set( MAKE_LINK_MAPS true ) add_definitions( -DCVPCB ) include_directories( BEFORE ${INC_BEFORE} ) include_directories( ./dialogs ../3d-viewer ../pcbnew ../pcbnew/dialogs ../polygon ../common ${INC_AFTER} ) set( CVPCB_DIALOGS # These 2 still use search paths, which don't exist in footprint land. # dialogs/dialog_cvpcb_config.cpp # dialogs/dialog_cvpcb_config_fbp.cpp dialogs/dialog_display_options.cpp dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp ../pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_lib_table.cpp ../pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_lib_table_base.cpp ../pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options.cpp ../pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp ) set( CVPCB_SRCS ../common/base_units.cpp ../pcbnew/board_items_to_polygon_shape_transform.cpp ../pcbnew/class_drc_item.cpp autosel.cpp cfg.cpp class_components_listbox.cpp class_DisplayFootprintsFrame.cpp class_footprints_listbox.cpp class_library_listbox.cpp cvframe.cpp listboxes.cpp menubar.cpp readwrite_dlgs.cpp tool_cvpcb.cpp ) if( MINGW ) # CVPCB_RESOURCES variable is set by the macro. mingw_resource_compiler( cvpcb ) endif() if( APPLE ) set( CVPCB_RESOURCES cvpcb.icns cvpcb_doc.icns ) set_source_files_properties( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cvpcb.icns" PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources ) set_source_files_properties( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cvpcb_doc.icns" PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources ) set( MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE cvpcb.icns ) set( MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER org.kicad-eda.cvpcb ) endif() if( USE_KIWAY_DLLS ) add_executable( cvpcb WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE ../common/single_top.cpp ../common/pgm_base.cpp ${CVPCB_RESOURCES} ) set_source_files_properties( ../common/single_top.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "TOP_FRAME=CVPCB_FRAME_TYPE;PGM_DATA_FILE_EXT=\"net\";BUILD_KIWAY_DLL" ) target_link_libraries( cvpcb #singletop # replaces common, giving us restrictive control and link warnings. # There's way too much crap coming in from common yet. common bitmaps ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ) if( MAKE_LINK_MAPS ) set_target_properties( cvpcb PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${TO_LINKER},-cref ${TO_LINKER}," ) endif() # the main cvpcb program, in DSO form. add_library( cvpcb_kiface MODULE cvpcb.cpp ${CVPCB_SRCS} ${CVPCB_DIALOGS} # ${CVPCB_RESOURCES} ) set_target_properties( cvpcb_kiface PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME cvpcb PREFIX ${KIFACE_PREFIX} SUFFIX ${KIFACE_SUFFIX} ) target_link_libraries( cvpcb_kiface 3d-viewer pcbcommon pcad2kicadpcb common bitmaps polygon gal ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${GDI_PLUS_LIBRARIES} ${GLEW_LIBRARIES} ${CAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${PIXMAN_LIBRARY} ${OPENMP_LIBRARIES} ) # Only for win32 cross compilation using MXE if( WIN32 AND MSYS AND CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING ) target_link_libraries( cvpcb_kiface opengl32 glu32 pixman-1 fontconfig freetype bz2 ) endif() if( BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN ) target_link_libraries( cvpcb_kiface github_plugin ) endif() # Must follow github_plugin target_link_libraries( cvpcb_kiface ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ) if( UNIX AND NOT APPLE ) # -lrt must follow Boost target_link_libraries( cvpcb_kiface rt ) endif() if( APPLE ) set_target_properties( cvpcb PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Info.plist ) endif() set_source_files_properties( cvpcb.cpp PROPERTIES # The KIFACE is in cvpcb.cpp, export it: COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "BUILD_KIWAY_DLL;COMPILING_DLL" ) if( MAKE_LINK_MAPS ) set_target_properties( cvpcb_kiface PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${TO_LINKER},-cref ${TO_LINKER}," ) endif() # if building cvpcb, then also build cvpcb_kiface if out of date. add_dependencies( cvpcb cvpcb_kiface ) # these 2 binaries are a matched set, keep them together: install( TARGETS cvpcb DESTINATION ${KICAD_BIN} COMPONENT binary ) install( TARGETS cvpcb_kiface DESTINATION ${KICAD_BIN} COMPONENT binary ) if( APPLE ) # copies kiface into the bundle add_custom_target( _cvpcb_kiface_copy ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cvpcb/_cvpcb.kiface "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cvpcb/" DEPENDS cvpcb_kiface COMMENT "Copying kiface into cvpcb" ) endif() else() add_executable( cvpcb WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE ${CVPCB_SRCS} ${CVPCB_DIALOGS} ${CVPCB_RESOURCES} ) target_link_libraries( cvpcb 3d-viewer pcbcommon pcad2kicadpcb common bitmaps polygon gal ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${GDI_PLUS_LIBRARIES} ${GLEW_LIBRARIES} ${CAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${PIXMAN_LIBRARY} ) # Only for win32 cross compilation using MXE if( WIN32 AND MSYS AND CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING ) target_link_libraries( cvpcb opengl32 glu32 pixman-1 fontconfig freetype bz2 ) endif() if( BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN ) target_link_libraries( cvpcb github_plugin ) endif() # Must follow github_plugin target_link_libraries( cvpcb ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ) if( APPLE ) set_target_properties( cvpcb PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Info.plist ) endif() install( TARGETS cvpcb DESTINATION ${KICAD_BIN} COMPONENT binary ) endif()