sexprs.top() == "buried_via" || sexprs.top() == "graphic" || sexprs.top() == "hole" || sexprs.top() == "micro_via" || sexprs.top() == "pad" || sexprs.top() == "text" || sexprs.top() == "track" || sexprs.top() == "via" || sexprs.top() == "zone" ) { tokens = "buried_via " "graphic " "hole " "micro_via " "pad " "text " "track " "via " "zone"; } else if( sexprs.top() == "layer" ) { tokens = "inner " "outer " "\"x\""; } } else if( context == STRING && !sexprs.empty() && sexprs.top() == "condition" ) { if( expr_context == STRUCT_REF ) { PROPERTY_MANAGER& propMgr = PROPERTY_MANAGER::Instance(); std::set propNames; for( const PROPERTY_MANAGER::CLASS_INFO& cls : propMgr.GetAllClasses() ) { const PROPERTY_LIST& props = propMgr.GetProperties( cls.type ); for( PROPERTY_BASE* prop : props ) { wxString ref( prop->Name() ); ref.Replace( " ", "_" ); propNames.insert( ref ); } } for( const wxString& propName : propNames ) tokens += " " + propName; PCB_EXPR_BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS& functions = PCB_EXPR_BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS::Instance(); for( const wxString& funcSig : functions.GetSignatures() ) tokens += " " + funcSig; } else if( expr_context == STRING ) { if( m_netClassRegex.Matches( last ) ) { BOARD* board = m_frame->GetBoard(); BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = board->GetDesignSettings(); for( const std::pair& entry : bds.GetNetClasses() ) tokens += " " + entry.first; } else if( m_netNameRegex.Matches( last ) ) { BOARD* board = m_frame->GetBoard(); for( const wxString& netnameCandidate : board->GetNetClassAssignmentCandidates() ) tokens += " " + netnameCandidate; } } } if( !tokens.IsEmpty() ) m_scintillaTricks->DoAutocomplete( partial, wxSplit( tokens, ' ' ) ); } void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::OnCompile( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_errorsReport->Clear(); try { std::vector dummyRules; DRC_RULES_PARSER parser( m_textEditor->GetText(), _( "DRC rules" ) ); parser.Parse( dummyRules, m_errorsReport ); } catch( PARSE_ERROR& pe ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( "%s %s%s", _( "ERROR:" ), pe.lineNumber, pe.byteIndex, pe.ParseProblem(), wxEmptyString ); m_errorsReport->Report( msg, RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR ); } m_errorsReport->Flush(); } void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::OnErrorLinkClicked( wxHtmlLinkEvent& event ) { wxString link = event.GetLinkInfo().GetHref(); wxArrayString parts; long line = 0, offset = 0; wxStringSplit( link, parts, ':' ); if( parts.size() > 1 ) { parts[0].ToLong( &line ); parts[1].ToLong( &offset ); } int pos = m_textEditor->PositionFromLine( line - 1 ) + ( offset - 1 ); m_textEditor->GotoPos( pos ); m_textEditor->SetFocus(); } bool PANEL_SETUP_RULES::TransferDataToWindow() { wxFileName rulesFile( m_frame->GetDesignRulesPath() ); if( rulesFile.FileExists() ) { wxTextFile file( rulesFile.GetFullPath() ); if( file.Open() ) { for ( wxString str = file.GetFirstLine(); !file.Eof(); str = file.GetNextLine() ) { ConvertSmartQuotesAndDashes( &str ); m_textEditor->AddText( str << '\n' ); } wxCommandEvent dummy; OnCompile( dummy ); } } m_originalText = m_textEditor->GetText(); if( m_frame->Prj().IsNullProject() ) { m_textEditor->ClearAll(); m_textEditor->AddText( _( "Design rules cannot be added without a project" ) ); m_textEditor->Disable(); } return true; } bool PANEL_SETUP_RULES::TransferDataFromWindow() { if( m_originalText == m_textEditor->GetText() ) return true; if( m_frame->Prj().IsNullProject() ) return true; wxString rulesFilepath = m_frame->GetDesignRulesPath(); try { if( m_textEditor->SaveFile( rulesFilepath ) ) { m_frame->GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_DRCEngine->InitEngine( rulesFilepath ); return true; } } catch( PARSE_ERROR& pe ) { // Don't lock them in to the Setup dialog if they have bad rules. They've already // saved them so we can allow an exit. return true; } return false; } void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::OnSyntaxHelp( wxHyperlinkEvent& aEvent ) { if( m_helpWindow ) { m_helpWindow->ShowModeless(); return; } wxString msg = #include "dialogs/panel_setup_rules_help_md.h" ; #ifdef __WXMAC__ msg.Replace( "Ctrl+", "Cmd+" ); #endif m_helpWindow = new HTML_MESSAGE_BOX( nullptr, _( "Syntax Help" ) ); m_helpWindow->SetDialogSizeInDU( 320, 320 ); wxString html_txt; ConvertMarkdown2Html( wxGetTranslation( msg ), html_txt ); m_helpWindow->m_htmlWindow->AppendToPage( html_txt ); m_helpWindow->ShowModeless(); }