/* classes to handle copper zones */

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "wxstruct.h"

#include "gr_basic.h"

#include "common.h"
#include "PolyLine.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "trigo.h"

/* class ZONE_CONTAINER */


    m_NetCode = -1;             // Net number for fast comparisons
    m_CornerSelection = -1;
    m_ZoneClearance   = 200;    // a reasonnable clerance value
    m_GridFillValue   = 50;     // a reasonnable grid used for filling
    m_PadOption = THERMAL_PAD;
    utility  = 0;               // flags used in polygon calculations
    utility2 = 0;               // flags used in polygon calculations
    m_Poly   = new CPolyLine(); // Outlines

    delete m_Poly;
    m_Poly = NULL;

void ZONE_CONTAINER::SetNet( int anet_code )

 * Set the netcode and the netname
 * if netcode >= 0, set the netname
 * if netcode < 0: keep old netname (used to set an necode error flag)
    m_NetCode = anet_code;

    if( anet_code < 0 )

    if( m_Parent )
        EQUIPOT* net = ( (BOARD*) m_Parent )->FindNet( anet_code );
        if( net )
            m_Netname = net->m_Netname;

bool ZONE_CONTAINER::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    if( GetState( DELETED ) )
        return true;

    unsigned item_pos;
    int      ret;
    unsigned corners_count = m_Poly->corner.size();
    int      outline_hatch;

    fprintf( aFile, "$CZONE_OUTLINE\n" );

    // Save the outline main info
    ret = fprintf( aFile, "ZInfo %8.8lX %d \"%s\"\n",
                  m_TimeStamp, m_NetCode,
                  CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Netname ) );
    if( ret < 3 )
        return false;

    // Save the ouline layer info
    ret = fprintf( aFile, "ZLayer %d\n", m_Layer );
    if( ret < 1 )
        return false;

    // Save the ouline aux info
    switch( m_Poly->GetHatchStyle() )
    case CPolyLine::NO_HATCH:
        outline_hatch = 'N';

    case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_EDGE:
        outline_hatch = 'E';

    case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_FULL:
        outline_hatch = 'F';

    ret = fprintf( aFile, "ZAux %d %c\n", corners_count, outline_hatch );
    if( ret < 2 )
        return false;

    // Save the corner list
    for( item_pos = 0; item_pos < corners_count; item_pos++ )
        ret = fprintf( aFile, "ZCorner %d %d %d \n",
                       m_Poly->corner[item_pos].x, m_Poly->corner[item_pos].y,
                       m_Poly->corner[item_pos].end_contour );
        if( ret < 3 )
            return false;

    fprintf( aFile, "$endCZONE_OUTLINE\n" );

    return true;

int ZONE_CONTAINER::ReadDescr( FILE* aFile, int* aLineNum )

/** Function ReadDescr
 * @param aFile = opened file
 * @param aLineNum = pointer on a line number counter (can be NULL or missing)
 * @return 0 if ok or NULL
    char Line[1024], * text;
    char netname_buffer[1024];
    int  ret;
    int  n_corner_item = 0;
    int  outline_hatch = CPolyLine::NO_HATCH;
    bool error = false, has_corner = false;

    netname_buffer[0] = 0;
    while( GetLine( aFile, Line, aLineNum, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) != NULL )
        if( strnicmp( Line, "ZCorner", 7 ) == 0 ) // new corner found
            int x = 0, y = 0, flag = 0;
            text = Line + 7;
            ret  = sscanf( text, "%d %d %d", &x, &y, &flag );
            if( ret < 3 )
                error = true;
                if( !has_corner )
                    m_Poly->Start( m_Layer, x, y, outline_hatch );
                    AppendCorner( wxPoint(x, y) );
                has_corner = true;
                if( flag )
        if( strnicmp( Line, "ZInfo", 5 ) == 0 )   // general info found
            int ts = 0, netcode = 0;
            text = Line + 5;
            ret  = sscanf( text, "%X %d %s", &ts, &netcode, netname_buffer );
            if( ret < 3 )
                error = true;
                m_TimeStamp = ts;
                m_NetCode   = netcode;
                ReadDelimitedText( netname_buffer, netname_buffer, 1024 );
                m_Netname = CONV_FROM_UTF8( netname_buffer );
        if( strnicmp( Line, "ZLayer", 6 ) == 0 )  // layer found
            int x = 0;
            text = Line + 6;
            ret  = sscanf( text, "%d", &x );
            if( ret < 1 )
                error = true;
                m_Layer = x;
        if( strnicmp( Line, "ZAux", 4 ) == 0 )    // aux info found
            int  x = 0;
            char hopt[10];
            text = Line + 4;
            ret  = sscanf( text, "%d %c", &x, hopt );
            if( ret < 2 )
                error = true;
                n_corner_item = x;

