/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "pad_tool.h" #include <class_draw_panel_gal.h> #include <view/view_controls.h> #include <view/view.h> #include <tool/tool_manager.h> #include <bitmaps.h> #include <class_board_item.h> #include <class_module.h> #include <class_edge_mod.h> #include <board_commit.h> #include <dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties.h> #include <tools/pcb_actions.h> #include <tools/selection_tool.h> #include <tools/pcb_selection_conditions.h> #include <tools/edit_tool.h> #include <dialogs/dialog_enum_pads.h> #include <pad_naming.h> #include <widgets/infobar.h> PAD_TOOL::PAD_TOOL() : PCB_TOOL_BASE( "pcbnew.PadTool" ), m_padCopied( false ), m_editPad( niluuid ) {} PAD_TOOL::~PAD_TOOL() {} void PAD_TOOL::Reset( RESET_REASON aReason ) { if( aReason == MODEL_RELOAD ) m_lastPadName = wxT( "1" ); m_padCopied = false; m_editPad = niluuid; } bool PAD_TOOL::Init() { SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>(); if( selTool ) { // Add context menu entries that are displayed when selection tool is active CONDITIONAL_MENU& menu = selTool->GetToolMenu().GetMenu(); SELECTION_CONDITION padSel = SELECTION_CONDITIONS::HasType( PCB_PAD_T ); SELECTION_CONDITION singlePadSel = SELECTION_CONDITIONS::Count( 1 ) && SELECTION_CONDITIONS::OnlyType( PCB_PAD_T ); auto explodeCondition = [&]( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_editPad == niluuid && aSel.Size() == 1 && aSel[0]->Type() == PCB_PAD_T; }; auto recombineCondition = [&]( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_editPad != niluuid; }; menu.AddSeparator( 400 ); if( m_editModules ) { menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::enumeratePads, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways, 400 ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::recombinePad, recombineCondition, 400 ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::explodePad, explodeCondition, 400 ); } menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::copyPadSettings, singlePadSel, 400 ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::applyPadSettings, padSel, 400 ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::pushPadSettings, singlePadSel, 400 ); } return true; } int PAD_TOOL::pastePadProperties( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { auto& selTool = *m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>(); const auto& selection = selTool.GetSelection(); const D_PAD& masterPad = frame()->GetDesignSettings().m_Pad_Master; BOARD_COMMIT commit( frame() ); // for every selected pad, paste global settings for( auto item : selection ) { if( item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T ) { commit.Modify( item ); static_cast<D_PAD&>( *item ).ImportSettingsFrom( masterPad ); } } commit.Push( _( "Paste Pad Properties" ) ); m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( EVENTS::SelectedItemsModified ); frame()->Refresh(); return 0; } int PAD_TOOL::copyPadSettings( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { auto& selTool = *m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>(); const auto& selection = selTool.GetSelection(); D_PAD& masterPad = frame()->GetDesignSettings().m_Pad_Master; // can only copy from a single pad if( selection.Size() == 1 ) { auto item = selection[0]; if( item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T ) { const auto& selPad = static_cast<const D_PAD&>( *item ); masterPad.ImportSettingsFrom( selPad ); m_padCopied = true; } } return 0; } static void doPushPadProperties( BOARD& board, const D_PAD& aSrcPad, BOARD_COMMIT& commit, bool