/* Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). */ #ifndef BOOST_POLYGON_POLYGON_TRAITS_HPP #define BOOST_POLYGON_POLYGON_TRAITS_HPP namespace boost { namespace polygon{ template struct polygon_90_traits { typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename T::compact_iterator_type compact_iterator_type; // Get the begin iterator static inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact(const T& t) { return t.begin_compact(); } // Get the end iterator static inline compact_iterator_type end_compact(const T& t) { return t.end_compact(); } // Get the number of sides of the polygon static inline std::size_t size(const T& t) { return t.size(); } // Get the winding direction of the polygon static inline winding_direction winding(const T&) { return unknown_winding; } }; template struct polygon_traits_general { typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename T::iterator_type iterator_type; typedef typename T::point_type point_type; // Get the begin iterator static inline iterator_type begin_points(const T& t) { return t.begin(); } // Get the end iterator static inline iterator_type end_points(const T& t) { return t.end(); } // Get the number of sides of the polygon static inline std::size_t size(const T& t) { return t.size(); } // Get the winding direction of the polygon static inline winding_direction winding(const T&) { return unknown_winding; } }; template struct polygon_traits_90 { typedef typename polygon_90_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef iterator_compact_to_points::compact_iterator_type, point_data > iterator_type; typedef point_data point_type; // Get the begin iterator static inline iterator_type begin_points(const T& t) { return iterator_type(polygon_90_traits::begin_compact(t), polygon_90_traits::end_compact(t)); } // Get the end iterator static inline iterator_type end_points(const T& t) { return iterator_type(polygon_90_traits::end_compact(t), polygon_90_traits::end_compact(t)); } // Get the number of sides of the polygon static inline std::size_t size(const T& t) { return polygon_90_traits::size(t); } // Get the winding direction of the polygon static inline winding_direction winding(const T& t) { return polygon_90_traits::winding(t); } }; #ifndef BOOST_VERY_LITTLE_SFINAE template struct polygon_traits {}; template struct polygon_traits::type, polygon_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_45_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_with_holes_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_45_with_holes_concept>::type >::type> : public polygon_traits_general {}; template struct polygon_traits< T, typename gtl_or< typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_90_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_90_with_holes_concept>::type >::type > : public polygon_traits_90 {}; #else template struct gtl_ifelse {}; template struct gtl_ifelse { typedef T_ELSE type; }; template struct gtl_ifelse { typedef T_IF type; }; template struct polygon_traits {}; template struct polygon_traits::type, polygon_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_45_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_with_holes_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_45_with_holes_concept>::type >::type, typename gtl_or< typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_90_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_90_with_holes_concept>::type >::type>::type > : public gtl_ifelse::type, polygon_90_concept>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, polygon_90_with_holes_concept>::type >::type, polygon_traits_90, polygon_traits_general >::type { }; #endif template struct polygon_with_holes_traits { typedef typename T::iterator_holes_type iterator_holes_type; typedef typename T::hole_type hole_type; // Get the begin iterator static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const T& t) { return t.begin_holes(); } // Get the end iterator static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const T& t) { return t.end_holes(); } // Get the number of holes static inline std::size_t size_holes(const T& t) { return t.size_holes(); } }; template struct polygon_90_mutable_traits { // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x template static inline T& set_compact(T& t, iT input_begin, iT input_end) { t.set_compact(input_begin, input_end); return t; } }; template struct polygon_90_mutable_traits::type>::type> { // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x template static inline T& set_compact(T& t, iT input_begin, iT input_end) { typedef iterator_points_to_compact::point_type> iTp; t.set_points(iTp(polygon_traits::begin_points(t)), iTp(polygon_traits::end_points(t))); return t; } }; template struct polygon_mutable_traits { // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x template static inline T& set_points(T& t, iT input_begin, iT input_end) { t.set(input_begin, input_end); return t; } }; template struct polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits { // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x template static inline T& set_holes(T& t, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) { t.set_holes(inputBegin, inputEnd); return t; } }; } } #include "isotropy.hpp" //point #include "point_data.hpp" #include "point_traits.hpp" #include "point_concept.hpp" //interval #include "interval_data.hpp" #include "interval_traits.hpp" #include "interval_concept.hpp" //rectangle #include "rectangle_data.hpp" #include "rectangle_traits.hpp" #include "rectangle_concept.hpp" //algorithms needed by polygon types #include "detail/iterator_points_to_compact.hpp" #include "detail/iterator_compact_to_points.hpp" //polygons #include "polygon_45_data.hpp" #include "polygon_data.hpp" #include "polygon_90_data.hpp" #include "polygon_90_with_holes_data.hpp" #include "polygon_45_with_holes_data.hpp" #include "polygon_with_holes_data.hpp" namespace boost { namespace polygon{ struct polygon_concept {}; struct polygon_with_holes_concept {}; struct polygon_45_concept {}; struct polygon_45_with_holes_concept {}; struct polygon_90_concept {}; struct polygon_90_with_holes_concept {}; template struct is_polygon_90_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_same_type::type type; }; template struct is_polygon_45_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_or::type, typename gtl_same_type::type>::type type; }; template struct is_polygon_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_or::type, typename gtl_same_type::type>::type type; }; template struct is_polygon_90_with_holes_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_or::type, typename gtl_same_type::type>::type type; }; template