/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr * Copyright (C) 1992-2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // non-member so it can be moved easily, and kept REALLY private. // Do NOT Clear() in here. static void add_search_paths( SEARCH_STACK* aDst, const SEARCH_STACK& aSrc, int aIndex ) { for( unsigned i=0; iAddPaths( aSrc[i], aIndex ); } SEARCH_STACK* PROJECT::SchSearchS() { SEARCH_STACK* ss = (SEARCH_STACK*) GetElem( PROJECT::ELEM_SCH_SEARCH_STACK ); wxASSERT( !ss || dynamic_cast( GetElem( PROJECT::ELEM_SCH_SEARCH_STACK ) ) ); if( !ss ) { ss = new SEARCH_STACK(); // Make PROJECT the new SEARCH_STACK owner. SetElem( PROJECT::ELEM_SCH_SEARCH_STACK, ss ); // to the empty SEARCH_STACK for SchSearchS(), add project dir as first ss->AddPaths( m_project_name.GetPath() ); // next add the paths found in *.pro, variable "LibDir" wxString libDir; try { SYMBOL_LIBS::LibNamesAndPaths( this, false, &libDir ); } catch( const IO_ERROR& ) { } if( !!libDir ) { wxArrayString paths; SEARCH_STACK::Split( &paths, libDir ); for( unsigned i =0; iAddPaths( path ); // at the end } } // append all paths from aSList add_search_paths( ss, Kiface().KifaceSearch(), -1 ); } return ss; } SYMBOL_LIBS* PROJECT::SchLibs() { SYMBOL_LIBS* libs = (SYMBOL_LIBS*) GetElem( PROJECT::ELEM_SCH_SYMBOL_LIBS ); wxASSERT( !libs || libs->Type() == SYMBOL_LIBS_T ); if( !libs ) { libs = new SYMBOL_LIBS(); // Make PROJECT the new SYMBOL_LIBS owner. SetElem( PROJECT::ELEM_SCH_SYMBOL_LIBS, libs ); try { libs->LoadAllLibraries( this ); } catch( const PARSE_ERROR& pe ) { wxString lib_list = UTF8( pe.inputLine ); wxWindow* parent = Pgm().App().GetTopWindow(); // parent of this dialog cannot be NULL since that breaks the Kiway() chain. HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( parent, _( "Not Found" ) ); dlg.MessageSet( _( "The following libraries were not found:" ) ); dlg.ListSet( lib_list ); dlg.Layout(); dlg.ShowModal(); } catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe ) { wxWindow* parent = Pgm().App().GetTopWindow(); DisplayError( parent, ioe.What() ); } } return libs; } BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( SCH_EDIT_FRAME, EDA_DRAW_FRAME ) EVT_SOCKET( ID_EDA_SOCKET_EVENT_SERV, EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSockRequestServer ) EVT_SOCKET( ID_EDA_SOCKET_EVENT, EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSockRequest ) EVT_SIZE( SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnSize ) EVT_MENU_RANGE( ID_FILE1, ID_FILEMAX, SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnLoadFile ) EVT_MENU( ID_FILE_LIST_CLEAR, SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnClearFileHistory ) EVT_MENU( ID_APPEND_PROJECT, SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnAppendProject ) EVT_MENU( ID_IMPORT_NON_KICAD_SCH, SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnImportProject ) EVT_MENU( wxID_EXIT, SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnExit ) EVT_MENU( wxID_CLOSE, SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnExit ) EVT_MENU( ID_GRID_SETTINGS, SCH_BASE_FRAME::OnGridSettings ) END_EVENT_TABLE() SCH_EDIT_FRAME::SCH_EDIT_FRAME( KIWAY* aKiway, wxWindow* aParent ) : SCH_BASE_FRAME( aKiway, aParent, FRAME_SCH, wxT( "Eeschema" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, KICAD_DEFAULT_DRAWFRAME_STYLE, SCH_EDIT_FRAME_NAME ), m_highlightedConn( nullptr ), m_item_to_repeat( nullptr ) { m_maximizeByDefault = true; m_schematic = new SCHEMATIC( nullptr ); m_showBorderAndTitleBlock = true; // true to show sheet references m_supportsAutoSave = true; m_aboutTitle = _( "KiCad Schematic Editor" ); m_findReplaceDialog = nullptr; // Give an icon wxIcon icon; wxIconBundle icon_bundle; icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::icon_eeschema ) ); icon_bundle.AddIcon( icon ); icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::icon_eeschema_32 ) ); icon_bundle.AddIcon( icon ); icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::icon_eeschema_16 ) ); icon_bundle.AddIcon( icon ); SetIcons( icon_bundle ); LoadSettings( eeconfig() ); // NB: also links the schematic to the loaded project CreateScreens(); setupTools(); setupUIConditions(); ReCreateMenuBar(); ReCreateHToolbar(); ReCreateVToolbar(); ReCreateOptToolbar(); // Initialize common print setup dialog settings. m_pageSetupData.GetPrintData().SetPrintMode( wxPRINT_MODE_PRINTER ); m_pageSetupData.GetPrintData().SetQuality( wxPRINT_QUALITY_MEDIUM ); m_pageSetupData.GetPrintData().SetBin( wxPRINTBIN_AUTO ); m_pageSetupData.GetPrintData().SetNoCopies( 1 ); m_auimgr.SetManagedWindow( this ); CreateInfoBar(); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_mainToolBar, EDA_PANE().HToolbar().Name( "MainToolbar" ) .Top().Layer( 6 ) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_optionsToolBar, EDA_PANE().VToolbar().Name( "OptToolbar" ) .Left().Layer( 3 ) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_drawToolBar, EDA_PANE().VToolbar().Name( "ToolsToolbar" ) .Right().Layer( 2 ) ); m_auimgr.AddPane( GetCanvas(), EDA_PANE().Canvas().Name( "DrawFrame" ) .Center() ); m_auimgr.AddPane( m_messagePanel, EDA_PANE().Messages().Name( "MsgPanel" ) .Bottom().Layer( 6 ) ); FinishAUIInitialization(); resolveCanvasType(); SwitchCanvas( m_canvasType ); LoadProjectSettings(); initScreenZoom(); // This is used temporarily to fix a client size issue on GTK that causes zoom to fit // to calculate the wrong zoom size. See SCH_EDIT_FRAME::onSize(). Bind( wxEVT_SIZE, &SCH_EDIT_FRAME::onSize, this ); if( GetCanvas() ) { GetCanvas()->GetGAL()->SetAxesEnabled( false ); if( auto p = dynamic_cast( GetCanvas()->GetView()->GetPainter() ) ) p->SetSchematic( m_schematic ); } setupUnits( eeconfig() ); // Net list generator DefaultExecFlags(); UpdateTitle(); // Default shutdown reason until a file is loaded KIPLATFORM::APP::SetShutdownBlockReason( this, _( "New schematic file is unsaved" ) ); // Ensure the window is on top Raise(); } SCH_EDIT_FRAME::~SCH_EDIT_FRAME() { // Ensure m_canvasType is up