/***************************************/ /* files.cpp: read / write board files */ /***************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "kicad_string.h" #include "gestfich.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "wxPcbStruct.h" #include "protos.h" #include "pcbnew_id.h" void WinEDA_PcbFrame::OnFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString fn; fn = GetFileFromHistory( event.GetId(), _( "Printed circuit board" ) ); if( fn != wxEmptyString ) { DrawPanel->UnManageCursor( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW ); ::wxSetWorkingDirectory( ::wxPathOnly( fn ) ); LoadOnePcbFile( fn, false ); ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar(); DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); } } /****************************************************/ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Files_io( wxCommandEvent& event ) /****************************************************/ /* Handle the read/write file commands */ { int id = event.GetId(); wxString msg; // If an edition is in progress, stop it DrawPanel->UnManageCursor( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW ); switch( id ) { case ID_LOAD_FILE: LoadOnePcbFile( wxEmptyString, false ); ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar(); break; case ID_MENU_READ_LAST_SAVED_VERSION_BOARD: case ID_MENU_RECOVER_BOARD: { wxFileName fn; if( id == ID_MENU_RECOVER_BOARD ) { fn = wxFileName( wxEmptyString, g_SaveFileName, PcbExtBuffer ); } else { fn = GetScreen()->m_FileName; fn.SetExt( wxT( "000" ) ); } if( !fn.FileExists() ) { msg = _( "Recovery file " ) + fn.GetFullPath() + _( " not found" ); DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg ); break; } else { msg = _( "Ok to load Recovery file " ) + fn.GetFullPath(); if( !IsOK( this, msg ) ) break; } LoadOnePcbFile( fn.GetFullPath(), false ); fn.SetExt( PcbExtBuffer ); GetScreen()->m_FileName = fn.GetFullPath(); SetTitle( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar(); break; } case ID_APPEND_FILE: LoadOnePcbFile( wxEmptyString, true ); break; case ID_NEW_BOARD: Clear_Pcb( true ); GetScreen()->m_FileName.Printf( wxT( "%s%cnoname%s" ), GetChars( wxGetCwd() ), DIR_SEP, GetChars( PcbExtBuffer ) ); SetTitle( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); ReCreateLayerBox( NULL ); break; case ID_SAVE_BOARD: SavePcbFile( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); break; case ID_SAVE_BOARD_AS: SavePcbFile( wxEmptyString ); break; default: DisplayError( this, wxT( "File_io Internal Error" ) ); break; } } /** * Read a board file * @param FullFileName = file name. If empty, a file name will be asked * @return 0 if fails or abort, 1 if OK */ bool WinEDA_PcbFrame::LoadOnePcbFile( const wxString& FullFileName, bool Append ) { int ii; FILE* source; wxString msg; char cbuf[1024]; ActiveScreen = GetScreen(); if( GetScreen()->IsModify() && !Append ) { if( !IsOK( this, _( "Board Modified: Continue ?" ) ) ) return false; } m_TrackAndViasSizesList_Changed = true; if( Append ) { GetScreen()->m_FileName = wxEmptyString; GetScreen()->SetModify(); GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0; } wxString fileName; if( FullFileName == wxEmptyString ) { wxFileName fn = GetScreen()->m_FileName; wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Open Board File" ), wxEmptyString, fn.GetFullName(), PcbFileWildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return false; fileName = dlg.GetPath(); } else fileName = FullFileName; if( !Append ) Clear_Pcb( false ); // pass false since we prompted above for a modified board GetScreen()->m_FileName = fileName; /* Start read PCB file */ source = wxFopen( GetScreen()->m_FileName, wxT( "rt" ) ); if( source == NULL ) { msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> not found" ), GetChars( GetScreen()->m_FileName ) ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return false; } /* Read header and TEST if it is a PCB file format */ GetLine( source, cbuf, &ii ); if( strncmp( cbuf, "PCBNEW-BOARD", 12 ) != 0 ) { fclose( source ); DisplayError( this, wxT( "Unknown file type" ) ); return false; } int ver; sscanf(cbuf, "PCBNEW-BOARD Version %d date", &ver ); if ( ver > g_CurrentVersionPCB ) { DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "This file was created by a more recent \ version of PCBnew and may not load correctly. Please consider updating!")); } else if ( ver < g_CurrentVersionPCB ) { DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "This file was created by an older \ version of PCBnew. It will be stored in the new file format when you save \ this file again.")); } // Reload the corresponding configuration file: wxSetWorkingDirectory( wxPathOnly( GetScreen()->m_FileName ) ); if( Append ) ReadPcbFile( source, true ); else { Read_Config( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); // Update the option toolbar m_DisplayPcbTrackFill = DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill; m_DisplayModText = DisplayOpt.DisplayModText; m_DisplayModEdge = DisplayOpt.DisplayModEdge; m_DisplayPadFill = DisplayOpt.DisplayPadFill; m_DisplayViaFill = DisplayOpt.DisplayViaFill; ReadPcbFile( source, false ); } fclose( source ); GetScreen()->ClrModify(); /* If append option: change the initial board name to -append.brd */ if( Append ) { wxString new_filename = GetScreen()->m_FileName.BeforeLast('.'); if ( ! new_filename.EndsWith(wxT("-append")) ) new_filename += wxT("-append"); new_filename += PcbExtBuffer; GetScreen()->SetModify(); GetScreen()->m_FileName = new_filename; } GetScreen()->m_FileName.Replace( WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP, UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP ); SetTitle( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); SetLastProject( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); /* Rebuild the new pad list (for drc and ratsnet control ...) */ GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0; /* Reset the layers and items visibility flag when loading a new config * Because it could creates SERIOUS mistakes for the user, * if some enabled layers or items are not visible after loading a board... */ GetBoard()->m_BoardSettings->SetVisibleAlls( ); // Update info shown by the horizontal toolbars GetBoard()->SetCurrentNetClass( NETCLASS::Default ); m_TrackAndViasSizesList_Changed = true; ReFillLayerWidget(); ReCreateLayerBox( NULL ); AuxiliaryToolBar_Update_UI(); syncLayerWidget( ); // Display the loaded board: Zoom_Automatique( false ); wxSafeYield(); // Needed if we want to see the board now. // Compile rastnest and displays net info Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, true ); GetBoard()->DisplayInfo( this ); /* reset the auto save timer */ g_SaveTime = time( NULL ); #if 0 && defined(DEBUG) // note this freezes up pcbnew when run under the kicad project // manager. runs fine from command prompt. This is because the kicad // project manager redirects stdout of the child pcbnew process to itself, // but never reads from that pipe, and that in turn eventually blocks // the pcbnew program when the pipe it is writing to gets full. // Output the board object tree to stdout, but please run from command prompt: GetBoard()->Show( 0, std::cout ); #endif return true; } /***********************************************************/ bool WinEDA_PcbFrame::SavePcbFile( const wxString& FileName ) /************************************************************/ /* Write the board file */ { wxFileName backupFileName; wxFileName pcbFileName; wxString upperTxt; wxString lowerTxt; wxString msg; bool saveok = true; FILE* dest; if( FileName == wxEmptyString ) { wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Board File" ), wxEmptyString, GetScreen()->m_FileName, BoardFileWildcard, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return false; GetScreen()->m_FileName = dlg.GetPath(); } else GetScreen()->m_FileName = FileName; /* If changes are made, update the board date */ if( GetScreen()->IsModify() ) { GetScreen()->m_Date = GenDate(); } pcbFileName = GetScreen()->m_FileName; /* Get the backup file name */ backupFileName = pcbFileName; backupFileName.SetExt( wxT( "000" ) ); /* If an old backup file exists, delete it. if an old board file existes, rename it to the backup file name */ if( backupFileName.FileExists() ) { /* rename the "old" file" from xxx.brd to xxx.000 */ wxRemoveFile( backupFileName.GetFullPath() ); /* Remove the old file xxx.000 (if exists) */ if( !wxRenameFile( pcbFileName.GetFullPath(), backupFileName.GetFullPath() ) ) { msg = _( "Warning: unable to create backup file " ) + backupFileName.GetFullPath(); DisplayError( this, msg, 15 ); saveok = false; } } else { backupFileName.Clear(); saveok = false; } /* Create the file */ dest = wxFopen( pcbFileName.GetFullPath(), wxT( "wt" ) ); if( dest == 0 ) { msg = _( "Unable to create " ) + pcbFileName.GetFullPath(); DisplayError( this, msg ); saveok = false; } if( dest ) { GetScreen()->m_FileName = pcbFileName.GetFullPath(); SetTitle( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); SavePcbFormatAscii( dest ); fclose( dest ); } /* Display the file names: */ MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); if( saveok ) { upperTxt = _( "Backup file: " ) + backupFileName.GetFullPath(); } if( dest ) lowerTxt = _( "Wrote board file: " ); else lowerTxt = _( "Failed to create " ); lowerTxt += pcbFileName.GetFullPath(); Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 1, upperTxt, lowerTxt, CYAN ); g_SaveTime = time( NULL ); /* Reset timer for the automatic saving */ GetScreen()->ClrModify(); return true; }