#include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "kicad_string.h" #include "gestfich.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "wxPcbStruct.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "3d_struct.h" #include #include /* helper function: * some characters cannot be used in names, * this function change them to "_" */ static void ChangeIllegalCharacters( wxString & aFileName, bool aDirSepIsIllegal ); /* the dialog to create VRML files, derived from DIALOG_EXPORT_3DFILE_BASE, * created by wxFormBuilder */ #include "dialog_export_3Dfiles_base.h" // the wxFormBuilder header file #define OPTKEY_OUTPUT_UNIT wxT("VrmlExportUnit" ) #define OPTKEY_3DFILES_OPT wxT("VrmlExport3DShapeFilesOpt" ) class DIALOG_EXPORT_3DFILE : public DIALOG_EXPORT_3DFILE_BASE { private: PCB_EDIT_FRAME* m_parent; wxConfig* m_config; int m_unitsOpt; // to remember last option int m_3DFilesOpt; // to remember last option virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ EndModal( wxID_CANCEL ); } virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ EndModal( wxID_OK ); } public: DIALOG_EXPORT_3DFILE( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* parent ) : DIALOG_EXPORT_3DFILE_BASE( parent ) { m_parent = parent; m_config = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config; SetFocus(); m_config->Read( OPTKEY_OUTPUT_UNIT, &m_unitsOpt ); m_config->Read( OPTKEY_3DFILES_OPT, &m_3DFilesOpt ); m_rbSelectUnits->SetSelection(m_unitsOpt); m_rb3DFilesOption->SetSelection(m_3DFilesOpt); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); Centre(); } ~DIALOG_EXPORT_3DFILE() { m_unitsOpt = GetUnits( ); m_3DFilesOpt = Get3DFilesOption( ); m_config->Write( OPTKEY_OUTPUT_UNIT, m_unitsOpt ); m_config->Write( OPTKEY_3DFILES_OPT, m_3DFilesOpt ); }; void SetSubdir( const wxString & aDir ) { m_SubdirNameCtrl->SetValue( aDir); } wxString GetSubdir( ) { return m_SubdirNameCtrl->GetValue( ); } wxFilePickerCtrl* FilePicker() { return m_filePicker; } int GetUnits( ) { return m_unitsOpt = m_rbSelectUnits->GetSelection(); } int Get3DFilesOption( ) { return m_3DFilesOpt = m_rb3DFilesOption->GetSelection(); } }; /* I use this a lot... */ static const double PI2 = M_PI / 2; /* Absolutely not optimized triangle bag :D */ struct VRMLPt { double x, y, z; }; struct FlatPt { FlatPt( double _x = 0, double _y = 0 ) : x( _x ), y( _y ) { } double x, y; }; struct Triangle { Triangle( double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, double x3, double y3, double z3 ) { p1.x = x1; p1.y = y1; p1.z = z1; p2.x = x2; p2.y = y2; p2.z = z2; p3.x = x3; p3.y = y3; p3.z = z3; } Triangle() { } VRMLPt p1, p2, p3; }; typedef std::vector TriangleBag; /* A flat triangle fan */ struct FlatFan { FlatPt c; std::vector pts; void add( double x, double y ) { pts.push_back( FlatPt( x, y ) ); } void bag( int layer, bool close = true ); }; /* A flat quad ring */ struct FlatRing { std::vector inner; std::vector outer; void add_inner( double x, double y ) { inner.push_back( FlatPt( x, y ) ); } void add_outer( double x, double y ) { outer.push_back( FlatPt( x, y ) ); } void bag( int layer, bool close = true ); }; /* A vertical quad loop */ struct VLoop { std::vector pts; double z_top, z_bottom; void add( double x, double y ) { pts.push_back( FlatPt( x, y ) ); } void bag( TriangleBag& triangles, bool close = true ); }; /* The bags for all the layers */ static TriangleBag layer_triangles[LAYER_COUNT]; static TriangleBag via_triangles[4]; static double layer_z[LAYER_COUNT]; static void bag_flat_triangle( int layer, /*{{{*/ double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 ) { double z = layer_z[layer]; layer_triangles[layer].push_back( Triangle( x1, y1, z, x2, y2, z, x3, y3, z ) ); } void FlatFan::bag( int layer, bool close ) /*{{{*/ { unsigned i; for( i = 0; i < pts.size() - 1; i++ ) bag_flat_triangle( layer, c.x, c.y, pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[i + 1].x, pts[i + 1].y ); if( close ) bag_flat_triangle( layer, c.x, c.y, pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[0].x, pts[0].y ); } static void bag_flat_quad( int layer, /*{{{*/ double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4 ) { bag_flat_triangle( layer, x1, y1, x3, y3, x2, y2 ); bag_flat_triangle( layer, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 ); } void FlatRing::bag( int layer, bool close ) /*{{{*/ { unsigned i; for( i = 0; i < inner.size() - 1; i++ ) bag_flat_quad( layer, inner[i].x, inner[i].y, outer[i].x, outer[i].y, inner[i + 1].x, inner[i + 1].y, outer[i + 1].x, outer[i + 1].y ); if( close ) bag_flat_quad( layer, inner[i].x, inner[i].y, outer[i].x, outer[i].y, inner[0].x, inner[0].y, outer[0].x, outer[0].y ); } static void bag_vquad( TriangleBag& triangles, /*{{{*/ double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double z1, double z2 ) { triangles.push_back( Triangle( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) ); triangles.push_back( Triangle( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x1, y1, z2 ) ); } void VLoop::bag( TriangleBag& triangles, bool close ) /*{{{*/ { unsigned i; for( i = 0; i < pts.size() - 1; i++ ) bag_vquad( triangles, pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[i + 1].x, pts[i + 1].y, z_top, z_bottom ); if( close ) bag_vquad( triangles, pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[0].x, pts[0].y, z_top, z_bottom ); } static void write_triangle_bag( FILE* output_file, int color_index, /*{{{*/ const TriangleBag& triangles ) { /* A lot of nodes are not required, but blender sometimes chokes * without them */ static const char* shape_boiler[] = { "Transform {\n", " translation 0.0 0.0 0.0\n", " rotation 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\n", " scale 1.0 1.0 1.0\n", " children [\n", " Group {\n", " children [\n", " Shape {\n", " appearance Appearance {\n", " material Material {\n", 0, /* Material marker */ " ambientIntensity 0.8\n", " transparency 0.2\n", " shininess 0.2\n", " }\n", " }\n", " geometry IndexedFaceSet {\n", " solid TRUE\n", " coord Coordinate {\n", " point [\n", 0, /* Coordinates marker */ " ]\n", " }\n", " coordIndex [\n", 0, /* Index marker */ " ]\n", " }\n", " }\n", " ]\n", " }\n", " ]\n", "}\n", 0 /* End marker */ }; int marker_found = 0, lineno = 0; while( marker_found < 4 ) { if( shape_boiler[lineno] ) fputs( shape_boiler[lineno], output_file ); else { marker_found++; switch( marker_found ) { case 1: /* Material marker */ fprintf( output_file, " diffuseColor %g %g %g\n", (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Red / 255.0, (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Green / 255.0, (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Blue / 255.0 ); fprintf( output_file, " specularColor %g %g %g\n", (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Red / 255.0, (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Green / 255.0, (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Blue / 255.0 ); fprintf( output_file, " emissiveColor %g %g %g\n", (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Red / 255.0, (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Green / 255.0, (double) ColorRefs[color_index].m_Blue / 255.0 ); break; case 2: { /* Coordinates marker */ for( TriangleBag::const_iterator i = triangles.begin(); i != triangles.end(); i++ ) { fprintf( output_file, "%g %g %g\n", i->p1.x, -i->p1.y, i->p1.z ); fprintf( output_file, "%g %g %g\n", i->p2.x, -i->p2.y, i->p2.z ); fprintf( output_file, "%g %g %g\n", i->p3.x, -i->p3.y, i->p3.z ); } } break; case 3: { /* Index marker */ /* OK, that's sick ... */ int j = 0; for( TriangleBag::const_iterator i = triangles.begin(); i != triangles.end(); i++ ) { fprintf( output_file, "%d %d %d -1\n", j, j + 1, j + 2 ); j += 3; } } break; default: break; } } lineno++; } } static void compute_layer_Zs( BOARD* pcb ) /*{{{*/ { int copper_layers = pcb->GetCopperLayerCount( ); // We call it 'layer' thickness, but it's the whole board thickness! double board_thickness = pcb->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_BoardThickness; double half_thickness = board_thickness / 2; /* Compute each layer's Z value, more or less like the 3d view */ for( int i = 0; i <= LAYER_N_FRONT; i++ ) { if( i < copper_layers ) layer_z[i] = board_thickness * i / (copper_layers - 1) - half_thickness; else layer_z[i] = half_thickness; /* The component layer... */ } /* To avoid rounding interference, we apply an epsilon to each * successive layer */ const double epsilon_z = 10; /* That's 1 mils, about 1/50 mm */ layer_z[SOLDERPASTE_N_BACK] = -half_thickness - epsilon_z * 4; layer_z[ADHESIVE_N_BACK] = -half_thickness - epsilon_z * 3; layer_z[SILKSCREEN_N_BACK] = -half_thickness - epsilon_z * 2; layer_z[SOLDERMASK_N_BACK] = -half_thickness - epsilon_z; layer_z[SOLDERMASK_N_FRONT] = half_thickness + epsilon_z; layer_z[SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT] = half_thickness + epsilon_z * 2; layer_z[ADHESIVE_N_FRONT] = half_thickness + epsilon_z * 3; layer_z[SOLDERPASTE_N_FRONT] = half_thickness + epsilon_z * 4; layer_z[DRAW_N] = half_thickness + epsilon_z * 5; layer_z[COMMENT_N] = half_thickness + epsilon_z * 6; layer_z[ECO1_N] = half_thickness + epsilon_z * 7; layer_z[ECO2_N] = half_thickness + epsilon_z * 8; layer_z[EDGE_N] = 0; } static void export_vrml_line( int layer, double startx, double starty, /*{{{*/ double endx, double endy, double width, int divisions ) { double r = width / 2; double angle = atan2( endy - starty, endx - startx ); double alpha; FlatFan fan; /* Output the 'bone' as a triangle fan, this is the fan centre */ fan.c.x = (startx + endx) / 2; fan.c.y = (starty + endy) / 2; /* The 'end' side cap */ for( alpha = angle - PI2; alpha < angle + PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) fan.add( endx + r * cos( alpha ), endy + r * sin( alpha ) ); alpha = angle + PI2; fan.add( endx + r * cos( alpha ), endy + r * sin( alpha ) ); /* The 'start' side cap */ for( alpha = angle + PI2; alpha < angle + 3 * PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) fan.add( startx + r * cos( alpha ), starty + r * sin( alpha ) ); alpha = angle + 3 * PI2; fan.add( startx + r * cos( alpha ), starty + r * sin( alpha ) ); /* Export the fan */ fan.bag( layer ); } static void export_vrml_circle( int layer, double startx, double starty, /*{{{*/ double endx, double endy, double width, int divisions ) { double hole, rayon; FlatRing ring; rayon = hypot( startx - endx, starty - endy ) + ( width / 2); hole = rayon - width; for( double alpha = 0; alpha < M_PI * 2; alpha += M_PI * 2 / divisions ) { ring.add_inner( startx + hole * cos( alpha ), starty + hole * sin( alpha ) ); ring.add_outer( startx + rayon * cos( alpha ), starty + rayon * sin( alpha ) ); } ring.bag( layer ); } static void export_vrml_slot( TriangleBag& triangles, /*{{{*/ int top_layer, int bottom_layer, double xc, double yc, double dx, double dy, int orient, int divisions ) { double capx, capy; /* Cap center */ VLoop loop; loop.z_top = layer_z[top_layer]; loop.z_bottom = layer_z[bottom_layer]; double angle = orient / 1800.0 * M_PI; if( dy > dx ) { EXCHG( dx, dy ); angle += PI2; } /* The exchange above means that cutter radius is alvays dy/2 */ double r = dy / 2; double alpha; /* The first side cap */ capx = xc + cos( angle ) * dx / 2; capy = yc + sin( angle ) * dx / 2; for( alpha = angle - PI2; alpha < angle + PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) loop.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); alpha = angle + PI2; loop.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); /* The other side cap */ capx = xc - cos( angle ) * dx / 2; capy = yc - sin( angle ) * dx / 2; for( alpha = angle + PI2; alpha < angle + 3 * PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) loop.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); alpha = angle + 3 * PI2; loop.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); loop.bag( triangles ); } static void export_vrml_hole( TriangleBag& triangles, /*{{{*/ int top_layer, int bottom_layer, double xc, double yc, double hole, int divisions ) { VLoop loop; loop.z_top = layer_z[top_layer]; loop.z_bottom = layer_z[bottom_layer]; for( double alpha = 0; alpha < M_PI * 2; alpha += M_PI * 2 / divisions ) loop.add( xc + cos( alpha ) * hole, yc + sin( alpha ) * hole ); loop.bag( triangles ); } static void export_vrml_varc( TriangleBag& triangles, /*{{{*/ int top_layer, int bottom_layer, double startx, double starty, double endx, double endy, int divisions ) { VLoop loop; loop.z_top = layer_z[top_layer]; loop.z_bottom = layer_z[bottom_layer]; double angle = atan2( endx - startx, endy - starty ); double rayon = hypot( startx - endx, starty - endy ); for( double alpha = angle; alpha < angle + PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) { loop.add( startx + cos( alpha ) * rayon, starty + sin( alpha ) * rayon ); } loop.bag( triangles ); } static void export_vrml_oval_pad( int layer, /*{{{*/ double xc, double yc, double dx, double dy, int orient, int divisions ) { double capx, capy; /* Cap center */ FlatFan fan; fan.c.x = xc; fan.c.y = yc; double angle = orient / 1800.0 * M_PI; if( dy > dx ) { EXCHG( dx, dy ); angle += PI2; } /* The exchange above means that cutter radius is alvays dy/2 */ double r = dy / 2; double alpha; /* The first side cap */ capx = xc + cos( angle ) * dx / 2; capy = yc + sin( angle ) * dx / 2; for( alpha = angle - PI2; alpha < angle + PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) fan.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); alpha = angle + PI2; fan.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); /* The other side cap */ capx = xc - cos( angle ) * dx / 2; capy = yc - sin( angle ) * dx / 2; for( alpha = angle + PI2; alpha < angle + 3 * PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) fan.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); alpha = angle + 3 * PI2; fan.add( capx + r * cos( alpha ), capy + r * sin( alpha ) ); fan.bag( layer ); } static void export_vrml_arc( int layer, double startx, double starty, /*{{{*/ double endx, double endy, double width, int divisions ) { FlatRing ring; double hole, rayon; double angle = atan2( endx - startx, endy - starty ); rayon = hypot( startx - endx, starty - endy ) + ( width / 2); hole = rayon - width; for( double alpha = angle; alpha < angle + PI2; alpha += PI2 / divisions ) { ring.add_inner( startx + cos( alpha ) * hole, starty + sin( alpha ) * hole ); ring.add_outer( startx + cos( alpha ) * rayon, starty + sin( alpha ) * rayon ); } ring.bag( layer, false ); } static void export_vrml_drawsegment( DRAWSEGMENT* drawseg ) /*{{{*/ { int layer = drawseg->GetLayer(); double w = drawseg->m_Width; double x = drawseg->m_Start.x; double y = drawseg->m_Start.y; double xf = drawseg->m_End.x; double yf = drawseg->m_End.y; /* Items on the edge layer are high, not thick */ if( layer == EDGE_N ) { switch( drawseg->m_Shape ) { /* There is a special 'varc' primitive for this */ case S_ARC: export_vrml_varc( layer_triangles[layer], FIRST_COPPER_LAYER, LAST_COPPER_LAYER, x, y, xf, yf, 4 ); break; /* Circles on edge are usually important holes */ case S_CIRCLE: export_vrml_hole( layer_triangles[layer], FIRST_COPPER_LAYER, LAST_COPPER_LAYER, x, y, hypot( xf - x, yf - y ) / 2, 12 ); break; default: { /* Simply a quad */ double z_top = layer_z[FIRST_COPPER_LAYER]; double z_bottom = layer_z[LAST_COPPER_LAYER]; bag_vquad( layer_triangles[layer], x, y, xf, yf, z_top, z_bottom ); break; } } } else { switch( drawseg->m_Shape ) { case S_ARC: export_vrml_arc( layer, x, y, xf, yf, w, 3 ); break; case S_CIRCLE: export_vrml_circle( layer, x, y, xf, yf, w, 12 ); break; default: export_vrml_line( layer, x, y, xf, yf, w, 1 ); break; } } } /* C++ doesn't have closures and neither continuation forms... this is * for coupling the vrml_text_callback with the common parameters */ static int s_text_layer; static int s_text_width; static void vrml_text_callback( int x0, int y0, int xf, int yf ) { export_vrml_line( s_text_layer, x0, y0, xf, yf, s_text_width, 1 ); } static void export_vrml_pcbtext( TEXTE_PCB* text ) { /* Coupling by globals! Ewwww... */ s_text_layer = text->GetLayer(); s_text_width = text->m_Thickness; wxSize size = text->m_Size; if( text->m_Mirror ) NEGATE( size.x ); if( text->m_MultilineAllowed ) { wxPoint pos = text->m_Pos; wxArrayString* list = wxStringSplit( text->m_Text, '\n' ); wxPoint offset; offset.y = text->GetInterline(); RotatePoint( &offset, text->m_Orient ); for( unsigned i = 0; iCount(); i++ ) { wxString txt = list->Item( i ); DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, pos, (EDA_Colors) 0, txt, text->m_Orient, size, text->m_HJustify, text->m_VJustify, text->m_Thickness, text->m_Italic, true, vrml_text_callback ); pos += offset; } delete (list); } else { DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, text->m_Pos, (EDA_Colors) 0, text->m_Text, text->m_Orient, size, text->m_HJustify, text->m_VJustify, text->m_Thickness, text->m_Italic, true, vrml_text_callback ); } } static void export_vrml_drawings( BOARD* pcb ) /*{{{*/ { /* draw graphic items */ for( EDA_ITEM* drawing = pcb->m_Drawings; drawing != 0; drawing = drawing->Next() ) { switch( drawing->Type() ) { case TYPE_DRAWSEGMENT: export_vrml_drawsegment( (DRAWSEGMENT*) drawing ); break; case TYPE_TEXTE: export_vrml_pcbtext( (TEXTE_PCB*) drawing ); break; default: break; } } } static void export_round_padstack( BOARD* pcb, double x, double y, double r, /*{{{*/ int bottom_layer, int top_layer, int divisions ) { int copper_layers = pcb->GetCopperLayerCount( ); for( int layer = bottom_layer; layer < copper_layers; layer++ ) { /* The last layer is always the component one, unless it's single face */ if( (layer > FIRST_COPPER_LAYER) && (layer == copper_layers - 1) ) layer = LAST_COPPER_LAYER; if( layer <= top_layer ) export_vrml_circle( layer, x, y, x + r / 2, y, r, divisions ); } } static void export_vrml_via( BOARD* pcb, SEGVIA* via ) /*{{{*/ { double x, y, r, hole; int top_layer, bottom_layer; r = via->m_Width / 2; hole = via->GetDrillValue() / 2; x = via->m_Start.x; y = via->m_Start.y; via->ReturnLayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer ); /* Export the via padstack */ export_round_padstack( pcb, x, y, r, bottom_layer, top_layer, 8 ); /* Drill a rough hole */ export_vrml_hole( via_triangles[via->m_Shape], top_layer, bottom_layer, x, y, hole, 8 ); } static void export_vrml_tracks( BOARD* pcb ) /*{{{*/ { for( TRACK* track = pcb->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() ) { if( track->Type() == TYPE_VIA ) export_vrml_via( pcb, (SEGVIA*) track ); else export_vrml_line( track->GetLayer(), track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y, track->m_End.x, track->m_End.y, track->m_Width, 4 ); } } static void export_vrml_zones( BOARD* pcb ) /*{{{*/ { /* Export fill segments */ for( SEGZONE* segzone = pcb->m_Zone; segzone != 0; segzone = segzone->Next() ) { /* Fill tracks are exported with low subdivisions */ if( segzone->Type() == TYPE_ZONE ) export_vrml_line( segzone->GetLayer(), segzone->m_Start.x, segzone->m_Start.y, segzone->m_End.x, segzone->m_End.y, segzone->m_Width, 1 ); } /* Export zone outlines */ for( int i = 0; i < pcb->GetAreaCount(); i++ ) { ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = pcb->GetArea( i ); if( ( zone->m_FilledPolysList.size() == 0 ) ||( zone->m_ZoneMinThickness <= 1 ) ) continue; int width = zone->m_ZoneMinThickness; if( width > 0 ) { int imax = zone->m_FilledPolysList.size() - 1; int layer = zone->GetLayer(); CPolyPt* firstcorner = &zone->m_FilledPolysList[0]; CPolyPt* begincorner = firstcorner; /* I'm not really positive about what he's doing here... */ for( int ic = 1; ic <= imax; ic++ ) { CPolyPt* endcorner = &zone->m_FilledPolysList[ic]; if( begincorner->utility == 0 ) // Draw only basic outlines, not extra segments export_vrml_line( layer, begincorner->x, begincorner->y, endcorner->x, endcorner->y, width, 1 ); if( (endcorner->end_contour) || (ic == imax) ) // the last corner of a filled area is found: draw it { if( endcorner->utility == 0 ) // Draw only basic outlines, not extra segments export_vrml_line( layer, endcorner->x, endcorner->y, firstcorner->x, firstcorner->y, width, 1 ); ic++; /* A new contour? */ if( ic < imax - 1 ) begincorner = firstcorner = &zone->m_FilledPolysList[ic]; } else begincorner = endcorner; } } } } static void export_vrml_text_module( TEXTE_MODULE* module ) /*{{{*/ { if( !module->m_NoShow ) { wxSize size = module->m_Size; if( module->m_Mirror ) NEGATE( size.x ); // Text is mirrored s_text_layer = module->GetLayer(); s_text_width = module->m_Thickness; DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, module->m_Pos, (EDA_Colors) 0, module->m_Text, module->GetDrawRotation(), size, module->m_HJustify, module->m_VJustify, module->m_Thickness, module->m_Italic, true, vrml_text_callback ); } } static void export_vrml_edge_module( EDGE_MODULE* module ) /*{{{*/ { int layer = module->GetLayer(); double x = module->m_Start.x; double y = module->m_Start.y; double xf = module->m_End.x; double yf = module->m_End.y; double w = module->m_Width; switch( module->m_Shape ) { case S_ARC: export_vrml_arc( layer, x, y, xf, yf, w, 3 ); break; case S_CIRCLE: export_vrml_circle( layer, x, y, xf, yf, w, 12 ); break; default: export_vrml_line( layer, x, y, xf, yf, w, 1 ); break; } } static void export_vrml_pad( BOARD* pcb, D_PAD* pad ) /*{{{*/ { double hole_drill_w = (double) pad->m_Drill.x / 2; double hole_drill_h = (double) pad->m_Drill.y / 2; double hole_drill = MIN( hole_drill_w, hole_drill_h ); double hole_x = pad->m_Pos.x; double hole_y = pad->m_Pos.y; /* Export the hole on the edge layer */ if( hole_drill > 0 ) { if( pad->m_DrillShape == PAD_OVAL ) { /* Oblong hole (slot) */ export_vrml_slot( layer_triangles[EDGE_N], FIRST_COPPER_LAYER, LAST_COPPER_LAYER, hole_x, hole_y, hole_drill_w, hole_drill_h, pad->m_Orient, 6 ); } else { // Drill a round hole export_vrml_hole( layer_triangles[EDGE_N], FIRST_COPPER_LAYER, LAST_COPPER_LAYER, hole_x, hole_y, hole_drill, 12 ); } } /* The pad proper, on the selected layers */ unsigned long layer_mask = pad->m_Masque_Layer; int copper_layers = pcb->GetCopperLayerCount( ); /* The (maybe offseted) pad position */ wxPoint pad_pos = pad->ReturnShapePos(); double pad_x = pad_pos.x; double pad_y = pad_pos.y; wxSize pad_delta = pad->m_DeltaSize; double pad_dx = pad_delta.x / 2; double pad_dy = pad_delta.y / 2; double pad_w = pad->m_Size.x / 2; double pad_h = pad->m_Size.y / 2; for( int layer = FIRST_COPPER_LAYER; layer < copper_layers; layer++ ) { /* The last layer is always the component one, unless it's single face */ if( (layer > FIRST_COPPER_LAYER) && (layer == copper_layers - 1) ) layer = LAST_COPPER_LAYER; if( layer_mask & (1 << layer) ) { /* OK, the pad is on this layer, export it */ switch( pad->m_PadShape & 0x7F ) /* What is the masking for? */ { case PAD_CIRCLE: export_vrml_circle( layer, pad_x, pad_y, pad_x + pad_w / 2, pad_y, pad_w, 12 ); break; case PAD_OVAL: export_vrml_oval_pad( layer, pad_x, pad_y, pad_w * 2, pad_h * 2, pad->m_Orient, 4 ); break; case PAD_RECT: /* Just to be sure :D */ pad_dx = 0; pad_dy = 0; case PAD_TRAPEZOID: { int coord[8] = { wxRound(-pad_w - pad_dy), wxRound(+pad_h + pad_dx), wxRound(-pad_w + pad_dy), wxRound(-pad_h - pad_dx), wxRound(+pad_w - pad_dy), wxRound(+pad_h - pad_dx), wxRound(+pad_w + pad_dy), wxRound(-pad_h + pad_dx), }; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { RotatePoint( &coord[i * 2], &coord[i * 2 + 1], pad->m_Orient ); coord[i * 2] += wxRound( pad_x ); coord[i * 2 + 1] += wxRound( pad_y ); } bag_flat_quad( layer, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], coord[3], coord[4], coord[5], coord[6], coord[7] ); } break; } } } } /* From axis/rot to quaternion */ static void build_quat( double x, double y, double z, double a, double q[4] ) { double sina = sin( a / 2 ); q[0] = x * sina; q[1] = y * sina; q[2] = z * sina; q[3] = cos( a / 2 ); } /* From quaternion to axis/rot */ static void from_quat( double q[4], double rot[4] ) { rot[3] = acos( q[3] ) * 2; for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { rot[i] = q[i] / sin( rot[3] / 2 ); } } /* Quaternion composition */ static void compose_quat( double q1[4], double q2[4], double qr[4] ) { double tmp[4]; tmp[0] = q2[3] *q1[0] + q2[0] *q1[3] + q2[1] *q1[2] - q2[2] *q1[1]; tmp[1] = q2[3] *q1[1] + q2[1] *q1[3] + q2[2] *q1[0] - q2[0] *q1[2]; tmp[2] = q2[3] *q1[2] + q2[2] *q1[3] + q2[0] *q1[1] - q2[1] *q1[0]; tmp[3] = q2[3] *q1[3] - q2[0] *q1[0] - q2[1] *q1[1] - q2[2] *q1[2]; qr[0] = tmp[0]; qr[1] = tmp[1]; qr[2] = tmp[2]; qr[3] = tmp[3]; } static void export_vrml_module( BOARD* aPcb, MODULE* aModule, FILE* aOutputFile, double aScalingFactor, bool aExport3DFiles, const wxString & a3D_Subdir ) { /* Reference and value */ export_vrml_text_module( aModule->m_Reference ); export_vrml_text_module( aModule->m_Value ); /* Export module edges */ for( EDA_ITEM* item = aModule->m_Drawings; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPE_TEXTE_MODULE: export_vrml_text_module( dynamic_cast(item) ); break; case TYPE_EDGE_MODULE: export_vrml_edge_module( dynamic_cast(item) ); break; default: break; } } /* Export pads */ for( D_PAD* pad = aModule->m_Pads; pad != 0; pad = pad->Next() ) export_vrml_pad( aPcb, pad ); bool isFlipped = aModule->GetLayer() == LAYER_N_BACK; /* Export the object VRML model(s) */ for( S3D_MASTER* vrmlm = aModule->m_3D_Drawings; vrmlm != 0; vrmlm = vrmlm->Next() ) { wxString fname = vrmlm->m_Shape3DName; if( fname.IsEmpty() ) continue; if( ! wxFileName::FileExists( fname ) ) { wxFileName fn = fname; fname = wxGetApp().FindLibraryPath( fn ); if( fname.IsEmpty() ) // keep "short" name if full filemane not found fname = vrmlm->m_Shape3DName; } fname.Replace(wxT("\\"), wxT("/" ) ); wxString source_fname = fname; if( aExport3DFiles ) // Change illegal characters in short filename { ChangeIllegalCharacters( fname, true ); fname = a3D_Subdir + wxT("/") + fname; if( !wxFileExists( fname ) ) wxCopyFile( source_fname, fname ); } /* Calculate 3D shape rotation: * this is the rotation parameters, with an additional 180 deg rotation * for footprints that are flipped * When flipped, axis rotation is the horizontal axis (X axis) */ double rotx = - vrmlm->m_MatRotation.x; double roty = - vrmlm->m_MatRotation.y; double rotz = - vrmlm->m_MatRotation.z; if ( isFlipped ) { rotx += 180.0; NEGATE(roty); NEGATE(rotz); } /* Do some quaternion munching */ double q1[4], q2[4], rot[4]; build_quat( 1, 0, 0, rotx / 180.0 * M_PI, q1 ); build_quat( 0, 1, 0, roty / 180.0 * M_PI, q2 ); compose_quat( q1, q2, q1 ); build_quat( 0, 0, 1, rotz / 180.0 * M_PI, q2 ); compose_quat( q1, q2, q1 ); // Note here aModule->m_Orient is in 0.1 degrees, // so module rotation is aModule->m_Orient / 1800.0 build_quat( 0, 0, 1, aModule->m_Orient / 1800.0 * M_PI, q2 ); compose_quat( q1, q2, q1 ); from_quat( q1, rot ); fprintf( aOutputFile, "Transform {\n" ); /* A null rotation would fail the acos! */ if( rot[3] != 0.0 ) { fprintf( aOutputFile, " rotation %g %g %g %g\n", rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3] ); } fprintf( aOutputFile, " scale %g %g %g\n", vrmlm->m_MatScale.x * aScalingFactor, vrmlm->m_MatScale.y * aScalingFactor, vrmlm->m_MatScale.z * aScalingFactor ); /* adjust 3D shape offset position (offset is given inch) */ #define UNITS_3D_TO_PCB_UNITS PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT int offsetx = wxRound( vrmlm->m_MatPosition.x * UNITS_3D_TO_PCB_UNITS ); int offsety = wxRound( vrmlm->m_MatPosition.y * UNITS_3D_TO_PCB_UNITS ); double offsetz = vrmlm->m_MatPosition.z * UNITS_3D_TO_PCB_UNITS; if ( isFlipped ) NEGATE(offsetz); else // In normal mode, Y axis is reversed in Pcbnew. NEGATE(offsety); RotatePoint(&offsetx, &offsety, aModule->m_Orient); fprintf( aOutputFile, " translation %g %g %g\n", (double) (offsetx + aModule->m_Pos.x), - (double)(offsety + aModule->m_Pos.y), // Y axis is reversed in pcbnew offsetz + layer_z[aModule->GetLayer()] ); fprintf( aOutputFile, " children [\n Inline {\n url \"%s\"\n } ]\n", TO_UTF8( fname ) ); fprintf( aOutputFile, " }\n" ); } } static void write_and_empty_triangle_bag( FILE* output_file, TriangleBag& triangles, int color ) { if( !triangles.empty() ) { write_triangle_bag( output_file, color, triangles ); triangles.clear( ); } } /** * Function OnExportVRML * will export the current BOARD to a VRML file. */ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnExportVRML( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxFileName fn; static wxString subDirFor3Dshapes = wxT("shapes3D"); double scaleList[3] = { 1.0, 25.4, 25.4/1000 }; // Build default file name wxString ext = wxT( "wrl" ); fn = GetScreen()->GetFileName(); fn.SetExt( ext ); DIALOG_EXPORT_3DFILE dlg( this ); dlg.FilePicker()->SetPath( fn.GetFullPath() ); dlg.SetSubdir( subDirFor3Dshapes ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; double scale = scaleList[dlg.GetUnits( )]; // final scale export bool export3DFiles = dlg.Get3DFilesOption( ) == 0; wxBusyCursor dummy; wxString fullFilename = dlg.FilePicker()->GetPath(); subDirFor3Dshapes = dlg.GetSubdir(); if( ! wxDirExists( subDirFor3Dshapes ) ) wxMkdir( subDirFor3Dshapes ); if( ! ExportVRML_File( fullFilename, scale, export3DFiles, subDirFor3Dshapes ) ) { wxString msg = _( "Unable to create " ) + fullFilename; DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } } /** * Function ExportVRML_File * Creates the file(s) exporting current BOARD to a VRML file. * @param aFullFileName = the full filename of the file to create * @param aScale = the general scaling factor. 