to date, to save it in config m_canvasType = GetCanvas()->GetBackend(); // Close modeless dialogs wxWindow* open_dlg = wxWindow::FindWindowByName( DIALOG_ERC_WINDOW_NAME ); if( open_dlg ) open_dlg->Close( true ); // Shutdown all running tools if( m_toolManager ) { m_toolManager->ShutdownAllTools(); delete m_toolManager; m_toolManager = nullptr; } delete m_item_to_repeat; // we own the cloned object, see this->SaveCopyForRepeatItem() SetScreen( nullptr ); delete m_schematic; m_schematic = nullptr; // Close the project if we are standalone, so it gets cleaned up properly if( Kiface().IsSingle() ) { try { GetSettingsManager()->UnloadProject( &Prj(), false ); } catch( const nlohmann::detail::type_error& exc ) { // This may be overkill and could be an assertion but we are more likely to // find any settings manager errors this way. wxLogError( wxT( "Settings exception '%s' occurred." ), exc.what() ); } } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::setupTools() { // Create the manager and dispatcher & route draw panel events to the dispatcher m_toolManager = new TOOL_MANAGER; m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( &Schematic(), GetCanvas()->GetView(), GetCanvas()->GetViewControls(), config(), this ); m_actions = new EE_ACTIONS(); m_toolDispatcher = new TOOL_DISPATCHER( m_toolManager ); // Register tools m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new COMMON_CONTROL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new COMMON_TOOLS ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new ZOOM_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new EE_SELECTION_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new PICKER_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SCH_DRAWING_TOOLS ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SCH_LINE_WIRE_BUS_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SCH_MOVE_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SCH_EDIT_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new EE_INSPECTION_TOOL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SCH_EDITOR_CONTROL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new EE_POINT_EDITOR ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SCH_NAVIGATE_TOOL ); m_toolManager->InitTools(); // Run the selection tool, it is supposed to be always active m_toolManager->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::selectionActivate ); GetCanvas()->SetEventDispatcher( m_toolDispatcher ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::setupUIConditions() { SCH_BASE_FRAME::setupUIConditions(); ACTION_MANAGER* mgr = m_toolManager->GetActionManager(); EDITOR_CONDITIONS cond( this ); wxASSERT( mgr ); auto hasElements = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return GetScreen() && ( !GetScreen()->Items().empty() || !SELECTION_CONDITIONS::Idle( aSel ) ); }; #define ENABLE( x ) ACTION_CONDITIONS().Enable( x ) #define CHECK( x ) ACTION_CONDITIONS().Check( x ) mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::save, ENABLE( SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::undo, ENABLE( cond.UndoAvailable() ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::redo, ENABLE( cond.RedoAvailable() ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::toggleGrid, CHECK( cond.GridVisible() ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::toggleCursorStyle, CHECK( cond.FullscreenCursor() ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::millimetersUnits, CHECK( cond.Units( EDA_UNITS::MILLIMETRES ) ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::inchesUnits, CHECK( cond.Units( EDA_UNITS::INCHES ) ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::milsUnits, CHECK( cond.Units( EDA_UNITS::MILS ) ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::cut, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::copy, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::paste, ENABLE( SELECTION_CONDITIONS::Idle ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::pasteSpecial, ENABLE( SELECTION_CONDITIONS::Idle ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::doDelete, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::duplicate, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::selectAll, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::rotateCW, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::rotateCCW, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::mirrorH, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::mirrorV, ENABLE( hasElements ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::zoomTool, CHECK( cond.CurrentTool( ACTIONS::zoomTool ) ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::selectionTool, CHECK( cond.CurrentTool( ACTIONS::selectionTool ) ) ); if( SCRIPTING::IsWxAvailable() ) { mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::showPythonConsole, CHECK( cond.ScriptingConsoleVisible() ) ); } auto showHiddenPinsCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { return GetShowAllPins(); }; auto showHiddenFieldsCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = eeconfig(); return cfg && cfg->m_Appearance.show_hidden_fields; }; auto showERCErrorsCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = eeconfig(); return cfg && cfg->m_Appearance.show_erc_errors; }; auto showERCWarningsCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = eeconfig(); return cfg && cfg->m_Appearance.show_erc_warnings; }; auto showERCExclusionsCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = eeconfig(); return cfg && cfg->m_Appearance.show_erc_exclusions; }; auto forceHVCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = eeconfig(); return cfg && cfg->m_Drawing.hv_lines_only; }; auto remapSymbolsCondition = [&]( const SELECTION& aSel ) { SCH_SCREENS schematic( Schematic().Root() ); // The remapping can only be performed on legacy projects. return schematic.HasNoFullyDefinedLibIds(); }; auto belowRootSheetCondition = [this]( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return