 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Jean-Pierre Charras, jpe.charras at wanadoo.fr
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2017 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

 * @file eda_text.h
 * @brief Definition of base KiCad text object.

#ifndef EDA_TEXT_H_
#define EDA_TEXT_H_

#include <mutex>
#include <trigo.h>                  // NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( angle );
#include <common.h>                 // wxStringSplit
#include <gr_basic.h>               // EDA_DRAW_MODE_T
#include <base_struct.h>            // EDA_RECT

#include <mutex>
#include "kicad_string.h"


// A mutex which is unique to each instance it appears in (ie: a new std::mutex is allocated
// on copy or assignment).
class UNIQUE_MUTEX : public std::mutex
    UNIQUE_MUTEX() : std::mutex() {}
    UNIQUE_MUTEX( const UNIQUE_MUTEX& ) : std::mutex() {}
    UNIQUE_MUTEX& operator= (const UNIQUE_MUTEX& ) { return *this; }

// part of the kicad_plugin.h family of defines.
// See kicad_plugin.h for the choice of the value
// When set when calling  EDA_TEXT::Format, disable writing the "hide" keyword in save file
#define CTL_OMIT_HIDE               (1 << 6)

// Graphic Text justify:
// Values -1,0,1 are used in computations, do not change them


/* Options to draw items with thickness ( segments, arcs, circles, texts...) */
    FILLED = true,      // normal mode: solid segments
    SKETCH = false      // sketch mode: draw segments outlines only

/** This is the "default-of-the-default" hardcoded text size; individual
 * application define their own default policy starting with this
 * (usually with a user option or project).
#define DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT   50      // default text height (in mils, i.e. 1/1000")
#define DIM_ANCRE_TEXTE     2       // Anchor size for text

 * is a bucket for text effects.  These fields are bundled so they
 * can be easily copied together as a lot. The privacy policy is established
 * by client (incorporating) code.
    TEXT_EFFECTS( int aSetOfBits = 0 ) :
        bits( aSetOfBits ),
        hjustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ),
        vjustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER ),
        penwidth( 0 ),
        angle( 0.0 )

    short       bits;           ///< any set of booleans a client uses.
    signed char hjustify;       ///< horizontal justification
    signed char vjustify;       ///< vertical justification
    wxSize      size;
    int         penwidth;
    double      angle;          ///< now: 0.1 degrees; future: degrees
    wxPoint     pos;

    void Bit( int aBit, bool aValue )   { aValue ? bits |= (1<<aBit) : bits &= ~(1<<aBit); }
    bool Bit( int aBit ) const          { return bits & (1<<aBit); }

 * Class EDA_TEXT
 * is a mix-in class (via multiple inheritance) that handles texts such as
 * labels, parts, components, or footprints.  Because it's a mix-in class, care
 * is used to provide function names (accessors) that to not collide with function
 * names likely to be seen in the combined derived classes.
class EDA_TEXT
    EDA_TEXT( const wxString& text = wxEmptyString );

    // Do not create a copy constructor & operator=.
    // The ones generated by the compiler are adequate.

    virtual ~EDA_TEXT();

     * Function GetText
     * returns the string associated with the text object.
     * @return a const wxString reference containing the string of the item.
     * WARNING: this routine MUST NOT return a reference!
     * While it would be faster, it would also defeat the use of RAII mutex locks
     * in subclasses to get around wxString's multi-threading bugs in UTF-8 mode.
    virtual const wxString/* & forbidden */ GetText() const { return m_Text; }

     * Returns the string actually shown after processing of the base
     * text. Default is no processing */
    virtual wxString GetShownText() const { return m_shown_text; }

     * Returns a shortened version (max 15 characters) of the shown text */
    wxString ShortenedShownText() const;

    virtual void SetText( const wxString& aText );

     * Function SetThickness
     * sets pen width.
     * @param aNewThickness is the new pen width
    void SetThickness( int aNewThickness )      { m_e.penwidth = aNewThickness; };