struct is_polygon_45_with_holes_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_or_3::type, typename is_polygon_45_type::type, typename gtl_same_type::type>::type type; }; template struct is_polygon_with_holes_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_or_3::type, typename is_polygon_type::type, typename gtl_same_type::type>::type type; }; template struct is_mutable_polygon_90_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_same_type::type type; }; template struct is_mutable_polygon_45_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_same_type::type type; }; template struct is_mutable_polygon_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_same_type::type type; }; template struct is_mutable_polygon_90_with_holes_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_same_type::type type; }; template struct is_mutable_polygon_45_with_holes_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_same_type::type type; }; template struct is_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type { typedef typename geometry_concept::type GC; typedef typename gtl_same_type::type type; }; template struct is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type { typedef typename gtl_or_3::type, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_with_holes_type::type, typename is_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type type; }; template struct is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type { typedef typename gtl_or_3< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_type::type, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_type::type, typename is_mutable_polygon_type::type>::type type; }; template struct is_any_mutable_polygon_type { typedef typename gtl_or::type, typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type>::type type; }; template struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type {}; template <> struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type { typedef polygon_concept type; }; template <> struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type { typedef polygon_45_concept type; }; template <> struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type { typedef polygon_90_concept type; }; template <> struct geometry_domain { typedef forty_five_domain type; }; template <> struct geometry_domain { typedef forty_five_domain type; }; template <> struct geometry_domain { typedef manhattan_domain type; }; template <> struct geometry_domain { typedef manhattan_domain type; }; template struct distance_type_by_domain { typedef typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_distance type; }; template struct distance_type_by_domain { typedef typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_difference type; }; // \brief Sets the boundary of the polygon to the points in the iterator range // \tparam T A type that models polygon_concept // \tparam iT Iterator type over objects that model point_concept // \param t The polygon to set // \param begin_points The start of the range of points // \param end_points The end of the range of points /// \relatesalso polygon_concept template typename enable_if ::type, T>::type & set_points(T& t, iT begin_points, iT end_points) { polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(t, begin_points, end_points); return t; } // \brief Sets the boundary of the polygon to the non-redundant coordinates in the iterator range // \tparam T A type that models polygon_90_concept // \tparam iT Iterator type over objects that model coordinate_concept // \param t The polygon to set // \param begin_compact_coordinates The start of the range of coordinates // \param end_compact_coordinates The end of the range of coordinates /// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept template typename enable_if ::type, typename is_mutable_polygon_90_with_holes_type::type>::type, T>::type & set_compact(T& t, iT begin_compact_coordinates, iT end_compact_coordinates) { polygon_90_mutable_traits::set_compact(t, begin_compact_coordinates, end_compact_coordinates); return t; } /// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and < typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, typename gtl_different_type::type>::type, manhattan_domain>::type>::type, T>::type & set_compact(T& t, iT begin_compact_coordinates, iT end_compact_coordinates) { iterator_compact_to_points::coordinate_type> > itrb(begin_compact_coordinates, end_compact_coordinates), itre(end_compact_coordinates, end_compact_coordinates); return set_points(t, itrb, itre); } /// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if ::type, T>::type & set_holes(T& t, iT begin_holes, iT end_holes) { polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits::set_holes(t, begin_holes, end_holes); return t; } /// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept template typename polygon_90_traits::compact_iterator_type begin_compact(const T& polygon, typename enable_if< typename gtl_and ::type, typename gtl_same_type::type>::type, manhattan_domain>::type>::type>::type * = 0 ) { return polygon_90_traits::begin_compact(polygon); } /// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept template typename polygon_90_traits::compact_iterator_type end_compact(const T& polygon, typename enable_if< typename gtl_and ::type, typename gtl_same_type::type>::type, manhattan_domain>::type>::type>::type * = 0 ) { return polygon_90_traits::end_compact(polygon); } /// \relatesalso polygon_concept template typename enable_if < typename gtl_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type, typename polygon_traits::iterator_type>::type begin_points(const T& polygon) { return polygon_traits::begin_points(polygon); } /// \relatesalso polygon_concept template typename enable_if < typename gtl_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type, typename polygon_traits::iterator_type>::type end_points(const T& polygon) { return polygon_traits::end_points(polygon); } /// \relatesalso polygon_concept template typename enable_if ::type, std::size_t>::type size(const T& polygon) { return polygon_traits::size(polygon); } /// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if < typename gtl_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type, typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type>::type begin_holes(const T& polygon) { return polygon_with_holes_traits::begin_holes(polygon); } /// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if < typename gtl_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type, typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type>::type end_holes(const T& polygon) { return