GetCurrentSheet().Last() != &Schematic().Root(); }; mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::leaveSheet, ENABLE( belowRootSheetCondition ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::remapSymbols, ENABLE( remapSymbolsCondition ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::toggleHiddenPins, CHECK( showHiddenPinsCond ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::toggleHiddenFields, CHECK( showHiddenFieldsCond ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::toggleERCErrors, CHECK( showERCErrorsCond ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::toggleERCWarnings, CHECK( showERCWarningsCond ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::toggleERCExclusions, CHECK( showERCExclusionsCond ) ); mgr->SetConditions( EE_ACTIONS::toggleForceHV, CHECK( forceHVCond ) ); mgr->SetConditions( ACTIONS::toggleBoundingBoxes, CHECK( cond.BoundingBoxes() ) ); #define CURRENT_TOOL( action ) mgr->SetConditions( action, CHECK( cond.CurrentTool( action ) ) ) CURRENT_TOOL( ACTIONS::deleteTool ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::highlightNetTool ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeSymbol ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placePower ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawWire ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawBus ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeBusWireEntry ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeNoConnect ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeJunction ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeLabel ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeClassLabel ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeGlobalLabel ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeHierLabel ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawSheet ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::importSheetPin ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawRectangle ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawCircle ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawArc ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawLines ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeSchematicText ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::drawTextBox ); CURRENT_TOOL( EE_ACTIONS::placeImage ); #undef CURRENT_TOOL #undef CHECK #undef ENABLE } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::SaveCopyForRepeatItem( const SCH_ITEM* aItem ) { // we cannot store a pointer to an item in the display list here since // that item may be deleted, such as part of a line concatenation or other. // So simply always keep a copy of the object which is to be repeated. if( aItem ) { delete m_item_to_repeat; m_item_to_repeat = (SCH_ITEM*) aItem->Clone(); // Clone() preserves the flags, we want 'em cleared. m_item_to_repeat->ClearFlags(); } } EDA_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetItem( const KIID& aId ) const { return Schematic().GetSheets().GetItem( aId ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::SetSheetNumberAndCount() { SCH_SCREEN* screen; SCH_SCREENS s_list( Schematic().Root() ); // Set the sheet count, and the sheet number (1 for root sheet) int sheet_count = Schematic().Root().CountSheets(); int sheet_number = 1; const KIID_PATH& current_sheetpath = GetCurrentSheet().Path(); // @todo Remove all pseudo page number system is left over from prior to real page number // implementation. for( const SCH_SHEET_PATH& sheet : Schematic().GetSheets() ) { if( sheet.Path() == current_sheetpath ) // Current sheet path found break; sheet_number++; // Not found, increment before this current path } for( screen = s_list.GetFirst(); screen != nullptr; screen = s_list.GetNext() ) screen->SetPageCount( sheet_count ); GetCurrentSheet().SetVirtualPageNumber( sheet_number ); GetScreen()->SetVirtualPageNumber( sheet_number ); GetScreen()->SetPageNumber( GetCurrentSheet().GetPageNumber() ); } SCH_SCREEN* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetScreen() const { return GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen(); } SCHEMATIC& SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Schematic() const { return *m_schematic; } wxString SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetScreenDesc() const { wxString s = GetCurrentSheet().PathHumanReadable(); return s; } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CreateScreens() { m_schematic->Reset(); m_schematic->SetProject( &Prj() ); m_schematic->SetRoot( new SCH_SHEET( m_schematic ) ); SCH_SCREEN* rootScreen = new SCH_SCREEN( m_schematic ); m_schematic->Root().SetScreen( rootScreen ); SetScreen( Schematic().RootScreen() ); m_schematic->RootScreen()->SetFileName( wxEmptyString ); // Don't leave root page number empty SCH_SHEET_PATH rootSheetPath; rootSheetPath.push_back( &m_schematic->Root() ); m_schematic->RootScreen()->SetPageNumber( wxT( "1" ) ); m_schematic->Root().AddInstance( rootSheetPath ); m_schematic->Root().SetPageNumber( rootSheetPath, wxT( "1" ) ); if( GetScreen() == nullptr ) { SCH_SCREEN* screen = new SCH_SCREEN( m_schematic ); SetScreen( screen ); } } SCH_SHEET_PATH& SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetCurrentSheet() const { return m_schematic->CurrentSheet(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::SetCurrentSheet( const SCH_SHEET_PATH& aSheet ) { if( aSheet != GetCurrentSheet() ) { FocusOnItem( nullptr ); Schematic().SetCurrentSheet( aSheet ); GetCanvas()->DisplaySheet( aSheet.LastScreen() ); } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HardRedraw() { SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen(); for( SCH_ITEM* item : screen->Items() ) item->ClearCaches(); for( std::pair& libSymbol : screen->GetLibSymbols() ) libSymbol.second->ClearCaches(); RecalculateConnections( LOCAL_CLEANUP ); FocusOnItem( nullptr ); GetCanvas()->DisplaySheet( GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen() ); GetCanvas()->ForceRefresh(); } bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::canCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& aEvent ) { // Exit interactive editing // Note this this will commit *some* pending changes. For instance, the EE_POINT_EDITOR // will cancel any drag currently in progress, but commit all changes from previous drags. if( m_toolManager ) m_toolManager->RunAction( ACTIONS::cancelInteractive, true ); // Shutdown blocks must be determined and vetoed as early as possible if( KIPLATFORM::APP::SupportsShutdownBlockReason() && aEvent.GetId() == wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION && Schematic().GetSheets().IsModified() ) { return false; } if( Kiface().IsSingle() ) { auto* symbolEditor = (SYMBOL_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH_SYMBOL_EDITOR, false ); if( symbolEditor && !symbolEditor->Close() ) // Can close symbol editor? return false; auto* symbolViewer = (SYMBOL_VIEWER_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH_VIEWER, false ); if( symbolViewer && !symbolViewer->Close() ) // Can close symbol viewer? return false; symbolViewer = (SYMBOL_VIEWER_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH_VIEWER_MODAL, false ); if( symbolViewer && !symbolViewer->Close() ) // Can close modal symbol viewer? return false; } else { auto* symbolEditor = (SYMBOL_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH_SYMBOL_EDITOR, false ); if( symbolEditor && symbolEditor->IsSymbolFromSchematic() ) { if( !symbolEditor->CanCloseSymbolFromSchematic( true ) ) return false; } } SIM_PLOT_FRAME* simFrame = (SIM_PLOT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_SIMULATOR, false ); if( simFrame && !simFrame->Close() ) // Can close the simulator? return false; // We may have gotten multiple events; don't clean up twice if( !Schematic().IsValid() ) return false; SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetlist = Schematic().GetSheets(); if( sheetlist.IsModified() ) { wxFileName fileName = Schematic().RootScreen()->GetFileName(); wxString msg = _( "Save changes to '%s' before closing?" ); if( !HandleUnsavedChanges( this, wxString::Format( msg, fileName.GetFullName() ), [&]() -> bool { return SaveProject(); } ) ) { return false; } } // Close modeless dialogs. They're trouble when they get destroyed after the frame and/or // board. wxWindow* open_dlg = wxWindow::FindWindowByName( DIALOG_ERC_WINDOW_NAME ); if( open_dlg ) open_dlg->Close( true ); return true; } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::doCloseWindow() { SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetlist = Schematic().GetSheets(); // Shutdown all running tools if( m_toolManager ) m_toolManager->ShutdownAllTools(); RecordERCExclusions(); // Close the find dialog and preserve its setting if it is displayed. if( m_findReplaceDialog ) { m_findStringHistoryList = m_findReplaceDialog->GetFindEntries(); m_replaceStringHistoryList = m_findReplaceDialog->GetReplaceEntries(); m_findReplaceDialog->Destroy(); m_findReplaceDialog = nullptr; } if( FindHierarchyNavigator() ) FindHierarchyNavigator()->Close( true ); if( Kiway().Player( FRAME_SIMULATOR, false ) ) Prj().GetProjectFile().m_SchematicSettings->m_NgspiceSimulatorSettings->SaveToFile(); SCH_SCREENS screens( Schematic().Root() ); wxFileName fn; for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = screens.GetFirst(); screen != nullptr; screen = screens.GetNext() ) { fn = Prj().AbsolutePath( screen->GetFileName() ); // Auto save file name is the normal file name prepended with GetAutoSaveFilePrefix(). fn.SetName( GetAutoSaveFilePrefix() + fn.GetName() ); if( fn.IsFileWritable() ) wxRemoveFile( fn.GetFullPath() ); } wxFileName tmpFn = Prj().GetProjectFullName(); wxFileName autoSaveFileName( tmpFn.GetPath(), getAutoSaveFileName() ); if( autoSaveFileName.IsFileWritable() ) wxRemoveFile( autoSaveFileName.GetFullPath() ); sheetlist.ClearModifyStatus(); wxString fileName = Prj().AbsolutePath( Schematic().RootScreen()->GetFileName() ); if( !Schematic().GetFileName().IsEmpty() && !Schematic().RootScreen()->IsEmpty() ) UpdateFileHistory( fileName ); Schematic().RootScreen()->Clear(); // all sub sheets are deleted, only the main sheet is usable GetCurrentSheet().clear(); // Clear view before destroying schematic as repaints depend on schematic being valid SetScreen( nullptr ); Schematic().Reset(); Destroy(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::RecordERCExclusions() { SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList = Schematic().GetSheets(); ERC_SETTINGS& ercSettings = Schematic().ErcSettings(); ercSettings.m_ErcExclusions.clear(); for( unsigned i = 0; i < sheetList.size(); i++ ) { for( SCH_ITEM* item : sheetList[i].LastScreen()->Items().OfType( SCH_MARKER_T ) ) { SCH_MARKER* marker = static_cast( item ); if( marker->IsExcluded() ) ercSettings.m_ErcExclusions.insert( marker->Serialize() ); } } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ResolveERCExclusions() { SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList = Schematic().GetSheets(); for( SCH_MARKER* marker : Schematic().ResolveERCExclusions() ) { SCH_SHEET_PATH errorPath; ignore_unused( sheetList.GetItem( marker->GetRCItem()->GetMainItemID(), &errorPath ) ); if( errorPath.LastScreen() ) errorPath.LastScreen()->Append( marker ); else Schematic().RootScreen()->Append( marker ); } } SEVERITY SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetSeverity( int aErrorCode ) const { return Schematic().ErcSettings().GetSeverity( aErrorCode ); } wxString SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetUniqueFilenameForCurrentSheet() { // Filename is rootSheetName-sheetName-...