///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: dialog_edit_label.cpp // Author: jean-pierre Charras // Modified by: // Created: 18/12/2008 15:46:26 // Licence: GPL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "fctsys.h" #include "wx/valgen.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "program.h" #include "general.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "dialog_edit_label.h" /* Edit the properties of the text (Label, Global label, graphic text).. ) * pointed by "aTextStruct" */ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::EditSchematicText( SCH_TEXT* aTextItem ) { if( aTextItem == NULL ) return; DialogLabelEditor dialog( this, aTextItem ); dialog.ShowModal(); } DialogLabelEditor::DialogLabelEditor( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* aParent, SCH_TEXT* aTextItem ) : DialogLabelEditor_Base( aParent ) { m_Parent = aParent; m_CurrentText = aTextItem; InitDialog(); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); Layout(); Fit(); SetMinSize( GetBestSize() ); Centre(); } void DialogLabelEditor::InitDialog() { wxString msg; bool multiLine = false; if( m_CurrentText->m_MultilineAllowed ) { m_textLabel = m_textLabelMultiLine; m_textLabelSingleLine->Show(false); multiLine = true; } else { m_textLabel = m_textLabelSingleLine; m_textLabelMultiLine->Show(false); } m_textLabel->SetValue( m_CurrentText->m_Text ); m_textLabel->SetFocus(); switch( m_CurrentText->Type() ) { case TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL: SetTitle( _( "Global Label Properties" ) ); break; case TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL: SetTitle( _( "Hierarchal Label Properties" ) ); break; case TYPE_SCH_LABEL: SetTitle( _( "Label Properties" ) ); break; default: SetTitle( _( "Text Properties" ) ); m_textLabel->Disconnect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER, wxCommandEventHandler ( DialogLabelEditor::OnEnterKey ), NULL, this ); break; } unsigned MINTEXTWIDTH = 40; // M's are big characters, a few establish a lot of width if( m_CurrentText->m_Text.Length() < MINTEXTWIDTH ) { wxString textWidth; textWidth.Append( 'M', MINTEXTWIDTH ); EnsureTextCtrlWidth( m_textLabel, &textWidth ); } else if ( !multiLine ) { EnsureTextCtrlWidth( m_textLabel ); } else { // calculate the length of the biggest line // we cannot use the length of the entire text that has no meaning int max_len = 0; int curr_len = 0; int imax = m_CurrentText->m_Text.Len(); for( int count = 0; count < imax; count++ ) { if( m_CurrentText->m_Text[count] == '\n' || m_CurrentText->m_Text[count] == '\r' ) // new line { curr_len = 0; } else { curr_len++; if ( max_len < curr_len ) max_len = curr_len; } } wxString textWidth; textWidth.Append( 'M', max_len ); EnsureTextCtrlWidth( m_textLabel, &textWidth ); } // Set validators m_TextOrient->SetSelection( m_CurrentText->GetSchematicTextOrientation() ); m_TextShape->SetSelection( m_CurrentText->m_Shape ); int style = 0; if( m_CurrentText->m_Italic ) style = 1; if( m_CurrentText->m_Bold ) style += 2; m_TextStyle->SetSelection( style ); wxString units = ReturnUnitSymbol( g_UnitMetric, wxT( "(%s)" ) ); msg = _( "H" ) + units + _( " x W" ) + units; m_staticSizeUnits->SetLabel( msg ); msg = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, m_CurrentText->m_Size.x, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); m_TextSize->SetValue( msg ); if( m_CurrentText->Type() != TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL && m_CurrentText->Type() != TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL ) { m_TextShape->Show( false ); } } /*! * wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER event handler for m_textLabel */ void DialogLabelEditor::OnEnterKey( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { TextPropertiesAccept( aEvent ); } /*! * wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for wxID_OK */ void DialogLabelEditor::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { TextPropertiesAccept( aEvent ); } /*! * wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for wxID_CANCEL */ void DialogLabelEditor::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { m_Parent->DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); EndModal( wxID_CANCEL ); } void DialogLabelEditor::TextPropertiesAccept( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { wxString text; int value; /* save old text in undo list if not already in edit */ if( m_CurrentText->m_Flags == 0 ) m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_CurrentText, UR_CHANGED ); m_Parent->DrawPanel->PostDirtyRect( m_CurrentText->GetBoundingBox() ); text = m_textLabel->GetValue(); if( !text.IsEmpty() ) m_CurrentText->m_Text = text; else if( (m_CurrentText->m_Flags & IS_NEW) == 0 ) DisplayError( this, _( "Empty Text!" ) ); m_CurrentText->SetSchematicTextOrientation( m_TextOrient->GetSelection() ); text = m_TextSize->GetValue(); value = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, text, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); m_CurrentText->m_Size.x = m_CurrentText->m_Size.y = value; if( m_TextShape ) m_CurrentText->m_Shape = m_TextShape->GetSelection(); int style = m_TextStyle->GetSelection(); if( ( style & 1 ) ) m_CurrentText->m_Italic = 1; else m_CurrentText->m_Italic = 0; if( ( style & 2 ) ) { m_CurrentText->m_Bold = true; m_CurrentText->m_Width = GetPenSizeForBold( m_CurrentText->m_Size.x ); } else { m_CurrentText->m_Bold = false; m_CurrentText->m_Width = 0; } m_Parent->OnModify(); /* Make the text size as new default size if it is a new text */ if( (m_CurrentText->m_Flags & IS_NEW) != 0 ) g_DefaultTextLabelSize = m_CurrentText->m_Size.x; m_Parent->DrawPanel->PostDirtyRect( m_CurrentText->GetBoundingBox() ); m_Parent->DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); EndModal( wxID_OK ); }