/***************************************/ /* GENERAL.H : declarations communes */ /***************************************/ #ifndef _GENERAL_H_ #define _GENERAL_H_ /* Entete des fichiers schematique */ #define EESCHEMA_VERSION 2 #define SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING "Schematic File Version" #define EESCHEMA_FILE_STAMP "EESchema" #define NULL_STRING "_NONAME_" #define MAX_PIN_INFO 10 #define TXTMARGE 10 /* Decalage (en 1/1000") des textes places * sur fils ( labels, num pins ) */ #define HIGHLIGHT_COLOR WHITE /* Used for EDA_BaseStruct, .m_Select member */ #define IS_SELECTED 1 #define TEXT_NO_VISIBLE 1 //#define GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE GR_COPY #define GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE GR_COPY #define DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE 12 /* Message de presentation */ extern wxString g_DefaultSchematicFileName; /* Masque de recherche pour localisation d'objets a editer */ #define LIBITEM 1 #define WIREITEM 2 #define BUSITEM 4 #define RACCORDITEM 4 #define JUNCTIONITEM 0x10 #define DRAWITEM 0x20 #define TEXTITEM 0x40 #define LABELITEM 0x80 #define SHEETITEM 0x100 #define MARKERITEM 0x200 #define NOCONNECTITEM 0x400 #define SEARCH_PINITEM 0x800 #define SHEETLABELITEM 0x1000 #define FIELDCMPITEM 0x2000 #define EXCLUDE_WIRE_BUS_ENDPOINTS 0x4000 #define WIRE_BUS_ENDPOINTS_ONLY 0x8000 #define SEARCHALL LIBITEM | WIREITEM | BUSITEM | RACCORDITEM | JUNCTIONITEM \ | DRAWITEM | TEXTITEM | LABELITEM | SHEETITEM | MARKERITEM \ | NOCONNECTITEM | SEARCH_PINITEM | SHEETLABELITEM /* Numero des couches de travail */ typedef enum { LAYER_WIRE, LAYER_BUS, LAYER_JUNCTION, LAYER_LOCLABEL, LAYER_GLOBLABEL, LAYER_HIERLABEL, LAYER_PINFUN, LAYER_PINNUM, LAYER_PINNAM, LAYER_REFERENCEPART, LAYER_VALUEPART, LAYER_FIELDS, LAYER_DEVICE, LAYER_NOTES, LAYER_NETNAM, LAYER_PIN, LAYER_SHEET, LAYER_SHEETNAME, LAYER_SHEETFILENAME, LAYER_SHEETLABEL, LAYER_NOCONNECT, LAYER_ERC_WARN, LAYER_ERC_ERR, LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND, MAX_LAYER /* Nombre de couches */ } LayerNumber; typedef enum { FILE_SAVE_AS, FILE_SAVE_NEW } FileSaveType; /* variables generales */ extern int g_OptNetListUseNames; /* TRUE pour utiliser les noms de net plutot que * les numeros (netlist PSPICE seulement) */ extern SCH_ITEM* g_ItemToRepeat; /* pointeur sur la derniere structure * dessinee pouvant etre dupliquee par la commande * Repeat ( NULL si aucune struct existe ) */ extern wxSize g_RepeatStep; extern int g_RepeatDeltaLabel; extern SCH_ITEM* g_ItemToUndoCopy; /* copy of last modified schematic item * before it is modified (used for undo managing to restore old values ) */ extern bool g_LastSearchIsMarker; // True if last seach is a marker serach // False for a schematic item search // Used for hotkey next search /* Block operation (copy, paste) */ extern BLOCK_SELECTOR g_BlockSaveDataList; // List of items to paste (Created by Block Save) // Gestion d'options extern bool g_HVLines; // Gestion de diverses variables, options... devant etre memorisees mais // Remises a 0 lors d'un rechargement de projetc struct EESchemaVariables { int NbErrorErc; int NbWarningErc; }; extern struct EESchemaVariables g_EESchemaVar; /* Variables globales pour Schematic Edit */ extern int g_DefaultTextLabelSize; /* Variables globales pour LibEdit */ extern int g_LastTextSize; extern int g_LastTextOrient; extern bool g_FlDrawSpecificUnit; extern bool g_FlDrawSpecificConvert; /********************************************************/ /* Description des structures des parametres principaux */ /********************************************************/ /* Gestion des trace sur table tracante */ /* For HPGL plotting: Pen caract : */ struct HPGL_Pen_Descr_Struct { int m_Pen_Num; /* num de plume a charger */ int m_Pen_Speed; /* vitesse en cm/s */ int m_Pen_Diam; /* Pen diameter in mils */ }; extern HPGL_Pen_Descr_Struct g_HPGL_Pen_Descr; /* First and main (root) screen */ extern DrawSheetStruct* g_RootSheet; /*************************************/ /* Gestion de recherche des elements */ /*************************************/ /* valeur de flag indicant si le pointeur de reference pour une localisation * est le curseur sur grille ou le curseur a deplacement fin hors grille */ #define CURSEUR_ON_GRILLE 0 #define CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE 1 /* Gestion des librairies schematiques */ extern wxString g_NetCmpExtBuffer; extern const wxString SymbolFileExtension; extern const wxString SymbolFileWildcard; extern const wxString CompLibFileExtension; extern const wxString CompLibFileWildcard; extern wxString g_SimulatorCommandLine; // ligne de commande pour l'appel au simulateur (gnucap, spice..) extern wxString g_NetListerCommandLine; // ligne de commande pour l'appel au simulateur (gnucap, spice..) extern LayerStruct g_LayerDescr; /* couleurs des couches */ extern bool g_EditPinByPinIsOn; /* true to do not synchronize pins edition * when they are at the same location */ extern int g_LibSymbolDefaultLineWidth; /* default line width (in EESCHEMA units) * used when creating a new graphic item in libedit. * 0 = use default line thicknes */ extern int g_DrawDefaultLineThickness; /* Default line (in EESCHEMA units) thickness * used to draw/plot items having a default thickness line value (i.e. = 0 ). * 0 = single pixel line width */ // Color to draw selected items extern int g_ItemSelectetColor; // Color to draw items flagged invisible, in libedit (they are insisible in eeschema extern int g_InvisibleItemColor; #endif // _GENERAL_H_