aSameFootprints, bool aPadShapeFilter, bool aPadOrientFilter, bool aPadLayerFilter, bool aPadTypeFilter ) { const MODULE* moduleRef = aSrcPad.GetParent(); double pad_orient = aSrcPad.GetOrientation() - moduleRef->GetOrientation(); for( auto module : board.Modules() ) { if( !aSameFootprints && ( module != moduleRef ) ) continue; if( module->GetFPID() != moduleRef->GetFPID() ) continue; for( auto pad : module->Pads() ) { if( aPadShapeFilter && ( pad->GetShape() != aSrcPad.GetShape() ) ) continue; double currpad_orient = pad->GetOrientation() - module->GetOrientation(); if( aPadOrientFilter && ( currpad_orient != pad_orient ) ) continue; if( aPadLayerFilter && ( pad->GetLayerSet() != aSrcPad.GetLayerSet() ) ) continue; if( aPadTypeFilter && ( pad->GetAttribute() != aSrcPad.GetAttribute() ) ) continue; // Special-case for aperture pads if( aPadTypeFilter && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_CONN ) { if( pad->IsAperturePad() != aSrcPad.IsAperturePad() ) continue; } commit.Modify( pad ); // Apply source pad settings to this pad pad->ImportSettingsFrom( aSrcPad ); } } } int PAD_TOOL::pushPadSettings( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { auto& selTool = *m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>(); const auto& selection = selTool.GetSelection(); D_PAD* srcPad; if( selection.Size() == 1 && selection[0]->Type() == PCB_PAD_T ) srcPad = static_cast<D_PAD*>( selection[0] ); else return 0; MODULE* module = srcPad->GetParent(); if( !module ) return 0; frame()->SetMsgPanel( module ); DIALOG_PUSH_PAD_PROPERTIES dlg( frame() ); int dialogRet = dlg.ShowModal(); if( dialogRet == wxID_CANCEL ) return 0; const bool edit_Same_Modules = (dialogRet == 1); BOARD_COMMIT commit( frame() ); doPushPadProperties( *getModel<BOARD>(), *srcPad, commit, edit_Same_Modules, DIALOG_PUSH_PAD_PROPERTIES::m_Pad_Shape_Filter, DIALOG_PUSH_PAD_PROPERTIES::m_Pad_Orient_Filter, DIALOG_PUSH_PAD_PROPERTIES::m_Pad_Layer_Filter, DIALOG_PUSH_PAD_PROPERTIES::m_Pad_Type_Filter ); commit.Push( _( "Push Pad Settings" ) ); m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( EVENTS::SelectedItemsModified ); frame()->Refresh(); return 0; } int PAD_TOOL::EnumeratePads( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { if( !board()->GetFirstModule() || board()->GetFirstModule()->Pads().empty() ) return 0; DIALOG_ENUM_PADS settingsDlg( frame() ); if( settingsDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return 0; std::string tool = aEvent.GetCommandStr().get(); frame()->PushTool( tool ); Activate(); GENERAL_COLLECTOR collector; const KICAD_T types[] = { PCB_PAD_T, EOT }; GENERAL_COLLECTORS_GUIDE guide = frame()->GetCollectorsGuide(); guide.SetIgnoreMTextsMarkedNoShow( true ); guide.SetIgnoreMTextsOnBack( true ); guide.SetIgnoreMTextsOnFront( true ); guide.SetIgnoreModulesVals( true ); guide.SetIgnoreModulesRefs( true ); int seqPadNum = settingsDlg.GetStartNumber(); wxString padPrefix = settingsDlg.GetPrefix(); std::deque<int> storedPadNumbers; m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true ); getViewControls()->ShowCursor( true ); KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_toolMgr->GetView(); VECTOR2I oldCursorPos; // store the previous mouse cursor position, during mouse drag std::list<D_PAD*> selectedPads; BOARD_COMMIT commit( frame() ); std::map<wxString, std::pair<int, wxString>> oldNames; bool isFirstPoint = true; // used to be sure oldCursorPos will be initialized at least once. STATUS_TEXT_POPUP statusPopup( frame() ); wxString msg = _( "Click on pad %s%d\nPress <esc> to cancel or double-click to