                switch( hopt[0] )
                case 'n':
                case 'N':
                    outline_hatch = CPolyLine::NO_HATCH;

                case 'e':
                case 'E':
                    outline_hatch = CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_EDGE;

                case 'f':
                case 'F':
                    outline_hatch = CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_FULL;
        if( strnicmp( Line, "$end", 4 ) == 0 )    // end of description

    return error ? 0 : 1;

void ZONE_CONTAINER::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& offset, int draw_mode )

/** Function Draw
 * @param panel = current Draw Panel
 * @param DC = current Device Context
 * @param offset = Draw offset (usually wxPoint(0,0))
 * @param draw_mode = draw mode: OR, XOR ..
    if( DC == NULL )

    wxPoint seg_start, seg_end;
    int curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
    int color = g_DesignSettings.m_LayerColor[m_Layer];

    if( ( color & (ITEM_NOT_SHOW | HIGHT_LIGHT_FLAG) ) == ITEM_NOT_SHOW )

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, draw_mode );

    if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay )
        if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
            color &= ~MASKCOLOR;
            color |= DARKDARKGRAY;

    if( draw_mode & GR_SURBRILL )
        if( draw_mode & GR_AND )
            color &= ~HIGHT_LIGHT_FLAG;
            color |= HIGHT_LIGHT_FLAG;
    if( color & HIGHT_LIGHT_FLAG )
        color = ColorRefs[color & MASKCOLOR].m_LightColor;

    // draw the lines
    int i_start_contour = 0;
    for( int ic = 0; ic < GetNumCorners(); ic++ )
        seg_start = GetCornerPosition(ic) + offset;
        if( m_Poly->corner[ic].end_contour == FALSE && ic < GetNumCorners() - 1 )
            seg_end = GetCornerPosition(ic + 1) + offset;
            seg_end = GetCornerPosition(i_start_contour) + offset;
            i_start_contour = ic + 1;
        GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, seg_start.x, seg_start.y, seg_end.x, seg_end.y, 0, color );

    // draw hatches
    for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_Poly->m_HatchLines.size(); ic++ )
        int xi = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].xi + offset.x;
        int yi = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].yi + offset.y;
        int xf = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].xf + offset.x;
        int yf = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].yf + offset.y;
        GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, xi, yi, xf, yf, 0, color );

void ZONE_CONTAINER::DrawWhileCreateOutline( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, int draw_mode )
 * Function DrawWhileCreateOutline
 * Draws the zone outline when ir is created.
 * The moving edges (last segment and the closing edge segment) are in XOR graphic mode,
 * old segment in OR graphic mode
 * The closing edge has its owm shape
 * @param panel = current Draw Panel
 * @param DC = current Device Context
 * @param draw_mode = draw mode: OR, XOR ..
    int current_gr_mode = draw_mode;
    bool is_close_segment = false;
    wxPoint seg_start, seg_end;

    if( DC == NULL )
    int curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
    int color = g_DesignSettings.m_LayerColor[m_Layer] & MASKCOLOR;

    if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay )
        if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
            color &= ~MASKCOLOR;
            color |= DARKDARKGRAY;

