/****************************/ /* EESchema - viewlibs.cpp */ /****************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "eda_doc.h" #include "program.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "libviewfrm.h" #include "eeschema_id.h" #include "class_library.h" #define NEXT_PART 1 #define NEW_PART 0 #define PREVIOUS_PART -1 void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString msg; CMP_LIB_ENTRY* LibEntry; int ii, id = event.GetId(); switch( id ) { case ID_LIBVIEW_SELECT_LIB: SelectCurrentLibrary(); break; case ID_LIBVIEW_SELECT_PART: SelectAndViewLibraryPart( NEW_PART ); break; case ID_LIBVIEW_NEXT: SelectAndViewLibraryPart( NEXT_PART ); break; case ID_LIBVIEW_PREVIOUS: SelectAndViewLibraryPart( PREVIOUS_PART ); break; case ID_LIBVIEW_VIEWDOC: LibEntry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryEntry( m_entryName, m_libraryName ); if( LibEntry && ( !LibEntry->m_DocFile.IsEmpty() ) ) GetAssociatedDocument( this, LibEntry->m_DocFile, &wxGetApp().GetLibraryPathList() ); break; case ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT: m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, TRUE ); m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, FALSE ); m_convert = 1; DrawPanel->Refresh(); break; case ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT: m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, FALSE ); m_HToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, TRUE ); m_convert = 2; DrawPanel->Refresh(); break; case ID_LIBVIEW_SELECT_PART_NUMBER: ii = SelpartBox->GetChoice(); if( ii < 0 ) return; m_unit = ii + 1; DrawPanel->Refresh(); break; default: msg << wxT( "WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::Process_Special_Functions error: id = " ) << id; DisplayError( this, msg ); break; } } void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ) { } bool WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu* PopMenu ) { return true; } /* Affiche en Ligne d'info la librairie en cours de visualisation */ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::DisplayLibInfos() { wxString msg; CMP_LIBRARY* Lib; Lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName ); msg = _( "Library Browser" ); msg << wxT( " [" ); if( Lib ) msg << Lib->GetFullFileName(); else msg += _( "no library selected" ); msg << wxT( "]" ); SetTitle( msg ); } /*****************************************/ /* Routine to Select Current library */ /*****************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::SelectCurrentLibrary() { CMP_LIBRARY* Lib; Lib = SelectLibraryFromList( this ); if( Lib ) { m_entryName.Empty(); m_libraryName = Lib->GetName(); DisplayLibInfos(); if( m_LibList ) { ReCreateListCmp(); DrawPanel->Refresh(); DisplayLibInfos(); ReCreateHToolbar(); int id = m_LibList->FindString( m_libraryName.GetData() ); if( id >= 0 ) m_LibList->SetSelection( id ); } } } /* * Routine to select and view library Part (NEW, NEXT or PREVIOUS) */ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::SelectAndViewLibraryPart( int option ) { CMP_LIBRARY* Lib; if( m_libraryName.IsEmpty() ) SelectCurrentLibrary(); if( m_libraryName.IsEmpty() ) return; Lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName ); if( Lib == NULL ) return; if( ( m_entryName.IsEmpty() ) || ( option == NEW_PART ) ) { ViewOneLibraryContent( Lib, NEW_PART ); return; } CMP_LIB_ENTRY* LibEntry = Lib->FindEntry( m_entryName ); if( LibEntry == NULL ) return; if( option == NEXT_PART ) ViewOneLibraryContent( Lib, NEXT_PART ); if( option == PREVIOUS_PART ) ViewOneLibraryContent( Lib, PREVIOUS_PART ); } /*************************************************/ /* Routine to view one selected library content. */ /*************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ViewOneLibraryContent( CMP_LIBRARY* Lib, int Flag ) { int NumOfParts = 0; CMP_LIB_ENTRY* LibEntry; wxString CmpName; wxClientDC dc( DrawPanel ); DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc ); if( Lib ) NumOfParts = Lib->GetCount(); if( NumOfParts == 0 ) { DisplayError( this, wxT( "No library or library is empty!" ) ); return; } if( Lib == NULL ) return; if( Flag == NEW_PART ) { DisplayComponentsNamesInLib( this, Lib, CmpName, m_entryName ); } if( Flag == NEXT_PART ) { LibEntry = Lib->GetNextEntry( m_entryName ); if( LibEntry ) CmpName = LibEntry->m_Name.m_Text; } if( Flag == PREVIOUS_PART ) { LibEntry = Lib->GetPreviousEntry( m_entryName ); if( LibEntry ) CmpName = LibEntry->m_Name.m_Text; } m_unit = 1; m_convert = 1; LibEntry = Lib->FindEntry( CmpName ); m_entryName = CmpName; DisplayLibInfos(); Zoom_Automatique( false ); RedrawActiveWindow( &dc, true ); if( m_CmpList ) { int id = m_CmpList->FindString( m_entryName.GetData() ); if( id >= 0 ) m_CmpList->SetSelection( id ); } ReCreateHToolbar(); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Routine d'affichage du composant selectionne */ /* Si Le composant est un alias, le composant ROOT est recherche et affiche */ /*****************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg ) { LIB_COMPONENT* component; CMP_LIB_ENTRY* entry; CMP_LIBRARY* lib; wxString msg; wxString tmp; ActiveScreen = GetScreen(); lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName ); if( lib == NULL ) return; entry = lib->FindEntry( m_entryName ); if( entry == NULL ) return; /* Forcage de la reinit de la brosse et plume courante */ GRResetPenAndBrush( DC ); DC->SetBackground( *wxBLACK_BRUSH ); DC->SetBackgroundMode( wxTRANSPARENT ); if( EraseBg ) DrawPanel->EraseScreen( DC ); DrawPanel->DrawBackGround( DC ); if( entry->Type != ROOT ) { LIB_ALIAS* alias = (LIB_ALIAS*) entry; component = alias->GetComponent(); wxASSERT( component != NULL && component->Type == ROOT ); msg = alias->GetName(); /* Temporarily change the name field text to reflect the alias name. */ tmp = component->GetName(); component->m_Name.m_Text = alias->GetName(); if( m_unit < 1 ) m_unit = 1; if( m_convert < 1 ) m_convert = 1; component->m_Name.m_Text = tmp; } else { component = (LIB_COMPONENT*) entry; msg = _( "None" ); } component->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), m_unit, m_convert, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE ); if( !tmp.IsEmpty() ) component->m_Name.m_Text = tmp; MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); MsgPanel->AppendMessage( _( "Part" ), component->GetName(), BLUE, 6 ); MsgPanel->AppendMessage( _( "Alias" ), msg, RED, 6 ); MsgPanel->AppendMessage( _( "Description" ), entry->m_Doc, CYAN, 6 ); MsgPanel->AppendMessage( _( "Key words" ), entry->m_KeyWord, DARKDARKGRAY ); DrawPanel->Trace_Curseur( DC ); }