1.0 to export in inch * @param aExport3DFiles = true to copy 3D shapes in the subdir a3D_Subdir * @param a3D_Subdir = sub directory where 3D shapes files are copied * used only when aExport3DFiles == true * @return true if Ok. */ /* When copying 3D shapes files, the new filename is build from * the full path name, changing the separators by underscore. * this is needed because files with the same shortname can exist in different directories */ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ExportVRML_File( const wxString & aFullFileName, double aScale, bool aExport3DFiles, const wxString & a3D_Subdir ) { wxString msg; FILE* output_file; BOARD* pcb = GetBoard(); output_file = wxFopen( aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ); if( output_file == NULL ) return false; // Switch the locale to standard C (needed to print floating point numbers like 1.3) SetLocaleTo_C_standard(); /* Begin with the usual VRML boilerplate */ wxString name = aFullFileName; name.Replace(wxT("\\"), wxT("/" ) ); ChangeIllegalCharacters( name, false ); fprintf( output_file, "#VRML V2.0 utf8\n" "WorldInfo {\n" " title \"%s - Generated by PCBNEW\"\n" "}\n", TO_UTF8( name ) ); /* The would be in decimils and not in meters, as the standard wants. * It is trivial to embed everything in a transform node to * fix it. For example here we build the world in inches... */ /* scaling factor to convert internal units (decimils) to inches */ double board_scaling_factor = 0.0001; /* auxiliary scale to export to a different scale. */ double general_scaling_factor = board_scaling_factor * aScale; fprintf(output_file, "Transform {\n"); fprintf(output_file, " scale %g %g %g\n", general_scaling_factor, general_scaling_factor, general_scaling_factor ); /* Define the translation to have the board centre to the 2D axis origin * more easy for rotations... */ pcb->ComputeBoundingBox(); double dx = board_scaling_factor * pcb->m_BoundaryBox.Centre().x * aScale; double dy = board_scaling_factor * pcb->m_BoundaryBox.Centre().y * aScale; fprintf(output_file, " translation %g %g 0.0\n", -dx, dy ); fprintf(output_file, " children [\n" ); /* scaling factor to convert 3D models to board units (decimils) * Usually we use Wings3D to create thems. * One can consider the 3D units is 0.1 inch * So the scaling factor from 0.1 inch to board units * is 0.1 / board_scaling_factor */ double wrml_3D_models_scaling_factor = 0.1 / board_scaling_factor; /* Preliminary computation: the z value for each layer */ compute_layer_Zs( pcb ); /* Drawing and text on the board, and edges which are special */ export_vrml_drawings( pcb ); /* Export vias and trackage */ export_vrml_tracks( pcb ); /* Export zone fills */ /* TODO export_vrml_zones(pcb); */ /* Export footprints */ for( MODULE* module = pcb->m_Modules; module != 0; module = module->Next() ) export_vrml_module( pcb, module, output_file, wrml_3D_models_scaling_factor, aExport3DFiles, a3D_Subdir ); /* Output the bagged triangles for each layer * Each layer will be a separate shape */ for( int layer = 0; layer < LAYER_COUNT; layer++ ) write_and_empty_triangle_bag( output_file, layer_triangles[layer], pcb->GetLayerColor(layer) ); /* Same thing for the via layers */ for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) write_and_empty_triangle_bag( output_file, via_triangles[i], pcb->GetVisibleElementColor( VIAS_VISIBLE + i ) ); /* Close the outer 'transform' node */ fputs( "]\n}\n", output_file ); // End of work fclose( output_file ); SetLocaleTo_Default(); // revert to the current locale return true; } /* * some characters cannot be used in filenames, * this function change them to "_" */ static void ChangeIllegalCharacters( wxString & aFileName, bool aDirSepIsIllegal ) { if( aDirSepIsIllegal ) aFileName.Replace(wxT("/"), wxT("_" ) ); aFileName.Replace(wxT(" "), wxT("_" ) ); aFileName.Replace(wxT(":"), wxT("_" ) ); }