     * Function GetThickness
     * returns pen width.
    int GetThickness() const                    { return m_e.penwidth; };

    void SetTextAngle( double aAngle )
        // Higher level classes may be more restrictive than this by
        // overloading SetTextAngle() (probably non-virtual) or merely
        // calling EDA_TEXT::SetTextAngle() after clamping aAngle
        // before calling this lowest inline accessor.
        m_e.angle = aAngle;
    double GetTextAngle() const                 { return m_e.angle; }

    double GetTextAngleDegrees() const          { return GetTextAngle() / 10.0; }
    double GetTextAngleRadians() const          { return GetTextAngle() * M_PI/1800; }

    void SetItalic( bool isItalic )             { m_e.Bit( TE_ITALIC, isItalic ); }
    bool IsItalic() const                       { return m_e.Bit( TE_ITALIC ); }

    void SetBold( bool aBold )                  { m_e.Bit( TE_BOLD, aBold); }
    bool IsBold() const                         { return m_e.Bit( TE_BOLD ); }

    void SetVisible( bool aVisible )            { m_e.Bit( TE_VISIBLE, aVisible ); }
    bool IsVisible() const                      { return m_e.Bit( TE_VISIBLE ); }

    void SetMirrored( bool isMirrored )         { m_e.Bit( TE_MIRROR, isMirrored ); }
    bool IsMirrored() const                     { return m_e.Bit( TE_MIRROR ); }

     * Function SetMultiLineAllowed
     * @param aAllow true if ok to use multiline option, false
     *  if ok to use only single line text.  (Single line is faster in
     *  calculations than multiline.)
    void SetMultilineAllowed( bool aAllow )     { m_e.Bit( TE_MULTILINE, aAllow ); }
    bool IsMultilineAllowed() const             { return m_e.Bit( TE_MULTILINE ); }

    EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T GetHorizJustify() const { return EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T( m_e.hjustify ); };
    EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T GetVertJustify() const  { return EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T( m_e.vjustify ); };

    void SetHorizJustify( EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T aType )   { m_e.hjustify = aType; };
    void SetVertJustify( EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T aType )    { m_e.vjustify = aType; };

     * Function SetEffects
     * sets the text effects from another instance.  (TEXT_EFFECTS
     * is not exposed in the public API, but includes everything except the actual
     * text string itself.)
    void SetEffects( const EDA_TEXT& aSrc );

     * Function SwapEffects
     * swaps the text effects of the two involved instances.  (TEXT_EFECTS
     * is not exposed in the public API, but includes everything except the actual
     * text string itself.)
    void SwapEffects( EDA_TEXT& aTradingPartner );

    bool IsDefaultFormatting() const;

    void SetTextSize( const wxSize& aNewSize )  { m_e.size = aNewSize; };
    const wxSize& GetTextSize() const           { return m_e.size; };

    void SetTextWidth( int aWidth )             { m_e.size.x = aWidth; }
    int GetTextWidth() const                    { return m_e.size.x; }

    void SetTextHeight( int aHeight )           { m_e.size.y = aHeight; }
    int GetTextHeight() const                   { return m_e.size.y; }

    void SetTextPos( const wxPoint& aPoint )    { m_e.pos = aPoint; }
    const wxPoint& GetTextPos() const           { return m_e.pos; }

    void SetTextX( int aX )                     { m_e.pos.x = aX; }
    void SetTextY( int aY )                     { m_e.pos.y = aY; }

    void Offset( const wxPoint& aOffset )       { m_e.pos += aOffset; }

    void Empty()                                { m_Text.Empty(); }

     * Function Draw
     * @param aClipBox = the clipping rect, or NULL if no clipping
     * @param aDC = the current Device Context
     * @param aOffset = draw offset (usually (0,0))
     * @param aColor = text color
     * @param aDrawMode = GR_OR, GR_XOR.., -1 to use the current mode.
     * @param aDisplay_mode = FILLED or SKETCH
     * @param aAnchor_color = anchor color ( COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED = do not draw anchor ).
    void Draw( EDA_RECT* aClipBox, wxDC* aDC,
               const wxPoint& aOffset, COLOR4D aColor,
               GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aDisplay_mode = FILLED,
               COLOR4D aAnchor_color = COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED );

     * Convert the text shape to a list of segment
     * each segment is stored as 2 wxPoints: the starting point and the ending point
     * there are therefore 2*n points
     * @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
    void TransformTextShapeToSegmentList( std::vector<wxPoint>& aCornerBuffer ) const;

     * Function TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon
     * Convert the text bounding box to a rectangular polygon
     * depending on the text orientation, the bounding box
     * is not always horizontal or vertical
     * Used in filling zones calculations
     * Circles and arcs are approximated by segments
     * @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
     * @param aClearanceValue = the clearance around the text bounding box
     * to the real clearance value (usually near from 1.0)
    void TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon( SHAPE_POLY_SET* aCornerBuffer,
                                                     int aClearanceValue ) const;