polygon_with_holes_traits::end_holes(polygon); } /// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if ::type, std::size_t>::type size_holes(const T& polygon) { return polygon_with_holes_traits::size_holes(polygon); } // \relatesalso polygon_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_type::type, typename is_polygon_type::type>::type, T1>::type & assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) { polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits::begin_points(rvalue), polygon_traits::end_points(rvalue)); return lvalue; } // \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type, T1>::type & assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) { polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits::begin_points(rvalue), polygon_traits::end_points(rvalue)); polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits::set_holes(lvalue, polygon_with_holes_traits::begin_holes(rvalue), polygon_with_holes_traits::end_holes(rvalue)); return lvalue; } // \relatesalso polygon_45_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_type::type, typename is_polygon_45_type::type>::type, T1>::type & assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) { polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits::begin_points(rvalue), polygon_traits::end_points(rvalue)); return lvalue; } // \relatesalso polygon_45_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_with_holes_type::type, typename is_polygon_45_with_holes_type::type>::type, T1>::type & assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) { polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits::begin_points(rvalue), polygon_traits::end_points(rvalue)); polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits::set_holes(lvalue, polygon_with_holes_traits::begin_holes(rvalue), polygon_with_holes_traits::end_holes(rvalue)); return lvalue; } // \relatesalso polygon_90_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_type::type, typename is_polygon_90_type::type>::type, T1>::type & assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) { polygon_90_mutable_traits::set_compact(lvalue, polygon_90_traits::begin_compact(rvalue), polygon_90_traits::end_compact(rvalue)); return lvalue; } // \relatesalso polygon_90_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_with_holes_type::type, typename is_polygon_90_with_holes_type::type>::type, T1>::type & assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) { polygon_90_mutable_traits::set_compact(lvalue, polygon_90_traits::begin_compact(rvalue), polygon_90_traits::end_compact(rvalue)); polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits::set_holes(lvalue, polygon_with_holes_traits::begin_holes(rvalue), polygon_with_holes_traits::end_holes(rvalue)); return lvalue; } // \relatesalso polygon_90_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_type::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, T1>::type & assign(T1& polygon, const T2& rect) { typedef point_data::coordinate_type> PT; PT points[4] = {PT(xl(rect), yl(rect)), PT(xh(rect), yl(rect)), PT(xh(rect), yh(rect)), PT(xl(rect), yh(rect))}; set_points(polygon, points, points+4); return polygon; } /// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_type::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, polygon_type>::type & convolve(polygon_type& polygon, const point_type& point) { std::vector::coordinate_type> coords; coords.reserve(size(polygon)); bool pingpong = true; for(typename polygon_90_traits::compact_iterator_type iter = begin_compact(polygon); iter != end_compact(polygon); ++iter) { coords.push_back((*iter) + (pingpong ? x(point) : y(point))); pingpong = !pingpong; } polygon_90_mutable_traits::set_compact(polygon, coords.begin(), coords.end()); return polygon; } /// \relatesalso polygon_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename gtl_or< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_type::type, typename is_mutable_polygon_type::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, polygon_type>::type & convolve(polygon_type& polygon, const point_type& point) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); convolve(points.back(), point); } polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } /// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, polygon_type>::type & convolve(polygon_type& polygon, const point_type& point) { typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::hole_type hole_type; hole_type h; set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)); convolve(h, point); std::vector holes; holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon)); for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon); itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) { holes.push_back(*itr); convolve(holes.back(), point); } assign(polygon, h); set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end()); return polygon; } /// \relatesalso polygon_concept template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_type::type, T>::type & move(T& polygon, orientation_2d orient, typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type displacement) { typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type Unit; if(orient == HORIZONTAL) return convolve(polygon, point_data(displacement, Unit(0))); return convolve(polygon, point_data(Unit(0), displacement)); } /// \relatesalso polygon_concept /// \brief Applies a transformation to the polygon. /// \tparam polygon_type A type that models polygon_concept /// \tparam transform_type A type that may be either axis_transformation or transformation or that overloads point_concept::transform /// \param polygon The polygon to transform /// \param tr The transformation to apply template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type, polygon_type>::type & transform(polygon_type& polygon, const transform_type& tr) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); transform(points.back(), tr); } polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } /// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, T>::type & transform(T& polygon, const transform_type& tr) { typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::hole_type hole_type; hole_type h; set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)); transform(h, tr); std::vector holes; holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon)); for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon); itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) { holes.push_back(*itr); transform(holes.back(), tr); } assign(polygon, h); set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end()); return polygon; } template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type, polygon_type>::type & scale_up(polygon_type& polygon, typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); scale_up(points.back(), factor); } polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, T>::type & scale_up(T& polygon, typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) { typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::hole_type hole_type; hole_type h; set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)); scale_up(h, factor); std::vector holes; holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon)); for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon); itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) { holes.push_back(*itr); scale_up(holes.back(), factor); } assign(polygon, h); set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end()); return polygon; } //scale non-45 down template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type, typename gtl_not::type>::type>::type>::type>::type, polygon_type>::type & scale_down(polygon_type& polygon, typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); scale_down(points.back(), factor); } polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } template Unit local_abs(Unit value) { return value < 0 ? (Unit)-value : value; } template void snap_point_vector_to_45(std::vector >& pts) { typedef point_data Point; if(pts.size() < 3) { pts.clear(); return; } Point firstPt = pts.front(); Point prevPt = firstPt; std::unique(pts.begin(), pts.end()); if(pts.back() == pts[0]) pts.pop_back(); //iterate over point triplets int numPts = pts.size(); bool wrap_around = false; for(int i = 0; i < numPts; ++i) { Point& pt1 = pts[i]; Point& pt2 = pts[(i + 1) % numPts]; Point& pt3 = pts[(i + 2) % numPts]; //check if non-45 edge Unit deltax = x(pt2) - x(pt1); Unit deltay = y(pt2) - y(pt1); if(deltax && deltay && local_abs(deltax) != local_abs(deltay)) { //adjust the middle point Unit ndx = x(pt3) - x(pt2); Unit ndy = y(pt3) - y(pt2); if(ndx && ndy) { Unit diff = local_abs(local_abs(deltax) - local_abs(deltay)); Unit halfdiff = diff/2; if((deltax > 0 && deltay > 0) || (deltax < 0 && deltay < 0)) { //previous edge is rising slope if(local_abs(deltax + halfdiff + (diff % 2)) == local_abs(deltay - halfdiff)) { x(pt2, x(pt2) + halfdiff + (diff % 2)); y(pt2, y(pt2) - halfdiff); } else if(local_abs(deltax - halfdiff - (diff % 2)) == local_abs(deltay + halfdiff)) { x(pt2, x(pt2) - halfdiff - (diff % 2)); y(pt2, y(pt2) + halfdiff); } else{ //std::cout << "fail1\n"; } } else { //previous edge is falling slope if(local_abs(deltax + halfdiff + (diff % 2)) == local_abs(deltay + halfdiff)) { x(pt2, x(pt2) + halfdiff + (diff % 2)); y(pt2, y(pt2) + halfdiff); } else if(local_abs(deltax - halfdiff - (diff % 2)) == local_abs(deltay - halfdiff)) { x(pt2, x(pt2) - halfdiff - (diff % 2)); y(pt2, y(pt2) - halfdiff); } else { //std::cout << "fail2\n"; } } if(i == numPts - 1 && (diff % 2)) { //we have a wrap around effect if(!wrap_around) { wrap_around = true; i = -1; } } } else if(ndx) { //next edge is horizontal //find the x value for pt1 that would make the abs(deltax) == abs(deltay) Unit newDeltaX = local_abs(deltay); if(deltax < 0) newDeltaX *= -1; x(pt2, x(pt1) + newDeltaX); } else { //ndy //next edge is vertical //find the y value for pt1 that would make the abs(deltax) == abs(deltay) Unit newDeltaY = local_abs(deltax); if(deltay < 0) newDeltaY *= -1; y(pt2, y(pt1) + newDeltaY); } } } } template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type, polygon_type>::type & snap_to_45(polygon_type& polygon) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); } snap_point_vector_to_45(points); polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, polygon_type>::type & snap_to_45(polygon_type& polygon) { typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::hole_type hole_type; hole_type h; set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)); snap_to_45(h); std::vector holes; holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon)); for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon); itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) { holes.push_back(*itr); snap_to_45(holes.back()); } assign(polygon, h); set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end()); return polygon; } //scale specifically 45 down template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type, typename gtl_same_type < forty_five_domain, typename geometry_domain::type>::type>::type>::type, polygon_type>::type & scale_down(polygon_type& polygon, typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); scale_down(points.back(), factor); } snap_point_vector_to_45(points); polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } template typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, T>::type & scale_down(T& polygon, typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) { typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::hole_type hole_type; hole_type h; set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)); scale_down(h, factor); std::vector holes; holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon)); for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon); itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) { holes.push_back(*itr); scale_down(holes.back(), factor); } assign(polygon, h); set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end()); return polygon; } //scale non-45 template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type, typename gtl_not::type>::type>::type>::type>::type, polygon_type>::type & scale(polygon_type& polygon, double factor) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); scale(points.back(), anisotropic_scale_factor(factor, factor)); } polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } //scale specifically 45 template polygon_type& scale(polygon_type& polygon, double factor, typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type::type, typename gtl_same_type < forty_five_domain, typename geometry_domain::type>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0 ) { std::vector::iterator_type>::value_type> points; points.reserve(size(polygon)); for(typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon); iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) { points.push_back(*iter); scale(points.back(), anisotropic_scale_factor(factor, factor)); } snap_point_vector_to_45(points); polygon_mutable_traits::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end()); return polygon; } template T& scale(T& polygon, double factor, typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type * = 0 ) { typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::hole_type hole_type; hole_type