/****************************************************/ /* block_module_editor.cpp */ /* Handle block commands for the footprint editor */ /****************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "autorout.h" #include "pcbplot.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "protos.h" #define BLOCK_COLOR BROWN #define IS_SELECTED 1 /* Variables Locales */ /* Fonctions exportees */ /* Fonctions Locales */ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ); static int MarkItemsInBloc( MODULE* module, EDA_Rect& Rect ); static void ClearMarkItems( MODULE* module ); static void CopyMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ); static void MoveMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ); static void MirrorMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ); static void RotateMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ); static void DeleteMarkedItems( MODULE* module ); /*************************************************************************/ int WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ReturnBlockCommand( int key ) /*************************************************************************/ /* Return the block command (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) corresponding to * the key (ALT, SHIFT ALT ..) pressed when dragging mouse and left or middle button * pressed */ { int cmd; switch( key ) { default: cmd = key & 0x255; break; case - 1: cmd = BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE; break; case 0: cmd = BLOCK_MOVE; break; case GR_KB_ALT: cmd = BLOCK_MIRROR_Y; break; case GR_KB_SHIFTCTRL: cmd = BLOCK_DELETE; break; case GR_KB_SHIFT: cmd = BLOCK_COPY; break; case GR_KB_CTRL: cmd = BLOCK_ROTATE; break; case MOUSE_MIDDLE: cmd = BLOCK_ZOOM; break; } return cmd; } /****************************************************/ int WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC ) /****************************************************/ /* Command BLOCK END (end of block sizing) * return : * 0 if command finished (zoom, delete ...) * 1 if HandleBlockPlace must follow (items found, and a block place command must follow) */ { int ItemsCount = 0, MustDoPlace = 0; MODULE* Currentmodule = m_Pcb->m_Modules; if( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct ) { BlockState state = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State; CmdBlockType command = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC ); GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = state; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command = command; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = AbortBlockCurrentCommand; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.GetRight(); GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = GetScreen()->BlockLocate.GetBottom(); DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); } switch( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command ) { case BLOCK_IDLE: DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace" ) ); break; case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */ case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */ case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */ ItemsCount = MarkItemsInBloc( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate ); if( ItemsCount ) { MustDoPlace = 1; if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur != NULL ) { DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = DrawMovingBlockOutlines; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); } GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_MOVE; DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE ); } break; case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/ MustDoPlace = 1; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = DrawMovingBlockOutlines; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_MOVE; break; case BLOCK_DELETE: /* Delete */ ItemsCount = MarkItemsInBloc( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate ); if( ItemsCount ) SaveCopyInUndoList( Currentmodule ); DeleteMarkedItems( Currentmodule ); break; case BLOCK_SAVE: /* Save */ case BLOCK_PASTE: break; case BLOCK_ROTATE: ItemsCount = MarkItemsInBloc( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate ); if( ItemsCount ) SaveCopyInUndoList( Currentmodule ); RotateMarkedItems( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Centre() ); break; case BLOCK_MIRROR_X: case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y: case BLOCK_INVERT: /* mirror */ ItemsCount = MarkItemsInBloc( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate ); if( ItemsCount ) SaveCopyInUndoList( Currentmodule ); MirrorMarkedItems( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Centre() ); break; case BLOCK_ZOOM: /* Window Zoom */ Window_Zoom( GetScreen()->BlockLocate ); break; case BLOCK_ABORT: break; case BLOCK_SELECT_ITEMS_ONLY: break; } if( MustDoPlace <= 0 ) { if( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command != BLOCK_SELECT_ITEMS_ONLY ) { ClearMarkItems( Currentmodule ); } GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Flags = 0; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL; SetCurItem( NULL ); SetToolID( m_ID_current_state, DrawPanel->m_PanelDefaultCursor, wxEmptyString ); DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE ); } return MustDoPlace; } /******************************************************/ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC ) /******************************************************/ /* Routine to handle the BLOCK PLACE commande * Last routine for block operation for: * - block move & drag * - block copie & paste */ { bool err = FALSE; MODULE* Currentmodule = m_Pcb->m_Modules; if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur == NULL ) { err = TRUE; DisplayError( this, wxT( "HandleBlockPLace : ManageCurseur = NULL" ) ); } GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_BLOCK_STOP; switch( GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command ) { case BLOCK_IDLE: err = TRUE; break; case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */ case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */ case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/ GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; SaveCopyInUndoList( Currentmodule ); MoveMarkedItems( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector ); DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE ); break; case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */ GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; SaveCopyInUndoList( Currentmodule ); CopyMarkedItems( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_MoveVector ); break; case BLOCK_PASTE: /* Paste (recopie du dernier bloc sauve */ GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; break; case BLOCK_MIRROR_X: case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y: case BLOCK_INVERT: /* Mirror by popup menu, from block move */ SaveCopyInUndoList( Currentmodule ); MirrorMarkedItems( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Centre() ); break; case BLOCK_ROTATE: SaveCopyInUndoList( Currentmodule ); RotateMarkedItems( Currentmodule, GetScreen()->BlockLocate.Centre() ); break; case BLOCK_ZOOM: // Handled by HandleBlockEnd case BLOCK_DELETE: case BLOCK_SAVE: case BLOCK_ABORT: default: break; } GetScreen()->SetModify(); DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Flags = 0; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK; GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE; SetCurItem( NULL ); DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE ); SetToolID( m_ID_current_state, DrawPanel->m_PanelDefaultCursor, wxEmptyString ); } /************************************************************************/ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ) /************************************************************************/ /* Retrace le contour du block de recherche de structures * L'ensemble du block suit le curseur */ { DrawBlockStruct* PtBlock; BASE_SCREEN* screen = panel->m_Parent->GetScreen(); EDA_BaseStruct* item; wxPoint move_offset; MODULE* Currentmodule = g_EDA_Appl->m_ModuleEditFrame->m_Pcb->m_Modules; PtBlock = &panel->GetScreen()->BlockLocate; GRSetDrawMode( DC, g_XorMode ); /* Effacement ancien cadre */ if( erase ) { PtBlock->Offset( PtBlock->m_MoveVector ); PtBlock->Draw( panel, DC ); PtBlock->Offset( -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.x, -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.y ); if( Currentmodule ) { move_offset.x = -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.x; move_offset.y = -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.y; item = Currentmodule->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPETEXTEMODULE: ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->Draw( panel, DC, move_offset, g_XorMode ); break; case TYPEEDGEMODULE: ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->Draw( panel, DC, move_offset, g_XorMode ); break; default: break; } } D_PAD* pad = Currentmodule->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() ) { if( pad->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; pad->Draw( panel, DC, move_offset, g_XorMode ); } } } /* Redessin nouvel affichage */ PtBlock->m_MoveVector.x = screen->m_Curseur.x - PtBlock->m_BlockLastCursorPosition.x; PtBlock->m_MoveVector.y = screen->m_Curseur.y - PtBlock->m_BlockLastCursorPosition.y; GRSetDrawMode( DC, g_XorMode ); PtBlock->Offset( PtBlock->m_MoveVector ); PtBlock->Draw( panel, DC ); PtBlock->Offset( -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.x, -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.y ); if( Currentmodule ) { item = Currentmodule->m_Drawings; move_offset.x = -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.x; move_offset.y = -PtBlock->m_MoveVector.y; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPETEXTEMODULE: ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->Draw( panel, DC, move_offset, g_XorMode ); break; case TYPEEDGEMODULE: ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->Draw( panel, DC, move_offset, g_XorMode ); break; default: break; } } D_PAD* pad = Currentmodule->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() ) { if( pad->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; pad->Draw( panel, DC, move_offset, g_XorMode ); } } } /****************************************************************************/ void CopyMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Copy marked items, at new position = old position + offset */ { BOARD_ITEM* item; BOARD_ITEM* NewStruct; if( module == NULL ) return; D_PAD* pad = module->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() ) { if( pad->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; pad->m_Selected = 0; D_PAD* NewPad = new D_PAD( module ); NewPad->Copy( pad ); NewPad->m_Selected = IS_SELECTED; NewPad->Pnext = module->m_Pads; NewPad->Pback = module; module->m_Pads->Pback = NewPad; module->m_Pads = NewPad; } item = module->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; item->m_Selected = 0; NewStruct = NULL; switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPETEXTEMODULE: NewStruct = new TEXTE_MODULE( module ); ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) NewStruct )->Copy( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item ); break; case TYPEEDGEMODULE: NewStruct = new EDGE_MODULE( module ); ( (EDGE_MODULE*) NewStruct )->Copy( (EDGE_MODULE*) item ); break; default: DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Internal Err: CopyMarkedItems: type indefini" ) ); break; } if( NewStruct == NULL ) break; NewStruct->m_Selected = IS_SELECTED; NewStruct->Pnext = module->m_Drawings; NewStruct->Pback = module; module->m_Drawings->Pback = module; module->m_Drawings = NewStruct; } MoveMarkedItems( module, offset ); } /****************************************************/ void MoveMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ) /****************************************************/ /* Move marked items, at new position = old position + offset */ { EDA_BaseStruct* item; if( module == NULL ) return; D_PAD* pad = module->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() ) { if( pad->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; pad->m_Pos.x += offset.x; pad->m_Pos.y += offset.y; pad->m_Pos0.x += offset.x; pad->m_Pos0.y += offset.y; } item = module->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPETEXTEMODULE: ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos.x += offset.x; ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos.y += offset.y; ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos0.x += offset.x; ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos0.y += offset.y; break; case TYPEEDGEMODULE: ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start.x += offset.x; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start.y += offset.y; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End.x += offset.x; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End.y += offset.y; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start0.x += offset.x; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start0.y += offset.y; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End0.x += offset.x; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End0.y += offset.y; break; default: ; } item->m_Flags = item->m_Selected = 0; } } /******************************************************/ void DeleteMarkedItems( MODULE* module ) /******************************************************/ /* Delete marked items */ { BOARD_ITEM* item; BOARD_ITEM* next_item; D_PAD* pad; D_PAD* next_pad; if( module == NULL ) return; pad = module->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = next_pad ) { next_pad = pad->Next(); if( pad->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; pad->DeleteStructure(); } item = module->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = next_item ) { next_item = item->Next(); if( item->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; item->DeleteStructure(); } } /******************************************************/ void MirrorMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ) /******************************************************/ /* Mirror marked items, refer to a Vertical axis at position offset */ { #define SETMIRROR( z ) (z) -= offset.x; (z) = -(z); (z) += offset.x; EDA_BaseStruct* item; if( module == NULL ) return; D_PAD* pad = module->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() ) { if( pad->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; SETMIRROR( pad->m_Pos.x ); pad->m_Pos0.x = pad->m_Pos.x; pad->m_Offset.x = -pad->m_Offset.x; pad->m_DeltaSize.x = -pad->m_DeltaSize.x; pad->m_Orient = 1800 - pad->m_Orient; NORMALIZE_ANGLE( pad->m_Orient ); } item = module->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPEEDGEMODULE: SETMIRROR( ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start.x ); ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start0.x = ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start.x; SETMIRROR( ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End.x ); ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End0.x = ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End.x; ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Angle = -( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Angle; break; case TYPETEXTEMODULE: SETMIRROR( ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos.x ); ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos0.x = ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos.x; break; default: ; } item->m_Flags = item->m_Selected = 0; } } /******************************************************/ void RotateMarkedItems( MODULE* module, wxPoint offset ) /******************************************************/ /* Rotate marked items, refer to a Vertical axis at position offset */ { #define ROTATE( z ) RotatePoint( (&z), offset, 900 ) EDA_BaseStruct* item; if( module == NULL ) return; D_PAD* pad = module->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() ) { if( pad->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; ROTATE( pad->m_Pos ); pad->m_Pos0 = pad->m_Pos; pad->m_Orient += 900; NORMALIZE_ANGLE( pad->m_Orient ); } item = module->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->m_Selected == 0 ) continue; switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPEEDGEMODULE: ROTATE( ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start ); ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start0 = ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start; ROTATE( ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End ); ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End0 = ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End; break; case TYPETEXTEMODULE: ROTATE( ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos ); ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos0 = ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos; ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Orient += 900; break; default: ; } item->m_Flags = item->m_Selected = 0; } } /*********************************************************/ void ClearMarkItems( MODULE* module ) /*********************************************************/ { EDA_BaseStruct* item; if( module == NULL ) return; item = module->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) item->m_Flags = item->m_Selected = 0; item = module->m_Pads; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) item->m_Flags = item->m_Selected = 0; } /***************************************************************/ int MarkItemsInBloc( MODULE* module, EDA_Rect& Rect ) /***************************************************************/ /* Mark items inside rect. * Items are inside rect when an end point is inside rect */ { EDA_BaseStruct* item; int ItemsCount = 0; wxPoint pos; D_PAD* pad; if( module == NULL ) return 0; pad = module->m_Pads; for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() ) { pad->m_Selected = 0; pos = pad->m_Pos; if( Rect.Inside( pos ) ) { pad->m_Selected = IS_SELECTED; ItemsCount++; } } item = module->m_Drawings; for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { item->m_Selected = 0; switch( item->Type() ) { case TYPEEDGEMODULE: pos = ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_Start; if( Rect.Inside( pos ) ) { item->m_Selected = IS_SELECTED; ItemsCount++; } pos = ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->m_End; if( Rect.Inside( pos ) ) { item->m_Selected = IS_SELECTED; ItemsCount++; } break; case TYPETEXTEMODULE: pos = ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->m_Pos; if( Rect.Inside( pos ) ) { item->m_Selected = IS_SELECTED; ItemsCount++; } break; default: break; } } return ItemsCount; }