/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2020 CERN * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * @author Jon Evans <jon@craftyjon.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <base_screen.h> #include <lib_symbol.h> #include <default_values.h> #include <eeschema_settings.h> #include <kiface_base.h> #include <macros.h> #include <schematic_settings.h> #include <settings/json_settings_internals.h> #include <settings/parameters.h> #include <sim/spice_settings.h> const int schSettingsSchemaVersion = 1; SCHEMATIC_SETTINGS::SCHEMATIC_SETTINGS( JSON_SETTINGS* aParent, const std::string& aPath ) : NESTED_SETTINGS( "schematic", schSettingsSchemaVersion, aParent, aPath ), m_DefaultLineWidth( DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH_MILS * schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS ), m_DefaultTextSize( DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE * schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS ), m_LabelSizeRatio( DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE_RATIO ), m_TextOffsetRatio( DEFAULT_TEXT_OFFSET_RATIO ), m_PinSymbolSize( DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE * schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS / 2 ), m_JunctionSizeChoice( 3 ), m_JunctionSize( DEFAULT_JUNCTION_DIAM * schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS ), m_AnnotateStartNum( 0 ), m_IntersheetRefsShow( false ), m_IntersheetRefsListOwnPage( true ), m_IntersheetRefsFormatShort( false ), m_IntersheetRefsPrefix( DEFAULT_IREF_PREFIX ), m_IntersheetRefsSuffix( DEFAULT_IREF_SUFFIX ), m_DashedLineDashRatio( 12.0 ), m_DashedLineGapRatio( 3.0 ), m_SpiceAdjustPassiveValues( false ), m_SpiceCurSheetAsRoot( false ), m_SpiceSaveAllVoltages( false ), m_SpiceSaveAllCurrents( false ), m_SpiceModelCurSheetAsRoot( true ), m_NgspiceSimulatorSettings( nullptr ) { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* appSettings = dynamic_cast<EESCHEMA_SETTINGS*>( Kiface().KifaceSettings() ); int defaultLineThickness = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.default_line_thickness : DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH_MILS; int defaultTextSize = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.default_text_size : DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE; int defaultPinSymbolSize = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.pin_symbol_size : DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE / 2; int defaultJunctionSizeChoice = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.junction_size_choice : 3; bool defaultIntersheetsRefShow = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.intersheets_ref_show : false; bool defaultIntersheetsRefOwnPage = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.intersheets_ref_own_page : true; bool defaultIntersheetsRefFormatShort = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.intersheets_ref_short : false; wxString defaultIntersheetsRefPrefix = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.intersheets_ref_prefix : DEFAULT_IREF_PREFIX; wxString defaultIntersheetsRefSuffix = appSettings ? appSettings->m_Drawing.intersheets_ref_suffix : DEFAULT_IREF_SUFFIX; m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<bool>( "drawing.intersheets_ref_show", &m_IntersheetRefsShow, defaultIntersheetsRefShow ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<bool>( "drawing.intersheets_ref_own_page", &m_IntersheetRefsListOwnPage, defaultIntersheetsRefOwnPage ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<bool>( "drawing.intersheets_ref_short", &m_IntersheetRefsFormatShort, defaultIntersheetsRefFormatShort ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<wxString>( "drawing.intersheets_ref_prefix", &m_IntersheetRefsPrefix, defaultIntersheetsRefPrefix ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<wxString>( "drawing.intersheets_ref_suffix", &m_IntersheetRefsSuffix, defaultIntersheetsRefSuffix ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<double>( "drawing.dashed_lines_dash_length_ratio", &m_DashedLineDashRatio, 12.0 ) ); // Default from ISO 128-2 m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<double>( "drawing.dashed_lines_gap_length_ratio", &m_DashedLineGapRatio, 3.0 ) ); // Default from ISO 128-2 m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_SCALED<int>( "drawing.default_line_thickness", &m_DefaultLineWidth, schIUScale.MilsToIU( defaultLineThickness ), schIUScale.MilsToIU( 5 ), schIUScale.MilsToIU( 1000 ), 1 / schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_SCALED<int>( "drawing.default_text_size", &m_DefaultTextSize, schIUScale.MilsToIU( defaultTextSize ), schIUScale.MilsToIU( 5 ), schIUScale.MilsToIU( 1000 ), 1 / schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<double>( "drawing.text_offset_ratio", &m_TextOffsetRatio, DEFAULT_TEXT_OFFSET_RATIO, 0.0, 2.0 ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<double>( "drawing.label_size_ratio", &m_LabelSizeRatio, DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE_RATIO, 0.0, 2.0 ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_SCALED<int>( "drawing.pin_symbol_size", &m_PinSymbolSize, schIUScale.MilsToIU( defaultPinSymbolSize ), schIUScale.MilsToIU( 0 ), schIUScale.MilsToIU( 1000 ), 1 / schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS ) ); // m_JunctionSize is only a run-time cache of the calculated size. Do not save it. // User choice for junction dot size ( e.g. none = 0, smallest = 1, small = 2, etc ) m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<int>( "drawing.junction_size_choice", &m_JunctionSizeChoice, defaultJunctionSizeChoice ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LAMBDA<nlohmann::json>( "drawing.field_names", [&]() -> nlohmann::json { nlohmann::json ret = nlohmann::json::array(); for( const TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME& field : m_TemplateFieldNames.GetTemplateFieldNames( false ) ) { ret.push_back( nlohmann::json( { { "name", field.m_Name }, { "visible", field.m_Visible }, { "url", field.m_URL } } ) ); } return ret; }, [&]( const nlohmann::json& aJson ) { if( !aJson.empty() && aJson.is_array() ) { m_TemplateFieldNames.DeleteAllFieldNameTemplates( false ); for( const nlohmann::json& entry : aJson ) { if( !entry.contains( "name" ) || !entry.contains( "url" ) || !entry.contains( "visible" ) ) { continue; } TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME field( entry["name"].get<wxString>() ); field.m_URL = entry["url"].get<bool>(); field.m_Visible = entry["visible"].get<bool>(); m_TemplateFieldNames.AddTemplateFieldName( field, false ); } } auto* cfg = dynamic_cast<EESCHEMA_SETTINGS*>( Kiface().KifaceSettings() ); if( cfg ) { // Read global fieldname templates wxString templateFieldNames = cfg->m_Drawing.field_names; if( !templateFieldNames.IsEmpty() ) { TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES_LEXER field_lexer( TO_UTF8( templateFieldNames ) ); try { m_TemplateFieldNames.Parse( &field_lexer, true ); } catch( const IO_ERROR& ) { } } } }, {} ) ); // TODO(JE) get rid of this static m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<wxString>( "page_layout_descr_file", &BASE_SCREEN::m_DrawingSheetFileName, "" ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<wxString>( "plot_directory", &m_PlotDirectoryName, "" ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<wxString>( "net_format_name", &m_NetFormatName, "" ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<bool>( "spice_adjust_passive_values", &m_SpiceAdjustPassiveValues, false ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<bool>( "spice_save_all_voltages", &m_SpiceSaveAllVoltages, false ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<bool>( "spice_save_all_currents", &m_SpiceSaveAllCurrents, false ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<wxString>( "spice_external_command", &m_SpiceCommandString, "spice \"%I\"" ) ); // TODO(JE) should we keep these LIB_SYMBOL:: things around? m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<int>( "subpart_id_separator", LIB_SYMBOL::SubpartIdSeparatorPtr(), 0, 0, 126 ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<int>( "subpart_first_id", LIB_SYMBOL::SubpartFirstIdPtr(), 'A', '1', 'z' ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM<int>( "annotate_start_num", &m_AnnotateStartNum, 0 ) ); m_NgspiceSimulatorSettings = std::make_shared<NGSPICE_SIMULATOR_SETTINGS>( this, "ngspice" ); registerMigration( 0, 1, [&]() -> bool { std::optional<double> tor = Get<double>( "drawing.text_offset_ratio" ); if( tor ) Set( "drawing.label_size_ratio", *tor ); return true; } ); } SCHEMATIC_SETTINGS::~SCHEMATIC_SETTINGS() { ReleaseNestedSettings( m_NgspiceSimulatorSettings.get() ); m_NgspiceSimulatorSettings.reset(); if( m_parent ) { m_parent->ReleaseNestedSettings( this ); m_parent = nullptr; } }