/* * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 1992-2010 jean-pierre.charras * Copyright (C) 1992-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_DPI 300 // the image DPI used in formats that do not define a DPI IMAGE_SIZE::IMAGE_SIZE() { m_outputSize = 0.0; m_originalDPI = DEFAULT_DPI; m_originalSizePixels = 0; m_unit = EDA_UNITS::MILLIMETRES; } void IMAGE_SIZE::SetOutputSizeFromInitialImageSize() { // Safety-check to guarantee no divide-by-zero m_originalDPI = std::max( 1, m_originalDPI ); // Set the m_outputSize value from the m_originalSizePixels and the selected unit if( m_unit == EDA_UNITS::MILLIMETRES ) m_outputSize = (double)GetOriginalSizePixels() / m_originalDPI * 25.4; else if( m_unit == EDA_UNITS::INCHES ) m_outputSize = (double)GetOriginalSizePixels() / m_originalDPI; else m_outputSize = m_originalDPI; } int IMAGE_SIZE::GetOutputDPI() { int outputDPI; if( m_unit == EDA_UNITS::MILLIMETRES ) outputDPI = GetOriginalSizePixels() / ( m_outputSize / 25.4 ); else if( m_unit == EDA_UNITS::INCHES ) outputDPI = GetOriginalSizePixels() / m_outputSize; else outputDPI = KiROUND( m_outputSize ); // Zero is not a DPI, and may cause divide-by-zero errors... outputDPI = std::max( 1, outputDPI ); return outputDPI; } void IMAGE_SIZE::SetUnit( EDA_UNITS aUnit ) { // Set the unit used for m_outputSize, and convert the old m_outputSize value // to the value in new unit if( aUnit == m_unit ) return; // Convert m_outputSize to mm: double size_mm; if( m_unit == EDA_UNITS::MILLIMETRES ) { size_mm = m_outputSize; } else if( m_unit == EDA_UNITS::INCHES ) { size_mm = m_outputSize * 25.4; } else { // m_outputSize is the DPI, not an image size // the image size is m_originalSizePixels / m_outputSize (in inches) if( m_outputSize ) size_mm = m_originalSizePixels / m_outputSize * 25.4; else size_mm = 0; } // Convert m_outputSize to new value: if( aUnit == EDA_UNITS::MILLIMETRES ) { m_outputSize = size_mm; } else if( aUnit == EDA_UNITS::INCHES ) { m_outputSize = size_mm / 25.4; } else { if( size_mm ) m_outputSize = m_originalSizePixels / size_mm * 25.4; else m_outputSize = 0; } m_unit = aUnit; } BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( BITMAP2CMP_FRAME, EDA_BASE_FRAME ) EVT_MENU( wxID_CLOSE, BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnExit ) EVT_MENU( wxID_EXIT, BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnExit ) EVT_MENU_RANGE( ID_FILE1, ID_FILEMAX, BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnFileHistory ) EVT_MENU( ID_FILE_LIST_CLEAR, BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnClearFileHistory ) END_EVENT_TABLE() BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::BITMAP2CMP_FRAME( KIWAY* aKiway, wxWindow* aParent ) : KIWAY_PLAYER( aKiway, aParent, FRAME_BM2CMP, _( "Image Converter" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, wxT( "bitmap2cmp" ), unityScale ), m_panel( nullptr ), m_statusBar( nullptr ) { m_aboutTitle = _HKI( "KiCad Image Converter" ); // Give an icon wxIcon icon; wxIconBundle icon_bundle; icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::icon_bitmap2component ) ); icon_bundle.AddIcon( icon ); icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::icon_bitmap2component_32 ) ); icon_bundle.AddIcon( icon ); icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::icon_bitmap2component_16 ) ); icon_bundle.AddIcon( icon ); SetIcons( icon_bundle ); wxBoxSizer* mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); SetSizer( mainSizer ); m_panel = new BITMAP2CMP_PANEL( this ); mainSizer->Add( m_panel, 1, wxEXPAND, 5 ); m_statusBar = this->CreateStatusBar( 1, wxSTB_SIZEGRIP, wxID_ANY ); LoadSettings( config() ); m_toolManager = new TOOL_MANAGER; m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, config(), this ); m_toolDispatcher = new TOOL_DISPATCHER( m_toolManager ); // Register tools m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new COMMON_CONTROL ); m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new BITMAP2CMP_CONTROL ); m_toolManager->InitTools(); ReCreateMenuBar(); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); SetSize( m_framePos.x, m_framePos.y, m_frameSize.x, m_frameSize.y ); if ( m_framePos == wxDefaultPosition ) Centre(); } BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::~BITMAP2CMP_FRAME() { SaveSettings( config() ); /* * This needed for OSX: avoids further OnDraw processing after this * destructor and before the native window is destroyed */ Freeze(); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnExit( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { // Just generate a wxCloseEvent Close( false ); } wxWindow* BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::GetToolCanvas() const { return m_panel->GetCurrentPage(); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString fn = GetFileFromHistory( event.GetId(), _( "Image files" ) ); if( !fn.IsEmpty() ) { OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, fn ) ); Refresh(); } } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnClearFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { ClearFileHistory(); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::doReCreateMenuBar() { COMMON_CONTROL* tool = m_toolManager->GetTool(); EDA_BASE_FRAME* base_frame = dynamic_cast( this ); // base_frame == nullptr should not happen, but it makes Coverity happy wxCHECK( base_frame, /* void */ ); // wxWidgets handles the OSX Application menu behind the scenes, but that means // we always have to start from scratch with a new wxMenuBar. wxMenuBar* oldMenuBar = base_frame->GetMenuBar(); WX_MENUBAR* menuBar = new WX_MENUBAR(); //-- File menu ----------------------------------------------------------- // ACTION_MENU* fileMenu = new ACTION_MENU( false, tool ); fileMenu->Add( ACTIONS::open ); static ACTION_MENU* openRecentMenu; FILE_HISTORY& fileHistory = GetFileHistory(); // Create the menu if it does not exist. Adding a file to/from the history // will automatically refresh the menu. if( !openRecentMenu ) { openRecentMenu = new ACTION_MENU( false, tool ); openRecentMenu->SetIcon( BITMAPS::recent ); fileHistory.UseMenu( openRecentMenu ); fileHistory.AddFilesToMenu(); } // Ensure the title is up to date after changing language openRecentMenu->SetTitle( _( "Open Recent" ) ); fileHistory.UpdateClearText( openRecentMenu, _( "Clear Recent Files" ) ); wxMenuItem* item = fileMenu->Add( openRecentMenu->Clone() ); // Add the file menu condition here since it needs the item ID for the submenu ACTION_CONDITIONS cond; cond.Enable( FILE_HISTORY::FileHistoryNotEmpty( fileHistory ) ); RegisterUIUpdateHandler( item->GetId(), cond ); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); fileMenu->AddQuit( _( "Image Converter" ) ); //-- Preferences menu ----------------------------------------------- // ACTION_MENU* prefsMenu = new ACTION_MENU( false, tool ); prefsMenu->Add( ACTIONS::openPreferences ); prefsMenu->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuLanguageList( prefsMenu, tool ); //-- Menubar ------------------------------------------------------------- // menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) ); menuBar->Append( prefsMenu, _( "&Preferences" ) ); base_frame->AddStandardHelpMenu( menuBar ); base_frame->SetMenuBar( menuBar ); delete oldMenuBar; } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::ShowChangedLanguage() { EDA_BASE_FRAME::ShowChangedLanguage(); UpdateTitle(); SaveSettings( config() ); IMAGE_SIZE imageSizeX = m_panel->GetOutputSizeX(); IMAGE_SIZE imageSizeY = m_panel->GetOutputSizeY(); Freeze(); wxSizer* mainSizer = m_panel->GetContainingSizer(); mainSizer->Detach( m_panel ); m_panel->Destroy(); m_panel = new BITMAP2CMP_PANEL( this ); mainSizer->Add( m_panel, 1, wxEXPAND, 5 ); Layout(); if( !m_bitmapFileName.IsEmpty() ) OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, m_bitmapFileName ) ); LoadSettings( config() ); m_panel->SetOutputSize( imageSizeX, imageSizeY ); Thaw(); Refresh(); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::UpdateTitle() { wxString title; if( !m_bitmapFileName.IsEmpty() ) { wxFileName filename( m_bitmapFileName ); title = filename.GetFullName() + wxT( " \u2014 " ); } title += _( "Image Converter" ); SetTitle( title ); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::LoadSettings( APP_SETTINGS_BASE* aCfg ) { EDA_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings( aCfg ); BITMAP2CMP_SETTINGS* cfg = dynamic_cast( aCfg ); if( cfg ) { m_bitmapFileName = cfg->m_BitmapFileName; m_convertedFileName = cfg->m_ConvertedFileName; m_panel->LoadSettings( cfg ); } } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::SaveSettings( APP_SETTINGS_BASE* aCfg ) { EDA_BASE_FRAME::SaveSettings( aCfg ); BITMAP2CMP_SETTINGS* cfg = dynamic_cast( aCfg ); if( cfg ) { cfg->m_BitmapFileName = m_bitmapFileName; cfg->m_ConvertedFileName = m_convertedFileName; m_panel->SaveSettings( cfg ); } } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OnLoadFile() { wxFileName fn( m_bitmapFileName ); wxString path = fn.GetPath(); if( path.