 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2018 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <wx/stdpaths.h>

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <project.h>
#include <common.h>         // NAMELESS_PROJECT
#include <confirm.h>
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <config_params.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include <fp_lib_table.h>
#include <kiway.h>
#include <kiface_ids.h>
#include <trace_helpers.h>

    memset( m_elems, 0, sizeof(m_elems) );

void PROJECT::ElemsClear()
    // careful here, this should work, but the virtual destructor may not
    // be in the same link image as PROJECT.
    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < arrayDim( m_elems );  ++i )
        SetElem( ELEM_T( i ), NULL );


bool PROJECT::TextVarResolver( wxString* aToken ) const
    if( m_textVars.count( *aToken ) > 0 )
        *aToken = m_textVars.at( *aToken );
        return true;

    return false;

void PROJECT::SetProjectFullName( const wxString& aFullPathAndName )
    // Compare paths, rather than inodes, to be less surprising to the user.
    // Create a temporary wxFileName to normalize the path
    wxFileName candidate_path( aFullPathAndName );

    // Edge transitions only.  This is what clears the project
    // data using the Clear() function.
    if( m_project_name.GetFullPath() != candidate_path.GetFullPath() )
        Clear();            // clear the data when the project changes.

        wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: old:'%s' new:'%s'", __func__,
                    TO_UTF8( GetProjectFullName() ), TO_UTF8( aFullPathAndName ) );

        m_project_name = aFullPathAndName;

        wxASSERT( m_project_name.IsAbsolute() );

        wxASSERT( m_project_name.GetExt() == ProjectFileExtension );

        // until multiple projects are in play, set an environment variable for the
        // the project pointer.
            wxString path = m_project_name.GetPath();

            wxSetEnv( PROJECT_VAR_NAME, path );

const wxString PROJECT::GetProjectFullName() const
    return m_project_name.GetFullPath();

const wxString PROJECT::GetProjectPath() const
    return m_project_name.GetPathWithSep();

const wxString PROJECT::GetProjectName() const
    return m_project_name.GetName();

const wxString PROJECT::SymbolLibTableName() const
    return libTableName( "sym-lib-table" );

const wxString PROJECT::FootprintLibTblName() const
    return libTableName( "fp-lib-table" );

const wxString PROJECT::libTableName( const wxString& aLibTableName ) const
    wxFileName  fn = GetProjectFullName();
    wxString    path = fn.GetPath();

    // if there's no path to the project name, or the name as a whole is bogus or its not
    // write-able then use a template file.
    if( !fn.GetDirCount() || !fn.IsOk() || !wxFileName::IsDirWritable( path ) )
        // return a template filename now.

        // this next line is likely a problem now, since it relies on an
        // application title which is no longer constant or known.  This next line needs
        // to be re-thought out.

#ifndef __WXMAC__
        fn.AssignDir( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserConfigDir() );
        // don't pollute home folder, temp folder seems to be more appropriate
        fn.AssignDir( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetTempDir() );

#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        fn.AppendDir( wxT( "kicad" ) );

         * The library table name used when no project file is passed to the appropriate
         * code.  This is used temporarily to store the project specific library table
         * until the project file being edited is saved.  It is then moved to the correct
         * file in the folder where the project file is saved.
        fn.SetName( "prj-" + aLibTableName );
    else    // normal path.
        fn.SetName( aLibTableName );


    return fn.GetFullPath();

const wxString PROJECT::GetSheetName( const KIID& aSheetID )
    if( m_sheetNames.empty() )
        std::unique_ptr<wxConfigBase> config( configCreate( SEARCH_STACK(), GROUP_SHEET_NAMES ) );

        config->SetPath( GROUP_SHEET_NAMES );

        int index = 1;
        wxString entry;

        while( config->Read( wxString::Format( "%d", index++ ), &entry ) )
            wxArrayString tokens = wxSplit( entry, ':' );

            if( tokens.size() == 2 )
                m_sheetNames[ KIID( tokens[0] ) ] = tokens[1];