-sheetName // Note that we need to fetch the rootSheetName out of its filename, as the root SCH_SHEET's // name is just a timestamp. wxFileName rootFn( GetCurrentSheet().at( 0 )->GetFileName() ); wxString filename = rootFn.GetName(); for( unsigned i = 1; i < GetCurrentSheet().size(); i++ ) filename += wxT( "-" ) + GetCurrentSheet().at( i )->GetName(); return filename; } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnModify() { wxASSERT( GetScreen() ); if( !GetScreen() ) return; GetScreen()->SetContentModified(); if( ADVANCED_CFG::GetCfg().m_RealTimeConnectivity && CONNECTION_GRAPH::m_allowRealTime ) RecalculateConnections( NO_CLEANUP ); else GetScreen()->SetConnectivityDirty(); GetCanvas()->Refresh(); UpdateHierarchyNavigator(); if( !GetTitle().StartsWith( "*" ) ) UpdateTitle(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdatePCB( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( Kiface().IsSingle() ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Cannot update the PCB, because the Schematic Editor is opened" " in stand-alone mode. In order to create/update PCBs from" " schematics, launch the KiCad shell and create a project." ) ); return; } KIWAY_PLAYER* frame = Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB_EDITOR, false ); if( !frame ) { wxFileName fn = Prj().GetProjectFullName(); fn.SetExt( PcbFileExtension ); frame = Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB_EDITOR, true ); frame->OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, fn.GetFullPath() ) ); } if( !frame->IsVisible() ) frame->Show( true ); // On Windows, Raise() does not bring the window on screen, when iconized if( frame->IsIconized() ) frame->Iconize( false ); frame->Raise(); std::string payload; Kiway().ExpressMail( FRAME_PCB_EDITOR, MAIL_PCB_UPDATE, payload, this ); } HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::FindHierarchyNavigator() { wxWindow* navigator = wxWindow::FindWindowByName( HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG_WNAME ); return static_cast< HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG* >( navigator ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::UpdateHierarchyNavigator( bool aForceUpdate ) { if( aForceUpdate ) { if( FindHierarchyNavigator() ) FindHierarchyNavigator()->Close(); HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG* hierarchyDialog = new HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG( this ); hierarchyDialog->Show( true ); } else { if( FindHierarchyNavigator() ) FindHierarchyNavigator()->UpdateHierarchyTree(); } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ShowFindReplaceDialog( bool aReplace ) { if( m_findReplaceDialog ) m_findReplaceDialog->Destroy(); m_findReplaceDialog= new DIALOG_SCH_FIND( this, m_findReplaceData, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, aReplace ? wxFR_REPLACEDIALOG : 0 ); m_findReplaceDialog->SetFindEntries( m_findStringHistoryList ); m_findReplaceDialog->SetReplaceEntries( m_replaceStringHistoryList ); m_findReplaceDialog->Show( true ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ShowFindReplaceStatus( const wxString& aMsg, int aStatusTime ) { // Prepare the infobar, since we don't know its state m_infoBar->RemoveAllButtons(); m_infoBar->AddCloseButton(); m_infoBar->ShowMessageFor( aMsg, aStatusTime, wxICON_INFORMATION ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ClearFindReplaceStatus() { m_infoBar->Dismiss(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnFindDialogClose() { m_findStringHistoryList = m_findReplaceDialog->GetFindEntries(); m_replaceStringHistoryList = m_findReplaceDialog->GetReplaceEntries(); m_findReplaceDialog->Destroy(); m_findReplaceDialog = nullptr; m_toolManager->RunAction( ACTIONS::updateFind, true ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnLoadFile( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString fn = GetFileFromHistory( event.GetId(), _( "Schematic" ) ); if( fn.size() ) OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, fn ) ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnClearFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { ClearFileHistory(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::NewProject() { wxString pro_dir = m_mruPath; wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "New Schematic" ), pro_dir, wxEmptyString, KiCadSchematicFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_CANCEL ) { // Enforce the extension, wxFileDialog is inept. wxFileName create_me = dlg.GetPath(); create_me.SetExt( KiCadSchematicFileExtension ); if( create_me.FileExists() ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "Schematic file '%s' already exists." ), create_me.GetFullName() ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return ; } // OpenProjectFiles() requires absolute wxASSERT_MSG( create_me.IsAbsolute(), "wxFileDialog returned non-absolute path" ); OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, create_me.GetFullPath() ), KICTL_CREATE ); m_mruPath = create_me.GetPath(); } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadProject() { wxString pro_dir = m_mruPath; wxString wildcards = AllSchematicFilesWildcard() + "|" + KiCadSchematicFileWildcard() + "|" + LegacySchematicFileWildcard(); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Open Schematic" ), pro_dir, wxEmptyString, wildcards, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_CANCEL ) { OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, dlg.GetPath() ) ); m_mruPath = Prj().GetProjectPath(); } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnOpenPcbnew( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxFileName kicad_board = Prj().AbsolutePath( Schematic().GetFileName() ); if( kicad_board.IsOk() && !Schematic().GetFileName().IsEmpty() ) { kicad_board.SetExt( PcbFileExtension ); wxFileName legacy_board( kicad_board ); legacy_board.SetExt( LegacyPcbFileExtension ); wxFileName& boardfn = legacy_board; if( !legacy_board.FileExists() || kicad_board.FileExists() ) boardfn = kicad_board; if( Kiface().IsSingle() ) { ExecuteFile( PCBNEW_EXE, boardfn.GetFullPath() ); } else { KIWAY_PLAYER* frame = Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB_EDITOR, false ); if( !frame ) { frame = Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB_EDITOR, true ); frame->OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, boardfn.GetFullPath() ) ); } if( !frame->IsVisible() ) frame->Show( true ); // On Windows, Raise() does not bring the window on screen, when iconized if( frame->IsIconized() ) frame->Iconize( false ); frame->Raise(); } } else { // If we are running inside a project, it should be impossible for this case to happen wxASSERT( Kiface().IsSingle() ); ExecuteFile( PCBNEW_EXE ); } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnOpenCvpcb( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxFileName fn = Prj().AbsolutePath( Schematic().GetFileName() ); fn.SetExt( NetlistFileExtension ); if( !ReadyToNetlist( _( "Assigning footprints requires a fully annotated schematic." ) ) ) return; try { KIWAY_PLAYER* player = Kiway().Player( FRAME_CVPCB, false ); // test open already. if( !player ) { player = Kiway().Player( FRAME_CVPCB, true ); player->Show( true ); } sendNetlistToCvpcb(); player->Raise(); } catch( const IO_ERROR& ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Could not open CvPcb" ) ); } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnExit( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( event.GetId() == wxID_EXIT ) Kiway().OnKiCadExit(); if( event.GetId() == wxID_CLOSE || Kiface().IsSingle() ) Close( false ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::PrintPage( const RENDER_SETTINGS* aSettings ) { wxString fileName = Prj().AbsolutePath( GetScreen()->GetFileName() ); const wxBrush& brush = wxBrush( GetColorSettings()->GetColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_BACKGROUND ).ToColour() ); aSettings->GetPrintDC()->SetBackground( brush ); aSettings->GetPrintDC()->Clear(); aSettings->GetPrintDC()->SetLogicalFunction( wxCOPY ); GetScreen()->Print( aSettings ); PrintDrawingSheet( aSettings, GetScreen(), IU_PER_MILS, fileName ); } bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::isAutoSaveRequired() const { // In case this event happens before g_RootSheet is initialized which does happen // on mingw64 builds. if( Schematic().IsValid() ) { return IsContentModified(); } return false; } static void inheritNetclass( const SCH_SHEET_PATH& aSheetPath, SCH_LABEL_BASE* aItem ) { if( CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH::GetDriverPriority( aItem ) == CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH::PRIORITY::NONE ) return; // Netclasses are assigned to subgraphs by association with their netname. However, when // a new label is attached to an existing subgraph (with an existing netclass association), // the association will be lost as the label will drive its name on to the graph. // // Here we find the previous driver of the subgraph and if it had a netclass we associate // the new netname with that netclass as well. // SCHEMATIC* schematic = aItem->Schematic(); CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH* subgraph = schematic->ConnectionGraph()->GetSubgraphForItem( aItem ); std::map& netclassAssignments = schematic->Prj().GetProjectFile().NetSettings().m_NetClassAssignments; if( subgraph ) { SCH_ITEM* previousDriver = nullptr; CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH::PRIORITY priority = CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH::PRIORITY::INVALID; for( SCH_ITEM* item : subgraph->m_drivers ) { if( item == aItem ) continue; CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH::PRIORITY p = CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH::GetDriverPriority( item ); if( p > priority ) { priority = p; previousDriver = item; } } if( previousDriver ) { wxString path = aSheetPath.PathHumanReadable(); wxString oldDrivenName = path + subgraph->GetNameForDriver( previousDriver ); wxString drivenName = path + subgraph->GetNameForDriver( aItem ); if( netclassAssignments.count( oldDrivenName ) ) netclassAssignments[ drivenName ] = netclassAssignments[ oldDrivenName ]; } } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::AddItemToScreenAndUndoList( SCH_SCREEN* aScreen, SCH_ITEM* aItem, bool aUndoAppend ) { wxCHECK_RET( aItem != nullptr, wxT( "Cannot add null item to list." ) ); SCH_SHEET* parentSheet = nullptr; SCH_SYMBOL* parentSymbol = nullptr; SCH_ITEM* undoItem = aItem; if( aItem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T ) { parentSheet = (SCH_SHEET*) aItem->GetParent(); wxCHECK_RET( parentSheet && parentSheet->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T, wxT( "Cannot place sheet pin in invalid schematic sheet." ) ); undoItem = parentSheet; } else if( aItem->Type() == SCH_FIELD_T ) { parentSymbol = (SCH_SYMBOL*) aItem->GetParent(); wxCHECK_RET( parentSymbol && parentSymbol->Type() == SCH_SYMBOL_T, wxT( "Cannot place field in invalid schematic symbol." ) ); undoItem = parentSymbol; } if( aItem->IsNew() ) { if( aItem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T ) { // Sheet pins are owned by their parent sheet. SaveCopyInUndoList( aScreen, undoItem, UNDO_REDO::CHANGED, aUndoAppend ); parentSheet->AddPin( (SCH_SHEET_PIN*) aItem ); } else if( aItem->Type() == SCH_FIELD_T ) { // Symbol fields are also owned by their parent, but new symbol fields are // handled elsewhere. wxLogMessage( wxT( "addCurrentItemToScreen: unexpected new SCH_FIELD" ) ); } else { if( !aScreen->CheckIfOnDrawList( aItem ) ) // don't want a loop! AddToScreen( aItem, aScreen ); SaveCopyForRepeatItem( aItem ); SaveCopyInUndoList( aScreen, undoItem, UNDO_REDO::NEWITEM, aUndoAppend ); } // Update connectivity info for new item if( !aItem->IsMoving() ) { RecalculateConnections( LOCAL_CLEANUP ); if( SCH_LABEL_BASE* label = dynamic_cast( aItem ) ) inheritNetclass( GetCurrentSheet(), label ); } } aItem->ClearFlags( IS_NEW ); aScreen->SetContentModified(); UpdateItem( aItem ); if( !aItem->IsMoving() && aItem->IsConnectable() ) { std::vector pts = aItem->GetConnectionPoints(); for( auto i = pts.begin(); i != pts.end(); i++ ) { for( auto j = i + 1; j != pts.end(); j++ ) TrimWire( *i, *j ); if( aScreen->IsExplicitJunctionNeeded( *i ) ) AddJunction( aScreen, *i, true, false ); } TestDanglingEnds(); for( SCH_ITEM* item : aItem->ConnectedItems( GetCurrentSheet() ) ) UpdateItem( item ); } aItem->ClearEditFlags(); GetCanvas()->Refresh(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::UpdateTitle() { SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); wxCHECK( screen, /* void */ ); wxString title; if( !screen->GetFileName().IsEmpty() ) { wxFileName fn( Prj().AbsolutePath( screen->GetFileName() ) ); bool readOnly = false; bool unsaved = false; if( fn.IsOk() && screen->FileExists() ) readOnly = screen->IsReadOnly(); else unsaved = true; if( IsContentModified() ) title = wxT( "*" ); title += fn.GetName(); title += wxString::Format( wxT( " [%s]" ), GetCurrentSheet().PathHumanReadable( false ) ); if( readOnly ) title += wxS( " " ) + _( "[Read Only]" ); if( unsaved ) title += wxS( " " ) + _( "[Unsaved]" ); } else { title = _( "[no schematic loaded]" ); } title += wxT( " \u2014 " ) + _( "Schematic Editor" ); SetTitle( title ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::initScreenZoom() { m_toolManager->RunAction( ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen, true ); GetScreen()->m_zoomInitialized = true; } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::RecalculateConnections( SCH_CLEANUP_FLAGS aCleanupFlags ) { const SCH_CONNECTION* highlight = GetHighlightedConnection(); SCH_ITEM* highlightedItem = highlight ? highlight->Parent() : nullptr; SCH_SHEET_PATH highlightPath; if( highlight ) highlightPath = highlight->LocalSheet(); SCHEMATIC_SETTINGS& settings = Schematic().Settings(); SCH_SHEET_LIST list = Schematic().GetSheets(); #ifdef PROFILE PROF_COUNTER timer; #endif // Ensure schematic graph is accurate if( aCleanupFlags == LOCAL_CLEANUP ) { SchematicCleanUp( GetScreen() ); } else if( aCleanupFlags == GLOBAL_CLEANUP ) { for( const SCH_SHEET_PATH& sheet : list ) SchematicCleanUp( sheet.LastScreen() ); } #ifdef PROFILE timer.Stop(); wxLogTrace( "CONN_PROFILE", "SchematicCleanUp() %0.4f ms", timer.msecs() ); #endif if( settings.m_IntersheetRefsShow ) RecomputeIntersheetRefs(); std::function changeHandler = [&]( SCH_ITEM* aChangedItem ) -> void { GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( aChangedItem, KIGFX::REPAINT ); }; Schematic().ConnectionGraph()->Recalculate( list, true, &changeHandler ); GetCanvas()->GetView()->UpdateAllItemsConditionally( KIGFX::REPAINT, []( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM* aItem ) { SCH_ITEM* item = dynamic_cast( aItem ); SCH_CONNECTION* connection = item ? item->Connection() : nullptr; if( connection && connection->HasDriverChanged() ) { connection->ClearDriverChanged(); return true; } EDA_TEXT* text = dynamic_cast( aItem ); if( text && text->HasTextVars() ) return true; return false; } ); if( highlightedItem ) SetHighlightedConnection( highlightedItem->Connection( &highlightPath ) ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::RecomputeIntersheetRefs() { std::map>& pageRefsMap = Schematic().GetPageRefsMap(); pageRefsMap.clear(); SCH_SCREENS screens( Schematic().Root() ); std::vector pageNumbers; /* Iterate over screens */ for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = screens.GetFirst(); screen != nullptr; screen = screens.GetNext() ) { pageNumbers.clear(); /* Find in which sheets this screen is used */ for( const SCH_SHEET_PATH& sheet : Schematic().GetSheets() ) { if( sheet.LastScreen() == screen ) pageNumbers.push_back( sheet.GetPageNumber() ); } for( SCH_ITEM* item : screen->Items() ) { if( item->Type() == SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T ) { SCH_GLOBALLABEL* globalLabel = static_cast( item ); std::set& pageList = pageRefsMap[ globalLabel->GetText() ]; for( const wxString& pageNo : pageNumbers ) pageList.insert( pageNo ); } } } bool show = Schematic().Settings().m_IntersheetRefsShow; // Refresh all global labels. Note that we have to collect them first as the // SCH_SCREEN::Update() call is going to invalidate the RTree iterator. std::vector globalLabels; for( EDA_ITEM* item : GetScreen()->Items().OfType( SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T ) ) globalLabels.push_back( static_cast( item ) ); for( SCH_GLOBALLABEL* globalLabel : globalLabels ) { globalLabel->GetFields()[0].SetVisible( show ); if( show ) { GetScreen()->Update( globalLabel ); GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( globalLabel ); } } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ShowAllIntersheetRefs( bool aShow ) { if( aShow ) RecomputeIntersheetRefs(); GetCanvas()->GetView()->SetLayerVisible( LAYER_INTERSHEET_REFS, aShow ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CommonSettingsChanged( bool aEnvVarsChanged, bool aTextVarsChanged ) { SCHEMATIC_SETTINGS& settings = Schematic().Settings(); SCH_BASE_FRAME::CommonSettingsChanged( aEnvVarsChanged, aTextVarsChanged ); settings.m_JunctionSize = GetSchematicJunctionSize(); ShowAllIntersheetRefs( settings.m_IntersheetRefsShow ); EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings(); GetGalDisplayOptions().ReadWindowSettings( cfg->m_Window ); KIGFX::VIEW* view = GetCanvas()->GetView(); view->SetLayerVisible( LAYER_ERC_ERR, cfg->m_Appearance.show_erc_errors ); view->SetLayerVisible( LAYER_ERC_WARN, cfg->m_Appearance.show_erc_warnings ); view->SetLayerVisible( LAYER_ERC_EXCLUSION, cfg->m_Appearance.show_erc_exclusions ); SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen(); for( SCH_ITEM* item : screen->Items() ) item->ClearCaches(); for( std::pair& libSymbol : screen->GetLibSymbols() ) libSymbol.second->ClearCaches(); GetCanvas()->ForceRefresh(); RecreateToolbars(); Layout(); SendSizeEvent(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnPageSettingsChange() { // Store the current zoom level into the current screen before calling // DisplayCurrentSheet() that set the zoom to GetScreen()->m_LastZoomLevel GetScreen()->m_LastZoomLevel = GetCanvas()->GetView()->GetScale(); // Rebuild the sheet view (draw area and any other items): DisplayCurrentSheet(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ShowChangedLanguage() { // call my base class SCH_BASE_FRAME::ShowChangedLanguage(); // tooltips in toolbars RecreateToolbars(); // status bar UpdateMsgPanel(); // This ugly hack is to fix an option(left) toolbar update bug that seems to only affect // windows. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1816492. For some reason, calling // wxWindow::Refresh() does not resolve the issue. Only a resize event seems to force the // toolbar to update correctly. #if defined( __WXMSW__ ) PostSizeEvent(); #endif } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::UpdateNetHighlightStatus() { if( const SCH_CONNECTION* conn = GetHighlightedConnection() ) { SetStatusText( wxString::Format( _( "Highlighted net: %s" ), UnescapeString( conn->Name() ) ) ); } else { SetStatusText( wxT( "" ) ); } } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::SetScreen( BASE_SCREEN* aScreen ) { if( m_toolManager ) m_toolManager->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::clearSelection, true ); SCH_BASE_FRAME::SetScreen( aScreen ); GetCanvas()->DisplaySheet( static_cast( aScreen ) ); } const BOX2I SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetDocumentExtents( bool aIncludeAllVisible ) const { BOX2I bBoxDoc; if( aIncludeAllVisible ) { // Get the whole page size and return that int sizeX = GetScreen()->GetPageSettings().GetWidthIU(); int sizeY = GetScreen()->GetPageSettings().GetHeightIU(); bBoxDoc = BOX2I( VECTOR2I( 0, 0 ), VECTOR2I( sizeX, sizeY ) ); } else { // Get current drawing-sheet in a form we can compare to an EDA_ITEM DS_PROXY_VIEW_ITEM* ds = SCH_BASE_FRAME::GetCanvas()->GetView()->GetDrawingSheet(); EDA_ITEM* dsAsItem = static_cast( ds ); // Need an EDA_RECT so the first ".Merge" sees it's uninitialized EDA_RECT bBoxItems; // Calc the bounding box of all items on screen except the page border for( EDA_ITEM* item : GetScreen()->Items() ) { if( item != dsAsItem ) // Ignore the drawing-sheet itself bBoxItems.Merge( item->GetBoundingBox() ); bBoxDoc = bBoxItems; } } return bBoxDoc; } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::FixupJunctions() { // Save the current sheet, to retrieve it later SCH_SHEET_PATH oldsheetpath = GetCurrentSheet(); SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList = Schematic().GetSheets(); for( const SCH_SHEET_PATH& sheet : sheetList ) { size_t num_undos = m_undoList.m_CommandsList.size(); // We require a set here to avoid adding multiple junctions to the same spot std::set junctions; SetCurrentSheet( sheet ); GetCurrentSheet().UpdateAllScreenReferences(); SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen(); EE_SELECTION allItems; for( auto item : screen->Items() ) allItems.Add( item ); m_toolManager->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::addNeededJunctions, true, &allItems ); // Check if we modified anything during this routine // Needs to happen for every sheet to set the proper modified flag if( m_undoList.m_CommandsList.size() > num_undos ) OnModify(); } // Reselect the initial sheet: SetCurrentSheet( oldsheetpath ); GetCurrentSheet().UpdateAllScreenReferences(); SetScreen( GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen() ); } bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::IsContentModified() const { return Schematic().GetSheets().IsModified(); } bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetShowAllPins() const { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = eeconfig(); return cfg && cfg->m_Appearance.show_hidden_pins; } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::FocusOnItem( SCH_ITEM* aItem ) { static KIID lastBrightenedItemID( niluuid ); SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList = Schematic().GetSheets(); SCH_SHEET_PATH dummy; SCH_ITEM* lastItem = sheetList.GetItem( lastBrightenedItemID, &dummy ); if( lastItem && lastItem != aItem ) { lastItem->ClearBrightened(); UpdateItem( lastItem ); lastBrightenedItemID = niluuid; } if( aItem ) { aItem->SetBrightened(); UpdateItem( aItem ); lastBrightenedItemID = aItem->m_Uuid; FocusOnLocation( aItem->GetFocusPosition() ); } } wxString SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetCurrentFileName() const { return Schematic().GetFileName(); } SELECTION& SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetCurrentSelection() { return m_toolManager->GetTool()->GetSelection(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::onSize( wxSizeEvent& aEvent ) { if( IsShown() ) { // We only need this until the frame is done resizing and the final client size is // established. Unbind( wxEVT_SIZE, &SCH_EDIT_FRAME::onSize, this ); GetToolManager()->RunAction( ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen, true ); } // Skip() is called in the base class. EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSize( aEvent ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::SaveSymbolToSchematic( const LIB_SYMBOL& aSymbol, const KIID& aSchematicSymbolUUID ) { wxString msg; bool appendToUndo = false; SCH_SHEET_PATH sheetPath; SCH_ITEM* item = Schematic().GetSheets().GetItem( aSchematicSymbolUUID, &sheetPath ); if( item ) { SCH_SYMBOL* symbol = dynamic_cast( item ); wxCHECK( symbol, /* void */ ); // This needs to be done before the LIB_SYMBOL is changed to prevent stale library // symbols in the schematic file. sheetPath.LastScreen()->Remove( symbol ); if( !symbol->IsNew() ) { SaveCopyInUndoList( sheetPath.LastScreen(), symbol, UNDO_REDO::CHANGED, appendToUndo ); appendToUndo = true; } symbol->SetLibSymbol( aSymbol.Flatten().release() ); symbol->UpdateFields( &GetCurrentSheet(), true, /* update style */ true, /* update ref */ true, /* update other fields */ false, /* reset ref */ false /* reset other fields */ ); sheetPath.LastScreen()->Append( symbol ); GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( symbol ); } GetCanvas()->Refresh(); OnModify(); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::UpdateItem( EDA_ITEM* aItem, bool isAddOrDelete, bool aUpdateRtree ) { SCH_BASE_FRAME::UpdateItem( aItem, isAddOrDelete, aUpdateRtree ); if( SCH_ITEM* sch_item = dynamic_cast( aItem ) ) sch_item->ClearCaches(); }