h; set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)); scale(h, factor); std::vector holes; holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon)); for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon); itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) { holes.push_back(*itr); scale(holes.back(), factor); } assign(polygon, h); set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end()); return polygon; } template static area_type point_sequence_area(iterator_type begin_range, iterator_type end_range) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type point_type; typedef typename point_traits::coordinate_type Unit; if(begin_range == end_range) return area_type(0); point_type first = *begin_range; point_type previous = first; ++begin_range; // Initialize trapezoid base line area_type y_base = (area_type)y(first); // Initialize area accumulator area_type area(0); while (begin_range != end_range) { area_type x1 = (area_type)x(previous); area_type x2 = (area_type)x(*begin_range); #ifdef BOOST_POLYGON_ICC #pragma warning (disable:1572) #endif if(x1 != x2) { #ifdef BOOST_POLYGON_ICC #pragma warning (default:1572) #endif // do trapezoid area accumulation area += (x2 - x1) * (((area_type)y(*begin_range) - y_base) + ((area_type)y(previous) - y_base)) / 2; } previous = *begin_range; // go to next point ++begin_range; } //wrap around to evaluate the edge between first and last if not closed if(!equivalence(first, previous)) { area_type x1 = (area_type)x(previous); area_type x2 = (area_type)x(first); area += (x2 - x1) * (((area_type)y(first) - y_base) + ((area_type)y(previous) - y_base)) / 2; } return area; } template typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type, typename area_type_by_domain< typename geometry_domain::type>::type, typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type>::type>::type area(const T& polygon) { typedef typename area_type_by_domain< typename geometry_domain::type>::type, typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type>::type area_type; area_type retval = point_sequence_area::iterator_type, area_type> (begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)); if(retval < 0) retval *= -1; for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr = polygon_with_holes_traits::begin_holes(polygon); itr != polygon_with_holes_traits::end_holes(polygon); ++itr) { area_type tmp_area = point_sequence_area ::hole_type>::iterator_type, area_type> (begin_points(*itr), end_points(*itr)); if(tmp_area < 0) tmp_area *= -1; retval -= tmp_area; } return retval; } template bool point_sequence_is_45(iT itr, iT itr_end) { typedef typename iT::value_type Point; typedef typename point_traits::coordinate_type Unit; if(itr == itr_end) return true; Point firstPt = *itr; Point prevPt = firstPt; ++itr; while(itr != itr_end) { Point pt = *itr; Unit deltax = x(pt) - x(prevPt); Unit deltay = y(pt) - y(prevPt); if(deltax && deltay && local_abs(deltax) != local_abs(deltay)) return false; prevPt = pt; ++itr; } Unit deltax = x(firstPt) - x(prevPt); Unit deltay = y(firstPt) - y(prevPt); if(deltax && deltay && local_abs(deltax) != local_abs(deltay)) return false; return true; } template typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type, bool>::type is_45(const polygon_type& polygon) { typename polygon_traits::iterator_type itr = begin_points(polygon), itr_end = end_points(polygon); if(!point_sequence_is_45(itr, itr_end)) return false; typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itrh = begin_holes(polygon), itrh_end = end_holes(polygon); typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::hole_type hole_type; for(; itrh != itrh_end; ++ itrh) { typename polygon_traits::iterator_type itr1 = begin_points(polygon), itr1_end = end_points(polygon); if(!point_sequence_is_45(itr1, itr1_end)) return false; } return true; } template distance_type point_sequence_distance(iterator_type itr, iterator_type itr_end) { typedef distance_type Unit; typedef iterator_type iterator; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type point_type; Unit return_value = Unit(0); point_type previous_point, first_point; if(itr == itr_end) return return_value; previous_point = first_point = *itr; ++itr; for( ; itr != itr_end; ++itr) { point_type current_point = *itr; return_value += (Unit)euclidean_distance(current_point, previous_point); previous_point = current_point; } return_value += (Unit)euclidean_distance(previous_point, first_point); return return_value; } template typename distance_type_by_domain ::type>::type, typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type>::type perimeter(const T& polygon, typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type * = 0 ) { typedef typename distance_type_by_domain ::type>::type, typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type>::type Unit; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator; iterator itr = begin_points(polygon); iterator itr_end = end_points(polygon); Unit return_value = point_sequence_distance(itr, itr_end); for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type itr_holes = begin_holes(polygon); itr_holes != end_holes(polygon); ++itr_holes) { typedef typename polygon_traits::hole_type>::iterator_type hitertype; return_value += point_sequence_distance(begin_points(*itr_holes), end_points(*itr_holes)); } return return_value; } template typename enable_if ::type, direction_1d>::type winding(const T& polygon) { winding_direction wd = polygon_traits::winding(polygon); if(wd != unknown_winding) { return wd == clockwise_winding ? CLOCKWISE: COUNTERCLOCKWISE; } typedef typename area_type_by_domain< typename geometry_domain::type>::type, typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type>::type area_type; return point_sequence_area::iterator_type, area_type>(begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)) < 0 ? COUNTERCLOCKWISE : CLOCKWISE; } template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_polygon_90_type::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, point_concept>::type>::type, bool>::type contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) { typedef T polygon_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type point_type; iterator iter, iter_end; iter_end = end_points(polygon); iter = begin_points(polygon); point_type prev_pt = *iter; std::size_t num = size(polygon); std::size_t counts[2] = {0, 0}; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { if(i == num-1) iter = begin_points(polygon); else ++iter; point_type current_pt = *iter; if(x(current_pt) == x(prev_pt)) { unsigned int index = x(current_pt) > x(point); std::size_t increment = 0; interval_data ivl(y(current_pt), y(prev_pt)); if(contains(ivl, y(point), true)) { if(x(current_pt) == x(point)) return consider_touch; ++increment; if(y(current_pt) != y(point) && y(prev_pt) != y(point)) { ++increment; } counts[index] += increment; } } prev_pt = current_pt; } //odd count implies boundary condition if(counts[0] % 2 || counts[1] % 2) return consider_touch; //an odd number of edges to the left implies interior pt return counts[winding(polygon) == COUNTERCLOCKWISE ? 