C++ 1 source_name 0 0 res UTF-8 connect dialog_erc_base 1000 none 1 dialog_ERC_base . 0 1 1 1 UI 0 0 0 wxAUI_MGR_DEFAULT 1 1 impl_virtual 0 wxID_ANY DIALOG_ERC_BASE -1,-1 wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER DIALOG_SHIM; dialog_shim.h Electrical Rules Checker OnCloseErcDialog bSizer1 wxVERTICAL none 5 wxEXPAND 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 500 1 1 0 0 wxSHOW_EFFECT_NONE wxID_ANY 0 0 1 m_infoBar 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 wxSHOW_EFFECT_NONE WX_INFOBAR; widgets/infobar.h; forward_declare 0 8 wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 1 bercSizer wxVERTICAL none 5 wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxRIGHT 1 bupperSizer wxHORIZONTAL none 5 wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM 1 bSizerMessages wxVERTICAL none 10 wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 ,90,90,-1,70,0 0 0 wxID_ANY Messages: 0 0 0 1 m_titleMessages 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 0 -1 5 wxEXPAND|wxLEFT 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY 0 0 0 180,110 1 m_MessagesList 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY 0 wxFILTER_NONE wxDefaultValidator 10 wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 ,90,90,-1,70,0 0 0 wxID_ANY Violations: 0 0 0 1 m_textMarkers 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 0 -1 5 wxEXPAND|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 2 1 1 0 wxID_ANY -1,200 m_markerDataView protected wxDV_NO_HEADER ; ; forward_declare Click on items to highlight them on the board. OnERCItemDClick OnERCItemRClick OnERCItemSelected 5 wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM 0 bSeveritySizer wxHORIZONTAL none 5 wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY Show: 0 0 0 1 m_showLabel 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 -1 5 wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY All 0 0 1 m_showAll 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 wxFILTER_NONE wxDefaultValidator OnSeverity 5 wxEXPAND 0 0 protected 35 5 wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY Errors 0 0 1 m_showErrors 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 wxFILTER_NONE wxDefaultValidator OnSeverity 25 wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY 0 0 20,20 1 m_errorsBadge 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 5 wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY Warnings 0 0 1 m_showWarnings 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 wxFILTER_NONE wxDefaultValidator OnSeverity 25 wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY 0 0 20,20 1 m_warningsBadge 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 5 wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY Exclusions 0 0 1 m_showExclusions 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 wxFILTER_NONE wxDefaultValidator OnSeverity 25 wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY 0 0 1 m_exclusionsBadge 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 5 wxEXPAND 1 0 protected 0 5 wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY Save... 0 0 0 1 m_saveReport 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 ; ; forward_declare 0 wxFILTER_NONE wxDefaultValidator OnSaveReport 5 wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 wxID_ANY 0 0 1 m_staticline1 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 wxLI_HORIZONTAL ; ; forward_declare 0 5 wxEXPAND|wxLEFT 0 m_buttonsSizer wxHORIZONTAL protected 8 wxRIGHT|wxLEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Dock 0 Left 1 1 0 0 ID_ERASE_DRC_MARKERS Delete Markers 0 0 0 1 m_buttondelmarkers 1 protected 1 Resizable 1 0 wxFILTER_NONE wxDefaultValidator OnEraseDrcMarkersClick 5 wxEXPAND 1 0 protected 0 5 wxEXPAND|wxALL 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 m_sdbSizer1 protected OnButtonCloseClick OnRunERCClick