/* Set up the items and layer colors and show/no show options */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "protos.h" /* Variables locales */ const int BUTT_SIZE_X = 25; const int BUTT_SIZE_Y = 15; const int COLOR_COUNT = 43; // 43 = 29 (layers) + 11 (others) + 3 (headings) // Is there a better way to determine how many elements CurrentColor requires? int CurrentColor[COLOR_COUNT]; // Holds color for each layer while dialog box open /* Fonctions locales: */ /* Macro utile : */ #define ADR( numlayer ) &g_DesignSettings.m_LayerColor[(numlayer)] enum col_sel_id { ID_COLOR_RESET_SHOW_LAYER_ON = 1800, ID_COLOR_RESET_SHOW_LAYER_OFF, ID_COLOR_CHECKBOX_ONOFF, ID_COLOR_SETUP }; /**********************************/ /* Liste des menus de Menu_Layers */ /**********************************/ struct ColorButton { const wxString m_Title; int m_LayerNumber; int* m_Color; ///< pointer to color variable to manipulate bool m_NoDisplayIsColor; ///< TRUE if bit ITEM_NOT_SHOW of the color variable should be manipulated bool* m_NoDisplay; ///< pointer to the on/off display control variable, if it is not the color variable int m_Id; wxBitmapButton* m_Button; int m_State; wxCheckBox* m_CheckBox; ///< Display ON/OFF toggle }; #include "set_color.h" // Include description and list of tools and buttons /*************************************************************/ /* classe derivee pour la frame de Configuration des couleurs*/ /*************************************************************/ class WinEDA_SetColorsFrame : public wxDialog { private: WinEDA_DrawFrame* m_Parent; public: // Constructor and destructor WinEDA_SetColorsFrame( WinEDA_DrawFrame * parent, const wxPoint &framepos ); ~WinEDA_SetColorsFrame() { }; private: void SetColor( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnApplyClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void UpdateLayerSettings(); void ResetDisplayLayersCu( wxCommandEvent& event ); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; /* Table des evenements pour WinEDA_SetColorsFrame */ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_SetColorsFrame, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_RESET_SHOW_LAYER_OFF, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::ResetDisplayLayersCu ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_RESET_SHOW_LAYER_ON, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::ResetDisplayLayersCu ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::OnOkClick ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::OnCancelClick ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_APPLY, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::OnApplyClick ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 1, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 2, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 3, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 4, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 5, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 6, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 7, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 8, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 9, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 10, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 11, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 12, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 13, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 14, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 15, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 16, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 17, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 18, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 19, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 20, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 21, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 22, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 23, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 24, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 25, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 26, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 27, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 28, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 29, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 30, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 31, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 32, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 33, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 34, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 35, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 36, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 37, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 38, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 39, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 40, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 41, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 42, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) // EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 43, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) // EVT_BUTTON( ID_COLOR_SETUP + 44, WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor ) END_EVENT_TABLE() /*****************************************************/ void DisplayColorSetupFrame( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent, const wxPoint& framepos ) /*****************************************************/ { WinEDA_SetColorsFrame* frame = new WinEDA_SetColorsFrame( parent, framepos ); frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy(); } /**********************************************************************/ WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::WinEDA_SetColorsFrame( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent, const wxPoint& framepos ) : wxDialog( parent, -1, _( "Colors:" ), framepos, wxSize( -1, -1 ), DIALOG_STYLE ) /**********************************************************************/ { #define START_Y 25 wxBitmapButton* ButtonB; int ii, yy, xx, butt_ID, buttcolor; wxPoint pos; wxSize winsize; wxString msg; m_Parent = parent; SetFont( *g_DialogFont ); pos.x = 5; pos.y = START_Y; for( ii = 0; laytool_list[ii] != NULL; ii++ ) { if( !laytool_list[ii]->m_Color && !laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplay ) { if( pos.y != START_Y ) { pos.x += BUTT_SIZE_X + 120; pos.y = START_Y; } if( laytool_list[ii]->m_LayerNumber >= 0 ) { if( laytool_list[ii]->m_Title == wxT( "*" ) ) { msg = g_ViaType_Name[laytool_list[ii]->m_LayerNumber]; } else msg = ReturnPcbLayerName( laytool_list[ii]->m_LayerNumber ); } else msg = wxGetTranslation( laytool_list[ii]->m_Title.GetData() ); new wxStaticText( this, -1, msg, wxPoint( pos.x + 10, pos.y - 18 ), wxSize( -1, -1 ), 0 ); continue; } if( laytool_list[ii]->m_Id == 0 ) laytool_list[ii]->m_Id = ID_COLOR_SETUP + ii; butt_ID = laytool_list[ii]->m_Id; laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox = new wxCheckBox( this, ID_COLOR_CHECKBOX_ONOFF, wxEmptyString, pos ); if( laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplayIsColor ) { if( *laytool_list[ii]->m_Color & ITEM_NOT_SHOW ) laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->SetValue( FALSE ); else laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->SetValue( TRUE ); } else if( laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplay ) laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->SetValue( *laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplay ); xx = laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->GetSize().x + 3; if( laytool_list[ii]->m_Color ) { wxMemoryDC iconDC; wxBitmap ButtBitmap( BUTT_SIZE_X, BUTT_SIZE_Y ); iconDC.SelectObject( ButtBitmap ); buttcolor = *laytool_list[ii]->m_Color & MASKCOLOR; CurrentColor[ii] = buttcolor; wxBrush Brush; iconDC.SelectObject( ButtBitmap ); iconDC.SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN ); Brush.SetColour( ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Red, ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Green, ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Blue ); Brush.SetStyle( wxSOLID ); iconDC.SetBrush( Brush ); iconDC.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, BUTT_SIZE_X, BUTT_SIZE_Y ); ButtonB = new wxBitmapButton( this, butt_ID, ButtBitmap, wxPoint(pos.x + xx, pos.y), wxSize(BUTT_SIZE_X, BUTT_SIZE_Y) ); laytool_list[ii]->m_Button = ButtonB; xx += BUTT_SIZE_X + 3; } if( laytool_list[ii]->m_LayerNumber >= 0 ) { if( laytool_list[ii]->m_Title == wxT( "*" ) ) msg = g_ViaType_Name[laytool_list[ii]->m_LayerNumber]; else msg = ReturnPcbLayerName( laytool_list[ii]->m_LayerNumber ); } else msg = wxGetTranslation( laytool_list[ii]->m_Title.GetData() ); new wxStaticText( this, -1, msg, wxPoint( pos.x + xx, pos.y + 1 ), wxSize( -1, -1 ), 0 ); yy = BUTT_SIZE_Y + 5; pos.y += yy; } pos.x = 5; pos.y = 355; wxButton* Button = new wxButton( this, ID_COLOR_RESET_SHOW_LAYER_ON, _( "Show All" ), pos ); Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 0, 100, 0 ) ); pos.x += Button->GetSize().x + 10; Button = new wxButton( this, ID_COLOR_RESET_SHOW_LAYER_OFF, _( "Show None" ), pos ); Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 100, 0, 0 ) ); pos.x = MAX( pos.x + 20, 480 - 3 * Button->GetSize().x ); Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK"), pos ); Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED ); pos.x += Button->GetSize().x + 10; Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), pos ); Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE ); pos.x += Button->GetSize().x + 10; Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_APPLY, _("Apply"), pos ); winsize.x = MAX( 500, pos.x + Button->GetSize().x + 10 ); winsize.y = pos.y + Button->GetSize().y + 5; SetClientSize( winsize ); } /**********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED (event) ) /**********************************************************************/ { UpdateLayerSettings(); m_Parent->ReDrawPanel(); EndModal( 1 ); } /*******************************************************************/ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::OnCancelClick(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /*******************************************************************/ { EndModal( -1 ); } /*******************************************************************/ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::OnApplyClick(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /*******************************************************************/ { UpdateLayerSettings(); m_Parent->ReDrawPanel(); } /**********************************************************/ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::SetColor( wxCommandEvent& event ) /**********************************************************/ { int ii; int id = event.GetId(); int color; color = DisplayColorFrame( this, CurrentColor[id - ID_COLOR_SETUP] ); if( color < 0 ) return; for( ii = 0; laytool_list[ii] != NULL; ii++ ) { if( laytool_list[ii]->m_Id != id ) continue; if( laytool_list[ii]->m_Color == NULL ) continue; if( CurrentColor[ii] == color ) break; CurrentColor[ii] = color; wxMemoryDC iconDC; wxBitmapButton* Button = laytool_list[ii]->m_Button; wxBitmap ButtBitmap = Button->GetBitmapLabel(); iconDC.SelectObject( ButtBitmap ); int buttcolor = CurrentColor[ii]; wxBrush Brush; iconDC.SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN ); Brush.SetColour( ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Red, ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Green, ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Blue ); Brush.SetStyle( wxSOLID ); iconDC.SetBrush( Brush ); iconDC.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, BUTT_SIZE_X, BUTT_SIZE_Y ); Button->SetBitmapLabel( ButtBitmap ); Button->Refresh(); } Refresh( FALSE ); } /******************************************************************/ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::UpdateLayerSettings() /******************************************************************/ { for( int ii = 0; laytool_list[ii] != NULL; ii++ ) { // if( laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox == NULL ) // continue; // Although some of the items listed within laytool_list[] // do not have any checkboxes associated with them, the // previous command is still not necessary (as those items // are processed satisfactorily by the following command). if( !laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplayIsColor && (laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplay == NULL) ) continue; if( laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplayIsColor ) { if( laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->GetValue() ) *laytool_list[ii]->m_Color = CurrentColor[ii] & ~ITEM_NOT_SHOW; else *laytool_list[ii]->m_Color = CurrentColor[ii] | ITEM_NOT_SHOW; } else { if( laytool_list[ii]->m_Color ) *laytool_list[ii]->m_Color = CurrentColor[ii]; // if( laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox ) // *laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplay = laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->GetValue(); // As there is a checkbox associated with every layer listed // within this particular dialog box, the previous command can // be replaced with this following command. *laytool_list[ii]->m_NoDisplay = laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->GetValue(); } } // Additional command required for updating visibility of grid. m_Parent->m_Draw_Grid = g_ShowGrid; } /**********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::ResetDisplayLayersCu( wxCommandEvent& event ) /**********************************************************************/ { bool NewState = (event.GetId() == ID_COLOR_RESET_SHOW_LAYER_ON) ? TRUE : FALSE; for( int ii = 1; ii < 17; ii++ ) { if( laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox == NULL ) continue; laytool_list[ii]->m_CheckBox->SetValue( NewState ); } }