     * Function TextHitTest
     * Test if \a aPoint is within the bounds of this object.
     * @param aPoint- A wxPoint to test
     * @param aAccuracy - Amount to inflate the bounding box.
     * @return bool - true if a hit, else false
    virtual bool TextHitTest( const wxPoint& aPoint, int aAccuracy = 0 ) const;

     * Function TextHitTest (overloaded)
     * Tests if object bounding box is contained within or intersects \a aRect.
     * @param aRect - Rect to test against.
     * @param aContains - Test for containment instead of intersection if true.
     * @param aAccuracy - Amount to inflate the bounding box.
     * @return bool - true if a hit, else false
    virtual bool TextHitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContains = false, int aAccuracy = 0 ) const;

     * Function LenSize
     * @return the text length in internal units
     * @param aLine : the line of text to consider.
     * For single line text, this parameter is always m_Text
     * @param aThickness : the stroke width of the text
    int LenSize( const wxString& aLine, int aThickness ) const;

     * Function GetTextBox
     * useful in multiline texts to calculate the full text or a line area (for
     * zones filling, locate functions....)
     * @return the rect containing the line of text (i.e. the position and the
     *         size of one line)
     *         this rectangle is calculated for 0 orient text.
     *         If orientation is not 0 the rect must be rotated to match the
     *         physical area
     * @param aLine The line of text to consider.
     * for single line text, aLine is unused
     * If aLine == -1, the full area (considering all lines) is returned
     * @param aThickness Overrides the current penwidth when greater than 0.
     * This is needed when the current penwidth is 0 and a default penwidth is used.
     * @param aInvertY Invert the Y axis when calculating bounding box.
    EDA_RECT GetTextBox( int aLine = -1, int aThickness = -1, bool aInvertY = false ) const;

     * Return the distance between two lines of text.
     * <p>
     * Calculates the distance (pitch) between two lines of text.  This distance includes the
     * interline distance plus room for characters like j, {, and [.  It also used for single
     * line text, to calculate the text bounding box.
     * </p>
     * @param aTextThickness Overrides the current thickness when greater than 0.
     * this is needed when the current m_Thickness is 0 and a default line thickness
     * is used
    int GetInterline( int aTextThickness = -1 ) const;

     * Function GetTextStyleName
     * @return a wxString with the style name( Normal, Italic, Bold, Bold+Italic)
    wxString GetTextStyleName();

     * Function GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText
     * Populates aPositions with the position of each line of
     * a multiline text, according to the vertical justification and the
     * rotation of the whole text
     * @param aPositions is the list to populate by the wxPoint positions
     * @param aLineCount is the number of lines (not recalculated here
     * for efficiency reasons
    void GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText(
                std::vector<wxPoint>& aPositions, int aLineCount ) const;
     * Function Format
     * outputs the object to \a aFormatter in s-expression form.
     * @param aFormatter The #OUTPUTFORMATTER object to write to.
     * @param aNestLevel The indentation next level.
     * @param aControlBits The control bit definition for object specific formatting.
     * @throw IO_ERROR on write error.
    virtual void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aFormatter, int aNestLevel, int aControlBits ) const;

    wxString    m_Text;

    // wxString isn't thread-safe, so make use of this in multi-threaded situations
    mutable UNIQUE_MUTEX m_mutex;

     * Function drawOneLineOfText
     * draws a single text line.
     * Used to draw each line of this EDA_TEXT, that can be multiline
     * @param aClipBox = the clipping rect, or NULL if no clipping
     * @param aDC = the current Device Context
     * @param aOffset = draw offset (usually (0,0))
     * @param aColor = text color
     * @param aDrawMode = GR_OR, GR_XOR.., -1 to use the current mode.
     * @param aFillMode = FILLED or SKETCH
     * @param aText = the single line of text to draw.
     * @param aPos = the position of this line ).
    void drawOneLineOfText( EDA_RECT* aClipBox, wxDC* aDC,
                            const wxPoint& aOffset, COLOR4D aColor,
                            GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aFillMode,
                            const wxString& aText, const wxPoint& aPos );

    // Private text effects data. API above provides accessor funcs.
    TEXT_EFFECTS    m_e;

    /// EDA_TEXT effects bools
    enum TE_FLAGS {
        // start at zero, sequence is irrelevant

    /// Cache of unescaped text for efficient access
    wxString m_shown_text;

#endif   //  EDA_TEXT_H_