    // draw the lines
    wxPoint start_contour_pos = GetCornerPosition(0);
    for( int ic = 0; ic < GetNumCorners(); ic++ )
        int xi = GetCornerPosition(ic).x;
        int yi = GetCornerPosition(ic).y;
        int xf, yf;
        if( m_Poly->corner[ic].end_contour == FALSE && ic < GetNumCorners() - 1 )
            is_close_segment = false;
            xf = GetCornerPosition(ic + 1).x;
            yf = GetCornerPosition(ic + 1).y;
            if ( (m_Poly->corner[ic + 1].end_contour) || (ic == GetNumCorners() - 2) )
                current_gr_mode = GR_XOR;
                current_gr_mode = draw_mode;
            is_close_segment = true;
            current_gr_mode = GR_XOR;
            xf = start_contour_pos.x;
            yf = start_contour_pos.y;
            start_contour_pos = GetCornerPosition(ic + 1);
        GRSetDrawMode( DC, current_gr_mode );
        if ( is_close_segment )
            GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, xi, yi, xf, yf, 0, WHITE );
            GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, xi, yi, xf, yf, 0, color );

 * Function HitTest
 * tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
 * @param refPos A wxPoint to test
 * @return bool - true if a hit, else false
 * return true if refPos is near a corner or an edge
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTest( const wxPoint& refPos )
    if( HitTestForCorner( refPos ) >= 0 )
        return true;
    if( HitTestForEdge( refPos ) >= 0 )
        return true;

    return false;

 * Function HitTestForCorner
 * tests if the given wxPoint near a corner, or near the segment define by 2 corners.
 * Choose the nearest corner
 * "near" means CORNER_MIN_DIST_IN_PIXELS pixels
 * @return -1 if none, corner index in .corner <vector>
 * @param refPos : A wxPoint to test
int ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTestForCorner( const wxPoint& refPos )
    #define CORNER_MIN_DIST 500     // distance (in internal units) to detect a corner in a zone outline
    int      dist, min_dist;
    unsigned item_pos, lim;
    lim = m_Poly->corner.size();
    m_CornerSelection = -1;

    min_dist = CORNER_MIN_DIST;
    for( item_pos = 0; item_pos < lim; item_pos++ )
        dist = abs( m_Poly->corner[item_pos].x - refPos.x ) + abs(
            m_Poly->corner[item_pos].y - refPos.y );
        if( dist <= min_dist )
            m_CornerSelection = item_pos;
            min_dist = dist;

    if( m_CornerSelection >= 0 )
        return item_pos;

    return -1;

 * Function HitTestForEdge
 * tests if the given wxPoint near a corner, or near the segment define by 2 corners.
 * choose the nearest segment
 * "near" means EDGE_MIN_DIST_IN_PIXELS pixels
 * @return -1 if none,  or index of the starting corner in .corner <vector>
 * @param refPos : A wxPoint to test
int ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTestForEdge( const wxPoint& refPos )
    #define EDGE_MIN_DIST 200   // distance (in internal units) to detect a zone outline
    int      dist, min_dist;
    unsigned item_pos, lim;
    lim = m_Poly->corner.size();

    /* Test for an entire segment */
    unsigned first_corner_pos = 0, end_segm;
    m_CornerSelection = -1;
    min_dist = EDGE_MIN_DIST;

    for( item_pos = 0; item_pos < lim; item_pos++ )
        end_segm = item_pos + 1;

        /* the last corner of the current outline is tested
         * the last segment of the current outline starts at current corner, and ends
         * at the first corner of the outline
        if( m_Poly->corner[item_pos].end_contour || end_segm >= lim )
            unsigned tmp = first_corner_pos;
            first_corner_pos = end_segm;    // first_corner_pos is now the beginning of the next outline
            end_segm = tmp;                 // end_segm is the beginning of the current outline

        /* test the dist between segment and ref point */
        dist = (int) GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( refPos.x,
                                                    m_Poly->corner[end_segm].y );
        if( dist <= min_dist )
            m_CornerSelection = item_pos;
            min_dist = dist;

    if( m_CornerSelection >= 0 )
        return item_pos;

    return -1;

 * Function HitTest (overlayed)
 * tests if the given EDA_Rect contains the bounds of this object.
 * @param refArea : the given EDA_Rect
 * @return bool - true if a hit, else false
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTest( EDA_Rect& refArea )
    bool  is_out_of_box = false;

    CRect rect = m_Poly->GetCornerBounds();

    if( rect.left < refArea.GetX() )
        is_out_of_box = true;
    if( rect.top < refArea.GetY() )
        is_out_of_box = true;
    if( rect.right > refArea.GetRight() )
        is_out_of_box = true;
    if( rect.bottom > refArea.GetBottom() )
        is_out_of_box = true;

    return is_out_of_box ? false : true;

void ZONE_CONTAINER::Display_Infos( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
    wxString msg;
    int      text_pos;