commit" ); statusPopup.SetText( wxString::Format( msg, padPrefix, seqPadNum ) ); statusPopup.Popup(); statusPopup.Move( wxGetMousePosition() + wxPoint( 20, 20 ) ); while( TOOL_EVENT* evt = Wait() ) { frame()->GetCanvas()->SetCurrentCursor( wxCURSOR_BULLSEYE ); if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() ) { m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true ); commit.Revert(); frame()->PopTool( tool ); break; } else if( evt->IsActivate() ) { commit.Push( _( "Renumber pads" ) ); frame()->PopTool( tool ); break; } else if( evt->IsDrag( BUT_LEFT ) || evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) ) { selectedPads.clear(); VECTOR2I cursorPos = getViewControls()->GetCursorPosition(); // Be sure the old cursor mouse position was initialized: if( isFirstPoint ) { oldCursorPos = cursorPos; isFirstPoint = false; } // wxWidgets deliver mouse move events not frequently enough, resulting in skipping // pads if the user moves cursor too fast. To solve it, create a line that approximates // the mouse move and search pads that are on the line. int distance = ( cursorPos - oldCursorPos ).EuclideanNorm(); // Search will be made every 0.1 mm: int segments = distance / int( 0.1*IU_PER_MM ) + 1; const wxPoint line_step( ( cursorPos - oldCursorPos ) / segments ); collector.Empty(); for( int j = 0; j < segments; ++j ) { wxPoint testpoint( cursorPos.x - j * line_step.x, cursorPos.y - j * line_step.y ); collector.Collect( board(), types, testpoint, guide ); for( int i = 0; i < collector.GetCount(); ++i ) selectedPads.push_back( static_cast<D_PAD*>( collector[i] ) ); } selectedPads.unique(); for( D_PAD* pad : selectedPads ) { // If pad was not selected, then enumerate it if( !pad->IsSelected() ) { commit.Modify( pad ); // Rename pad and store the old name int newval; if( storedPadNumbers.size() > 0 ) { newval = storedPadNumbers.front(); storedPadNumbers.pop_front(); } else newval = seqPadNum++; wxString newName = wxString::Format( wxT( "%s%d" ), padPrefix, newval ); oldNames[newName] = { newval, pad->GetName() }; pad->SetName( newName ); SetLastPadName( newName ); pad->SetSelected(); getView()->Update( pad ); // Ensure the popup text shows the correct next value if( storedPadNumbers.size() > 0 ) newval = storedPadNumbers.front(); else newval = seqPadNum; statusPopup.SetText( wxString::Format( msg, padPrefix, newval ) ); } // ... or restore the old name if it was enumerated and clicked again else if( pad->IsSelected() && evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) ) { auto it = oldNames.find( pad->GetName() ); wxASSERT( it != oldNames.end() ); if( it != oldNames.end() ) { storedPadNumbers.push_back( it->second.first ); pad->SetName( it->second.second ); SetLastPadName( it->second.second ); oldNames.erase( it ); int newval = storedPadNumbers.front(); statusPopup.SetText( wxString::Format( msg, padPrefix, newval ) ); } pad->ClearSelected(); getView()->Update( pad ); } } } else if( ( evt->IsKeyPressed() && evt->KeyCode() == WXK_RETURN ) || evt->IsDblClick( BUT_LEFT ) ) { commit.Push( _( "Renumber pads" ) ); frame()->PopTool( tool ); break; } else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_RIGHT ) ) { m_menu.ShowContextMenu( selection() ); } else evt->SetPassEvent(); // Prepare the next loop by updating the old cursor mouse position // to this last mouse cursor position oldCursorPos = getViewControls()->GetCursorPosition(); statusPopup.Move( wxGetMousePosition() + wxPoint( 20, 20 ) ); } for( auto p : board()->GetFirstModule()->Pads() ) { p->ClearSelected(); view->Update( p ); } statusPopup.Hide(); return 0; } int