0 : 1] % 4 != 0; } //TODO: refactor to expose as user APIs template struct edge_utils { typedef point_data Point; typedef std::pair half_edge; class less_point : public std::binary_function { public: inline less_point() {} inline bool operator () (const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) const { if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) < pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) return true; if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) == pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) { if(pt1.get(VERTICAL) < pt2.get(VERTICAL)) return true; } return false; } }; static inline bool between(Point pt, Point pt1, Point pt2) { less_point lp; if(lp(pt1, pt2)) return lp(pt, pt2) && lp(pt1, pt); return lp(pt, pt1) && lp(pt2, pt); } template static inline bool equal_slope(area_type dx1, area_type dy1, area_type dx2, area_type dy2) { typedef typename coordinate_traits::unsigned_area_type unsigned_product_type; unsigned_product_type cross_1 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx2 < 0 ? -dx2 :dx2) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy1 < 0 ? -dy1 : dy1); unsigned_product_type cross_2 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx1 < 0 ? -dx1 :dx1) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy2 < 0 ? -dy2 : dy2); int dx1_sign = dx1 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int dx2_sign = dx2 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int dy1_sign = dy1 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int dy2_sign = dy2 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int cross_1_sign = dx2_sign * dy1_sign; int cross_2_sign = dx1_sign * dy2_sign; return cross_1 == cross_2 && (cross_1_sign == cross_2_sign || cross_1 == 0); } static inline bool equal_slope(const Unit& x, const Unit& y, const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) { const Point* pts[2] = {&pt1, &pt2}; typedef typename coordinate_traits::manhattan_area_type at; at dy2 = (at)pts[1]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y; at dy1 = (at)pts[0]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y; at dx2 = (at)pts[1]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x; at dx1 = (at)pts[0]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x; return equal_slope(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2); } template static inline bool less_slope(area_type dx1, area_type dy1, area_type dx2, area_type dy2) { //reflext x and y slopes to right hand side half plane if(dx1 < 0) { dy1 *= -1; dx1 *= -1; } else if(dx1 == 0) { //if the first slope is vertical the first cannot be less return false; } if(dx2 < 0) { dy2 *= -1; dx2 *= -1; } else if(dx2 == 0) { //if the second slope is vertical the first is always less unless it is also vertical, in which case they are equal return dx1 != 0; } typedef typename coordinate_traits::unsigned_area_type unsigned_product_type; unsigned_product_type cross_1 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx2 < 0 ? -dx2 :dx2) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy1 < 0 ? -dy1 : dy1); unsigned_product_type cross_2 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx1 < 0 ? -dx1 :dx1) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy2 < 0 ? -dy2 : dy2); int dx1_sign = dx1 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int dx2_sign = dx2 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int dy1_sign = dy1 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int dy2_sign = dy2 < 0 ? -1 : 1; int cross_1_sign = dx2_sign * dy1_sign; int cross_2_sign = dx1_sign * dy2_sign; if(cross_1_sign < cross_2_sign) return true; if(cross_2_sign < cross_1_sign) return false; if(cross_1_sign == -1) return cross_2 < cross_1; return cross_1 < cross_2; } static inline bool less_slope(const Unit& x, const Unit& y, const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) { const Point* pts[2] = {&pt1, &pt2}; //compute y value on edge from pt_ to pts[1] at the x value of pts[0] typedef typename coordinate_traits::manhattan_area_type at; at dy2 = (at)pts[1]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y; at dy1 = (at)pts[0]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y; at dx2 = (at)pts[1]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x; at dx1 = (at)pts[0]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x; return less_slope(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2); } //return -1 below, 0 on and 1 above line //assumes point is on x interval of segment static inline int on_above_or_below(Point pt, const half_edge& he) { if(pt == he.first || pt == he.second) return 0; if(equal_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL), he.first, he.second)) return 0; bool less_result = less_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL), he.first, he.second); int retval = less_result ? -1 : 1; less_point lp; if(lp(he.second, he.first)) retval *= -1; if(!between(pt, he.first, he.second)) retval *= -1; return retval; } }; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, point_concept>::type>::type, bool>::type contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) { typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type holes_iterator; bool isInside = contains( view_as< typename polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type< typename geometry_concept::type>::type>( polygon ), point, consider_touch ); if(!isInside) return false; //no need to check holes holes_iterator itH = begin_holes( polygon ); while( itH != end_holes( polygon ) ) { if( contains( *itH, point, !consider_touch ) ) { isInside = false; break; } ++itH; } return isInside; } template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< typename is_polygon_type::type, typename gtl_different_type::type>::type, manhattan_domain>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, point_concept>::type>::type, bool>::type contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) { typedef typename point_traits::coordinate_type Unit; typedef point_data Point; typedef std::pair half_edge; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator; iterator itr = begin_points(polygon); iterator itrEnd = end_points(polygon); half_edge he; if(itr == itrEnd) return