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists( path ) ) path = m_mruPath; wxFileDialog fileDlg( this, _( "Choose Image" ), path, wxEmptyString, _( "Image Files" ) + wxS( " " )+ wxImage::GetImageExtWildcard(), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); int diag = fileDlg.ShowModal(); if( diag != wxID_OK ) return; wxString fullFilename = fileDlg.GetPath(); if( !OpenProjectFiles( std::vector( 1, fullFilename ) ) ) return; fn = fullFilename; m_mruPath = fn.GetPath(); SetStatusText( fullFilename ); UpdateTitle(); Refresh(); } bool BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::OpenProjectFiles( const std::vector& aFileSet, int aCtl ) { m_bitmapFileName = aFileSet[0]; if( m_panel->OpenProjectFiles( aFileSet, aCtl ) ) { UpdateFileHistory( m_bitmapFileName ); return true; } return false; } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::ExportDrawingSheetFormat() { wxFileName fn( m_convertedFileName ); wxString path = fn.GetPath(); if( path.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists(path) ) path = ::wxGetCwd(); wxFileDialog fileDlg( this, _( "Create Drawing Sheet File" ), path, wxEmptyString, DrawingSheetFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); int diag = fileDlg.ShowModal(); if( diag != wxID_OK ) return; fn = fileDlg.GetPath(); fn.SetExt( DrawingSheetFileExtension ); m_convertedFileName = fn.GetFullPath(); FILE* outfile; outfile = wxFopen( m_convertedFileName, wxT( "w" ) ); if( outfile == nullptr ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "File '%s' could not be created." ), m_convertedFileName ); wxMessageBox( msg ); return; } std::string buffer; m_panel->ExportToBuffer( buffer, KICAD_WKS_LOGO ); fputs( buffer.c_str(), outfile ); fclose( outfile ); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::ExportPostScriptFormat() { wxFileName fn( m_convertedFileName ); wxString path = fn.GetPath(); if( path.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists( path ) ) path = ::wxGetCwd(); wxFileDialog fileDlg( this, _( "Create PostScript File" ), path, wxEmptyString, PSFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( fileDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; fn = fileDlg.GetPath(); fn.SetExt( wxT( "ps" ) ); m_convertedFileName = fn.GetFullPath(); FILE* outfile; outfile = wxFopen( m_convertedFileName, wxT( "w" ) ); if( outfile == nullptr ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "File '%s' could not be created." ), m_convertedFileName ); wxMessageBox( msg ); return; } std::string buffer; m_panel->ExportToBuffer( buffer, POSTSCRIPT_FMT ); fputs( buffer.c_str(), outfile ); fclose( outfile ); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::ExportEeschemaFormat() { wxFileName fn( m_convertedFileName ); wxString path = fn.GetPath(); if( path.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists(path) ) path = ::wxGetCwd(); wxFileDialog fileDlg( this, _( "Create Symbol Library" ), path, wxEmptyString, KiCadSymbolLibFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( fileDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; fn = EnsureFileExtension( fileDlg.GetPath(), KiCadSymbolLibFileExtension ); m_convertedFileName = fn.GetFullPath(); FILE* outfile = wxFopen( m_convertedFileName, wxT( "w" ) ); if( outfile == nullptr ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "File '%s' could not be created." ), m_convertedFileName ); wxMessageBox( msg ); return; } std::string buffer; m_panel->ExportToBuffer( buffer, EESCHEMA_FMT ); fputs( buffer.c_str(), outfile ); fclose( outfile ); } void BITMAP2CMP_FRAME::ExportPcbnewFormat() { wxFileName fn( m_convertedFileName ); wxString path = fn.GetPath(); if( path.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists( path ) ) path = m_mruPath; wxFileDialog fileDlg( this, _( "Create Footprint Library" ), path, wxEmptyString, KiCadFootprintLibFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( fileDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; fn = EnsureFileExtension( fileDlg.GetPath(), KiCadFootprintFileExtension ); m_convertedFileName = fn.GetFullPath(); FILE* outfile = wxFopen( m_convertedFileName, wxT( "w" ) ); if( outfile == nullptr ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "File '%s' could not be created." ), m_convertedFileName ); wxMessageBox( msg ); return; } std::string buffer; m_panel->ExportToBuffer( buffer, PCBNEW_KICAD_MOD ); fputs( buffer.c_str(), outfile ); fclose( outfile ); m_mruPath = fn.GetPath(); }