PAD_TOOL::PlacePad( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { if( !board()->GetFirstModule() ) return 0; struct PAD_PLACER : public INTERACTIVE_PLACER_BASE { PAD_PLACER( PAD_TOOL* aPadTool ) { m_padTool = aPadTool; } virtual ~PAD_PLACER() { } std::unique_ptr<BOARD_ITEM> CreateItem() override { D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( m_board->GetFirstModule() ); pad->ImportSettingsFrom( m_frame->GetDesignSettings().m_Pad_Master ); if( PAD_NAMING::PadCanHaveName( *pad ) ) { wxString padName = m_padTool->GetLastPadName(); padName = m_board->GetFirstModule()->GetNextPadName( padName ); pad->SetName( padName ); m_padTool->SetLastPadName( padName ); } return std::unique_ptr<BOARD_ITEM>( pad ); } bool PlaceItem( BOARD_ITEM *aItem, BOARD_COMMIT& aCommit ) override { D_PAD* pad = dynamic_cast<D_PAD*>( aItem ); if( pad ) { m_frame->GetDesignSettings().m_Pad_Master.ImportSettingsFrom( *pad ); pad->SetLocalCoord(); aCommit.Add( aItem ); return true; } return false; } PAD_TOOL* m_padTool; }; PAD_PLACER placer( this ); doInteractiveItemPlacement( aEvent.GetCommandStr().get(), &placer, _( "Place pad" ), IPO_REPEAT | IPO_SINGLE_CLICK | IPO_ROTATE | IPO_FLIP ); return 0; } int PAD_TOOL::EditPad( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS opts = frame()->GetDisplayOptions(); WX_INFOBAR* infoBar = frame()->GetInfoBar(); PCBNEW_SELECTION& selection = m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>()->GetSelection(); wxString msg; if( m_editPad != niluuid ) { D_PAD* pad = dynamic_cast<D_PAD*>( frame()->GetItem( m_editPad ) ); if( pad ) recombinePad( pad ); m_editPad = niluuid; } else if( selection.Size() == 1 && selection[0]->Type() == PCB_PAD_T ) { D_PAD* pad = static_cast<D_PAD*>( selection[0] ); PCB_LAYER_ID layer = explodePad( pad ); m_wasHighContrast = opts.m_ContrastModeDisplay; frame()->SetActiveLayer( layer ); if( !opts.m_ContrastModeDisplay ) m_toolMgr->RunAction( ACTIONS::highContrastMode, false ); if( PCB_ACTIONS::explodePad.GetHotKey() == PCB_ACTIONS::recombinePad.GetHotKey() ) msg.Printf( _( "Pad Edit Mode. Press %s again to exit." ), KeyNameFromKeyCode( PCB_ACTIONS::recombinePad.GetHotKey() ) ); else msg.Printf( _( "Pad Edit Mode. Press %s to exit." ), KeyNameFromKeyCode( PCB_ACTIONS::recombinePad.GetHotKey() ) ); infoBar->RemoveAllButtons(); infoBar->ShowMessage( msg, wxICON_INFORMATION ); m_editPad = pad->m_Uuid; } if( m_editPad == niluuid ) { if( m_wasHighContrast != opts.m_ContrastModeDisplay ) m_toolMgr->RunAction( ACTIONS::highContrastMode, false ); infoBar->Dismiss(); } return 0; } PCB_LAYER_ID PAD_TOOL::explodePad( D_PAD* aPad ) { PCB_LAYER_ID layer; BOARD_COMMIT commit( frame() ); if( aPad->IsOnLayer( F_Cu ) ) layer = F_Cu; else if( aPad->IsOnLayer( B_Cu ) ) layer = B_Cu; else layer = *aPad->GetLayerSet().UIOrder(); if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM ) { commit.Modify( aPad ); for( const std::shared_ptr<DRAWSEGMENT>& primitive : aPad->GetPrimitives() ) { EDGE_MODULE* ds = new EDGE_MODULE( board()->GetFirstModule() ); ds->SetShape( primitive->GetShape() ); ds->SetWidth( primitive->GetWidth() ); ds->SetStart( primitive->GetStart() ); ds->SetEnd( primitive->GetEnd() ); ds->SetBezControl1( primitive->GetBezControl1() ); ds->SetBezControl2( primitive->GetBezControl2() ); ds->SetAngle( primitive->GetAngle() ); ds->SetPolyShape( primitive->GetPolyShape() ); ds->SetLocalCoord(); ds->Move( aPad->GetPosition() ); ds->Rotate( aPad->GetPosition(), aPad->GetOrientation() ); ds->SetLayer( layer ); commit.Add( ds ); } aPad->SetShape( aPad->GetAnchorPadShape() ); aPad->DeletePrimitivesList(); m_editPad = aPad->m_Uuid; } commit.Push( _("Edit pad shapes") ); m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true ); return layer; } void PAD_TOOL::recombinePad( D_PAD* aPad ) { auto findNext = [&]( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) -> EDGE_MODULE* { SHAPE_POLY_SET padPoly; aPad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( padPoly, 0 ); for( BOARD_ITEM* item : board()->GetFirstModule()->GraphicalItems() ) { DRAWSEGMENT* draw = dynamic_cast<DRAWSEGMENT*>( item ); if( !draw || ( draw->GetEditFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) ) continue; if( draw->GetLayer() != aLayer ) continue; SHAPE_POLY_SET drawPoly; draw->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( drawPoly, 0 ); drawPoly.BooleanIntersection( padPoly, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST ); if( !drawPoly.IsEmpty() ) return (EDGE_MODULE*) item; } return nullptr; }; BOARD_COMMIT commit( frame() ); PCB_LAYER_ID layer; if( aPad->IsOnLayer( F_Cu ) ) layer = F_Cu; else if( aPad->IsOnLayer( B_Cu ) ) layer = B_Cu; else layer = *aPad->GetLayerSet().UIOrder(); while( EDGE_MODULE* edge = findNext( layer ) ) { commit.Modify( aPad ); // We've found an intersecting item. First convert the pad to a custom-shape // pad (if it isn't already) // if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_RECT || aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE ) { aPad->SetAnchorPadShape( aPad->GetShape() ); } else if( aPad->GetShape() != PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM ) { // Create a new minimally-sized circular anchor and convert existing pad // to a polygon primitive SHAPE_POLY_SET existingOutline; int maxError = board()->GetDesignSettings().m_MaxError; aPad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( existingOutline, 0, maxError ); aPad->SetAnchorPadShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE ); wxSize minAnnulus( Millimeter2iu( 0.2 ), Millimeter2iu( 0.2 ) ); aPad->SetSize( aPad->GetDrillSize() + minAnnulus ); aPad->SetOffset( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) ); DRAWSEGMENT* shape = new DRAWSEGMENT; shape->SetShape( S_POLYGON ); shape->SetPolyShape( existingOutline ); shape->Move( - aPad->GetPosition() ); shape->Rotate( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), - aPad->GetOrientation() ); aPad->AddPrimitive( shape ); } aPad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM ); // Now add the new shape to the primitives list // DRAWSEGMENT* ds = new DRAWSEGMENT; ds->SetShape( edge->GetShape() ); ds->SetWidth( edge->GetWidth() ); ds->SetStart( edge->GetStart() ); ds->SetEnd( edge->GetEnd() ); ds->SetBezControl1( edge->GetBezControl1() ); ds->SetBezControl2( edge->GetBezControl2() ); ds->SetAngle( edge->GetAngle() ); ds->SetPolyShape( edge->GetPolyShape() ); ds->Move( - aPad->GetPosition() ); ds->Rotate( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), - aPad->GetOrientation() ); aPad->AddPrimitive( ds ); edge->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED ); commit.Remove( edge ); } commit.Push(_("Recombine pads") ); } void PAD_TOOL::setTransitions() { Go( &PAD_TOOL::pastePadProperties, PCB_ACTIONS::applyPadSettings.MakeEvent() ); Go( &PAD_TOOL::copyPadSettings, PCB_ACTIONS::copyPadSettings.MakeEvent() ); Go( &PAD_TOOL::pushPadSettings, PCB_ACTIONS::pushPadSettings.MakeEvent() ); Go( &PAD_TOOL::PlacePad, PCB_ACTIONS::placePad.MakeEvent() ); Go( &PAD_TOOL::EnumeratePads, PCB_ACTIONS::enumeratePads.MakeEvent() ); Go( &PAD_TOOL::EditPad, PCB_ACTIONS::explodePad.MakeEvent() ); Go( &PAD_TOOL::EditPad, PCB_ACTIONS::recombinePad.MakeEvent() ); }