false; assign(he.first, *itr); Point firstPt; assign(firstPt, *itr); ++itr; if(itr == itrEnd) return false; bool done = false; int above = 0; while(!done) { Point currentPt; if(itr == itrEnd) { done = true; currentPt = firstPt; } else { assign(currentPt, *itr); ++itr; } if(currentPt == he.first) { continue; } else { he.second = currentPt; if(equivalence(point, currentPt)) return consider_touch; Unit xmin = (std::min)(x(he.first), x(he.second)); Unit xmax = (std::max)(x(he.first), x(he.second)); if(x(point) >= xmin && x(point) < xmax) { //double counts if <= xmax Point tmppt; assign(tmppt, point); int oabedge = edge_utils::on_above_or_below(tmppt, he); if(oabedge == 0) return consider_touch; if(oabedge == 1) ++above; } else if(x(point) == xmax) { Point tmppt; assign(tmppt, point); if( edge_utils::on_above_or_below(tmppt, he) == 0 ) { return consider_touch; } } } he.first = he.second; } return above % 2 != 0; //if the point is above an odd number of edges is must be inside polygon } /* template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type, typename gtl_different_type::type>::type, manhattan_domain>::type, typename gtl_same_type::type, point_concept>::type>::type, bool>::type contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) { typedef typename point_traits::coordinate_type Unit; typedef point_data Point; typedef std::pair half_edge; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator; iterator itr = begin_points(polygon); iterator itrEnd = end_points(polygon); half_edge he; if(itr == itrEnd) return false; assign(he.first, *itr); Point firstPt; assign(firstPt, *itr); ++itr; if(itr == itrEnd) return false; bool done = false; int above = 0; while(!done) { Point currentPt; if(itr == itrEnd) { done = true; currentPt = firstPt; } else { assign(currentPt, *itr); ++itr; } if(currentPt == he.first) { continue; } else { he.second = currentPt; if(equivalence(point, currentPt)) return consider_touch; Unit xmin = (std::min)(x(he.first), x(he.second)); Unit xmax = (std::max)(x(he.first), x(he.second)); if(x(point) >= xmin && x(point) < xmax) { //double counts if <= xmax Point tmppt; assign(tmppt, point); int oabedge = edge_utils::on_above_or_below(tmppt, he); if(oabedge == 0) return consider_touch; if(oabedge == 1) ++above; } } he.first = he.second; } return above % 2 != 0; //if the point is above an odd number of edges is must be inside polygon } */ template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_point_concept::type>::type, typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type, bool>::type center(T1& center_point, const T2& polygon) { typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; rectangle_data bbox; extents(bbox, polygon); return center(center_point, bbox); } template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_polygon_with_holes_type::type>::type, bool>::type extents(T1& bounding_box, const T2& polygon) { typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator; bool first_iteration = true; iterator itr_end = end_points(polygon); for(iterator itr = begin_points(polygon); itr != itr_end; ++itr) { if(first_iteration) { set_points(bounding_box, *itr, *itr); first_iteration = false; } else { encompass(bounding_box, *itr); } } if(first_iteration) return false; return true; } template template polygon_90_data& polygon_90_data::operator=(const T2& rvalue) { assign(*this, rvalue); return *this; } template template polygon_45_data& polygon_45_data::operator=(const T2& rvalue) { assign(*this, rvalue); return *this; } template template polygon_data& polygon_data::operator=(const T2& rvalue) { assign(*this, rvalue); return *this; } template template polygon_90_with_holes_data& polygon_90_with_holes_data::operator=(const T2& rvalue) { assign(*this, rvalue); return *this; } template template polygon_45_with_holes_data& polygon_45_with_holes_data::operator=(const T2& rvalue) { assign(*this, rvalue); return *this; } template template polygon_with_holes_data& polygon_with_holes_data::operator=(const T2& rvalue) { assign(*this, rvalue); return *this; } template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_concept type; }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_45_concept type; }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_90_concept type; }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_with_holes_concept type; }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept type; }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_90_with_holes_concept type; }; // template struct polygon_with_holes_traits > { // typedef polygon_90_data hole_type; // typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type; // static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } // static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } // static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; } // }; // template struct polygon_with_holes_traits > { // typedef polygon_45_data hole_type; // typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type; // static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } // static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } // static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; } // }; // template struct polygon_with_holes_traits > { // typedef polygon_data hole_type; // typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type; // static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } // static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } // static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; } // }; template struct get_void {}; template <> struct get_void { typedef void type; }; template struct polygon_with_holes_traits< T, typename get_void::type>::type > { typedef T hole_type; typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type; static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; } static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; } }; template struct view_of { typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef interval_data interval_type; rectangle_data rect; view_of(const T& obj) : rect() { point_data pts[2]; typename polygon_traits::iterator_type itr = begin_points(obj), itre = end_points(obj); if(itr == itre) return; assign(pts[0], *itr); ++itr; if(itr == itre) return; ++itr; if(itr == itre) return; assign(pts[1], *itr); set_points(rect, pts[0], pts[1]); } inline interval_type get(orientation_2d orient) const { return rect.get(orient); } }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef rectangle_concept type; }; template struct view_of { const T* t; view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {} typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::point_type point_type; /// Get