    if( m_sheetNames.count( aSheetID ) )
        return m_sheetNames.at( aSheetID );
        return aSheetID.AsString();

void PROJECT::SetRString( RSTRING_T aIndex, const wxString& aString )
    unsigned ndx = unsigned( aIndex );

    if( ndx < arrayDim( m_rstrings ) )
        m_rstrings[ndx] = aString;
        wxASSERT( 0 );      // bad index

const wxString& PROJECT::GetRString( RSTRING_T aIndex )
    unsigned ndx = unsigned( aIndex );

    if( ndx < arrayDim( m_rstrings ) )
        return m_rstrings[ndx];
        static wxString no_cookie_for_you;

        wxASSERT( 0 );      // bad index

        return no_cookie_for_you;

    // This is virtual, so implement it out of line

    if( unsigned( aIndex ) < arrayDim( m_elems ) )
        return m_elems[aIndex];
    return NULL;

void PROJECT::SetElem( ELEM_T aIndex, _ELEM* aElem )
    // This is virtual, so implement it out of line

    if( unsigned( aIndex ) < arrayDim( m_elems ) )
#if defined(DEBUG) && 0
        if( aIndex == ELEM_SCH_PART_LIBS )
            printf( "%s: &m_elems[%i]:%p  aElem:%p\n", __func__, aIndex, &m_elems[aIndex], aElem );
        delete m_elems[aIndex];
        m_elems[aIndex] = aElem;

static bool copy_pro_file_template( const SEARCH_STACK& aSearchS, const wxString& aDestination )
    if( aDestination.IsEmpty() )
        wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: destination is empty.", __func__ );
        return false;

    wxString templateFile = wxT( "kicad." ) + ProjectFileExtension;

    wxString kicad_pro_template = aSearchS.FindValidPath( templateFile );

    if( !kicad_pro_template )
        wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: template file '%s' not found using search paths.",
                    __func__, TO_UTF8( templateFile ) );

        wxFileName  templ( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(),
                            wxT( "kicad" ), ProjectFileExtension );

        if( !templ.IsFileReadable() )
            wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
                    "Unable to find \"%s\" template config file." ),
                    GetChars( templateFile ) );

            DisplayErrorMessage( nullptr, _( "Error copying project file template" ), msg );

            return false;

        kicad_pro_template = templ.GetFullPath();

    wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: using template file '%s' as project file.",
                __func__, TO_UTF8( kicad_pro_template ) );

    // Verify aDestination can be created. if this is not the case, wxCopyFile
    // will generate a crappy log error message, and we *do not want* this kind
    // of stupid message
    wxFileName fn( aDestination );
    bool success = true;

    if( fn.IsOk() && fn.IsDirWritable() )
        success = wxCopyFile( kicad_pro_template, aDestination );
        wxLogMessage( _( "Cannot create prj file \"%s\" (Directory not writable)" ),
                      GetChars( aDestination) );
        success = false;

    return success;

wxConfigBase* PROJECT::configCreate( const SEARCH_STACK& aSList,
        const wxString& aGroupName, const wxString& aProjectFileName )
    wxConfigBase*   cfg = 0;
    wxString        cur_pro_fn = !aProjectFileName ? GetProjectFullName() : aProjectFileName;

    // If we do not have a project name or specified name, choose an empty file to store the
    // temporary configuration data in.
    if( cur_pro_fn.IsEmpty() )
        cur_pro_fn = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName( GetProjectPath() );

    if( wxFileName( cur_pro_fn ).IsFileReadable() )
        // Note: currently, aGroupName is not used.
        // Previoulsy, the version of aGroupName was tested, but it
        // was useless, and if the version is important,
        // this is not the right place here, because configCreate does know anything
        // about info stored in this config file.
        cfg = new wxFileConfig( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, cur_pro_fn, wxEmptyString );
        return cfg;