    BOARD*   board = (BOARD*) m_Parent;

    wxASSERT( board );


    msg = _( "Zone Outline" );

    int ncont = m_Poly->GetContour( m_CornerSelection );
    if( ncont )
        msg << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Cutout)" );

    text_pos = 1;
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, text_pos, _( "Type" ), msg, DARKCYAN );

    text_pos += 15;

    if( GetNet() >= 0 )
        EQUIPOT* equipot = ( (WinEDA_PcbFrame*) frame )->m_Pcb->FindNet( GetNet() );

        if( equipot )
            msg = equipot->m_Netname;
            msg = wxT( "<noname>" );
    else    // a netcode <� is an error
        msg = wxT( " [" );
        msg << m_Netname + wxT( "]" );
        msg << wxT( " <" ) << _( "Not Found" ) << wxT( ">" );

    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, text_pos, _( "NetName" ), msg, RED );

    /* Display net code : (usefull in test or debug) */
    text_pos += 18;
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), GetNet() );
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, text_pos, _( "NetCode" ), msg, RED );

    text_pos += 8;
    msg = board->GetLayerName( m_Layer );
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, text_pos, _( "Layer" ), msg, BROWN );

    text_pos += 8;
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_Poly->corner.size() );
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, text_pos, _( "Corners" ), msg, BLUE );

    text_pos += 8;
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_Poly->m_HatchLines.size() );
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, text_pos, _( "Hatch lines" ), msg, BLUE );

/* Geometric transforms: */

 * Function Move
 * Move the outlines
 * @param offset = moving vector
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Move( const wxPoint& offset )
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Poly->corner.size(); ii++ )
        SetCornerPosition(ii,  GetCornerPosition(ii) + offset);


 * Function MoveEdge
 * Move the outline Edge. m_CornerSelection is the start point of the outline edge
 * @param offset = moving vector
void ZONE_CONTAINER::MoveEdge( const wxPoint& offset )
    int ii = m_CornerSelection;

    // Move the start point of the selected edge:
    SetCornerPosition(ii,  GetCornerPosition(ii) + offset);

    // Move the end point of the selected edge:
    if ( m_Poly->corner[ii].end_contour || ii == GetNumCorners() - 1)
        int icont = m_Poly->GetContour( ii );
        ii = m_Poly->GetContourStart( icont );
    SetCornerPosition(ii,  GetCornerPosition(ii) + offset);


 * Function Rotate
 * Move the outlines
 * @param centre = rot centre
 * @param angle = in 0.1 degree
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Rotate( const wxPoint& centre, int angle )
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Poly->corner.size(); ii++ )
        wxPoint pos;
        pos.x = m_Poly->corner[ii].x;
        pos.y = m_Poly->corner[ii].y;
        RotatePoint( &pos, centre, angle );
        m_Poly->corner[ii].x = pos.x;
        m_Poly->corner[ii].y = pos.y;


 * Function Mirror
 * flip the outlines , relative to a given horizontal axis
 * @param mirror_ref = vertical axis position
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Mirror( const wxPoint& mirror_ref )
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Poly->corner.size(); ii++ )
        m_Poly->corner[ii].y -= mirror_ref.y;
        m_Poly->corner[ii].y  = -m_Poly->corner[ii].y;
        m_Poly->corner[ii].y += mirror_ref.y;


/** Function copy
 * copy usefull data from the source.
 * flags and linked list pointers are NOT copied
    m_Parent = src->m_Parent;
    m_Layer  = src->m_Layer;
    SetNet( src->GetNet() );
    m_TimeStamp = src->m_TimeStamp;
    m_Poly->Copy( src->m_Poly );                // copy outlines
    m_CornerSelection = -1;                     // For corner moving, corner index to drag, or -1 if no selection
    m_ZoneClearance   = src->m_ZoneClearance;   // clearance value
    m_GridFillValue   = src->m_GridFillValue;   // Grid used for filling
    m_PadOption = src->m_PadOption;
    m_Poly->SetHatch( src->m_Poly->GetHatchStyle() );