the begin iterator inline iterator_type begin() const { return polygon_traits::begin_points(*t); } /// Get the end iterator inline iterator_type end() const { return polygon_traits::end_points(*t); } /// Get the number of sides of the polygon inline std::size_t size() const { return polygon_traits::size(*t); } /// Get the winding direction of the polygon inline winding_direction winding() const { return polygon_traits::winding(*t); } }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_45_concept type; }; template struct view_of { const T* t; view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {} typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::point_type point_type; typedef iterator_points_to_compact compact_iterator_type; /// Get the begin iterator inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const { return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits::begin_points(*t), polygon_traits::end_points(*t)); } /// Get the end iterator inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const { return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits::end_points(*t), polygon_traits::end_points(*t)); } /// Get the number of sides of the polygon inline std::size_t size() const { return polygon_traits::size(*t); } /// Get the winding direction of the polygon inline winding_direction winding() const { return polygon_traits::winding(*t); } }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_90_concept type; }; template struct view_of { const T* t; view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {} typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::point_type point_type; typedef view_of::hole_type> hole_type; struct iterator_holes_type { typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef hole_type value_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef const hole_type* pointer; //immutable typedef const hole_type& reference; //immutable typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type iht; iht internal_itr; iterator_holes_type() : internal_itr() {} iterator_holes_type(iht iht_in) : internal_itr(iht_in) {} inline iterator_holes_type& operator++() { ++internal_itr; return *this; } inline const iterator_holes_type operator++(int) { iterator_holes_type tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp; } inline bool operator==(const iterator_holes_type& that) const { return (internal_itr == that.internal_itr); } inline bool operator!=(const iterator_holes_type& that) const { return (internal_itr != that.internal_itr); } inline value_type operator*() const { return view_as(*internal_itr); } }; /// Get the begin iterator inline iterator_type begin() const { return polygon_traits::begin_points(*t); } /// Get the end iterator inline iterator_type end() const { return polygon_traits::end_points(*t); } /// Get the number of sides of the polygon inline std::size_t size() const { return polygon_traits::size(*t); } /// Get the winding direction of the polygon inline winding_direction winding() const { return polygon_traits::winding(*t); } /// Get the begin iterator inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const { return polygon_with_holes_traits::begin_holes(*t); } /// Get the end iterator inline iterator_holes_type end_holes() const { return polygon_with_holes_traits::end_holes(*t); } /// Get the number of sides of the polygon inline std::size_t size_holes() const { return polygon_with_holes_traits::size_holes(*t); } }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept type; }; template struct view_of { const T* t; view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {} typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::point_type point_type; typedef iterator_points_to_compact compact_iterator_type; typedef view_of::hole_type> hole_type; struct iterator_holes_type { typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef hole_type value_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef const hole_type* pointer; //immutable typedef const hole_type& reference; //immutable typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits::iterator_holes_type iht; iht internal_itr; iterator_holes_type() : internal_itr() {} iterator_holes_type(iht iht_in) : internal_itr(iht_in) {} inline iterator_holes_type& operator++() { ++internal_itr; return *this; } inline const iterator_holes_type operator++(int) { iterator_holes_type tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp; } inline bool operator==(const iterator_holes_type& that) const { return (internal_itr == that.internal_itr); } inline bool operator!=(const iterator_holes_type& that) const { return (internal_itr != that.internal_itr); } inline value_type operator*() const { return view_as(*internal_itr); } }; /// Get the begin iterator inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const { return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits::begin_points(*t), polygon_traits::end_points(*t)); } /// Get the end iterator inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const { return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits::end_points(*t), polygon_traits::end_points(*t)); } /// Get the number of sides of the polygon inline std::size_t size() const { return polygon_traits::size(*t); } /// Get the winding direction of the polygon inline winding_direction winding() const { return polygon_traits::winding(*t); } /// Get the begin iterator inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const { return polygon_with_holes_traits::begin_holes(*t); } /// Get the end iterator inline iterator_holes_type end_holes() const { return polygon_with_holes_traits::end_holes(*t); } /// Get the number of sides of the polygon inline std::size_t size_holes() const { return polygon_with_holes_traits::size_holes(*t); } }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_90_with_holes_concept type; }; template struct view_of { const T* t; view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {} typedef typename polygon_traits::coordinate_type coordinate_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::iterator_type iterator_type; typedef typename polygon_traits::point_type point_type; /// Get the begin iterator inline iterator_type begin() const { return polygon_traits::begin_points(*t); } /// Get the end iterator inline iterator_type end() const { return polygon_traits::end_points(*t); } /// Get the number of sides of the polygon inline std::size_t size() const { return polygon_traits::size(*t); } /// Get the winding direction of the polygon inline winding_direction winding() const { return polygon_traits::winding(*t); } }; template struct geometry_concept > { typedef polygon_concept type; }; } } #endif