    // No suitable pro file was found, either does not exist, or not readable.
    // Use the template kicad.pro file.  Find it by using caller's SEARCH_STACK.
    copy_pro_file_template( aSList, cur_pro_fn );

    cfg = new wxFileConfig( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, cur_pro_fn, wxEmptyString );

    return cfg;

void PROJECT::ConfigSave( const SEARCH_STACK& aSList, const wxString& aGroupName,
                          const std::vector<PARAM_CFG*>& aParams, const wxString& aFileName )
    std::unique_ptr<wxConfigBase> cfg( configCreate( aSList, aGroupName, aFileName ) );

    if( !cfg.get() )
        // could not find template

    cfg->SetPath( wxT( "/" ) );

    cfg->Write( wxT( "update" ), DateAndTime() );

    // @todo: pass in aLastClient wxString:
    cfg->Write( wxT( "last_client" ), Pgm().App().GetAppName() );

    // Save parameters
    cfg->DeleteGroup( aGroupName );     // Erase all data

    cfg->SetPath( aGroupName );
    cfg->Write( wxT( "version" ), CONFIG_VERSION );

    cfg->SetPath( wxT( "/" ) );

    wxConfigSaveParams( cfg.get(), aParams, aGroupName );

    cfg->DeleteGroup( GROUP_TEXT_VARS );
    cfg->SetPath( GROUP_TEXT_VARS );
    int index = 1;

    for( const auto& textvar : m_textVars )
        cfg->Write( wxString::Format( "%d", index++ ),
                    wxString::Format( "%s:%s", textvar.first, textvar.second ) );

    cfg->SetPath( wxT( "/" ) );


bool PROJECT::ConfigLoad( const SEARCH_STACK& aSList, const wxString&  aGroupName,
                          const std::vector<PARAM_CFG*>& aParams,
                          const wxString& aForeignProjectFileName )
    std::unique_ptr<wxConfigBase> cfg( configCreate( aSList, aGroupName,
                                                     aForeignProjectFileName ) );

    if( !cfg.get() )
        // could not find template
        return false;

    // We do not want expansion of env var values when reading our project config file
    cfg->SetExpandEnvVars( false );

    cfg->SetPath( wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR );

    wxString timestamp = cfg->Read( wxT( "update" ) );

    m_pro_date_and_time = timestamp;

    wxConfigLoadParams( cfg.get(), aParams, aGroupName );

    cfg->SetPath( GROUP_TEXT_VARS );

    int index = 1;
    wxString entry;

    while( cfg->Read( wxString::Format( "%d", index++ ), &entry ) )
        wxArrayString tokens = wxSplit( entry, ':' );

        if( tokens.size() == 2 )
            m_textVars[ tokens[0] ] = tokens[1];
    return true;

const wxString PROJECT::AbsolutePath( const wxString& aFileName ) const
    wxFileName fn = aFileName;

    if( !fn.IsAbsolute() )
        wxString pro_dir = wxPathOnly( GetProjectFullName() );
        fn.Normalize( wxPATH_NORM_ALL, pro_dir );

    return fn.GetFullPath();

FP_LIB_TABLE* PROJECT::PcbFootprintLibs( KIWAY& aKiway )
    // This is a lazy loading function, it loads the project specific table when
    // that table is asked for, not before.

    FP_LIB_TABLE* tbl = (FP_LIB_TABLE*) GetElem( ELEM_FPTBL );

    if( tbl )
        wxASSERT( tbl->Type() == FP_LIB_TABLE_T );
            // Build a new project specific FP_LIB_TABLE with the global table as a fallback.
            // ~FP_LIB_TABLE() will not touch the fallback table, so multiple projects may
            // stack this way, all using the same global fallback table.
            KIFACE* kiface = aKiway.KiFACE( KIWAY::FACE_PCB );

            tbl = (FP_LIB_TABLE*) kiface->IfaceOrAddress( KIFACE_NEW_FOOTPRINT_TABLE );
            tbl->Load( FootprintLibTblName() );

            SetElem( ELEM_FPTBL, tbl );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
            DisplayErrorMessage( NULL, _( "Error loading project footprint library table" ),
                                 ioe.What() );
        catch( ... )
            DisplayErrorMessage( NULL, _( "Error loading project footprint library table" ) );

    return tbl;